Sonya Douglas Profile picture
maintaining my boundaries 🇮🇳 🇯🇲 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 1 Jhn 1
Aug 14, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
“In Paris, the entire process takes about two years. In such cases, an indictment by the investigative magistrate is almost automatic, regardless of the merits of the complaint.
<Such criminal complaints can therefore be used as a PR or spin control tool to discredit a book, article or investigative piece by generating publicity associated with the filing of such a criminal complaint>
In a sense, that is the French version of a SLAPP suit. Once the indictment is publicised
<on occasion the plaintiff quietly withdraws proceedings to avoid the troubles
Aug 12, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
We have said

Sex matters
Dress how you like but the word woman is taken
Protect women and girls
No XY in XX spaces
No XY in XX prisons
No XY in XX sports
Let women speak
Woman is not a costume
Men are not women
Woman Life Freedom

We’ve been consistent throughout

Now do you Let me break it down

Sex matters bc our bodies are real, and women are oppressed on that basis

We are not what we wear, let us wear what we like - and stop policing or redefining our words to include those performing regressive stereotypes

The love of money is the root of all
Jul 6, 2024 9 tweets 2 min read
#TerfIsland has been the single greatest cross-party, cross-sector, cross-sectional women’s movement in recent years

an entirely organic, 🇬🇧 feminist reaction to the failure of these legacy women’s orgs to recognise sex realism in society

We had no voice

They had no courage Women from every corner of the country, every industry and institution, every religion and none, every political persuasion

Women of all classes, ages, races, all academic and economic backgrounds, all abilities and disabilities

found each other

by standing on the truth
Jan 27, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
I found this article illuminating on @DebbieHayton’s journey to self awareness, but this jarring quote signals imo just how much work on himself he has yet to do.

This need for *others to perceive him as a woman* is a boundary-breaching imposition that treats the non-consensual participation of others in his paraphilia as a harmless, cost-free exercise of his own self-expression

But tricking someone into engaging with you as if you were female

when not only are you male

you’re also sexually aroused by thinking of yourself as a woman

is #RapeCulture
Sep 23, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
When @LouiseDistras said #TerfIsTheNewPunk I knew exactly what she meant

When the Establishment drapes our streets in trans flags, demanding our pronouns, imposing yet another diversity program that dissolves difference

We Resist

When thugs gather to scream us down, threaten us with violence, join forces with the same law enforcement that lets them off their crimes

We Resist

When politicians take $$$ from Big Pharma to push social misery
while their own children are identifying out of their sex in despair

We Resist

We sing the songs of Resistance
Mar 28, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
What comes after #ThisIsNotADrill?

Because that’s where we are now.

You’ve seen the footage: Women corralled like livestock while TRAs surround them with noise and violence. The police forming an outer ring - facing outwards to ward off observers. They don’t see any violence from the men in masks.

How did we get to the point where a police force riddled with misogynist abusers is acting as lookout for a mob of enraged anti-women activists intent on stopping women speaking?

How did we get to the point where one woman is vilified for the political
Mar 26, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
It’s not just historically white countries that fall prey to the lure of exceptionalism. It’s a very human condition, the feeling that you and your people are special.

I read this thread in the knowledge that New Zealand has the highest rate of domestic violence in the developed world.
1 in 3 women experience intimate partner harm. 1 in 2 for psychological abuse. 1 in 8 men report being victims of family violence. Physical or sexual abuse affects 58% of Māori women over their lifetime - that’s 1 in 2. Add in other forms of violence and that rises to 80%.
Dec 23, 2022 8 tweets 5 min read
Consider this: in every country where #SelfID is now law, TRAs conspire with the authorities and tame journalists to obscure the truth of just how harmful it really is.
Everything from overwriting sex with gender when reporting crimes, to failing to record sex in the first place. The aim has been a certain plausible deniability: records are uncertain, data misinterpreted, no evidence has been presented, etc.
Who can say how helpful or harmful it has been really?
Better to just celebrate our sparkly progressive ‘newtopia.’

But it won’t be like that here.
Dec 13, 2022 8 tweets 8 min read
Instructive to see the bile and misinformation directed @beirasplace.

So many times women have been reprimanded, excluded, cancelled and worse for not going along with gender ideology.
“If you don’t like it, tough.
Stay home.”

The last thing they expected was for us to rebuild. But that’s exactly what we’ve been doing all along:

replacing women’s orgs that no longer speak up for women.

@GetTheLOutUK etc.
replace LGB orgs that no longer fight for same sex rights.
Dec 1, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
There really is no way forward but to #RepealTheGRA.

This is a definitive clash between Gender Reassignment otoh, and Sex, Sexuality & Belief oto.

GR, without the practical enforcement of its legal certificate, is little more than personality expressed via gender stereotypes. But because in reality it’s a psychological condition, it’s inescapably locked into escalation.

I feel like a man (euphoria)
I look like a man (validation)
I’m treated as a man (confirmation)
Treat me like a man (inclusion)
See me as a man (imposition)
Say I’m a man (control)
Nov 29, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
For real?
Why are some people not mentally ill?
Why so into reality?
Why won’t they say they like porn-style sex? Why don’t they the perform gender stereotypes of the opposite sex?
Why don’t they hate their bodies?

Sure, let’s study that.

Write this down 🧵 Lesson one: There’s no such thing as cis, only those with a mind/body disconnect, and those without.
However your body looks/whatever your mind feels, it’s still the same mind/body. That’s what makes you YOU.

Lesson two: You are what you are. No surgery in the world changes that
Aug 23, 2022 9 tweets 3 min read
I could only read half, but these points jump out:

Your views on trans rights don’t make you ineligible for a public role; they inform and, for some, excuse your unbecoming and partisan behaviour.

You replied to the “satirical” account with more than a smiley, it was full blown participation in the further monstering of a woman YOU KNOW has received threats and abuse.

The claim is you’ve abused your position to bully and traduce writers who believe sex matters,
not “who don’t agree with [your] support of the trans community.”

Support who you like.
Aug 21, 2022 5 tweets 3 min read
If there’s no such thing as a trans child (and there isn’t), what is being described here?

Asking a girl if she likes a boy might assume het values, but boys OR girls can like trucks, so why the conflation?

It can only be a form of gender conversion therapy targeting gnc boys. ImageImageImageImage Transing children IS conversion therapy.
It takes gender non conforming boys who don’t like trucks and assumes they are really girls.
It takes gender non conforming girls who DO like trucks, and assumes they are boys.
And it proceeds to then medicalise them, as young as possible,
May 17, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
“I disagree with gender critical people” is being used as justification to do increasingly bad things.
To surround a fellow schoolgirl and swear and spit on her. To don black balaclavas and shove and manhandle women. To intimidate libraries with threats of arson. To target Black lesbians, their health, income and careers.

To disrupt conferences talking about the lives of women and girls around the world. To deny single sex services to rape survivors. To ensure female prisoners have no protection from male-bodied inmates. To derail abortion campaigns.
Mar 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
Can I ask you to read this report?
I know it’s hard to care about prisoners in the main, but I think we should all care about a prison system used to effectively torture individual prisoners, and disproportionately Black, Asian or working-class prisoners. What’s that about? We know IPP sentences have been phased out and condemned as inhumane and unjust, but the prison service continues to justify those that remain active, using spurious claims - including some entirely invented charges. What’s that about?
Mar 3, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
If you untether society from material reality, you set it spinning off in directions you can’t control.
What’ll be the result of a law that says anyone can be a man or a woman if they say so?
You either discount your own senses or you discount the law, yes?
Can’t both be right. If you discount your senses, trust suffers. Relationships suffer. Cohesion suffers. People become embittered against others or themselves.

Truth matters. Personally.

If you discount the law, civics suffers. Cohesion suffers. Society suffers. And there’s a personal cost
Nov 3, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
My sister sent me this and I just have to share. 1/7

At the end, he asks one question: what happened to you to make you not want to be who you are? 2/7
Oct 25, 2021 8 tweets 2 min read
The entire structure of the Left had been co-opted into gender ideology, so much so that UK Left-wing feminists in opposition were silenced at every level.
Political parties, publications, academia. Even sewing circles.
Left-wing feminists had to organise and crowdfund their own research and platforms, but still were faced with a well-funded, many-tiered gender machine
bringing together such varied voices as Google, Amazon, the British Army, MI6, Twitter, UK Labour, the SNP, Malta, Lt. Sulu, the DNC, MIT, American Scientific, Gilead Sciences, Experian,
Oct 9, 2021 5 tweets 2 min read
Interesting. But no.
Systematic patriarchal abuse =/= violence.
Violence is a tool used against transgressive men, but get this,
women were never going to keep to the rules anyway, because BIOLOGY.
It’s why sex-selective abortions are out of control in certain societies. If you’re going to be born female, you’re going to be born WRONG.
Please understand.
The system of patriarchy doesn’t need you to be born male, it needs you to become compliant. That is why it punishes gay men. Not because it doesn’t like gay sex, but because it doesn’t like the
Oct 9, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
“The Ministry of Justice … are committed to advancing equality, eliminating discrimination, harassment and victimisation …”

Women prisoners are victimised by a system that validates the feelings of male sex offenders over their safety.
Legislated discrimination.
State torture of women who may already have suffered at the hands of abusive males.
How is this fair?
Whose equality is advanced?
Not society at large, who now have to reconcile the extended suffering of incarcerated women with a just punishment for, say, shoplifting.
Not female prisoners, who
Oct 7, 2021 6 tweets 2 min read
Today is #NationalPoetryDay, but misogyny doesn’t take a day off so neither do we.

This poem is dedicated to .@SussexUni. May you be called to account for your failure to take a stand against misogyny.

#MenWhoWearWomen Image Beware of men who wear women
wear women as skins
invented personas to hide themselves in
men who affirm the law of possession
who colonise language of form and oppression
men dressed in womanskin

Beware of men who wear women
who wear women’s faces
dilettantes, smitten by