The Ukrainian army is one of the best in the world. They have proven to be.
Ukraine is resisting, fighting off the Russian aggression, which is trying to cruelly push the country into darkness and cold.
Humbled by the courageous soldiers and their will to defend their people.
The EU Military Assistance Mission for Ukraine is proof of our determination to support Ukraine: militarily, financially, economically & politically.
This Mission is unprecedented, pushing EU military cooperation to new levels. Over 20 Member States participate in it.
Today, #EUMAM has reached its full initial operational capability.
1,100 soldiers are already being trained.
The Mission will generate training offers to address Ukrainian needs and we are going to provide resources: €16 million for lethal equipment for training purposes.
Its logo puts together the colours of Ukraine and the European Union. Because we have a common future.
I thank Poland for the big effort that the Polish Army and the Polish kpeople are doing for this Mission and for Ukraine.
In 1975 our predecessors signed the Helsinki Final Act, agreeing on a core set of principles: renouncing the use of force, respect for sovereignty, territorial integrity and protecting human rights and freedoms.
Today, Russia is violating all these @OSCE commitments.
Russia has brought war back to Europe. It is throwing Ukraine into cold & darkness, and beyond its brutal attack on Ukraine and it’s people continues its deeply destabilising role in Georgia’s breakaway regions and Transnistrian region of Moldova. We need to be united against it.
The @OSCE institutions and operations continue their efforts to bring stability in this grim environment. The EU will continue its steadfast support to the organisation.
We will provide €1.2 million for OSCE demining activities in Ukraine.
Many ask whether the sanctions adopted by the EU and like-minded partners against Russia are effective.
Read my new blog post to know why the clear answer is yes: (1/5)!PPQkkQ
Since Russia invaded Ukraine, the EU has adopted six packages of sanctions. Our measures target nearly 1,200 individuals and almost 100 entities in Russia and a significant number of economic sectors. (2/5)
Sanctions hit substantially the Russian economy depriving it from access to financial markets and to advanced technology products, crippling the oil industry, the airlines, the military and automotive industries. (3/5)
Wars of aggression cannot be permitted. EU sanctions target Russia’s capacity to continue with the war. They do not target wheat. Agriculture products and their transport are explicitly excluded. (1/5)
Russia’s ongoing blockade of Ukraine’s ports, is preventing the export of tons of grain, like corn and wheat, currently trapped in Ukraine, one of the main world producers. (2/5)
Russia is directly responsible for any shortages in international trade in grains, and instead of ending its aggression, is actively seeking to transfer responsibility on international sanctions. This is #disinformation (3/5)
1. This war will be won on the battlefield. Additional €500 million from the #EPF are underway. Weapon deliveries will be tailored to Ukrainian needs.
2.#WarCrimes: Brutal attack by Russia against defenceless civilians in #Kramatorsk again shows Kremlin’s complete disrespect of human life. It will only increase our support to Ukraine. Meeting tomorrow @IntlCrimCourt prosecutor to discuss tailored support, incl by @EUAM_Ukraine
3. We need to continue to increase our pressure on Russia. We have imposed massive sanctions already but more needs to be done on the energy sector, incl oil.
4.On Monday, I am convening an EU Foreign Affairs Council #FAC to discuss next steps.
Started my visit to Ukraine today with a meeting with representatives of civil society and parliament. Strong, independent & effective anti-corruption institutions and judicial reforms are crucial to respond to the wishes of the Ukranian people
I met with Minister of Defence Taran to discuss EU-Ukraine security & defence cooperation. The EU continues to fully support Ukraine's sovereignity and territorial integrity
Glad to meet president @ZelenskyyUa. The EU stands by Ukraine, its sovereignity and its people. We are the strongest and most reliable partner of Ukraine, in support of an effective reform process for the benefit of all Ukranians
Cuando los hombres ya no le recuerden, las viejas piedras de La Habana que él rescató del olvido seguirán guardando su recuerdo enamorado.
Nadie como Eusebio Leal entendió la relación profunda entre España y Cuba.
Fue impresionante su discurso en el palacio de Capitanía General durante la visita del Presidente @sanchezcastejon con todo su amor y sabiduría de nuestra historia compartida.
Pudo cumplir su deseo, que me manifestó la última vez que paseamos por las calles de La Habana Vieja, de recibir la Gran Cruz de Carlos III la primera vez que “el Rey de Espana visite Cuba”.
Ya estaba enfermo pero tuvo fuerzas para que ese momento llegara.