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Dec 7 286 tweets >60 min read
Snowy day! Arriving 8 minutes late to the assembly, so I'm just getting in at the end of the Chair's Report. Here's the thread! 🧵 #ANCgov
LaFrance says tonight will mark the end of budget legislation, thanks the budget and finance committee, and the cooperation of the admin. If you want to learn more, #ANCgov
Tonight we will take up an item about changes to elections. The changes were discussed at the ethics and elections committee and have been brought before the assembly. Tonight will end public testimony. #ANCgov
LaFrance notes the housing crisis and says it's a priority. Some solutions are working through the assembly process, will be regularly present in future meetings. #ANCgov
She says that civil discussion is important, these issues affect all of us personally. Your enemy today may be your ally in the future. You never know who will drive by when you're on the side of the road in a snowstorm. #ANCgov
Onto committee reports. Perez-Verdia says the equity committee will meet on Dec 22. On Dec 7 at 11am the public safety committee will discuss body cams, budget, police academy, Sullivan arena calls, and challenges for PD and FD. #ANCgov
Rivera says the housing and homelessness committee will meet on Dec 14, they'll discuss funding for the shelter for the remainder of winter. The audit committee will meet on the 15th, they'll review the Pcard audit. #ANCgov
Cross says the ACDA met, easy park has a new partner, they've installed lights above a parking garage. #ANCgov
Constant says next Wednesday there will be a meeting of the utilities and enterprise oversight committee, will cover the port. Important meeting. #ANCgov
Zalatel says the health policy committee didn't meet this month, will reconvene next month. #ANCgov
Dunbar says the budget and finance committee next month is cancelled. #ANCgov
Petersen says the community and economic development met last month, discussed lot sizes and considered 4 plexes as residential rather than business? Didn't quite catch it. #ANCgov
We move onto the addendum. There are many laid on the table items and they are not ready to take them on due to volume. Constant moves to change the order of the day to take up 10a1 and 2 and then return to this item. Unanimous consent. #ANCgov
It appears as though Allard is not present. Maybe late due to roads? Missed the role call. Sulte is on the phone. Everyone else present. #ANCgov
Before they can take up 10a1&2, it has to be incorporated. A motion is made. Unanimously approved. We start with 10a2. #ANCgov
Petersen moves to approve, Volland seconds. LaFrance will read. Petersen presents. #ANCgov
Mark Springer, rep from AML accepts and says he's sorry to have left all the good weather in Bethel today. #ANCgov
Constant asks if anyone is here to celebrate Title 9 and asks them to come forward. Constant motions to approve, Zalatel seconds. Passes unanimously. Constant reads, Quinn-Davidson presents. #ANCgov
Throughout the reading, more and more women come up to celebrate. #ANCgov
The UAA volleyball coach speaks. She thanks the assembly for inviting them here today. She says as a 15 year Anchorage resident, she thinks we should be thankful these student athletes choose to be here and act as positive members of the community and role models. #ANCgov
Also, correction, Zalatel presented.
Constant says he hears a rumor there are cupcakes somewhere. Cross perks up and looks around diligently. A fun moment. #ANCgov
LaFrance says we'll take a 10 minute cupcake break while the laid on the table items are worked out. Be back soon. #ANCgov
Crazy meeting today! Can't even get back to my usual spot #ANCgov
Returning to the meeting! There are 5 supplemental laid on the table items (don't require a vote) and two other items that will. LaFrance says it took so long because they thought there would be four items that would require a vote, but two of there a Quasi-judicial. #ANCgov
Constant says that the members have received an email explaining that these items can be laid on the table the same day as they are introduced, but they can't do public testimony on it this evening. #ANCgov
We start first with the five supplemental items. They are read into the record. First is for Chugiak-ER capitol improvements. Second, an item adopting the legislative program for the Muni. Third, an omnibus item updating title 28 on elections. #ANCgov
Fourth, an item showing community council support for increasing fines for muffler violations. Fifth, a letter regarding a summary of economic effects regarding a separate item. #ANCgov
Onto the two that require votes. First, the item increasing the Sullivan capacity to 360. Zalatel makes a disclosure, the ACEH sent out communications regarding this today, she asks to be excused. LaFrance agrees. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson asks LaFrance if there's an explanation for that, considering she believes there's only a conflict when there's a financial interest. Zalatel says that the coalition believes when there is an official position regarding an issue there is a conflict. #ANCgov
There's no motion on this item, we move on. The next is a resolution appropriating <150k of alcohol tax for education and research. Quinn-Davidson moves to approve, Dunbar seconds. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says this is in response to a Mayoral veto. Feels it's important to address tonight. Discussion ends. Voting on laying on the table commences. Passes 11-0, Allard absent. #ANCgov
Constant moves to incorporate the addendum to the agenda. Seconded. No opposition. It is approved. There are no appearance requests tonight, so we move onto the consent agenda. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson pulls 10d12 and the unnumbered item we just discussed (now 10e13). Zalatel pulls 10b3. Constant pulls 10d1-3, 10d5&6, 10d15, and 10e8. Those are all of the items to be pulled tonight. #ANCgov
Constant moves to approve the rest of the consent agenda, Petersen seconds. Unanimous consent. The agenda is now approved except those items. #ANCgov
Onto 10b3, a resolution adopting the 2023 legislative program for the municipality. Zalatel moves to approve the S-version. Constant seconds. Zalatel says she pulled it to thank the members of the admin that helped with this, she appreciates the collaborative nature of it.#ANCgov
However, she motions to remove pages 9&10. Quinn-Davidson seconds. Zalatel says these pages are criminal and statutory requests. Zalatel says they received briefing on them at 3:30 today and didn't have time to assess them. Wants to take them up in depth later. #ANCgov
Voting commences on amending it. Passes unanimously. Constant moves LaFrance amendment 1, seconded by Zalatel. It allows for grammatical and other edits for consistency. No discussion. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Constant thanks the admin for the collaborative approach on this document. Discussion on main item ends. Voting on the S-version as amended commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, 10d1, the confirmation hearing for Virginia McClure as Library Director. Constant says that due to the packed nature of the end of the year, they haven't had time for a confirmation hearing, would like to do this and the next two on the 16th. #ANCgov
Constant moves to postpone 10d1,2,3 to December 20th (correction!). Petersen seconds. Voting commences. Postponement passes 10-1, Cross dissents. #ANCgov
Next, 10d5, the Sister Cities Commission appointment of Claudia Farias. Constant moves to postpone to the 20th. Says there's no problem with the candidate, but rather with the term. Says they can make adjustments before the 20th. Zalatel seconds. Voting commences. 11-0. #ANCgov
Next, 10d6, Police and Fire Retirement Medical Funding Trust Board appointments of Terry Marquardt and Robert Woolsey. Constant moves to approve, Petersen seconds. Constant asks if this is a typo or a board we aren't aware of. Wilbanks says it's actually a different board.#ANCgov
Zalatel says that next time it would be helpful to send forward the election results so they are aware of them. Constant says this raises questions, wonders how many boards exist that they aren't aware of. Is fine approving it, but wants to know for the future. #ANCgov
Wilbanks says the records are maintained within the department that has oversight, says the mayor's office does their best to verify and that there are records. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, 10d12, an amendment to the professional services contract with Roger Hickel Contracting for the Anchorage Regional Landfill Leachate Upgrades Project for $10.1mil. Quinn-Davidson moves to approve for discussion, seconded. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson notes this was originally a $30k contract. Asks the admin to speak to the nature of massive increases in budget. Project manager speaks, says that the process used for such projects has previously been used and is in accordance with title 7. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says that's helpful, asks Christensen or Gates for input on how title 7 allows for a 30k contract to become a $10mil contract. Christensen says that the way these work is the initial contract is for the design, then if they choose to go forward... #ANCgov
...the entire project is brought before the assembly. Quinn-Davidson says when she saw it she reached out to Constant, head of the Utilities and Enterprises Committee, and he wasn't aware. Why? Project manager say he thinks it was presented unless someone can speak else. #ANCgov
Demboski notes that this has nothing to do with the NavCenter project, but rather the landfill. She thinks there was initially a huge swath of potential budgets. There were bids and negotiations. Once cost is known, it's brought back for the assembly. #ANCgov
Constant says that there was a briefing on the Leachate but there was no document or numbers. So there was shock to see it go from $30k to $10mil. He'd like to see a briefing on the financials. There's been no presentation on the details on a rapidly escalating project. #ANCgov
He says there's a theory that the process is good as it allows flexibility, but he feels there needs to be briefings on the specifics. Demboski says that the scope of the package is in the document, but Mr. Zapea is on the line and can answer questions. #ANCgov
Rivera says he was not at all confused that Hickel was on here. Second, he sees amendments but nothing about the original contract, did the assembly approve the original contract. Michael Rhodes, SWS, speaks. Says the original contract was for $30k, which doesn't require approval
Rivera says this leads to his point. The assembly had no say in how this was originally constructed and now they're expected to approve $10mil more. Feels it's important for projects like this to be brought before them from the very beginning. #ANCgov
Zalatel says as we take on these complex projects she thinks the request should be there is a briefing, maybe a timeline, to remind them where they have been. #ANCgov
Demboski says she wants to clarify, the $30k original project was competitively bid, which is allowed to be approved without the assembly. However if it is a sole source for over a certain amount they have to approve. #ANCgov
She continues that there is a risk involved for the contractor. Says the assembly had an option before to approve or not approve. She says when it came before them again, work package 2 (June 2 2022), they approved it. She commits to reminding them in the future. #ANCgov
She wants to make sure people understand, this is the third time that the assembly has seen the project and it was competitively bid. She notes it is a very important project and personally commits to brief them before any large projects in the future. #ANCgov
Constant says it's true they've seen it before, but the escalation and the fact that it's on the addendum is a lot to ask for. He says there's a lot of questions. He sees in the packet an anticipated budget of $17mil and says that's helpful. #ANCgov
Cross says he went out and saw the project in April, and it's massive. He says it's unsurprising to him that it's over $10mil. Encourages members to go see it to understand the scope. #ANCgov
Discussion ends, voting commences. Passes 10-1, LaFrance dissents. Next, 10d15, sole source contract with Whittier for police services to the Girdwood Service Area ($2,379,132). #ANCgov
LaFrance moves to approve, Petersen seconds. She says this is an example of Girdwood solving their own problems after the troopers pulled out of the area. Encourages support. Discussion ends, voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, 10e8, which appropriates $74k from the operating budget for purchase of new fire equipment. LaFrance moves to approve, Petersen seconds. #ANCgov
LaFrance says that Girdwood needs to replace a firetruck and when bonds for the area go to the public they have a history of failing, despite the rest of the Muni not paying the taxes for it. This is Girdwood addressing their own issues. Voting commences, passes 11-0. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson moves to change to order of the day to take up 10e13 after 12a, seconded by Zalatel. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
LaFrance says before we move onto unfinished business we will take a 15-20 minute break. Back soon. #ANCgov
Back in session. Next up, item 11a. Platting Board appointment of Sam Laffey. Constant moves to approve for purpose of discussion, Petersen seconds. #ANCgov
Constant says he believes this one has a defect, not by fault of the admin. Zalatel asks if something ends up being wrong is there a mechanism to go back and issue corrections? Constant says they are preparing a communication with the admin to show how things got out of alignment
He says with this item, there's a member whose term hasn't expired. This document shows 2022-2025. That means that it would extend past eligibility. They are working with the admin to work this out, says it isn't proper to work out on the dyas, asks admin to resubmit. #ANCgov
Wilbanks says that boards and commissions have been messed up in the last two years. They're trying to untangle as best they can, but they are acting within the spirit of the law. They're open to trying to fix them. #ANCgov
Constant asks if Ms. Ritz, whose term is currently ongoing, is no longer in the seat? Is the seat already full? Wilbanks says this would be best discussed offline. Says the platting board is suffering, may not have a quorum soon. Wants to address before Christmas. #ANCgov
Cross says Ms. Ritz has a direct conflict due to a professional tie, so she's been asked to step down. #ANCgov
LaFrance says Allard has joined us by phone. Constant says this adds even more wrinkles, as members with conflict can only not participate in relevant matters, not all matters. Says asking her to step down could be out of code. Motions to postpone to 12/20. Zalatel 2nds. #ANCgov
Voting on postponement commences, passes 9-3, Allard, Sulte and Cross dissent. #ANCgov
Next, AWWU board of directors appointment of Garrett Boyle. Constant moves to approve, Petersen seconds. Constant says this one looks great. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, an ordinance amending Muni code to restore previous language regarding exceptions to the requirements for contractor licensing. A motion to approve is on the floor. Constant moves to postpone indefinitely, Zalatel seconds. #ANCgov
Constant says this item is a step in a long process trying to fix the issue at hand, while protecting builders. He says there is an item going through the process that will take the place of this one, which won't sacrifice benefit. Voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Onto 12A, action on Mayoral vetoes on the General Operating Budget for 2023. Quinn-Davidson moves to override all vetoes except the $150k for technical assistance and two lines for security contract. Zalatel is excused for conflict. #ANCgov
Zalatel actually comes back, she doesn't want to be excused from any items she doesn't have a conflict on, so she moves to bifurcate out conflict lines. Constant seconds. Quinn-Davidson says that this is only relevant to the Brother Francis one. Zalatel leaves again. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says that what will remain lines 15, 5, and 13. Asks Rivera to speak to the override. He says the item was worked on by a variety of providers. Says the item is in line with the AnchorHome plan. Says the specific part the mayor voted was to get BFS...
...a permanent 120 bed count. He says rather than force people onto the streets, which is what the Mayoral veto would achieve, this would allow funding on a recurring basis. When he saw the veto, his jaw dropped. It goes against the rhetoric from the mayor's office. #ANCgov
He asks them to override the veto, so that people housed at BFS won't be kicked out at end of year. Rivera asks the admin if they override the veto, will they be able to enact this part of the budget? Trombley says they have to enact the letter of the law. #ANCgov
Trombley says they have a letter from BFS saying they have no intent to permanently increase to 120 beds, so they vetoes because there would be a disparity between intent and action. #ANCgov
Rivera asks, they are trying to increase beds from 75 to 120, is it the intent of the admin to prevent this? Trombley says BFS has no intent to do so. Rivera says we have someone from BFS on the line, asks if Mrs. Dempsey can clarify. #ANCgov
Trombley says the admin has no opposition to providing funding, they just want to make sure the funding goes to what they want it to do. They're happy to fund it if it fulfills the goal. #ANCgov
While we wait for Dempsey, Dunbar says the Mayor and Mayor's Office stated something and now there's a contradictory statement but he feels Rivera is getting to it. #ANCgov
Dempsey is on the line. Rivera asks if they will be able to permanently staff 120 beds if they get the funding? Dempsey says yes that is there intention. Trombley says "perfect." #ANCgov
Rivera asks if, as a sign of good faith, will they withdraw their veto? Trombley says since the mayor isn't here, he can't do that, but if they want to override that's fine. #ANCgov
Volland says when going through this process we should look to original intent of amendments. Says by the word of the amendment it wasn't ever the intent of the assembly to push the capacity beyond 120. He asks Dempsey if they have any intent to go beyond 120? #ANCgov
She says that they don't have the capacity to go beyond 120, and have no intent to do so. Quinn-Davidson says it's frustrating that we have a community provider willing to do the work, we have Rivera doing the work to get us there, and then there's a veto... #ANCgov
...based on bad information. It shows the Mayor doesn't even communicate with partners on his stated goal of ending homelessness. #ANCgov
Allard asks Dempsey why they don't want to go beyond 120, and says if we had the NavCenter we wouldn't have this problem. Dempsey says they want to keep up the quality of service of a smaller shelter and 120 seems to be a good spot. #ANCgov
She continues that they have an infectious disease control policy and they want residents three feet apart so they wouldn't have space for it. Allard asks what the pre-covid capacity was? Dempsey says 240, but they weren't following their infectious disease control policy.#ANCgov
Allard asks if people weren't getting a good quality of care before covid? Dempsey says no, but they were also the only low barrier shelter. With other options, this allows them to focus on client:staff ration, creation of relationships, etc. #ANCgov
Allard asks what the fire code is for BFS? Dempsey says she believes it's 240. #ANCgov
Cross says before we look to increase capacity we should ask the neighbor, Ron Alleva, to speak. LaFrance says that is out of order. Alleva melts down. #ANCgov
Voting on the veto override commences, passes 8-3, Allard, Sulte, and Cross dissent. #ANCgov
Next, a resolution appropriating <$150k from alcohol tax revenue to the legislative branch operating budget for education and outreach. Quinn-Davidson moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says this was an item that was vetoed by the mayor due to being an overreach, so they worked on creating a version that was clearer to intent. This shows that it's more of an education effort, whereas stating it as technical assistance may have been unclear.#ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says right now they have this much not appropriated from the alcohol tax due to the veto, so this just fills it out. Discussion ends, voting commences. Passes 9-3, usual suspects. #ANCgov
During that process, Alleva was removed from the chambers, but not without protest. Constant notes there are many people here to testify on an item, moves to change the order of the day to take up must pass items first (13a, 14a, 15a,b,c, then 14e). Sulte seconds. #ANCgov
Correction, seconded by Zalatel. Zalatel says she's concerned about 14c not making it before running out of time, it's a rental assistance item with the intent of getting those funds out before end of year. Constant agrees to include it. #ANCgov
Volland says he'd like to do the same for 14D, as people are here to testify on it. LaFrance asks whose here for it, 3 people. Cross asks if we could see who's here for other items so we don't waste the time of people waiting for an item that won't come. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson says she doesn't support moving items around like this as people have an expectation, so she won't support. Constant withdraws the motion. #ANCgov
Onto a public hearing on this:

Irene Quednow testifies. She says this is the third attempt to give the Muni clerk more powers. And now they are giving her even more power. She is concerned about observer registration. She says the campaigns are allowed to have observers, if this passes... #ANCgov
...the clerk will oversee elections and who can observe elections potentially for personal reasons. Says it's a conflict of interests. Says there needs to be an independent audit. This creates an ability for her to do whatever she wants. #ANCgov
Public testimony closes. Constant moves to approve, Petersen seconds. Constant moves Constant LaFrance Petersen amendment 1. Petersen seconds. Constant says it removes the requirement for the clerk to notify a candidate when their application is complete, just if rejected #ANCgov
No discussion. Voting on the amendment commences, passes 11-Allard. Back on main motion. Cross asks legal counsel with regards to Quednow's question, does this give the Clerk authority to decide who can observe elections? #ANCgov
Gates says it's been a while since he read this part, but he doesn't think so. It allows the clerk to sign up observers, as well as candidates. But he doesn't have the language in front of him. #ANCgov
Christensen says this information is in the observer handbook. Says that Gates is correct, the previous process had a variety of steps that after which the elections team would issue a badge. The old version requires the campaign to come get the badges and sign them. #ANCgov
She says that was difficult, as the campaign people are busy at that time. This allows the Clerk to sign for those badges, streamlining the process. Cross feels satisfied. #ANCgov
Petersen says it was done as a matter of convenience for the campaigns. He says if something happens in an election that could benefit the process, that's what they do. Encourages support. #ANCgov
Constant says this is a yearly process after elections, where they aim to improve the process. He says there's never been an election that didn't have a mistake, by nature of human processes. This year there were things that could be tidied. #ANCgov
Voting commences on the item as amended. Passes 11-Allard, who says "absolutely not." Next, this:

Perez-Verdia moves to postpone to the meeting of January 10tg, Quinn-Davidson seconds. He says they want to make sure they do this right. He says there's currently an effort to get more data through polling and they've scheduled a worksession for January 6. #ANCgov
No discussion on the motion. Voting on postponement commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Onto new public hearings. First up, an ordinance amending AMC 12.55.030 to update the methodology pertaining to the five year adjustment to the motor fuel excuse tax rate. Public testimony opens and closes. Zalatel moves to approve, Petersen seconds. #ANCgov
Constant says that it seems to do a good thing by keeping fuel cost lower, but it effectively shifts the burden onto the property tax payer. Zalatel says she didn't read it that way, asks the admin to explain. Demboski throws to Dan Warren, Muni Treasurer. #ANCgov
He says this is a technical clean up. Says they were informed by the law department they weren't allowed to do an exact increase but rather round up (1.2 cents to 2 cents). He says people buying retail will continue to pay 10c tax, leading to a $2.6mil tax adjustment. #ANCgov
Zalatel wants to understand how it has this effect. He explains with inflation spiking in the last year, it obscures the formula. Says the data was published every two months, and we spiked early this year, leading to a larger adjustment. Department said they'd have to round up.
Zalatel asks, if they pass this, nothing changes till January 1 2028? Yes. #ANCgov
Rivera asks, as per the $2.8mil, the taxpayer won't take it on, it's just lost tax intake? Correct. Dunbar says if we are at or near the cap and we use the fuel tax to meet it, in a situation where we don't have that, it will need to be made up elsewhere: the property tax.#ANCgov
Dunbar says he thought when they passed the fuel tax, he thought it was just a flat 10c, so he's suprised but it's a while ago. Warren explains that it was set to a scale or else the value decreasea overtime. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she finds this confusing and they didn't have a worksession, and she'd like to work out some concerns. She wants to motion to postpone to January 6, but he interjects that it goes into effect January 1. She amends to December 20. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she needs to talk this through before they change tax burden on residents. Urges support. Says what was billed as a technical change has broader implications than she thought. #ANCgov
Cross says he is ready to vote no, says gas taxes are paid by everyone, property tax just by residents. Quinn-Davidson thinks along the same lines, but asks what the effect is. An increase of 2c per gallon on January 1. #ANCgov
With a 2c/gal on top of 10c/gal now it leads to a $2.6mil tax intake increase. Quinn-Davidson asks if they have to go to 2c? Law department says by mathematical rounding it has to be 2 or none. #ANCgov
Dunbar says he supports the postponement, he isn't bothered by the 2c increase but the 2028 effect date. He isn't sure the inflation will remain. He'd like to see more work on it. Constant agrees, 2028 is too far for him. #ANCgov
The treasurer says there's a stickiness to inflation and it will remain high for some time. By doing a deferral they will have a higher number potentially. Constant says the same dynamic affects the property tax payer. He'd like to see the property tax payer have the benefit.
Dunbar says not to change the calculation but hold it at 10c and push out the assessment to next year. #ANCgov
Volland withdraws his second, wants to vote. Dunbar replaces the second. Ugh I wanna see what happens but I'm about to burst. Quick bathroom break and I'll be back. #ANCgov
Okay back. Voting commences on postponement passes 7-5. Constant motions to reconsider, Quinn-Davidson seconds. Voting commences. Fails 7-5, requiring 8. #ANCgov
Psych, the motion prevails requiring only a simple majority. The motion to postpone is back before the body. Dunbar says when they passed the fuel tax it didn't take place until the next month, but gas stations immediately increased gas prices. Postponing could prevent that.
Voting on postponement commences (again), fails 5-7 this time. Onto the main motion. Zalatel asks Treasurer Marr (whoops, been getting that wrong) if this is a direct offset of the 2023 budget. No. What are the effects on the budget? If it fails tonight it will have a reduction.. property tax. She asks if we find the markets even out before 5 years from now, could they revisit? Absolutely, this is ultimately their decision. #ANCgov
She asks what we look at as far as the index goes if they were to revisit? They rely on department of labor, which assesses every two months. This allows them to pick the nearest available data? I'm a little lost, the numbers stuff always is hard to catch in the moment. #ANCgov
Constant asks if anything stops them from putting forward an item that gives them flexibility without damaging their ability to capture revenue for the next five year? Marr says if they vote it down, it's all down. They could bring an item that allows a more precise calculation
Okay, voting on the main motion begins (a yes vote stops the increase of 2cents). Item fails, 3-9, Allard, Sulte, and Petersen in favor. #ANCgov
Next, this. Public testimony opens and closes. Constant moves to postpone to the 20th, Quinn-Davidson seconds. #ANCgov
Constant says this item is currently in discussion with legal, skirts close to separation of powers. It's possible passing this would be a violation of separation. Postponing allows for them to chart a course for best path. Voting commences. Postponing passes 12-0. #ANCgov
Next, this. Public testimony opens and closes. Rivera moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. Rivera encourages passing this, will be critical to housing programs coming online. #ANCgov
As he understands it, there will be some more that isn't allocated, asks the admin how much that will be and can they explain the mechanism? Demboski says it's $9.6mil #ANCgov
Rivera asks if they get access to that after it's all allocated or spent? After it's spent, but allocation counts. Rivera has an amendment, asks Gates if he's been able to put it into amendment form. No. #ANCgov
Rivera does a floor amendment to add an intent clause, stating that it is for... But he wants to work it out. We work through the queue. #ANCgov
Cross says he's concerned with any restrictions, as there is a tier system for allocation. Says the $25k/yr is the federal target, feels it isn't necessary to qualify that in language. #ANCgov
Zalatel says for emergency rental assistance it's necessary to present intent as there's multiple ways to do it. Could be through addressing existing homelessness or through prevention. She sees this as both tools, and both will require that the guidelines be met. #ANCgov
She says it's important that we use this to tackle both issues, thinks we're in a good position to help. #ANCgov
Rivera proposes his amendment which adds a new section that defines the intent. He'll email it to the clerk. Zalatel seconds the amendment. #ANCgov
Just noticed that Sulte has apparently put a Joe Biden "I Did That" sticker on his Muni computer.


Here's as much of the Rivera amendment as the computer will display. #ANCgov
Zalatel would like to add "transitional housing" into the amendment. Says it completes the potential stages for people moving from unhoused to housed. Rivera is cool with it. Voting commences on the amendment, passes 9-3, usual suspects. #ANCgov
Voting on the main motion commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Onto the next! An amendment amending AMC 9.48.130 to increase fines for muffler and exhaust system violations. Public testimony opens. #ANCgov
Hans Thompson, South Addition Community Council. He says the history of this started in 2011 when the state stopped testing for emissions, and it's become an issue for his community. There is less insulation in his neighborhood. #ANCgov
His community has asked APD to ramp up enforcement, but they were unable to. He took it to the ombudsman, and they proposed getting the APD noise meters, which they did, and then work on a code response. That's what he have here. #ANCgov
Thompson says he supports the change, even though he's like to see it go higher. Says there's been significant community response. His CC had good response, alongside the FCC and in other community councils. #ANCgov
He says this applies to all cars. This isn't about vehicle size, it's about modification to the muffler system or changing it out so it produces more noise. He believes it's time for there to be a higher charge. Thanks the assembly, especially Volland, the Muni attorneys, and APD
Peter Muse, president of Rogers Park CC. He reads from their CC resolution. Says unnecessary noise leads to negative health effects. Their CC agrees with the recommendations of the ombudsman, as well as a more significant fine, which is why they are here. #ANCgov
The Rogers Park community has seen an increase in noise that can be described as a caucophony. They are a harassed community. He says there are hogs and crotch rockets, "screaming banshees" that penetrate even the thickest walls. #ANCgov
Second, a certain class of compact cars, which resemble gunfire. Third are big boy trucks with their steroid machismo. They urge the body to raise the fine to $300 for first offense and double it for the second offense. #ANCgov
James Thornton testifies, seconds everything the last guy said, says it's hard to top his speech. Encourages support. #ANCgov
Mark Butler, VP of North Star CC. They also passed a resolution unanimously concerning this issue. They are surrounded by freeways and pounded by sound. He's fully supportive of Hans' efforts. This was a collaborative effort, everyone has put work in to address the problem.
He says it's a pleasure to be here in Girdwood tonight (a joke because of how many Girdwoodians are here tonight). He says his Texan acquaintances note that the difference between noise here is in TX they have troopers and punitive fines. #ANCgov
Urban noise may seem unavoidable, but it isn't really. There's a time and place. He hopes there will be a unanimous decision on this item tonight. Thanks them for sneaking it in before Girdwood gets to talk. #ANCgov
LaFrance notes that the Marston theatre is open, since there's such a big crowd tonight. Wow. #ANCgov
Onto the phone list. First one goes to recording. Second picks up. Jess Grenblatt testifies representing Rabbit Creek CC. He says since the construction of Rabbit Creek road racing has been an issue. It's a safety and disturbance issue. Not just an urban issue. #ANCgov
They are pleased that APD purchased cound level monitors. They strongly support adoption of the resolution. Getting structured compliance is paramount. Escalation of the fine for tinted windows led to higher compliance. Welcomes and strongly endorses. #ANCgov
Public testimony closes. Volland moves to approve, Zalatel seconds. Volland says we've heard great testimony. The intent is to encourage compliance, not be punitive. Describes the process. Says this fine brings it in line with the cost of muffler repair. #ANCgov
He did a little muffler shopping and found it to be around $300. He believes this will encourage people to repair rather than just pay the fine and continue on. Notes the resolutions from CCs in support. Noise pollution affects much of our community. #ANCgov
Zalatel thanks Volland for bringing it forward. She knows many communities support this. Hopefully we see relief, if not this winter, by summer. Thanks him and the admin for working on it. #ANCgov
Cross says that we have in the last three years had record catalytic converter theft. APD set up a task force and have stopped the shipping of these out of state. He also apologizes for being an old car guy, maybe he'll get a Tesla. #ANCgov
Voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Before taking up 14e, LaFrance wants to note that the storm has made the roads dangerous. She says they will open the public testimony tonight but are going to put forward a motion to have a special meeting for public testimony so everyone will have a chance to speak. #ANCgov
Alright, onto the big ticket item. #ANCgov
LaFrance passes the gavel to Constant as this is a matter of importance to Girdwood and she wants to fully participate. Constant notes that he has a relationship to the applicant as well as a pending Real Estate license. He says he cannot list/sell real estate currently. #ANCgov
He spoke with the ethics board and they found he doesn't have a conflict. LaFrance reads through the usual questions pertaining. #ANCgov
The question that is interesting has to do with *if* his license were to be active, he could have an interest in sale of a home related but it's so far out as to not present a conflict. The rest of the questions result in her deciding no conflict. #ANCgov
With that we open public testimony. Red signs that read "Listen to Girdwood" and "Public Land for Public Benefit" are present throughout the Chambers. #ANCgov
Zalatel motions to have a special meeting on the thirteenth to continue the public hearing on this item, Cross seconds. Allard objects. She asks if we could have it on Wednesday or the following Monday. Constant says it's tough, that's the night the room is available. #ANCgov
Voting commences to have the public meeting. Passes unanimously. Public hearing will be held Tuesday, December 13 in these Chambers. Now onto public testimony. #ANCgov
Gabrielle Hessel testifies. She's lived in Girdwood since 94, and has managed long term leases. She read the article in favor of development in ADN today and read into it a lack of interest in the people of Girdwood. No mention of outreach to the people. #ANCgov
She says Girdwood needs housing, but who is this for? There has been a lack of transparency and plans and Girdwood feels unheard and their needs unmet. Will this be for people to open second homes and VRBOs? We don't need those, we need affordable housing. Please listen. #ANCgov
Dunbar asks Hessel, but also everyone, they've heard the need for affordable housing. This proposal has about 80 units. For her, what number would be better for them? She says it's a good question and she doesn't have the knowledge, but her gut says regular people won't afford it
She emphasizes we don't need second homes, we need places for regular people to live. #ANCgov
Brianna Sullivan, co-chair of the Girdwood board of advisors. She says they are trying to act in the interest of Girdwood with a developer in a process that has become arduous. They need the Assembly's assistance to meet current and future needs. #ANCgov
There is a housing crisis for the people who are important to the functioning of Girdwood. The housing crisis has moved people who could've established roots out of the area, taking their talents and dreams with them. #ANCgov
There was an advisory committee put together, whose suggestions and ideas were disregarded. Girdwood is interested in development, but they want it to benefit and engage with the community. With housing being a priority in 2023, Girdwood could be a model. #ANCgov
They have found that HLB is not capable of such a land disposal and development. Zalatel asks if they have a specific recommendation to address the issue with HLB? She notes that HLB's high turnover has led to a lack of faith. Zalatel asks for solutions. #ANCgov
Constant asks this to be taken offline, we have tons of people tonight. Volland asks what density they'd like to see with the project? GBOS would like to see a study that shows how much is needed to support the population. Can't say with certainty. #ANCgov
Jennifer Windgars, Girdwood board of supervisors. She says that much of the work Gwood has done on the Houghton Hills project has been behind the scenes. But they feel cut out of development. This is especially hard for Girdwood, such an interconnected community. #ANCgov
She says the community has watched with dismay as the project has gone forward without Community support. They do not want to be Anchorage's Vale. Speaks to the heart of Girdwood that refuses to surrender to long odds. #ANCgov
Getting workforce housing will be a challenge, but they ask to be allowed to find that solution. #ANCgov
Erin Layton testifies. She lives in Anchorage now, but spent 11 years in Girdwood. She still works in Girdwood, it's where she discovered her passion for working in education. She became a state certified teacher this year, after years of substituting. #ANCgov
She feels like Girdwood is family, but this May they found themselves without housing available in Girdwood. What about when the teachers in Girdwood retire? Where will new people live? She has placed her dream of raising a family in Girdwood on hold. #ANCgov
Renae Dorr (sp?), Girdwood resident. She has been engaged in the Houghton Hills project since it went out for bid. She agrees with the community concerns. Says the developer has not considered other ski towns for lessons. Needs in Girdwood are unmet because people can't afford it
People won't drive from Anchorage to work serving tables, etc. She says there should be density as well as ground level commercial options. To create a Prominence Point in Girdwood is shortsighted. Girdwood wasn't asked to come to the table to discuss it. This is suburban sprawl.
Skyler Quinn testifies in support of the Houghton Hills project. Says it's the right time for the right project. He says over 60% of the units will be multifamily units. He says detractors contradict themselves by saying they want high density housing yet concerned about traffic.
He asks who will develop if they see the assembly will just pull out the rug at the last second. Says it's time to walk the walk and support the project. #ANCgov
Gale Goodwin, Girdwood, testifies. Her organization help businesses using their nonprofit status. When the pandemic hit, Girdwood lost their paper due to ad revenue drying up. Her org filled the gap with a newsletter. The Houghton Hills issue inspired their first issue. #ANCgov
Their board is dedicated to figuring out a win-win solution. They have supported many projects over 18 years, fostering good relationships in Girdwood and Anchorage. It's their goal to create a great community to live in. #ANCgov
Zalatel asks if Girdwood Inc would be interested in providing technical assistance in helping the HLB with development? They would be happy to assist. #ANCgov
Kevin Murphy, Girdwood resident. Acutely aware of the effects of the lack of housing. People move out while houses stay dark due to being rentals, seconds homes. He's not opposed to development. He's heard something is better than nothing, well that's not true here. #ANCgov
There's limited land and developing it wrong impacts further development. He believes there should be a no vote, but doesn't believe the assembly agrees, so what do we do? Lists what other ski towns are doing to address similar problems. #ANCgov
He wants to see less single family homes on individual lots and residential requirements/restrictions. He hopes to see a no vote or a delay. #ANCgov
Dunbar asks about the short term rental issue, would be support restricting short term rentals for all of Girdwood? Yes, he's seen long terms go to short term and lost good neighbors as a result. #ANCgov
Next testifier has lived in Girdwood for three years, moved there for sense of community. He sees a 47:5 ration of single family to multifamily structures. This will hurt all those who a $526k condo or more expensive single family home is unaffordable. #ANCgov
He says we've taxied up to the runway with an incomplete and unprepared plane. He asks that they either taxi back to the hanger, or bring the passengers on as copilots. Asks anyone who agrees to stand. Nearly the whole room does. #ANCgov
Next testifier asks them not to approve this disposal. She asks if they read the Girdwood Inc package? Do they know the area? The location of the school? Have they studied the Houghton Hills advisory committee? Hundreds of hours went into community concerns #ANCgov
She says short term rentals are a major reason why there are no long term rentals. Girdwood has a homelessness problem, many are employed there but live in tents or vehicles. People rely on the food pantry to eat. Recently a long term rental was posted and in 2 days 60 responses
She says please please please do not dispose of this land tonight. #ANCgov
Lee Ellis, ten year resident of Girdwood. He works with a variety of hospitality businesses and the most common complaint is lack of staff and there aren't young people since they can't afford housing. He says that they've looked at methods, including selling land... #ANCgov
... at market rate and using it to create a housing development for low incomes as well as other plans. He feels this plan doesn't present a benefit to the community or the municipality. Encourages a no vote and sitting down to work it out. #ANCgov
Gloria testifies. We're at a precipice between Girdwood being a vibrant community or a dying one with empty housing. They are asking the assembly to work with them to create an even better community and destination town. #ANCgov
This plan doesn't provide a timeline for housing to be built that will meet the needs. Girdwood needs a variety of housing types, apartments, single family homes, condos, mixed density development to maintain the character. Green areas, communal spaces. #ANCgov
They need to make sure that the properties are long term residents. They need a range of costs of housing. The lack of housing is pushing people out, especially the young. They need access to the MoA's help. They need a study and plan to ensure health and growth. #ANCgov
Zalatel asks about what a long term rental is? She says there's a variety of definitions and we need to have that conversation. #ANCgov
Tom, Anchorage resident and owner of a second home in Girdwood. He says he's the problem, but it wasn't a problem ten years ago when he bought. He stands with the people of Girdwood. Talks about the solutions found in Whitefish. You can't divorce the housing issue from STRs.
There's no solution to density if you don't tackle the short term rental problem. He says in Whitefish they found that every short term rental property has to be grandfathered in or there is an issue with payments no being feasible. #ANCgov
Dunbar asks about the specifics of Whirefish's short term rental ban / grandfathering plan. He explains with specifics quickly and with expertise and I am too slow to keep up. #ANCgov
Constant goes to the phones. First person doesn't pick up. Next, Tim Lydon, resident and worker in Girdwood. He thanks everyone who has put effort into this issue. He is not against housing, we need it, but not this project. #ANCgov
He lived in a community that had issues with STRs 20 years ago, and they followed the same recommendations that are being proposed by Girdwood tonight, and the homeowners benefitted. Says HLB has treated them with a lack of transparency. Asks for a pause on this and restart.
Back to in person. Jessica Maubin, Girdwood. She lives in a repurposed sauna. She wants full time residents to be considered separate, with special consideration. Residents need infrastructure and resources that others don't. Don't use this land to benefit the highest bracket.
Mr Chandler, Girdwood resident. Speaks on Emma, who helped with care for his daughter. She worked at a coffee shop, then switched to commercial fishing. Brooke, who takes care of his grandson. They are part of the fabric of the community, an important part worth valuing #ANCgov
He says he is here because he is pro-people and pro-community. He wants people to have the same opportunity he had, he started living there while employed washing dishes. Move focus away from maximizing profit, and towards community. #ANCgov
Grace Pleasants. She's a Girdwood resident and real estate developer in the northwest. She was awarded a bid for development for 350+ units of residency in Tacoma and it was a open and public process. This has not been and engenders no trust. #ANCgov
She says this plan the development process laid out by the municipality has been circumvented to the detriment of Girdwood. She asks them to restart the project and think vertically, not historically in terms of single family lots. #ANCgov
Terry Sherwood, 22 year Girdwood resident. She notes that the audience here is mixed generational. She's the director of the food pantry, the feed 150 per month. They deliver to resort workers, elders, and others. This summer their homeless population increased. #ANCgov
Last month a Girdwood resident froze to death sleeping in their car. The Girdwood homeless are largely hardworking. She recalls the earlier passed emergency rental funds, how can we offset the unaffordable housing in Girdwood? #ANCgov
She says the housing is not measured in units but price tags. The cheapest on this plan is $500k, that is not affordable housing. #ANCgov
Chase, Girdwood. Recalls a backcountry trip his wife and him went on last summer. When returning, they wanted a good meal but the first two restaurants were closed in the busy Alaska tourist season. But the staff can't live there, and so doors close. #ANCgov
Houghton Hills sounded like an opportunity to work with the community to solve the issues, but that's not what happened. And without that, this isn't support. A diverse range of Girdwood residents are here with the same message. #ANCgov
Nick Cruz, born and raised in Girdwood. He supports short term rental restrictions. He doesn't know what percentage of development should be affordable, but he feels it should be the majority. He isn't worried about hightower road traffic. #ANCgov
He says he knows it must seem that they aren't coming up with specifics, but maybe there could be a better collaboration and once it's figured out it'll be easier to encourage a developer to satisfy those needs. #ANCgov
Amanda Tuttle, 18 year resident of Girdwood. She's an entrepreneur. Says there are many flaws in the way the municipality governs Girdwood. This project is an unsustainable one. They need a variety of use types. They don't want housing, they NEED housing. #ANCgov
She owns Coast pizza. She's living this nightmare. She can't keep her doors open. She has had to have a hand in over half of her employees' housing. If she can't, she loses them. We need a diversity of businesses in Girdwood to survive. She works 16 hrs/day with employees... in their car. Her 65 year old employee was kicked out of his home with a thirty day notice. No one can find housing in thirty days in Girdwood. #ANCgov
Sulte asks if she's aware of how this project was started. She says yes, it started with the community requesting a small amount of land for cemetery development, that's how this started. #ANCgov
Sulte asks if anyone from Girdwood has thought about making a request for another parcel of land for affordable housing which would initiate the process? She believes there's been talks, but it hasn't been feasible. Why is it the business owners responsibility to solve Muni prob?
Jen Morris, Girdwood. She has struggled to find housing for her family. Manages a restaurant. Houghton Hills did not consider the infrastructure of Girdwood, if it did, it would have the fire department highlighted. She asks them to do an assessment for emergency response.#ANCgov
She also speaks to water, police, schools, etc. This project has failed to meet the four requirements in code that they are supposed to meet. This plan exploits every aspect of Girdwood. The tourists will stop coming when the lights go out in the town. #ANCgov
LaFrance moves to extend to 11:30, Perez-Verdia seconds. Zalatel objects, she says there's another meeting next week, the snow is getting deeper. She wants people to get home safe and wants a vote. #ANCgov
Allard says all these people came through to testify, we don't know what the roads will look like next week. The public starts shouting they want to stay. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she doesn't understand why we set a special meeting then. Constant says even if we go to midnight they won't get through everyone. She shakes her head, clearly frustrated. #ANCgov
Volland asks if they can get to the three remaining must pass items before continuing testimony? Constant says these people all came, let's let them testify. Voting on extension commences, passes 11-Zalatel. #ANCgov
LaFrance moves to take up the three must pass items, no objection. We take up this. Public testimony opens and closes. No discussion, voting commences. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, this. Public testimony opens and closes. No discussion. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Next, this. Public testimony opens and closes. No discussion. Passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Okay back to the Girdwood. Next testifier asks them to consider some questions, the Houghton Hills plan includes a developer who lost two of their players leaver only one. Part of the award was due to the expertise of the group, but two are now gone. #ANCgov
Other ski communities have addressed problems using deed restrictions. The plan shows the lowest price being a $500k two bedroom, and the developer has proposed two couples buy it and both live there. #ANCgov
She says an S-version change is tok simplistic to satisfy all parties. Please vote no and give Girdwood a seat at the table. #ANCgov
Emma, resident since 1999. She co-chair of the Houghton Hills Housing committee. They came up with a proposal that took into consideration community needs. They shared actionable items in September, but only last Friday did an amended version get proposes but they haven't sent it
Currently many residents are spending 40-50% of their income on housing. There is no requirement for residence so property could be bought and held or used as short term rental. #ANCgov
The community was shut out of the process early. Currently they have 30% occupant residency and the rate of short term rentals are 25% higher than in Anchorage. #ANCgov
Kelly, long term resident of Girdwood. Asks them to vote no. Says it might feel as though they are showing up last minute with complaints, but they are here as a last resort. They believe their rights have been compromised by being shut out. #ANCgov
She says they want development, they just want it to be right. They feel shut out. Her career has been oil and gas, she knows big developments. No major project has ever let infrastructure follow. They need assessment of the affect of the infrastructure. #ANCgov
How can they know this is fiduciarily responsible when they haven't done the assessment? All the social issues are there and she agrees, but let's step back and look at the financials. #ANCgov
Constant asks if she can provide an example of specific violations of process? She asks to submit it in writing. #ANCgov
Meg Rice, 7 year resident of Girdwood. Massage therapist at a private practice. Her business is only supported by locals, she doesn't advertise, you only get on her table if you know her. She respects her clients and her clients respect her. #ANCgov
Her rates are accessible to her community, but not up to what she could charge. This project doesn't meet the needs of the community. When we talk about density, it's because as a person in Girdwood she can survive off the corner store, except when the tourists come in. #ANCgov
With great power comes great responsibility, we need to consider the environment, the people, the future of not just Girdwood but the world. Let's recognize the privilege at hand. #ANCgov
Lee Gary (?), Resident of Girdwood. Says there's a sense of peace there. But this project will limit that for people who make it their home. Infrastructure. He manages a restaurant that manages properties for employees, but even then it's hard. Alyeska right now needs 63 cooks
We need a better answer. The development has to be done in way that's responsible. He says they didn't have to drive here, but they chose to so you have to see them face to face. #ANCgov
Ed Harris, long time resident of Girdwood. Lists many examples of communal unique traits to the area. But there's a dark side. Many members have lost their homes because investors see opportunities for profit. Now there are dark streets entirely vacation homes. #ANCgov
They've lost teachers, pharmacists, carpenters, their professionals. They need developers who will listen to the advisory board. They need the assembly to pause and listen to their needs. They aren't anti-development, they're desperate for the right development. #ANCgov
They need leaders to lead. In here tonight they had 250 people. If any other neighborhood in Anchorage had that percentage it would be 7000 people. #ANCgov
Edgington testifies, he had something prepared but after hearing everyone else calls an audible. He says the assembly sounds like they think Girdwood is asking for the development to solve all their problems, no it should help solve some of their problems. #ANCgov
He says other communities with the size of Girdwood would be their own cities, with self-determination. He says, as to density, it's the wrong question. There's a set of assumptions, including more units solves the problem. No, they need to segregate short term rentals. #ANCgov
Cross says that the lack of lumber and hardware stores is a huge consideration in the price of construction, have they considered something like that? Murmuring from the audience. #ANCgov
Edgington says he hasn't heard of anyone planning something like that. Cross says it'd go a long way. #ANCgov
Zalatel says she hears about studies and putting a pause on things, but there's also an urgency. What could be done immediately that would address the urgency? Encourages them to take it offline. #ANCgov
Edgington says they need housing, but they would do well to change the use of existing housing. #ANCgov
Lou Thies, Girdwood. Says the plan is predicated on the 2006 Crow Creek plan, but doesn't follow it in spirit. Reads from that plan, which includes public utility, community need, etc. He worked on that plan. #ANCgov
He says this needs to go back to a third party consultant, it worked great in 2006, but so much has changed. The old plan addressed affordable housing, high density housing. We don't want to study forever, but with the changes it might be in the interest of everyone. #ANCgov
Constant asks about what happened to that 2006 plan? Thiel says an AO went through a board of supervisors, the assembly approved it, but there was no interest to build: too expensive. But then AWWU developed and it should be easier. #ANCgov
LaFrance moves to extend to 11:35. Seconded. Allard, over the phone asks how many still want to testify? There's two in line, but some in audience raise their hand. Voting commences, passes unanimously. #ANCgov
Crystal Hoke, 9 year resident of Girdwood. She says many problems are due to the lack of communication with Girdwood residents. HLB has gone through 5 department heads since this started. Too much turmoil at HLB. #ANCgov
She says HLB has not been adhering to code with regards to financial reporting. Girdwood is good at finding solutions to problems, but they need cooperation with HLB, they hold all public land. #ANCgov
She wishes this would start over and they would include the community that is most affected. Instead of saying affordable housing is impossible in Girdwood, work with them to address it. Girdwood contributes in taxes and is a huge draw for tourism. Listen to them. #ANCgov
Kevin McDermott, Girdwood. Tells Cross they don't have a lumberyard because they don't have industrial land. They're at a disadvantage. He says Trombley was put in a very difficult position as the 5th HLB director. #ANCgov
He says during the 2006 plan condos were sold for just over $100k, but what was affordable then isn't now. #ANCgov
We'll reconvene for more next Tuesday. We have four minutes for final audience participation. Irene Quednow is gonna eat it. She's still mad about the observer thing that apparently she is better suited to interpret than the legal counsels. Accuses them of being liars. #ANCgov
She sings the praises of Bronson's NavCenter plan while decrying the assembly for their lack of action. #ANCgov
The final testimony of the night belongs to one more Girdwood resident, who is also opposed to the Houghton Hills project. I miss most of it while asking Irene if she thinks legal counsel misinterpreted or lied during their consultation. #ANCgov
With that, the session has ended. Love you Anchorage, stay safe and tell the ones you love when you love them. #ANCgov

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Nov 23
Alright, just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the meeting of 11/22. Twitter is still up and functional, so we're sticking around on here for a little while longer before making any major changes. Looking forward to tonight's meeting, enjoy the 🧵

#ANCgov #ANCHgov
Low attendance at the Chambers today, as has been largely the norm since the rules change that moved Audience Participation to the end of the meeting in favor of appearance requests. A gaggle of students in the room though, thanks local government classes! #ANCgov
Bronson is here, on time, today. LaFrance on the phone. Allard hasn't shown up quite yet. Constant is chairing. #ANCgov
Read 237 tweets
Nov 10
Just arrived at the assembly Chambers for the Anchorage Assembly meeting of November 9! Exciting voter-relevant related issues on the docket today, should be fun! 🧵#ANCgov #ANCHgov
Everyone except for LaFrance is here in person, as she is on the phone. Constant is chairing today. #ANCgov
We have an extra participant today, however! #ANCgov
Read 187 tweets
Oct 26
Just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the meeting of 10/25! Thread to ensue. #ANCgov #ANCHgov
Mellow day at the Chambers so far, only 12 members of the public in attendance as of now. Trombley was outside giving an interview about the NavCenter, saying that due to the process there's no reason for the assembly not to continue funding the project. #ANCgov
LaFrance says we're going to give an extra couple of minutes before starting the meeting due to the weather and at least one member is running behind due to an accident on the highway. Must be either Perez-Verdia or Allard, Quinn-Davidson is on the phone, everyone else present.
Read 246 tweets
Oct 12
Just made it to the Chambers for the assembly meeting of 10/11! #ANCgov #ANCHgov
Cross is talking about EasyPark. He says they'll be starting their city of a billion lights project, so watch out for that. Notes that the parking garages are having some wear and tear, so they'll be undergoing some repairs. #ANCgov
Quinn-Davidson asks about the public safety meeting, saying that the recording was unavailable, asks if it will be going up? Cross says he believes it is up, but will look into it. Demboski says the Muni attorney can elaborate #ANCgov
Read 262 tweets
Sep 28
Just arrived at the Assembly Chambers for the September 17 Regular Meeting! Interested to see what the tone of the meeting is after the Special Meeting yesterday where the Assembly approved cold weather sheltering plan that included the Golden Lion and Sullivan Arena. #ANCgov
LaFrance gavels us in, calling the room to order. Madame Clerk calls the role. Everyone is present in Chambers except Perez-Verdia (one the phone) and Quinn-Davidson (who will join us soon). #ANCgov
We are led in the pledge, then Dunbar reads the land acknowledgement. Quinn-Davidson joins us. A motion to approve minutes of previous meetings is made and seconded. No opposition. Approved. #ANCgov
Read 57 tweets
Aug 24
Just arrived at the Chambers for the 8/23 Assembly meeting, which is bound to be an interesting one. Live 🧵#ANCHgov #ANCgov
LaFrance gavels in the meeting, calling us to order. Allard is going to be late, Sulte is on the phone, as is Perez-Verdia. Everyone else is present in the Chambers. #ANCgov
No yelling during the pledge. Cross reads the land acknowledgement. Onto approving the minutes of previous meetings, which Constant makes a motion for. Petersen seconds. No opposition, minutes are approved. #ANCgov
Read 138 tweets

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