1. New thread on why I think the SHIT IS GOING TO HIT THE FAN starting in Q1 2023. I’m also going to drop some NAMES here.
I’m going to need to word this thread carefully to avoid lawsuits!
These are just personal opinions amongst me and my pharma industry colleagues.
2. There are a lot of similarities between this developing scandal in Pharma and what happened in Twitter if some of you have been following the #TwitterFiles. In the beginning, everyone was simply pointing the blame at Jack Dorsey because he was the CEO of Twitter.
3. The truth is, a lot of shit sometimes happen below the CEO and the CEO is largely unaware (doesn’t mean they are blameless). In Twitter, there are largely two big pillars that runs the business - one is the Tech (led by Jack) and one is Information manipulation (led by Vijaya)
4. Similarly, in Pharma we have two giant pillars that runs the business, one is the Commercial and one is “Research and Development”. Often, in Pharma, these two groups are always at odds with each other. At the commercial side, we often say, why don’t we just contract out R&D?
5. At the R&D side, they often say, why don’t we just contract out the sales and marketing? Anyway, most of the time, the CEO is someone who comes from the Commercial side (or Finance). But they are the ones who push R&D for new profitable drugs.
6. Commercial guys tend to close an eye when it comes to SAFETY. In their mind, profit is all that matters. There’s always a push for profit and if anything goes wrong they can blame R&D.
7. The folks in R&D are the ones who give green lights for a drug to go to market. They are the ones who does all the clinical trials and monitor drug safety issues. They are the ones who decides fundings on research, work with publishers to get the narrative (science) pushed.
8. In other words, the senior figures in charge of R&D is the equivalent of “Vijaya Gadde” in Twitter. They are also the first ones to see any drug safety signals (i.e if theres any problem with a drug).
9.If you watch the clip below:
Bourla said “I was surprised that they suggested (#mRNA) was the way to go..!”
When he said “They”, he is referring to R&D.
This is a shocking statement because Bourla just threw his R&D under the bus.
10. Throwing his R&D under the bus is very telling of the PRESSURE he is facing. Usually CEOs do not throw their R&D under the bus because it hurts future high potential hires … you need great people in R&D to continue finding profitable drugs.
11. The second thing that tells me why the shit is going to hit the fan in Q1 2023 is the “retirement” of the key executive in Pfizer who is responsible for R&D for the vaccine division. She announced her resignation around April 2022.
12. This tells me that she had some new internal data that showed a worrisome trend - and she announced her retirement (there might be other reasons too!). But she must have factored it into her retirement.
13. Working in Pharma, I can tell you that if you created a real wonder drug that saved the world from a pandemic, you ain’t gonna retire! You tend to work forever because of a “superstar” status. The company will pay whatever it takes to keep you.
14. The second person who retired was Mathai Mammen who is the R&D Chief for JnJ. He announced his retirement in August 8th 2022.
15. Guess who else announced their retirement in August 2022? Yes, Mr Fauci himself announced his retirement 14 days after Mathai Mammen. A coincidence?
16. This is why we think shit is going to hit the fan in Q1 2023. It will take some time for things to develop after that but I believe it will start with the recall of the mRNA.
17. The key figures who launched this vaccine are leaving. If you wonder why the CEO hasn’t left yet, thats because he’s already established a defense using these people as fall guys.
18. If you like to read more about Pharma, read the collection of subthread below this thread!
In a plot twist reminiscent of an M. Night Shyamalan movie, Bryan Johnson—the ambitious multi-millionaire entrepreneur known for his work in human health and longevity—recently experienced an unexpected turn in his story that's almost hard to believe. Known for his ventures like Braintree(a web payment system) and Kernel(creating hardware connected to your brain), and famously spending a small fortune to perfect his lifestyle—like deciding chocolate is the enemy—Johnson is the last person you'd expect to take an unvetted leap. Yet, here we are.
In a candid interview with Barry Weiss, Johnson admitted to getting the COVID-19 vaccine, only to later regret it. When asked why, he said, "I want to trust the systems that produce science... Their role is to give me data and they didn't. They swayed my opinion, and that is an improper use of power."
Here are a few fun facts about Singapore in relation to mRNA products:
1. Singapore received the earliest batch of Pfizer/BioNTech due to a $250 million investment in BioNTech by Temasek, a Singapore government investment arm led by Ho Ching, the wife of the Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong who recently retired in 2024.
2. The current President of Singapore, Tharman Shanmugaratnam, is a member of the WEF Board of Trustees. Everyone was coerced into getting jabbed; otherwise, they could not eat or shop in malls. In a speech in 2021, Tharman expressed a desire to vaccinate 60% of the world's population.
3. Wang Linfa is a prominent scientist and virologist known for his extensive research on zoonotic diseases, particularly those associated with bats. He currently serves as a Professor in the Programme in Emerging Infectious Diseases at Duke-NUS Medical School in Singapore and has been the Executive Director of the Programme for Research in Epidemic Preparedness and Response (PREPARE) since 2021. Wang Linfa has collaborated closely with EcoHealth Alliance, especially with its president, Peter Daszak. EcoHealth Alliance is a U.S.-based organization that conducts research on emerging infectious diseases and has been involved in studies related to bat coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV).
Japanese citizens were left stunned when NHK, Japan's largest national broadcaster, on 28th Aug aired an hour long comprehensive report on the harms of the COVID-19 mRNA vaccine.
The program received messages from over 2,000 viewers, revealing that the extent of the harms was greater than previously believed.
Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano Alarmed at Explosive Dementia Surge Amongst COVID Vaccinated Individuals: Massive Study of ~600,000 Reveals
This paper was recently published. There has been talk about the relationship between dementia and the COVID vaccine, so they investigated this in South Korea. They examined a very large number of people. They examined a very large number of people - 550,000 people. 550,000 people. And they limited it to those who received two doses of the vaccine. And then, after one month, two months, three months, they analyzed all the data.
Mild dementia. It's the precursor stage before dementia. It's the precursor stage before dementia. This had doubled. Among vaccinated individuals compared to non-vaccinated individuals. This is significant. And this is after three months. After three months. And the number of people who developed dementia or Alzheimer’s disease increased by over 20%.
World's Biggest Protest against the WHO starts in Japan with Former Minister for Internal Affairs and Communications and current House of Representative Kazuhiro Haraguchi kicking it off!
"As a member of the National Diet(national legislature of Japan), I apologize to all of you. I apologize to all of you. So many have died, and they shouldn’t have."
..to those who tragically lost their lives to this biological, infernal thing, I want to offer my most heartfelt condolences. The images of those who should not have died, and the frustration, sadness, and helpless feelings ....
As a member of the National Diet(national legislature of Japan), I apologize to all of you. I apologize to all of you. So many have died, and they shouldn’t have. When I travel around different areas, I see people who can’t stand, can’t walk, can’t go to school, or their workplaces.
We tried to respond with Japan’s medicine when biological weapons like corona spread. It was Ivermectin. Developed by Dr. Satoshi Omura. We tried to bring this case and it was first proposal to the National Diet (National Legistrative). However, they were crushed. Why? Because they are cheap.
Just yesterday, I met with three members of the National Legislative (National Diet). They are falling to pieces, some hospitalized. But, they don't speak up. They don’t say anything. They don’t say anything!
The other day, I spoke with Mishima from Channel 3. I was banned. They are trying to silence our voices. They are trying to silence our voices. They are trying to block our freedom, our resistance, our power. They are trying to block it. But, we will never lose.