The highest goal of all human beings, as far as they have not been damaged in soul and spirit, is a life in peace, in community and in love.
In contrast, there are numerous conflicts in all areas ...
A worldwide collective human, non-violent evolution and revolution of revolution towards a non-violent & non-rule, cooperative society of the greatest possible freedom, participation, development and diversity for all people without exception is humanly possible.
Non-violent means preventing, stopping, resisting and overcoming injustice & at the same time not fighting the one who does it as a human being, seeing him as an enemy, even dehumanising & killing the other, but (always trying) to win him.
In its original sense, a revolution is a fundamental, root-and-branch change in society. The term revolution was then I suspect also partly consciously defined as a dangerous violent (bloody) event.
and at the same time it was applied to all kinds of areas, such as a technical revolution, in advertising ... so that the term took on a negative meaning and a superficial significance.
The revolution of the revolution means a fundamental change of the revolution towards absolute non-violence and thus towards a fundamental change of society in an absolutely non-violent way, ...
so that as a result of the revolution one does not oneself become again like that against which one has revolted.
The result of the revolution of the revolution should not only be the exchange of the rule of one group (class) for the rule of another group (class), but to overcome rule of people over people in general, i.e. fundamentally.
The revolution of revolution has as its goal to overcome the division of humanity into rulers and ruled, and to bring the common, cooperative and collective of all people back to the fore.
Previous revolutions have often allowed themselves to be tragically controlled, manipulated or transformed by parts of the rulers, and have repeatedly allowed themselves to be lured onto sideshows ...
and onto an exchange of the rulers, in order to (absolutely ineffectively) waste an infinite amount of cognitive and emotional energies there.
Instead of emphasising the common ground with those who still rule (and thus with all people without exception), from which action could emerge, groups' and small groups' own experiences of suffering were and are overemphasised, which then makes common action hardly possible.
The best example is currently the wokeness and identity politics that divide society and are intended to prevent any fundamental revolution (and thus the overcoming of the existing rule of the huge fortunes).
why the wokeness as well as numerous astroturfings like #Unteilbar#FridaysForFuture#LetzteGeneration, which (are supposed to) divert society's attention to sideshows, are financed by the families of the huge fortunes.
Again and again:
The big challenge is to overcome capitalism without becoming what you want to overcome yourself. You cannot fight fascism with fascism because then you become a fascist yourself.
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As long as one person lives in bondage, all people live in bondage.
Every human being has a right to freedom and a right to a homeland.
T... #IsraeliCrimes#FreePalestine#ZionismIsRacism
I am tired of looking at the snake like a scared rabbit. It's time to take action and actively pursue our own goals instead of just reacting to the actions of the ruling class.
We all have a responsibility for ourselves, for all our fellow human beings, especially our children and young people, and beyond that for our future generations and all life on earth.
And every moment that the rule of the huge fortunes continues and we do not stop them, thousands die from their criminal greed, power and doing, and billions are further robbed of their future.
All people have a right to exist, regardless of origin, nation or religion. All of them!
"Both Israelis & Palestinians need a home and peace".
David Grossman 2015 - strong statement.
Everything else is fascism (capitalism, colonialism, racism, Zionism).
States, the narratives of "chosen" nations, master and sub-humans, super-humans and normal humans and civilised and uncivilised humans were invented to justify wars, imperialism, colonialism and racism.
Why are the Palestinians not allowed to live in their land, peacefully with their fellow Israelis? What justifies the expulsion of Palestinians from their land, from their homes? Don't all people, without exception, have the same rights?
The highest goal of all human beings, as far as they have not been damaged in soul and spirit, is a life in peace, in community and in love.
In contrast, there are numerous conflicts in all areas ...
According to @JohanGaltung "conflicts do not lie on a higher or lower level. All conflicts "are born free and equal in dignity and rights". They have the right to be dealt with, through "transcendence (transgression) & transformation" so that the parties can live with it.
Geopolitical conflicts [like the US/NATO Ukraine proxy war with Russia] are not on a "higher plane" just because statesmen and diplomats occupy a higher social position."
In truth, the US government is
exceedingly reluctant to support Nazis (like ISIS/Al Qaeda terrorists before them)
the US government prefers to
best equip Nazis and terrorists to commit suicide
The truth is that the US government and its NATO vassals are very
are extremely reluctant to kill children (in the Donbass, Iraq or Syria)
they prefer to kill
to kill their fathers and mothers
Eine weltweite kollektive menschliche, gewaltfreie Evolution und Revolution der Revolution hin zu einer gewalt- &herrschaftsfreien, kooperativen Gesellschaft der größtmöglichen Freiheit, Teilhabe, Entfaltungsmögliche und Vielfalt für ausnahmslos alle Menschen ist menschenmöglich.
Die Menschen bestimmen ihr Schicksal, ihre Geschichte, ihre Gesellschaftsordnung, ihre Gegenwart und ihre Zukunft selber im großen Rahmen der Natur, der physikalischen Gesetze und der Entwicklung des Kosmos.
Die Menschen sind ein Teil der Natur. "Unter den Lebewesen besitzt der Mensch durch seinen Verstand eine Sonderstellung. Eine Definition des Menschen ist die 'sich ihrer selbst bewusst gewordene Natur'." Abdullah Öcalan zitiert Murray Bookchin: "nature rendered self-conscious"