Instructive to see the bile and misinformation directed @beirasplace.
So many times women have been reprimanded, excluded, cancelled and worse for not going along with gender ideology.
“If you don’t like it, tough.
Stay home.”
The last thing they expected was for us to rebuild.
But that’s exactly what we’ve been doing all along:
There really is no way forward but to #RepealTheGRA.
This is a definitive clash between Gender Reassignment otoh, and Sex, Sexuality & Belief oto.
GR, without the practical enforcement of its legal certificate, is little more than personality expressed via gender stereotypes.
But because in reality it’s a psychological condition, it’s inescapably locked into escalation.
I feel like a man (euphoria)
I look like a man (validation)
I’m treated as a man (confirmation)
Treat me like a man (inclusion)
See me as a man (imposition)
Say I’m a man (control)
This escalation set it on a fixed course from its beginning,
to override the Protected Characteristics that would otherwise undermine it.
Sex renders GR a fiction.
Sexuality reveals it as constructed, not innate.
Belief denies it outright.
For real?
Why are some people not mentally ill?
Why so into reality?
Why won’t they say they like porn-style sex? Why don’t they the perform gender stereotypes of the opposite sex?
Why don’t they hate their bodies?
Lesson one: There’s no such thing as cis, only those with a mind/body disconnect, and those without.
However your body looks/whatever your mind feels, it’s still the same mind/body. That’s what makes you YOU.
Lesson two: You are what you are. No surgery in the world changes that
Lesson three: You are being commodified.
suicide ideation
how you have sex/never have sex/never will have sex
as you slice & dice yourself into the appropriate shape of your chosen gender
participation in the further monstering of a woman YOU KNOW has received threats and abuse.
The claim is you’ve abused your position to bully and traduce writers who believe sex matters,
not “who don’t agree with [your] support of the trans community.”
Support who you like.
Just don’t pretend it’s compatible with being scrupulously fair and neutral when your support takes the form of interacting with “satirical” attacks on women’s fears of violence, liking and retweeting bullying campaigns, and targeting those women whose views you disagree with.
Transing children IS conversion therapy.
It takes gender non conforming boys who don’t like trucks and assumes they are really girls.
It takes gender non conforming girls who DO like trucks, and assumes they are boys.
And it proceeds to then medicalise them, as young as possible,
with drugs that stop their bodies from developing normally, with normal function and natural appearance;
and it feeds them cross-sex hormones to take on the outward appearance of the opposite sex - which their bodies cannot cope with - so they develop problems, from bone issues,
“I disagree with gender critical people” is being used as justification to do increasingly bad things.
To surround a fellow schoolgirl and swear and spit on her. To don black balaclavas and shove and manhandle women. To intimidate libraries with threats of arson. To target Black
To disrupt conferences talking about the lives of women and girls around the world. To deny single sex services to rape survivors. To ensure female prisoners have no protection from male-bodied inmates. To derail abortion campaigns.
To shut down questions about the high rates of girls transitioning.
To avoid questions of pharmaceutical funding, growth markets for PBs, and younger patients as a customer base for life.
And don’t get me started on the early sexualisation of children & the end of safeguarding …
Can I ask you to read this report?
I know it’s hard to care about prisoners in the main, but I think we should all care about a prison system used to effectively torture individual prisoners, and disproportionately Black, Asian or working-class prisoners. What’s that about?
We know IPP sentences have been phased out and condemned as inhumane and unjust, but the prison service continues to justify those that remain active, using spurious claims - including some entirely invented charges. What’s that about?
We also know how the trauma of an IPP sentence can induce and exacerbate MH conditions; how uncertainty and isolation can cause prisoners to externalise thought patterns that can then be diagnosed as schizophrenia; and how that can lead to a medication-or-else ultimatum, trapping