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Aug 27 4 tweets 2 min read
There’s so much that can’t happen in this country until we fundamentally reform the Supreme Court. That’s the revolution I wish people were talking about because the other kind? The one where folks take over the government? That’s not going to happen. I just wish people would be honest about that.

The Christian right—with SCOTUS as its henchmen—has been revolting for 50 years and they have functionally won. They took out voting rights. They took out repro rights. They took out the administrative state just this past term. And they’re going to rewrite the 14th Amendment so that somehow it doesn’t protect trans people but it does protect white people who want to be first in line to be able to adopt indigenous kids (ICWA will 100% be back before SCOTUS within the next decade.)

It’s frustrating watching people pretend that violent revolution is a viable workable strategy I keep seeing the same people acting as if this country is on the verge of collapse and one more Trump presidency will be the tipping point. Would that it were so. But it’s really not.
Jul 1 6 tweets 3 min read
Welp. I was wrong as hell. So wrong.

The Supreme Court just ruled that Trump has absolute immunity from criminal prosecution for all "official acts" taken while in office. It's 6-3 along ideological lines.

What a disaster.

So now we go back to the lower court for a determination of what counts as an official act. Sotomayor dissenting:

"The majority makes three moves that, in effect, completely insulate Presidents from criminal liability.

First, the majority creates absolute immunity for the President’s exercise of “core constitutional powers.”

This holding is unnecessary on the facts of the indictment, and the majority’s attempt to apply it to the facts expands the concept of core powers beyond any recognizable bounds. In any event, it is quickly eclipsed by the second move, which is to create expansive immunity for all “official act[s].”

Whether described as presumptive or absolute, under the majority’s rule, a President’s use of any official power for any purpose, even the most corrupt, is immune from prosecution. That is just as bad as it sounds, and it is baseless.

Finally, the majority declares that evidence concerning acts for which the President is immune can play no role in any criminal prosecution against him. That holding, which will prevent the Government from using a President’s official acts to prove knowledge or intent in prosecuting private offenses, is nonsensical."

This is completely bonkers, y'all. Truly it is.
Jun 29 4 tweets 2 min read
What annoys me about elected Democrats is that they refuse to be honest about what needs to be done to stop this Supreme Court monarchy.

"If re-elected I will restore Roe v. Wade."


Besides the Supreme Court monarchy will strike it down. Dems in power just want to continue to blame voters. They want to blame voters for not giving them the House and Senate. So what do we do? We give them the House and Senate. But that's not enough because of Manchin. Or Sinema. So we have to give them the House and Senate plus an extra couple-few Democrats as alternates.

They want us to do something we haven't really been able to do since like 1995. Please be serious.

Every year it's "give us xyz and we'll do abortion for sure this time."

Fuck off. They just want to run on abortion. They don't actually want to do anything about it.
Jun 26 7 tweets 3 min read

Apparently the Supreme Court is going to allow abortions under EMTALA!!

Holy shit. Image Big Scoop from Bloomberg Law. If the opinion accidentally posted is the final opinion, the Court will dismiss the EMTALA case as improvidently granted.
It would not be a decision on the merits.

It would be a HUGE punt and the antis are going to be PISSED:

"The US Supreme Court is poised to allow abortions in medical emergencies in Idaho, according to a copy of the opinion that was briefly posted on the court’s website.

The decision would reinstate a lower court order that had ensured hospitals in the state could perform emergency abortions to protect the health of the mother. The briefly posted version indicated the majority will dismiss the case as “improvidently granted.”

Bloomberg Law obtained a copy of the opinion that appeared briefly on the court’s website as the justices were issuing two other opinions Wednesday morning. The copy of the opinion isn’t necessarily the final ruling, given that it hasn’t been released.

The Supreme Court’s press office didn’t immediately respond to a request for comment on this inadvertent release."
Jun 14 4 tweets 2 min read
~@tiktok_us has now flat out banned my work account (@RewireNewsGroup). They deleted our account this morning. This is outrageous.
If y'all could share this so we can get our account back, I would appreciate it. ✨
Jun 10 4 tweets 2 min read
Why do people keep writing these op-eds and then high fiving themselves for being Very Smart.

you will find, Jeff, that the conservatives are almost 100% lockstep on issues of civil and human rights. Abortion. Immigration. Trans rights. LGB rights.

Nobody cares if Sotomayor and Alito agree on maritime law. Or some technical civil procedure issue.

Stop writing these pieces. It’s embarrassing and demonstrates a woeful lack of critical thinking. Besides @AudreLawdAMercy already wrote the response to a similar piece the Times published last fall. Please stop. You’re embarrassing yourself and giving me a headache.

The Court is a partisan outcome determinative body. If Jackson and Thomas agree on corporate bankruptcy law for example, WHO CARES?…
Apr 24 42 tweets 10 min read
My EMTALA THREAD! Idaho atty arguing that Idaho law does not directly conflict with EMTALA. He says there's an express limitation in the statute regarding "availability of treatment."

But availability literally refers to "can the hospital perform this treatment," not "is this treatment legal in this state."
Mar 26 59 tweets 9 min read
*cracks knuckles*

Ok let's do this.

I'm live tweeting the mife arguments.

Let's find out if the Court is going to consider "abortion makes me sad and deprives me of the opportunity to make eyes at pregnant gals" as a form of valid Art. IIII standing. Prelogar is arguing for the FDA. She is ALWAYS good.

Prelogar says these plaintiffs have no injury. THEY HAVE NO STANDING.
Mar 25 5 tweets 1 min read
The @ACLU just put out a report about obtaining reasonable accommodations for people with disabilities who are on state-mandated supervision (like parole, or probation) that as a person with ADD, I found really interesting. 1/ x The ADA requires that reasonable accommodations be made for people with disabilities. I hadn't thought of "change the way you conduct meetings with people on parole" as something that might be a reasonable accommodation under the ADA, but it makes sense.
Feb 17 11 tweets 7 min read
Reminder that this all started when a MAGA real estate agent in League City, Texas named Colette Jones decided that she was going to report me to the Colorado Bar Association because she didn't like this tweet.

That's the full story. And rather than apologize she's crying. Image Like how are you fighting for your goddamn life on Twitter and rather than apologizing to the person that you wronged, you sic every white nationalist on this app on her because the person you wronged is Black and you don't like Black people. That's the story of Colette Jones.
Jan 25 8 tweets 3 min read
Some lawyer is petitioning the Supreme Court to allow him to represent fetuses in the mife case.

He thinks fetuses have better standing than the current doctors who are whinging about having to perform their jobs and on that one point he may be right.…

Because the doctors in the case are basing their standing on abortion making them sad and having to perform abortions is MEAN. And also ladies are too dumb and sad about abortion to sue on their own behalf so the doctors have to do it.

Seriously. That’s their argument.
Nov 6, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
The Fifth Circuit is hearing arguments in Deanda v. Becerra this morning. A Christian father doesn't want his three daughters to be able to get contraception without his permission and is challenging Title X on that basis.

Matty Kacsmaryk already ruled in his favor of course. ~@Hegemommy and I covered Deanda v. Becerra last week.

This Case Could End Teens’ Birth Control Access…
Oct 22, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
I have been the subject of a gaslighting and bullying campaign that has been going on for five years.
I don't speak about it publicly because this person is unwell and I keep hoping against hope that with time, she'll stop targeting me. I know now that's will never happen. So if you read rumors about me that feel off and out of character with the person you've known me to be on here, please ask me.

You have no idea how it feels to be accused of bullying a person you NEVER speak about all the while being bullied by that person in the meanest terms.
Oct 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
To the people demanding that those of us who oppose the occupation of Palestine first tweet about how bad Hamas is.

You don't seem to understand the purpose of my tweets--and probably others'--is to potentially change policy. To pressure American politicians. I'm pretty sure Hamas isn't worried about pressure on social media. I doubt Israel or the US is either but i feel like I have a better shot to effect change by pressuring nation states to hold themselves to higher standards than terrorist organizations. Ffs
Jun 29, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
This. Is. Bonkers.

Lorie Smith, the plaintiff in the 303 Creatives and her lawyers at Alliance Defending Freedom INVENTED a same sex couple who she claimed asked her to make a wedding website.

The request that forms the basis of this lawsuit is FAKE.…
Smith who is a graphic designer is claiming that she shouldn't be forced to make wedding websites for same sex couples.

But here's the thing. She doesn't make wedding websites. We knew that.

Now we know for sure that NO ONE ASKED HER TO MAKE A WEBSITE.

So she and ADF lied.
May 2, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
lmao ayfkm. Disney’s lawyers are having a field day laughing at him I’m sure 😂 I once litigated a case against Disney about the rights to Winnie the Pooh. I must have been a third year associate at the time. It was WILD
Apr 17, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
i leave for paris in 31 days.

31 DAYS.

My friend asked me how my planning was going and I laughed at the idea that I make plans when I go on vacation.

I went to Italy for 3 weeks in 2017 with no plans but to go to a 3 day beach party in Sardinia and to go to Amalfi Coast. I planned my entire trip around wanting to go see Amalfi because of the Sapienza mission in Hitman 3.

Hand to god. lol

Now with Paris coming, I feel like I should play some Assassin's Creed Unity to prepare. 🇫🇷 #ABLParis
Apr 7, 2023 12 tweets 3 min read
I'm reading the standing argument and I— ayfkm.

you can find coherent analysis elsewhere. i have a headache and i'm tired.

but this is quite possibly some of the dumbest shit i've ever read
Mar 5, 2023 8 tweets 3 min read
lol why. This thread is wildly unnecessary.

He said eradicate and we know what he meant. It’s not worth “probing a bit”. Enough chin-stroking Can cis people shut up. Jesus.

“We need to eradicate transgenderism.”

“Hmmm. Interesting. Let’s probe that a bit.”

Are you fucking for real right now? In this climate? Just shut up man
Feb 27, 2023 14 tweets 3 min read
I really don’t like these “be nicer to the Duggars or we won’t win” takes.

THe majority of Americans support abortion rights.

We’re not going to win by convincing hypocrites to come to our side.


I just… I’m tired. That ob/gyn Mama Jones may have convinced a couple people to stay out of other people’s uteri through personal advocacy.

But that’s not going to work broadly.

I’m sorry it’s just not.
Feb 24, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
I’m stress braising short ribs ImageImage It’s all happening Image