tiktok.com/t/ZTR4t6doT/ Watch this. The government and insurance CEOs conveniently forgot the law demands they pay for multiplex panels that test COVID19. What’s most despicable is that elderly and underserved low SES need fair the worst with these diseases. Medicaid & Medicare
Have refused to cover these tests despite the law crystal clearly preventing coverage decisions OTHER THAN THE FFCRA LAW. tiktok.com/t/ZTR4tacuY/
These tests work, providers know it, labs know it. Heck insurers know it. BUT THOSE WHO PAY FOR TESTS DONT WANT TO PAY. So they first violate law by refusing to pay for approved multiplex tests, using coverage determinations AKA prior auth and medical management. This is Medicaid
The they accuse those on the front lines of committing fraud by USING the respiratory panels. So instead of asking lab directors “hey did you ever bill for these panels individually” they say “off with their heads” twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
But people didn’t bill for each test alone. Why do that? I present to you @BioReference coding guidelines from 2018. Designed to combat the denials from insurers. Which CONGRESS intended to prevent for #COVID19 multiplex panels by OUTLAWING medical management.
Everyone who was in the RPP space PRIOR TO THE PANDEMIC UNDERSTANDS THIS. Please @OIGatHHS before you kick down anymore lab doors with shock troops, please cal the lab director up and ask, did you split bill the Biofire? BTW, labs wouldn’t have to do this if you’d kick down more
But I will say this, I don’t judge US Govt here, I don’t judge the OIG. I don’t have all the facts. I will say the optics look really bad trying to tie hardworking labs to PGX #SCAMS It looks even worse during the largest #fluoutbreak#influenza spike #RSV spike in over a decade.
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So @Aetna has decided to tell all their staff that they will not pay for #COVID19 testing for asymptomatic people or for people who aren’t certain they had COVID19 contact. twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Despite clear guidance from @USDOL FAQ 44 Q1 can insurers use medical screening (medical management) to deny claims on covid 19 tests to asymptomatic with no contact? @USDOL ANSWER: NO. So why aren’t they doing anything? #regulatorycapture
Simple answer FFCRA prohibits plans and issuers from imposing medical management INCLUDING SCREENING CRITERIA! twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
CDC: You must rule out other viruses including #influenza#RSV during pandemic when testing #COVID19 OIG: if you do that, U should be investigated for fraud and abuse. 😵💫😵💫😵💫 @BioFireDX & @QIAGEN are the best #covidtests for patients who feel sick. FULL STOP. Despite JDs advice
cdc.gov/flu/profession… GEEZ WHY CAN’T WE FIND COVID TESTING ANYWHERE??? Despite best medical practice, OIG wants to investigate you for doing what’s right for the patient, then the lawyers will decide. Who will offer tests with that Damocletian risk.
To be clear there is zero need to do allergy skin testing OR PGX pharmacogenomic tests when evaluating for COVID testing. Lumping the first FDA approved #COVID19 test with these shows how bad lawyers are at understanding medical care. Yet all too willing to attack good docs/labs
@alexmeshkin Ok, @alexmeshkin I don’t have a small sample size. I’ve been testing this since April 2020. Nearly, nearly 100% of people I have a pre & post on have significant drops. Including several pro athletes. This is not uncommon. There will be an epidemic of hypogonadism. Politics aside
@alexmeshkin It’s funny. Insurers refused to pay for this bloodwork & @Labcorp sent patients to collections for it! They charge 100 bucks for this test, at my lab it’s 30 bucks. Fools.
@alexmeshkin@Labcorppubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/34402155/ To those who wanted articles. This is a nice start. In State of CT I was “investigated” for ordering this & other labs. When? In April of 2020. Why? Because I know science & the NP initial reviewer did not. Nor did the analyst who said…
So it begins. We can’t afford to pay for citizen testing for the uninsured & @RepMcKinley@BillPascrell@HouseGOP@HouseDemocrats WON’T ENFORCE THE #CARESACT#FFCRA so Insurers will continue to stiff bills & premium paying patients will be used as human shields for COVID19 bills.
What country do we live in where those who can afford to pay stick the bill to those who can afford least to pay? So what happens to the test to treat debacle? It appears the uninsured are left to fend for themselves. And $CI wants to doctors to sue the patients! #caresAct#FFCRA
The minute before this. “Just a Test” is proof that Lawyers, Politicians, and Public just doesn’t understand what medical is. That’s our fault as doctors for not describing it properly.
Is anyone checking Turquoise Health? I think I know how hospitals can afford to buy doctors. My payment for a 99204 new visit is 200-ish dollars. What is it at local hospitals? I wonder what they get paid?
For those saying “that’s just the cash price!” Take a look at the tool for insurance charges. turquoise.health/providers/hart… That’s @Aetna payment to Hartford for that.