I read the Pro Publica piece on Moore and I just find it distressing that people who write about the law look around and see what is going on with this Court and still somehow believe in the Court as an institution that can fix the cracking open of democracy.
This writer cites a law prof who has written that Moore won't mean that state legislatures can overturn the will of the people in a federal election because Congress mandates that electors be selected before Election Day.
Does this person really think the GOP won't change that if given the chance?
I'm reading this guy's law review article and it's all about precedent and how the Court said this and Congress has mandated that.
But the point is, authoritarianism doesn't adhere to these rules!
These rules can and will change! There are people who tried to overthrow the government STILL IN CONGRESS. Some got reelected!
How can you with a straight face talk about precedent and congressional action in the face of 'we should suspend the constitution & redo the election.'
this is wonderful going into #303CreativeVElenis oral arguments this morning where SCOTUS is going to listen to some whiner complain that her evangelical Christianity means she doesn’t have to make a wedding website for a same sex couple. 😒
~plot twist~ nobody, gay or straight, ever even asked this broad to make them a custom wedding website because her company doesn’t even make wedding websites.
She just wants to maybe get into the wedding website business in the future and when she does she wants to discriminate.
Standing. Ripeness. Justiciable controversy.
Used to be a requirement.
#303Creative is a preenforcement action which is sometimes allowed but not when there’s no credible threat of enforcement which here there absolutely is not.
The one upside if this place goes tits up is there are some people that I will literally never ever think of again. I will memory hole them instantly. That’s kind of nice.
Like imagine never having to think about glennjamin glibwang ever again
People insist on pushing women aside while claiming concern about abortion rights, and a lot of those people stan a man who just a month ago chastised Democrats for running on abortion and ignoring working class issues, like working class people don’t get abobos?
pisses me off.
Because you don’t actually care about abortion. If you actually cared, you would have been listening to us starting in 2012.
So I’m actually fine with most of the people yelling at me about this being that man’s stans. It just confirms what I’ve believed for 7 years now.
You fucked up in 2016 and since then every solution to the problem you created has involved woman being pushed aside.
Hillary supporters should have stepped aside & supported that man in 2016. Warren and Harris supporters should have stepped aside and supported that man in 2020.
Tomorrow, SCOTUS is hearing #BrackeenvHaaland. It’s a travesty. We are on the cusp of a legitimate cultural genocide where Native children will be stripped of their heritage in favor of white middle class standards. It’s white grievance on steroids. Don’t believe me?
Read this:
Texas is legitimately arguing that ICWA is unconstitutional because it prevents Native children from being raised according to white middle class standards.
That’s literally their argument.
#Brackeen is about more than just the adoption of this one baby. It’s about genocide.
Tomorrow, @Hegemommy and I are going live after oral arguments to talk about #Brackeen. Please join us!