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Dec 8 156 tweets 25 min read
Mo Xuanyu was sitting crosslegged on the couch, he had a mug filled with hot chocolate in one hand and his phone in the other, mindlessly checking on his instagram while Xue Yang was sitting on the other end, probably playing whichever game was his new obsession when
Wei Wuxian burst through the door.

cw: wwx/others, 🔞, wangxian endgame.
His long hair was a tangled, wet mess and his eyes were red and puffy and just as wet as the rest of himself. His once immaculate and carefully done eyeliner was now marred by tears, and his usually confident smirk was completely gone.
In his haste, he slammed his shoulder against the wall before running down the hallway, slamming his door shut and disappearing into his room.

Mo Xuanyu shot Xue Yang a quick look of concern at the scene, "Should we do something?"
"I guess," Xue Yang spoke after a few minutes of silence, "We should give him five minutes, though."


They had never seen their roommate this broken before.
Wei Wuxian was bright and sunny. Nothing in the world could ever wipe the sweet smile off his implausibly perfect face.

Well. That's what they thought at first.
Lately, however, Wei Wuxian's smiles have been strained around the edges of his lips. The flash of hurt in his eyes every time a certain name was brought up into the conversation, was unmistakable.

He tried to hide, laugh it off, pretend it didn't hurt, but he was awful at it.
Every passing day Wei Wuxian looked more weighted, drained and exhausted. His light had dimmed, he'd been too quiet, it was terrible, it felt terrible.

Something should be done about it.

Wei Wuxian was shaking. He laughed as he slid down onto the floor, wishing for the ceiling to please, fall upon him, to end his misery once and for all

He pulled his knees up against his chest as he curled in on himself, laughing softly like a man possessed, a madman, a lost man
He choked, shuddering as he tried to push down the sobs building up against his chest, throat raw and teeth aching in a way that reminded him of how stupid and naive he had been with every ragged breath
He'd never run so fast in his life. The rain began to fall heavier outside and even so, he continued running until he felt his lungs get on fire, his legs burning and aching with every step.

If only he could just… stop himself from being so… annoying, ridiculous… a burden.
Then maybe…

He bit on his lip to avoid crying again—too much emotion hitting him at once.

Maybe he could be loved.
"Yingying." Wei Wuxian looked up when he heard the door slide open and reveal the small form of his roommate, who crawled onto the floor next to him, "What's wrong?"

Wei Wuxian refused to answer, he sniffled again, shooking his head and staring at the wall in a dazed way.
"Hey, it's okay, you can tell me, tell us," Mo Xuanyu said, bringing his fingers up to wipe the tears off Wei Wuxian’s face while using his free hand to rub his back in comfort, "We're here for you, right?" He shared a look with Xue Yang and Xue Yang accented.
"He hates me." He pointed out as his lips started to tremble again, his fists clenching around his knees, "I know I can be too much sometimes but—"

"Hold on, hold on, don't you even start that!" Xue Yang's irritation welled up until his vision went red.
He let out a ferocious growl, slamming his fist on the wall, "What did that motherfucker do this time?"

"It wasn't his fault!" Wei Wuxian tried to argue but his words fell on deaf ears, so he sighed, defeated, "I followed him to the library again," He said quietly, eyes distant,
as if reliving the moment in his head, "I was talking his ears off. I'm loud... I tend... I tend to forget where I am when I'm with him... You know me."

Xue Yang finally sat on the floor next to him and asked, his voice significantly less filled with anger, "Then...?"
"I reached out to pull at his sleeve and he... he..."

"He?" Mo Xuanyu asked, genuinely curious now.

"He snapped..." Wei Wuxian muttered, his voice barely a whisper, "He shoved my arm away and told me to get lost... I — I stumbled."
Wei Wuxian remembered the way he had looked at him when he went down with the chair, collapsing onto the floor, all his things scattered on the ground, drawing the eyes and attention of everyone around them. His eyes were filled with rage, anger in every line of his face,
a hard wall of rejection behind his golden eyes.

The library went silent and everyone stared at him with pity, "He doesn't like to be touched… I should have known better."

He stared down at his feet, eyes glistening, "I just wanted him to pay attention to me…"
"What an asshole." Mo Xuanyu's chest tightened, he hugged him tightly and Wei Wuxian returned it with soft tenderness, "It was not your fault, no matter what."

“Well, it's his loss, do you want me to kill him for you?" Xue Yang asked and Wei Wuxian snorted a stupidly endearing
laugh, "What? I'm good at it, you know?"

"Yeah, sure, but no, thanks, I just…” He paused, taking a deep breath, "Need some time to think this through," He finished, lifting a faintly trembling hand to his face, covering his eyes and forcing himself to take more deep breaths.
"Maybe a hot shower too, huh? You’re freezing," Mo Xuanyu rubbed his cold arms soothingly, "and wet."

"I guess I got caught up in the rain on my escape." He shrugged.
"I can see that," Sarcastically as ever, Xue Yang got up and offered him a hand, along with a tiny smile, "Come on, let's take you to the bathroom to get warmed up."
"Oh. OH! You know what?! I know exactly what you need!" Mo Xuanyu exclaimed, maybe a little too eagerly, an excited look on his face. "Are you prepared?!" He asked dramatically.

“For what?”

"For the best spa day of your life?!"

"Not again." Xue Yang facepalmed.
Wei Wuxian laughed out loud this time and Xue Yang only groaned in response.

A mischievous smile graced Wei Wuxian’s lips. “I think I could use some pampering, I'm tired as fuck.”

"YASSS!" Mo Xuanyu jumped up to meet him in a tight hug, both of them breaking into a fit of
hysterical giggles, "I'll prepare the bath and wash your hair, Xue yang can give you a back rub while I do your nails." He said, bouncing up and down excitedly before running to Wei Wuxian's en suite bathroom, "Face masks and bath bombs on the way!"
“Totally insufferable,” Xue Yang snorted.

"I heard that!" Mo Xuanyu shouted back, and at that, Wei Wuxian laughed heartily.

Wei Wuxian was completely worn out, so Xue Yang sat him on the toilet seat and helped him out of his damp clothes, dumping them unceremoniously into the sink.

A soft moan escaped Wei Wuxian's lips when Xue Yang's thumb accidentally flicked over one nipple
when he pulled his shirt off.

The both of them paused, eyes locked for a heartbeat. There was a wicked glint in Xue Yang's eyes as they hovered over him. Wei Wuxian’s skin was flushed because of the cold, his lips were slightly blue and sweetly parted, hair wonderfully mussed-up
The fog from the hot water pouring inside the bathtub was almost smothering.

"He doesn't deserve you, you know? You're too good for him," Xue Yang said, delighted with the embarrassed blush that spread on Wei Wuxian's cheeks,
however, while Xue Yang would usually enjoy garnering such an adorable expression on a daily basis, this time, he felt a twinge of guilt.

"I should add some essential oils, or maybe glitter? Do you prefer citric or sweet?" Mo Xuanyu emerged from the bedroom with his arms wrapped
around a large box.

"No glitter, sweet," Wei Wuxian answered, feeling a little more easygoing then. A little less frustrated and stressed. But only just.

"Got it! Black Raspberry and Vanilla it is!" He dropped the box down on the ground with a thud.
"Cotton candy, cherry pie…" Xue Yang rummaged through the box with a frown, "Why the fuck do you have a dick-shaped candle?"

"Why wouldn't I?" Mo Xuanyu blinked back at him.

"Why do I even ask?"
Wei Wuxian smiled, entertained by their passive-aggressive bickering. But he was kinda distant right now, quiet. He dissociated for a few seconds, only crumbling back to his senses when he felt someone's hand on his knee. "What?"

“You really are distressed, aren’t you gege?"
Mo Xuanyu reached up and brushed his far too long hair out of his eyes, letting his fingers linger over his lips.

Wei Wuxian felt an ache in his heart when the hand finally settled on the bare cold skin of his chest, suddenly feeling the phantom memories of another warm,
calloused hand holding the bare skin of his arm... not in the way he craved, no, but touching him regardless.

He flinched.

"Sorry," He swallowed back the lump in his throat.

"Don't be," Mo Xuanyu's voice was warm and careful and sincere, “Come on, the water is ready.”
Xue Yang helped him stand up.

Mo Xuanyu helped him strip off his socks and slipped him out of his jeans, leaving only a cute pink lace underwear behind, "Gege is so pretty," He whispered, fingers dancing under the band of Wei Wuxian's panties.
Wei Wuxian's pale gray eyes were glued on him as he knelt down until he was eye level with his crotch, and slipped them off completely, "Very, very pretty," He said, a tad too innocently.
Neither of them thought they could look away from him even if they tried. Wei Wuxian was beautiful, and that was no surprise. But like this, he was gorgeous, breathtaking, a god-like beauty.

Sharp and perfect collarbones. Soft, perky and pierced nipples just waiting to be licked
His soft cock was so pretty resting between those fucking long legs, slender and creamy and perfect. Not to mention his bubble butt.

How could Lan Wangji be so fucking blind?

Xue Yang hitched a breath and Wei Wuxian grinned, raising an eyebrow, "Enjoying the view?"
The both of them gaped at him and Wei Wuxian snorted, running his hands teasingly along his hips and thighs before hoisting his leg up and slowly swinging over the edge of the tub, letting out a sigh as he sat and leaned against the headrest.
He closed his eyes tightly. The water was exactly how he liked it—hot enough to fog his breath but not so hot that it would burn his skin.

The bathroom was steamy with heat, the warm mist helped ease his breathing and the tingling sensation of the water bubbling against his back
washed away the dull ache in his muscles.

"Not fair gege, you got the nicest tub for yourself." Mo Xuanyu grabbed a washcloth and started cleaning his arm gently, keeping his focus on the simple task as efficiently as possible. "It's so big.”

Wei Wuxian hummed, “Not my fault
if I got here first.”

Xue Yang knelt behind him, plucking up a bottle of shampoo. Wei Wuxian's shoulders were almost completely submerged, his hair floating around him and shimmering under the light.

He swallowed, breathing him in before lathering shampoo in his hair.
The fragrance that drifted up from Wei Wuxian's foam-clad hair was beckoning, light, buttery sweet, it was all him.

Wei Wuxian tipped his head back and Xue Yang rinsed the shampoo away. The ends of his long hair floated like a dark cloud in the water around him,
clinging to his bare shoulders like an everlasting lover.

Xue Yang dug his fingers into his scalp and massaged. Wei Wuxian sighed happily, leaning back into the touch, eyes fluttering close.

How was he supposed to resist?
Xue Yang clasped his hands behind his neck and drew him in, pressing a kiss to the line between his shoulder and neck.

When Wei Wuxian gasped out a tiny moan. Xue Yang accepted the unspoken invitation and leaned down to flick his wet tongue over his lips,
eliciting another moan from Wei Wuxian's full, pink lips, but louder this time.

Wei Wuxian responded in kind, pulling him down and opening his mouth to receive his, pushing his tongue past his teeth and lapping inside his mouth.
The kiss started slow, but messy, tentative, until Xue Yang's lips got more and more insistent, his tongue investing, almost overwhelmingly intense.

“Fuck,” Wei Wuxian parted suddenly, sucking in a trembling breath, panting hard against his lips, "That was my first kiss."
Mo Xuanyu dragged a soap-covered hand over the line of his shoulder and against the length of his arm and when Wei Wuxian finally turned to look at him, Mo Xuanyu was practically nose to nose with him, "Can I be your second kiss then, gege?"

The kiss was nothing like Xue Yang's. Mo Xuanyu's mouth was warm and smiling, with only the barest hint of mischief. He tasted like cherries and sugar and his tongue was almost playful, different from Xue Yang's possessive hunger.
Xue Yang dipped his hands underwater and rolled his fingers over the rings on Wei Wuxian's nipples tentatively, pinching them softly at first, then harder.

Wei Wuxian let out a heavy, shaky exhale.
He laughed softly as his hands roamed Wei Wuxian’s chest, "You like that? You look so beautiful, so wet, just for me," He murmured against his ear, sending shivers down Wei Wuxian's neck.

"For us!" Mo Xuanyu shot back.

"Yeah, for us."
"Were you saving all your firsts for him?" Xue Yang leaned in, just a little bit closer and mouthed at his neck again, lips teasingly brushing the shell of his ear.

"Yes." Wei Wuxian breathed out in a choked gasp, "Yes… I was."
"Well, too bad, he lost his chance," Mo Xuanyu grinned and pressed up against him further, peppering kisses under his chin and trailing down his Adam's apple.

Wei Wuxian moved his wet hands underneath Mo Xuanyu's shirt and used the leverage of their positions to pull him inside.
The unsteady force made the water splash against the porcelain and hit the bathroom floor.

Their lips melted against one another instantly. Wei Wuxian spread his knees apart to accommodate him in between, his moans keening up a pitch when the tip of Mo Xuanyu's cock brushed
against his.

Xue Yang reached forward, grasping the bottom of Mo Xuanyu's now soaking wet shirt and ripped it off of him like some wild, lustful beast before taking his own clothes off and climbing into the tub with them, chest pressed against Wei Wuxian’s back.
Wei Wuxian's spine curved against him like a bowstring. Xue Yang’s hands traveled down the inside of his thighs, feeling the curve of each rib under his fingertips on his way down.

“You’re so thin didi, we should feed you every day to make sure you’re eating enough.”
Mo Xuanyu hummed approvingly, sucking at the curve of his shoulder and making sure to leave a pattern of blooming marks in his trail, “Mnn! We shall spoil gege rotten, gege deserves someone who will treat him the way he deserves.”

The both of them shared a satisfied look.
Alright, enough for today, I'll be continuing this tomorrow.

Back to the top!

“That stuck-up, pretentious asshole doesn't deserve you,” Xue Yang said, slowly dragging his palm down the hard, silky length of him.

“Fuck,” Wei Wuxian cried out, spreading his thighs wider, his hips bucking up, grinding shamelessly against Xue Yang's hand and Mo Xuanyu's

“You’re perfect.” Xue Yang pressed his lips to Wei Wuxian's damp temple in a tender kiss, trailing his mouth down his cheek, his jawline and his neck, "Truly beautiful."

"How did we get so lucky, Yangyang?" Mo Xuanyu asked and Xue Yang huffed out a soft laugh.
Wei Wuxian clutched helplessly at the edge of the tub. He’d never felt so helpless, so utterly vulnerable, so free.

“How about we take this to the bed?”

Wei Wuxian snorted, poking him slightly on the ribs, "Are you this eager to defile poor old me, gege?"
“You can always back out, darling.” Xue Yang chuckled and Wei Wuxian sputtered.

In a second, Xue Yang swooped Wei Wuxian up in his arms and carried him to the bedroom, tossing him lightly in the center of the bed and making Wei Wuxian squeal in surprise.
Xue Yang looked down at him with a satisfied smirk on his lips, one eyebrow lifted slightly, and his head tilted the faintest bit to one side. "Look at you, such a fucking piece of art."

Wei Wuxian felt the heat rise in his cheeks, an odd warmth coiling in his abdomen
at being displayed like that, at being seen and desired like he was the most delectable dessert ever made.

He deserved to be desired like that, he wanted to be desired like that.
"Come on gege, don't you wanna get a taste of me?" Wei Wuxian teased, spreading his cheeks apart to present his twitching hole to him. His tone was urgent and aroused, his gaze lustful and eager, just like Xue Yang's most wild fantasies, a wet dream come to life.
He wanted to push his fingers in there, his tongue too, and his cock. Xue Yang usually had a wonderful self-control, but now, he was starting to crack.

Xue Yang climbed on the bed, crawling towards him and gripping his ankles with bruising force.
He dragged a wet path up his legs with his tongue, inhaling sharply at the sweet scent of soap lingering on his skin, feeling hungry for whatever Wei Wuxian wanted to give him.

“You’re so wet already,” Xue Yang bent down, letting his tongue trace the circle of puckered flesh
of his tiny virgin hole before stretching him wide with his tongue, swallowing around him, rubbing and tugging at the sensitive skin with his teeth, working his mouth insistently around him,
Wei Wuxian shuddered, fingers threading into his hair in invitation, pushing the flat of Xue Yang's tongue, hot and wet and desperate, deeper into him, almost animalistic.

He cried out when Xue Yang sucked hard at the sensitive flesh, his tongue flicking in and out as he did so,
eliciting another loud moan from deep within Wei Wuxian’s throat, "Fuck, like that gege, just like that, aah, so good, harder, harder!" He cursed, tugging on his hair erratically.

Xue Yang moaned, sucking greedily, his tongue jutting out to chase the taste,
"You taste so good, so good didi, should I add some fingers? Do you want that? Do you feel ready?"

"Please… yes... I need… I need! ngh…" Wei Wuxian panted, his flat belly rising and falling rhythmically.
“You want me that bad inside of you, don’t you?” Xue Yang slapped his ass, delighted by the red imprint of his hand on his skin.

“Fuck! Yes, yes gege, please, yes…ah!...”

Xue Yang cursed under his breath as he slid a finger inside of him, twisting it, curling it,
poking it against his sensitive prostate.

Then he added a second and a third, moving, stretching and scissoring within that hot and smooth hole.

"Gege!" Wei Wuxian's back arched off the bed, he shut his eyes tightly, screaming silently with his mouth open wide,
fingers twitching on the pillow hopelessly when he felt the first breach so sudden and so intensely harder.

"I can feel you — right here." Xue Yang's voice shook against his skin, so uncharacteristically of him. "I can feel your blood pulsing, pounding against my fingers."
He caressed the little bundle, Wei Wuxian's G-Spot with the tip of his finger, over and over again. "Right here, can you feel it didi?"

It took Wei Wuxian a second to register the unexpected and intense sensation of being penetrated, but when he did, he gripped his fingers on
Xue Yang's back and screamed, louder this time, pushing back with every movement.

Mo Xuanyu sat down on the edge of the bed, comfortably watching Wei Wuxian being fingered and eaten out as if it was the most endearing thing in the world at that moment.
He casually placed a box on Wei Wuxian's bedside table and pulled a bunch of vibrators out of it.

His thumb traced just under his eye, then his fingers trailed down, over his neck and his perfectly carved shoulders and collarbones before driving Wei Wuxian's mouth open
with his own, sliding his wicked tongue between his plump and starved lips.

He took three small little bullet vibrators and taped one of them to each nipple and one around his cock, right at the head where it was most sensitive.
Wei Wuxian whimpered beautifully when they started buzzing on a low current.

He began to feel that familiar coil in his stomach, his belly quivering with every pulse thundering inside his veins.
Wei Wuxian withered and pressed his face into the sheets, the sudden vibrations making his eyes turn black, his breath nothing but a hiss of pleasure.

He could feel the reverberations in every inch of his cock, every new oscillation taking him a little closer to the edge.
He was a sight to behold.

Mo Xuanyu pinned his hands against the pillows and kissed him fervently.

"Coming... co—oh fuck, coming, coming, co —" Wei Wuxian chanted against his lips.
Mo Xuanyu was quick, he rolled down and closed his lips over the head of his cock just in time, sucking him hard. Wei Wuxian arched sinfully, his teeth clenching, hot tears spilling freely down his cheeks, “So go—ood, ss—so good, ah, ah—aaahh, didi, didi ple — ”
His climax hit him with breathtaking intensity.

Mo Xuanyu moaned when he felt hot liquid filling his mouth. He drank it all down, savoring the taste on his tongue as he milked the last few drops.
Wei Wuxian looked even more tantalizing than usual like this, satiated, heavily-lidded eyes, lips slightly parted, tousled hair, rosy cheeks.

Mo Xuanyu kissed him again, he couldn't help it. He fed his own come into his mouth and Wei Wuxian swallowed it down gladly, "Good boy."

"Please what didi?" Xue Yang asked.

"I want it."

"Want what?" Mo Xuanyu asked this time, fingers tracing Wei Wuxian's body softly. "Say it out loud gege."
The words came out naturally, "Please, please fuck me."

Xue Yang groaned while Mo Xuanyu wiped his tears away, "So needy…"

“Since you asked so nicely,” Xue Yang flipped him over onto his belly and pinned him down using his elbows.
He rubbed the head of his cock over his tight hole, coating it well, then pushed in slowly. Wei Wuxian inhaled sharply, digging his nails in his forearms, "Yes, oh god, yes yes yes!"

Wei Wuxian lifted his hips and Xue Yang made his way inside,
penetrating all the way into him with ease, thrusting down slowly and carefully before gradually building up the speed.

He fucked him long and hard, holding his hips up and slamming him into the mattress again and again and again.
Mo Xuanyu on the other hand, held Wei Wuxian's cheeks with surprising gentleness before fucking his cock into his mouth vigorously.

"Gonna fuck you full of my cum. Gonna make you come on my cock alone," Xue Yang groaned against his shoulder blades and Wei Wuxian moaned,
pushing his ass back to meet his thrusts

"Ah, gege, fuck, you're so good at sucking cock, so beautiful, so natural," Wei Wuxian swallowed him down until his nose pressed against Mo Xuanyu's pelvis, cheeks hollowing around his length, rubbing it deep against the roof of his mouth
He didn't know until now, but he loved having a cock inside his mouth, Mo Xuanyu was right, he was made to take cock.

He looked so thoroughly fucked, his tight, wet hole sucked Xue Yang's cock hungrily, his warm slick coated the inside of his thighs sinfully,
gushing out profusely and trailing down his legs to make puddles on the sheets.

He felt himself tensing, on the edge of his second orgasm, he could feel his release so close, it was almost tangible, it was right there, right there…
It was going to be the best orgasm of his life, that is, if they weren't all interrupted by the sudden and loud ringing of his phone.

Wei Wuxian opened his eyes and looked up in confusion.

His pale gray eyes were hooded, tears were balanced delicately on his lashes, his mouth stretched open around Mo Xuanyu's cock.

The ringtone blared incessantly from the nightstand, and that simply wouldn't do, right?
Mo Xuanyu pulled his spit-soaked cock out with a lewd, wet noise, making Wei Wuxian burst into a violent coughing fit for having his throat so thoroughly abused.

“Breathe slowly, or you’ll make yourself sick,” Xue Yang caressed his hair tenderly.
Xue Yang slowed his thrusts and slipped his cock out as well. Wei Wuxian swayed in his place, the filthiest groan coming out of his throat, "Put it back, put it back gege, please, I feel so empty, I don't wanna feel empty anymore..."
Xue Yang watched his spread cheeks with amusement, eyes following the path where slick was dripping out of his hole in small beads, still open and pulsing around nothing.

Oversensitive. Completely obscene. Beautiful.

"Soon baby, soon. Give me the phone"
Mo Xuanyu reached out to balance himself with one hand on the nightstand and grabbed the phone, pointing firmly at the screen, “Lan Wangji?” He asked, venom pouring out of his voice.

Wei Wuxian shrank visibly at the name.

Xue Yang snatched the phone from Mo Xuanyu's hand.
"Oh ho-ho. Look at this." Xue Yang clicked his tongue, eyes flashing darkly, "If it isn't your Lan Wangji, why don't you tell him how busy you are, sweetheart?"

"What?! What do you mean?! Are you crazy?!?" Wei Wuxian rasped out but it was already too late,
Xue Yang swiped his finger across the screen and pushed the phone to his ear.

"Wei Ying?"

"La—Lann Zha—an! Huh, hi!" Wei Wuxian answered, voice rough and breathless.

"Is everything alright, Wei Ying? Your voice seems rough."
"Good boy." Xue Yang whispered against his ear as he teased Wei Wuxian's hole with the thick head of his cock again.

"Yes—I'm f-f-ine, huh," He laughed nervously. "I might have caught a cold, it's nothing, don't worry!"

What was Wei Wuxian thinking, of course he wouldn't worry.
"I see." Lan Wangji sighed, "Wei Ying, I called because… I would like to apologize."

Wei Wuxian took a deep, measured breath, trying to muffle the low moan trying to leave his throat, “What do you mean?”
"What I did today, I didn’t mean to do that,” His voice sounded ragged and pained, a little bit harsh, “I didn't mean to hurt you, I'm sorry.”

Wei Wuxian opened his mouth to respond but Xue Yang gripped his waist and slammed back inside,
Wei Wuxian let out a helpless whimper, fucking back on pure instinct.

"You know Lan Wangji... I'd always wondered how long it'd take for you to come to your fucking senses," Xue Yang spat out, loud enough for Lan Wangji to hear him. "Guess it's too late now for apologies!"
The other side of the line broke into silence.

"How funny!" Mo Xuanyu chimed from the back, his voice mocking, "You think yourself so special, Lan Wangji. You humiliated him, you made him cry, you made him feel worthless and that’s unacceptable. I need you to know,"
With a dramatic pause, he went on, "Your apologies are not accepted."

"Who are you?" What could only be described as a growl came from the other end of the line. Wei Wuxian could hear Lan Wangji's teeth gritting over the phone. There was venom in the sound, no doubt about it.
"L-Lan Zh-an..." Wei Wuxian cried, a far-off look in his teary eyes. "Please, turn off the phone, please, I beg you, please, pl -"

"Wei Ying, where are you? Are you in danger?" Lan Wangji asked, but Wei Wuxian was too far gone to respond.
"You know what?" Xue Yang felt a laugh crawling up his throat. He felt mad. He tossed the phone on the bed and flipped Wei Wuxian onto his back, spreading his palm over the expanse of his body, lips curling into a sneer, "Less talking, more fucking."
"Ah, Lan Wangji, tsk tsk, he's so beautiful like this, skin glistening, hair clinging to the sides of his face." Mo Xuanyu giggled, he felt elated. "He wanted you so much, did you know that? Such a shame..."

Wei Wuxian hitched a breath, swallowing hard,
"No, nooo, please don’t, turn the phone off, please!" He tried to grab the phone but Xue Yuan gripped his arms and pushed both of his wrists up above his head.

He pounded into him hard and fast. Wei Wuxian's eyes rolled back into his head, his screams resonating in the room
louder and completely ruined.

He lifted his hips, his spine arching further and further off the mattress, his cock twitching, hole clenching around Xue Yang's cock. "More... more... please gege... I'm so close, so close, so close..."
"Mnn... I'm gonna fuck your brains out, darling." Xue Yang grabbed a handful of his hair and twisted his fingers in it, thrusting in and out like a beast. "Gonna fuck you so hard you won't even remember who Lan Wangji is."

Wei Wuxian purred.
Mo Xuanyu dove forward to kiss him, again and again and again, then he darted his tongue out and licked against his cheek lewdly, thumbs pausing to flick over his nipples.

"More, more, more..." Wei Wuxian chanted.
"More?" Mo Xuanyu asked before the faint vibrations of the bullets started quivering against his flesh again. The hint of a smile appeared on his face as he watched Wei Wuxian's face melt into a drunkenly blissful expression.
They were facing each other now, Mo Xuanyu lying by his side and occasionally kissing him as he played with his body as he pleased. "You're so sexy when you submit, gege."

Mo Xuanyu pressed a finger into him alongside Xue Yang’s cock and Wei Wuxian whimpered,
rolling his hips in time with their movements, eroticly.

"So tight, so perfect around me." Xue Yang pulled half of himself out just enough to see his cock glistening with his juices before fucking back as hard and as deep as he could.
Mo Xuanyu added another finger, then another, stretching him a little bit more. "Good?"

"Yes... yes... one more… give me more…"

“Relax, gege, you’re too tight.” He added a fourth finger, breaching the tight ring of muscle even further.
His breath fanned across Wei Wuxian’s face as he moved the tip of his fingers in a circular motion over his prostate. “Good boy.”

Wei Wuxian moaned helplessly at the praise. He loved the sting, loved the burn, he wanted more and for more he begged. “More…”
Xue Yang sat up straight, pulling Wei Wuxian up onto his lap and arranging his slender and slippery limbs so they were wrapped around his hips. He traced his fingers over his shoulder blades and lower back, clinging to Wei Wuxian's body as though he was the most
precious thing in the world.

Mo Xuanyu's hands wrapped around his ribs, arms encircling his waist from behind as he positioned himself against his back.

Wei Wuxian shuddered, feeling the thick head of Mo Xuanyu’s cock pressing against his hole. "Yes— Yes, more... More..."
Mo Xuanyu tugged at his cock languidly, giving Xue Yang a dirty smile before sliding half of his length inside, relishing in the slow, tight stretch around his cock, feeling it drag sweetly against Wei Wuxian's warm, slick clad walls.
Wei Wuxian jolted in surprise as Mo Xuanyu impaled him, "Oh… — Oohhh."

He sunk his teeth on Xue Yang's shoulder to muffle his scream as he climaxed, his whole body shaking, tightening around them even more.
"Already? Just from this? Aren't you a cute little slut?" Xue Yang chuckled softly, nudging Wei Wuxian's ear with his nose.

"Fuck you." Wei Wuxian retorted, staring right into Xue Yang's eyes and smiling, hips involuntary bucking up against the flat of his stomach.
Mo Xuanyu wrapped his hand around his sensitive cock, milking every drop until he was dry. “You look like you’re enjoying it.” He teased, licking the shell of his ear, "Coming untouched just from having two cocks inside of you, what a whore."
Mo Xuanyu tossed the bullets somewhere before reaching his hands around his front to tease and twist his poor, abused nipples.

"You're so good, gege." Mo Xuanyu bit the tender skin between his neck and shoulder, putting as many purple marks as he could on his flawless skin.
"You’re so soft, warm too, so good inside."

Wei Wuxian's hips rolled on pure instinct, hitching up and down, sinking even further down around them both.

His cock was hard against his stomach again, surprisingly quick.
It was amazing, everything felt so overwhelmingly good he felt like dying and coming back to life all at once.

Tears began to slip down his cheeks in earnest now, blurring his vision and with it, his sense of reality.
He was so wet, growing wetter with arousal, but even though he had enough slick to accommodate them both with ease, the stretch still burned badly, his tight hole feeling as if it might rip apart every time they moved, even if just a little.
Wei Wuxian released a strangled cry, his cheeks and chin were shiny with spit. The sound of their cocks echoed wet and obscenely loud every time one of them drove inside.

"That's right sweetheart, take it all in." Xue Yang growled before they started to fuck him in earnest.
"Look at him, look how much he loves being stuffed full of cock." Mo Xuanyu licked the sweat off his nape, his teeth nipping at the sensitive skin. "You were made for this, baobei, made to be used, abused, we should keep you full day and night just like you deserve."
"Yes— yes please—" A choked cry tore from Wei Wuxian's throat when they rubbed against his prostate. He felt the tip of their dicks poking every nerve, every bump, everywhere, and his body willingly opened for it.
Xue Yang's hands curled around his soft, baby-like thighs, fingers digging into his flesh and leaving bruises in its wake.

The pulsing heat of arousal increased as he thrust deeper into him, their orgasm building progressively until it was almost intolerable to bear.
They weren't going to last much longer, Wei Wuxian's walls started to convulse around them, his hole tightening around their cocks in a vice-like grip.

It was delicious. It felt like heaven.
They shared a look before mouthing Wei Wuxian at the same time, one on each side of him, their hungry mouths kissing, licking and biting everywhere they could reach.
Wei Wuxian trashed around as the intensity of the pleasure began to build up impossibly high, the tingle in his abdomen sending shockwaves of sensations through his whole body.
Xue Yang sucked at his nipple with fervor, his hand pulling at his hips so he could meet every deep thrust of his. Mo Xuanyu set his lips to his throat, sinking his teeth and leaving indentation after indentation right above his jugular.
Wei Wuxian clenched his jaw, grinding his teeth hard. He felt his cock and insides throbbing, desperate for release.

His hands found Xue Yang's neck and he pulled him down desperately, crushing their lips together in the most filthy, open-mouthed kiss he'd ever had.
His breathing grew ragged as his tongue dragged roughly against his, he couldn't hold it anymore. Wei Wuxian screamed, his whole body jolting with a mix of pain and pleasure as he came for the third time. His poor little hole twitched and spasmed everytime his cocklet squirted,
his hot, white cum, blasting on both his and Xue Yang's chests.

Mo Xuanyu swiped the cum on his chest with his fingers before bringing them to his mouth. He sucked around Mo Xuanyu's fingers, but he couldn't, he was overwhelmed, it was starting to hurt.
He tried to push them away, too overstimulated to continue, but they were ruthless, they kept pounding their hips into him without mercy, refusing to move away from that perfect place between his legs.
He came again three more times, until his cock had nothing more to give and his body settled to have one dry orgasm after the other.

They didn't stop, until they drained every last drop out of him and filled him until his belly was distended with how much they came inside.

It was silent for a few moments, the phone forgotten somewhere on the opposite side of the bed, only the sounds of their lips coming together filling the room.

Wei Wuxian was deliciously sandwiched between their bodies,
he felt warm and cozy and relaxed like he'd never felt before.

It was all too overwhelming. Too intense. Too much. But it was also too good, almost therapeutic even.

Xue Yang kept fingering him lazily, just so he wouldn't feel empty anymore.
"We made a mess on your bed didi, maybe you could sleep with me tonight."

"Can I join?" Mo Xuanyu asked, clinging tightly to Wei Wuxian's finger bruised waist.

"Mnnn, yeah, I think I have enough space for three." Xue Yang chuckled.
Wei Wuxian whimpered, his mind slowly coming back to the present. Pleasure was still simmering through his nerves, buzzing deliciously through every inch of him, but less intense and more peaceful.

"Where's my phone?" He finally had the mind to ask, shame finally dawning on him.
Xue Yang huffed before palming through the sheets and finding the forgotten device.

That's when, to their surprise and horror, the phone lit up and the sudden "beep-beep-beep" sound of a call ending echoed through the silent room.
"WAS HE —?!?!" Wei Wuxian blinked, his cheeks heating up to an impossible shade of carmine. "LISTENING?!? UNTIL NOW!!!??!"

"Looks like he was, pervert motherfucker." Xue Yang wheezed against his hair and Wei Wuxian kicked him on the ribs.
"Shut up!!! Why are you fucking laughing?!? My life is ruined, he will never look at my slutty face ever again!!!"

"I beg to differ." Mo Xuanyu giggled, nose pressed against his sweat drenched throat. "I actually think you should wait for a message of his very soon."
"Yup, if he doesn't ask you on a date until Monday I'll pay for everyone's drinks when we go out clubbing again."

"You're both crazy, there's no chance that will ever happen." He murmured sadly.
Xue Yang flicked his nose, his thumb tracing on his lips gently. "Well, if he doesn't, then he's just as crazy as we all thought, everyone would die to have you."

"You flatter me, gege." Wei Wuxian smiled.

"Just stating some facts, bitch."
"Mnnn, well, if he's that stupid, better for me, more for us." Mo Xuanyu said before pinning him down again and kissing him senseless. "What about that bubble bath, huh? We're all sticky and gross, let's go, let's go!" He slapped Wei Wuxian's ass and they all laughed.

And as expected, that very next morning after waking up from the best sleep he had in ages, Wei Wuxian yelped when he saw a notification on his phone.

Well, who would have thought?
Oofff!!! It's finally finished! Thank you everyone who accompanied me in this little journey. 💕

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Incense Burner by @maotuanxjj
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Nov 6
cw: Exhibitionism, public sex, voyeurism.

University AU, where Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji have been dating for a few years now. They have been together since high school and now that they're both in college, people are starting to notice Wei Wuxian.
Wei Wuxian is very naive, having not much experience when it comes to other people flirting with him, he doesn't understand that what people are doing is more than just a friendly interaction most of the time.
They are obviously flirting with him, ogling, lusting, craving for a little taste, a little piece of him.

However, Wei Wuxian loves his Lan Zhan too much to see the heart eyes he's receiving from everyone, both boys and girls alike, even some of his teachers.
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Nov 3
I saw a Karen in a restaurant today and my brain instantly went back to my baker/cook Wei Wuxian brainrot.

I think Wei Wuxian would open his own bakery and pastry shop/cafe, and it'd get very popular very fast, especially because his cafe is very well located,
in front of big companies, colleges, universities and stuff.

And not only that, I think he would be the kind of boss that is funny, charming and extremely protective towards his employees.
In his free time, he would help them with all the basic things like doing the dishes, serving and wiping tables, cleaning, preparing drinks and taking orders.

So one day when he was sweeping the floor, a wild Karen appeared and started harassing one of his juniors.
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Oct 24
Day 20: StreamerXian 🔞


Camboy wwx vs. - shhh, that's a secret 🤫

Content warnings at the end.
"Can you hold the door, please?" Wei Wuxian rushed into the building, practically running towards the elevator and managing to step inside without stumbling by a miracle.

He pressed the button for the tenth floor, exhaling loudly as he finally heard the 'ding'.
He leaned against the door, heart stuttering and racing against his chest. "Thank you."

He let out a surprised yelp when the elevator started to move, he felt so weak, especially in the legs. He swayed to the side, his knees threatening to buckle as he did so.
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Oct 23
Not so recently I found out that Etsy is a lawless land where people post uncensored crotchless pics of lingeries all the time and my brain instantly came up with lingerie designer Nie Huaisang and nude model Wei Wuxian

Just, wwx modeling for nhs's handmade, crotchless lingeries
His pretty little cock hanging beautifully between his long, slender legs, his tiny hole barely hidden as he moves around the studio, simply his natural, rare beauty of millions

Of course Nhs's brand skyrockets in the lingerie market, becoming international and extremely popular
because of the secret seductress modeling for his most scandalous pieces.

He never shows his entire face, only his damn, gorgeous smile and his body. And that's more than enough to captivate a gigantic loyal audience/buyers and
patrons alike.
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Oct 20
The entire office stared in shocked silence as Wei Wuxian dragged their boss, the scariest man on earth, back to his office by his necktie.
Around the office, Lan Wangji's wife was adored and praised by all, every employee knew when the sunny boy was around, filling the office with his sweet chat, his sunny personality and his endless beauty.

Today, however, he looked livid, feral.
Their eyes widened as they watched, transfixed as their tall, broad boss followed him around like a kicked puppy, head low and mouth shut, a bead of sweat trickling down his temple.
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