Morning! Time for another #PovertyInquiry hearing, this time in Murray Bridge SA. You can listen here:…

We're again overstretched – follow #RobodebtRC updates via @maximumcuddles, @DarrenODonovan, @SquigglyRick and everyone on the @not_my_debt list. #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "The issues in Murray Bridge aren't different to those in other regional towns. These have been prevalent for a long period of time. We should recognise the resilience and capacity of communities to work together on these issues." – @RossWomersley #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "As someone in poverty all my life it is really important that we do more than talk. Action is what people in poverty need." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "We tell our stories over and over again and we're still in the same place. Briefly we were lifted out of poverty with the COVID supplement and had a bit of hope for a while and that's now gone. It is not beyond your control to fix it." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "It would be a fundamental support if payments were increased to at least the poverty line. Many things people take for granted just aren't available for people in poverty. Even if a script is $5, if you can't afford food it's impossible." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "When you've got rents increasing by $60, for people on payments that's possibly your entire food budget. Sanitary products are a ridiculous cost when you can't afford food. We're expected to look for work when we can't afford a haircut." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "You're setting people up for failure. The shame of living in poverty is already a massive weight that people have to bear." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @AntiPovertyN_SA held a free barbecue in Adelaide on the weekend. 100 people came along, and 25 were homeless folks rough sleeping. Mutual aid – that shouldn't be necessary – in action. #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "People working are even struggling to find housing. Many homeless people have a job. The level of poverty is growing , and it's spreading to people who had not been touched by it before. Unless we do something it's going to get worse." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "We know there is not enough employment out there for everybody to get a job. You need people on unemployment payments. Government can change the "dole bludger" rhetoric." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "We can't underestimate what it is to find yourself having to subject yourself to asking other people for help. For the last few decades we've said people experiencing poverty are to blame. It means people feel less confident seeking help." – @RossWomersley #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@maximumcuddles @DarrenODonovan @SquigglyRick @not_my_debt @RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "The 1st job that you don't get is one thing. The 2nd is another. The 15th job you don't get, it starts to become profound. You think 'will anybody ever value me?'" – @RossWomersley #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA "People's willingness to contribute is not valued and they lose their sense of self belief. If you can't afford your medication, you get more and more depressed." – @RossWomersley #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA Can you talk about how you would like the rhetoric used about unemployed people and why it's important? – @MsMarielleSmith
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith "There are people in the political sphere that hold the respect of the public. What is wrong with saying benefits are to make our country better? If you talk in a supportive way instead of a derogatory way it will change the perception." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith "A lot of work is done by small organisations & groups by people who see the need in their neighbours & take it on because there's a lack of services." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM

Community care for each other despite limited resources because of government failure.
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith "There is a massive distrust of government because of the way they're treated. Centrelink is one of the major problems." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM

And that's why community orgs should be supported in their work, not displaced by big NGOs or government.
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith "Poverty is a political choice. It's a trap. It's something you get stuck in, but not something people have done to bring upon themselves." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith "A lot of charitable organisations come from the idea that there are 'deserving' poor and 'undeserving' poor, and that's how they treat people." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith "There's food relief where you have to call (if you can afford it) to make an appointment. If you miss the window you have to wait til next day. You then have to justify needing help. Lots of people don't bother. They don't have the energy."–@AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith "Centrelink jobs are being outsourced to people who aren't trained. Cutting jobs out of Centrelink is giving it a very bad reputation. 300 people lost their job at Datacom just before Christmas." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM

cc @CPSUnion
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion "We're noticing a large number of people increasingly falling off the edge because they can't even maintain connection to things like Centrelink. In a regional setting you're less likely to have quality free wifi. That then has consequences." –@RossWomersley #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion "We clearly need to see increasing income support payments so that people are above the poverty line." – @RossWomersley #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion "We've had talk about people who are unemployed being less deserving than pensioners. We need to resolve inequalities between payments, but increase all of them so people are above the poverty line. We need a massive investment in housing." – @RossWomersley #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion We're now discussing the fact that many people who rely on Centrelink don't have insurance.


If payments were above the poverty line this would transform people's ability to be insured. We don't need voucher programs & rebates, we need higher payments. #BTPM #PovertyInquiry
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion "We have to have a conversation about tax. Governments for decades have run away from having a conversation about the role tax plays. Tax ought to be our best asset as a country, yet we have @albomp promising *not* to introduce taxes." – @RossWomersley #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion @AlboMP "Nowhere has it been more evident that we construct a narrative about who is 'deserving' and 'undeserving' than #Robodebt. People were hunted down, accused of theft and framed as villains." – @RossWomersley #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion @AlboMP "Employment services is a penalising system. We are pushed to the extreme. They make an appointment for us? We have to attend. Do I have a neurology appointment? They don't care. I have to cancel." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion @AlboMP "I have been with @WorkskilA. They have helped me, and they have punished me. They said to me 'You didn't get the job, so what's wrong with you?'" – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion @AlboMP @WorkskilA "A lot of people don't get offered what's available to them by job agencies. Even bus fare and fuel money to get to an interview. They don't even tell people about it, and if you ask, it has to go to the manager to decide." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@RossWomersley @SACOSS @AntiPovertyN_SA @MsMarielleSmith @CPSUnion @AlboMP @WorkskilA "We need to learn from the mistakes that have been made. We just seem to keep doing the same thing. I've been with many job agencies and I've never got any help from them, I've always found it myself." – @AntiPovertyN_SA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA “Without increases to social security payments and government investment in housing things will only get worse.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA “In 2021–22 we assisted 701 people in Murray Bridge. Over 38% have never needed our support before. 27% were First Nations despite only representing 8% of the population.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA “Without enough money to live on and safe homes people cannot manage other challenges in their lives to break out of poverty.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA “⅓ of our community's households are classified as low income. 8.6% need assistance due to disability. 11.4% has a mental health condition.” – Murray Bridge Council #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA “Housing is a huge issue in our community. Rental stress, mortgage stress, getting a home at all.” – Murray Bridge Council #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA Why are we talking about a "living in squalor" group? Can we get some less demeaning language in here please Murray Bridge Council??? #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA Murray Bridge Council talking about the "fabulous service" provided by @Foodbank_SA. Clearly didn't listen to the evidence from @AntiPovertyN_SA about the degrading and exclusionary treatment of people who need help. #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA @Foodbank_SA @AntiPovertyN_SA Murray Bridge Council just taking up all the time for this session listing programs in the area ... please shut up and submit a written list. #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA @Foodbank_SA @AntiPovertyN_SA The demand for @UCommunitiesSA rehab program is always high, but it's also in demand because people are simply seeking homes. Homelessness and poverty contribute to the issues they work with. #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA @Foodbank_SA @AntiPovertyN_SA “First and foremost the government should increase the amount of public housing available.” – @UCommunitiesSA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA @Foodbank_SA @AntiPovertyN_SA “We don't exit people into homelessness. When there's no housing it puts pressure on others, because people can't leave rehab at the end of their yea. Housing SA tells us people aren't homeless if they're couch surfing in overcrowded homes.” –@UCommunitiesSA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA @Foodbank_SA @AntiPovertyN_SA “If people are extremely lucky they could get into our rehab program within a couple of months, it's usually 6 to 12 month wait time.” – @UCommunitiesSA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA @Foodbank_SA @AntiPovertyN_SA “The COVID supplement changed the demand on our services. For the 1st time we saw a drop in demand for emergency support. We weren't feeding as many families. We were hearing that people were able to afford glasses, get their car back on the road.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA @Foodbank_SA @AntiPovertyN_SA “We can't blame children for not having a job. Children in poverty can't keep up with school, and they can't catch up.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@MsMarielleSmith @janet_rice @accare @UCommunitiesSA @Foodbank_SA @AntiPovertyN_SA “Many people in our community centre who are homeless, when they're given an opportunity, they thrive. We know that people want to contribute they just need to have the right opportunities.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
If the COVID supplement was made permanent would it have turned a lot of people's lives around? @janet_rice

“The number of people coming in for crisis support significantly dropped away. For the first time people felt in control of their lives.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare “We run a Services Australia office. Moving to call centres might save money, but it actually forces people to give up. There are many in our community, particularly Aboriginal people, who know they're eligible but just can't fight the system.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare “Adequate income support is an obvious solution.” – Murray Bridge Council #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare What's working to break cycles of disadvantage in young people? @MsMarielleSmith

“Finding something they're passionate about.” – Murray Bridge Council #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare @MsMarielleSmith What is the impact when someone is experiencing poverty and there aren't allied health services available? What can be done? @MsMarielleSmith
@janet_rice @accare @MsMarielleSmith "Anything to promote courses for local people to learn those skills. Universities market courses, but kids say 'I don't know how I'll survive in the city.' If they can do it in their home town, they're the young people we'll keep in our community." – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare @MsMarielleSmith Bit tired of the "skilled" versus "unskilled" discourse. All jobs are skilled, you are just showing how little value you place on people doing the lowest paid and most essential jobs. #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare @MsMarielleSmith "If income is increased and housing is sorted, everyone has somewhere to stay, what's number 3?" – @TammyTyrrell_

“You need ongoing, wraparound support, reconnecting to community. Isolation is killing people early. Quality, not just quantity.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare @MsMarielleSmith @TammyTyrrell_ “What's the link between poverty & incarceration?” @janet_rice

“When people don't have enough money crime becomes the 1st thing they can do to get money to feed their family and pay rent. Crime is the most realistic option for many people.”–@UCommunitiesSA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare @MsMarielleSmith @TammyTyrrell_ @UCommunitiesSA "When people come out of prison, they see they have no prospects, and they continue that cycle because they have no other options."
@janet_rice @accare @MsMarielleSmith @TammyTyrrell_ @UCommunitiesSA “Another factor is people tell us they know they have a guaranteed meal and bed in prison.” – @accare #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare @MsMarielleSmith @TammyTyrrell_ @UCommunitiesSA “We're trying to support people with complex needs, but what they really need is housing, and then financial security. We cannot even begin to address those other issues without that. And they get stable accommodation in prison.” – @UCommunitiesSA #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@janet_rice @accare @MsMarielleSmith @TammyTyrrell_ @UCommunitiesSA Phew time for a break. When we resume in about 10 minutes we'll be hearing personal statements, including from @leigh_magee.

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Dec 13
Back from lunch.

We've got National Council for Single Mothers and their Children represented by @AradiaSayner and @Terese_NCSMC

@Foodbank_SA represented by Sarah Davies

@JFAPurpleOrange represented by Cathy Cochrane, Elizabeth Farrant and Tracey Wallace.
@AradiaSayner @Terese_NCSMC @Foodbank_SA @JFAPurpleOrange “37% of single-mother families live in poverty. 42% in a sole parent family are in poverty. It is gendered.” – @Terese_NCSMC #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@AradiaSayner @Terese_NCSMC @Foodbank_SA @JFAPurpleOrange “Half a million women who fled gendered violence now live in poverty. The choice is safety or poverty. 90,000 people wanted to leave but couldn't because of money. 10,000 a year leave and return for financial reasons.” – @Terese_NCSMC #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
Read 70 tweets
Dec 13
Now we're going to hear more from real experts.

People actually experiencing poverty will give statements, followed by Lisa Courtney from the Murray Mallee GP Network.

Thank you and solidarity to all sharing their expertise ❤️✊ #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
First up, Jennifer.

“I have been living on Centrelink most ofmy life. It started because my partner left and I was left to raise children on my own. Back then it was supportable to rent and feed my children. It was a struggle but doable.” #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
“Indexation to payments has not kept up for anybody. I became the victim of homelessness because and it was legal. My landlord just decided. I had nowhere to go and an 8 year old. I took him on 'holiday' and he didn't know we were homeless.” – Jennifer #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
Read 47 tweets
Dec 6
Now up we have @antipovertyqld, @yfslogan and @ma_queensland

Opening with a statement from Anti-Poverty Network.

They are making the point about the deaths caused by state violence through the welfare system. Good to hear someone name the reality ✊

#PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@antipovertyqld @YFSlogan @ma_queensland "Continuing with the status quo is unacceptable." – @antipovertyqld

#PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@antipovertyqld @YFSlogan @ma_queensland "People from CALD backgrounds are disproportionately represented among people in poverty." – @ma_queensland

They're describing particular barriers to access support and employment due to visa categories and other issues specifically affecting migrants.

#PovertyInquiry #BTPM
Read 22 tweets
Dec 5
We're kicking off with the #PovertyInquiry hearing 🧵👇 #BTPM

1st session will hear from @QCOSS_, @BasicRightsQld and Zig Zag Young Women's Research Centre.

The #ParentsNEXT inquiry doesn't start til 11:30 AEDT, there was an error on the @Aust_Parliament website for that one.
@QCOSS_ @BasicRightsQld @Aust_Parliament From @QCOSS_: Low income households spend more on fuel, food, housing, electricity and water than households with higher incomes.

Median rent in Brisbane has increased by 13% and fuel by 17%.

Income support payments have increased 4% due to indexation. #PovertyInquiry #BTPM
@QCOSS_ @BasicRightsQld @Aust_Parliament A @QCOSS_ survey found that poor mental health, stigma and shame are stopping people from seeking support.
Read 52 tweets
Dec 5
Well there's a LOT going on today.

Hearings for the #ParentsNext inquiry at 8:30am AEDT, #PovertyInquiry from 9am AEDT, #WorkAndCare from 10am AEDT & #RobodebtRC from 11am AEDT.

More details below & a link to follow livestream for the first 3 here:… screencap of parliament's daily schedule page
The #RobodebtRC livestream will kick off here in a few hours:

Some folks to follow are @not_my_debt, @maximumcuddles, @SquigglyRick and

Plus Not My Debt made this fantastic list to make following the RC easy:…
@not_my_debt @maximumcuddles @SquigglyRick @DarrenODonovan The #ParentsNEXT inquiry is actually a sub-inquiry of the Workforce Australia inquiry led by @JulianHillMP & @BroadbentMP.

They currently seem to be behind schedule or the time on the parliament website is wrong!

You can read more about the inquiry here:…
Read 6 tweets
Dec 3
Congratulations to the Work for the Dole forced labour program, which celebrates its 25th anniversary today 🎉

Restoring planes? Sounds like a job! #AWFTD A media release announcing ...
25 years on, and here's a selection of the unpaid labour you can be forced to do, courtesy of the @MatchWorksAU Work for the Dole "opportunities" page 🥰 #AWFTD A list including descriptio...
@MatchWorksAU Let's not forget the origins of welfare-to-work... thank you to heroes of the working class Hawke & Howard for gifting millennials forced labour, along with so many other policies that benefit us to this day—from housing to workers' rights. #AWFTD

Source:… Screencap of linked page. I...
Read 22 tweets

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