Bruce Baird Profile picture
Dec 13 104 tweets 59 min read
Former French Defense Minister Michel Alliot-Marie renews LIE that Hezbollah & "the Syrian regime" "jointly responsible" for 2005 assassination of former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri, once again ignoring clear evidence reported by Joe Vialls pointing the finger at ISRAEL
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Vialls refuted "official" reports Hariri killed by truck bomb that western media was falsely blaming on Hezbollah & Syria. Vialls argued a truck bomb could NOT have blasted this huge crater, that was IN FACT blasted by an underground Dimona micro-nuke!
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After seeing Hariri crater photo, there were lots of doubts whether caused by truck bomb. Gen. Hisham Jaber said “The bomb was placed UNDERGROUND, especially (since) the crater was so huge. Even a car with 1000 kg of TNT wouldn’t create such a crater.”
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Vialls noted marked similarities to 2002 Bali bombing, reported Jewish “Special Forces” used a Dimona micro-nuke to assassinate Hariri blasting crater 32 ft diameter x 12-14 ft deep & producing "characteristic white mushroom cloud"
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Vialls reported "the Zionist Cabal in New York" instructed western media to "false flag" Syria & Hezbollah for the atrocities as part of their overall "Greater Israel" agenda.
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Reporter Christopher Bollyn of American Free Press similarly pointed the finger at Israel, accusing US media of "yellow journalism" by repeating baseless allegations that Syria was behind Hariri "car bombing"
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Prof Keith Holsapple based on crater size 30-50 ft wide x 9-10 ft deep told Bollyn "no doubt at least a several ton bomb would be required if it were delivered by a vehicle & detonated above the surface" but Bollyn noted no evidence of such a large vehicle
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Bollyn however ridiculed Joe Viall's buried micro-nuke theory as "pure fairy tale" b/c he had never seen evidence of micro-nukes being used, would be difficult to time & very obvious radioactive trail. "It smells like dis-info to me."
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Instead Bollyn argued that Hariri was killed by a Israeli 1-ton non-nuclear precision guided missile (akin to BLU-109/B pictured), silent & unseen, that struck Hariri's car, penetrated the road & exploded, explaining huge crater
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In the 15-year, $1 billion FARCE of an international investigation into Hariri assassination, "experts" devoted a great deal of effort (as detailed in this Aug 2020 thread) to "proving" that a "truck bomb" could indeed have blasted the Hariri crater
Despite genl consensus of 2005 UN Rpt & 2006 Brammertz Rpt, in 2010 there were still enough doubts abt whether explosion actually came from truck bomb that Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) decided to reconstruct the site of the explosion - in France!
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In order to validate the "experts" that a truck bomb had killed Hariri, STL spent untold millions of euros to reconstruct as completely as they could the site of the explosion on Captieux military base in SW France, even importing earth from Beirut!
On 19 Oct 2010 under highest security & greatest secrecy, a hundred intl experts observed this scientific reconstruction of Hariri assassination except instead of 1800 kg TNT they used 2.5 tonnes. When detonated at 17:05, locals reported seeing "an enormous blackish mushroom"
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Voltaire Network reported "The STL wanted to demonstrate that, CONTRARY TO THE NEAR-UNANIMOUS OPINION OF EXPLOSIVES EXPERTS, it is possible for an explosive-packed truck to cause the material damage observed in Beirut."
Apparently the STL believed they had enough proof b/c Aug 2011 issued 47-page indictment agst four Hezbollah members, stating that "forensic examination has established the quantity of explosives" approximately 2500 kg TNT equiv
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The recent statement statement by former French Defense Minister Michel Alliot-Marie suggests STL also had enough evidence to indict “personalities from the Syrian regime" in the Hariri assassination but "was under pressure to withdraw the involvement of the Syrian regime"
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Journalist Ali Hamadeh stated he believed these "pressures" came not from US or Gulf States but Russia & China who had pushed for not prosecuting heads of state & parties in exchange for proceeding with the International Tribunal
At the trial in June 2015, the prosecution argued the Mitsubishi Canter van w/2500 kg TNT equiv was responsible for the blast while the defense suggested "a bomb planted underground or even an aerial strike may have been responsible for the blast"
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In Aug 2020 thread I detailed how "internatl explosion experts" Profs Ambrosini & Luccioni from Argentina provided ultimate "expert opinion" that explosion of a Mitsubishi Canter van packed w/2500 kg TNT equiv could have blasted Hariri crater as well as all other damage
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Prof Ambrosini testified originally he himself had thought that the explosion had been underground, but after carrying out the study w/series of explosion experiments & computer models, they were able to demonstrate that it was in fact not
In my Aug 2020 thread I proved based on US Army Corps of Engineers studies that Ambrosini & Luccioni were WRONG and Joe Vialls et al were RIGHT. A Canter van no matter how much high explosives were packed in it could NOT have blasted the Hariri crater!
In my Aug 2020 thread I considered whether the Hariri crater could have been blasted by high explosives buried under the street like the explosion that killed Spanish PM Luis Carrero Blanco in Madrid in Dec 1973
I concluded while underground high explosives could have blasted Hariri crater, it could not at same time explain TREMENDOUS destruction wreaked on downtown Beirut (top) in 2005. Photos of 1973 Madrid actually show quite little damage to surrounding buildings & cars (bottom).
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Indeed, I further concluded 2005 Hariri assassination caused by 10-20 ton NUKE buried below street, consistent w/Vialls reporting "a highly specialized micro-nuke sourced from Dimona" "detonated by remote control in an underground sewage conduit"
Beside the extensive blast damage, other evidence suggestive of a micro-nuke are all the fires & car damage, characteristic of NYC on 9/11 which physicist Heinz Pommer attributes to nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP)
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Vialls gave lots of details abt this "Dimona micro-nuke" in his reports on 2002 Bali blast, describing how by 1981 "top-secret projects" in US & Israel were able to develop smaller & lighter "stealth" micro-nukes "invisible" to standard Geiger counters
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Although I don't totally agree with Vialls on how these micro-nukes worked, I have confirmed in several threads that US scientists were able to successfully develop "Reduced Residual Radiation" micro-nukes in the 1970s
Vialls 2005 Hariri assassination was part of Israeli modus operandi. Jewish “Special Forces” had used the same tactics w/Dimona micro-nukes in 1983 Beirut bombing of US Embassy and US & French marine barracks, each time false flagging Hezbollah & Syria
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My own research has confirmed much of what Vialls reported over 15 years earlier. In this thread I conclude Israeli PM Menachem Begin had "means, motive & opportunity" to order shallowly buried 10-ton "clean" nuke to blow up US Marine barracks in 1983
Indeed my research into 300+ yrs of evidence of & theorizing abt explosive cratering for my forthcoming book "The Telltale Crater" overwhelmingly confirms what Vialls et al instinctively knew: truck bombs CANNOT blast large craters like Hariri crater
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Dimitri Khalezov in his book 9/11thology picked up where Vialls left off identifying DOZENS of explosions around the world - including 2005 Hariri assassination - "officially" blamed on car/truck bombs that were IN FACT shallowly buried micro-nukes.
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Khalezov believes the ultimate culprit for this rash of micro-nuke bombings are Freemasons rather than Israel or Zionists but he would certainly agree w/Vialls that it COULD NOT have been Hezbollah or Syria who would NEVER have had access to this kind of nuclear technology
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The massive amount of evidence that truck bombs do NOT blast large craters raises question how could experts & investigators from 21 countries have established 99.9% probability that the explosion was aboveground in June 2005 UN-mandated investigation?
Unfortunately, as I also show in "The Telltale Crater" in a sad story that goes back at least as far as 1921 Oppau explosion, whether through active complicity or mere silence, so-called "experts" NEVER question "official" LIES about large explosions!
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Most recently in Aug 2020 so-called "fact checkers" quoting self-proclaimed nuclear "experts" within HOURS categorically denied ANY possibility that #BeirutBlast was nuclear event despite MASSIVE evidence that Beirut had just been NUKED
For the evidence that I have been posting from DAY ONE that Beirut was NUKED in Aug 2020, check out my latest thread on the subject (which has links to my earlier threads) which uses video analysis to show there were actually TWO nuclear explosions!
Although Vialls & I have shown Israel certainly had MEANS & OPPORTUNITY to assassinate former Lebanese PM Rafik Hariri with underground mini-nukes, the question still remains what exactly was the MOTIVE? Why would Israel have wanted to kill Hariri in Feb 2005?
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Did Israel order Hariri's assassination b/c he was personally standing in the way of some part of Israel's agenda like JFK's staunch opposition to Israeli nukes and DeGaulle's giving independence to Arab Algeria & reversing French support for Israel’s nuclear program?
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Of course, there are much easier ways to assassinate someone than detonating an underground mini-nuke as his car passes over, suggesting 2005 Beirut blast was likely part of the general Israeli nuclear terrorism/extortion racket that Joe Vialls first exposed in 2002
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Vialls in the immediate aftermath believed Israel orchestrated the 2005 Beirut blast/Hariri assassination as part of their overall "Greater Israel" agenda to simultaneously eliminate Hariri, divide Lebanon & Syria and undermine Hezbollah by "false flagging" Syria & Hezbollah
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Vialls claims Israel "knew that Rafik Hariri was an extraordinarily dangerous ‘behind the scenes’ leader, who would not rest until the Jewish State was removed from the face of the earth. So in order to slow down the inevitable, they nuked him."
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Vialls reported senior official at Syrian information ministry blamed Lebanon's & Syria's "enemies" "determined to destabilize Lebanon's tranquility & security" "The ultimate goal of these crimes is fulfillment of Israel's desires & pushing forth their war-monger policies"
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Aug 2010 Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah similarly proclaimed Israel assassinated Hariri "in order to create political chaos that would force Syria to withdraw from Lebanon" & "to perpetuate an anti-Syrian atmosphere [in Lebanon] in the wake of the assassination"
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@HadiNasrallah in Aug 2020 Twitter thread asserted ISRAEL killed Hariri BOTH b/c he "legitimized Hezbollah's anti-Israel resistance" AND "to frame Syria & Hezbollah" in order "to force Syria out of Lebanon" & "isolate & attack Hezbollah later in 2006"
@HadiNasrallah observed "Hariri had good relations with Hezbollah and defended its legitimate right to defend Lebanon from Israel when the Lebanese Army cannot do so" so Hezbollah had NO reason to assassinate Hariri while for Israel Hariri was a major obstacle
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Sharmine Narwani @snarwani columnist for @TheCradleMedia added that Israel killed Rafik Hariri in 2005 "to break off the threat of Sunni-Shia rapprochement resulting from 6 months of weekly secret meetings between Hariri and Nasrallah"
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Re MEANS & OPPORTUNITY @HadiNasrallah notes in 2010 Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah provided video from Israeli spy drone showing ISRAEL had been tracking ALL Hariri's movements for months until final day when ALL surveillance converged on bend in road where the explosion happened
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@HadiNasrallah further notes as evidence of Israeli conspiracy to assassinate Hariri "the false-witnesses who lied about being Syrian intelligence and Hezbollah members" who alleged Syria & Hezbollah were involved in the assassination
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@HadiNasrallah adds Rafik's son Saad Hariri, who served as Lebanese PM 2009-11 & 2016-20 & had originally blamed Syria for his father's death, in 2010 withdrew the accusation claiming it had been "politically motivated"
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Unfortunately Saad Hariri never explained what he meant by saying blaming Syria had been a "political accusation". Some speculated he had been persuaded by Hassan Nasrallah's evidence that Israel was responsible. Most media accts suggested the retraction itself was political.
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Even if one rejects the damning evidence that Hariri was killed by an Israeli micro-nuke & accepts the impossible "official" truck bomb story, in addressing the question of "Cui bono?" "Who benefitted?" I would agree with @HadiNasrallah that all fingers point to Israel.
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@HadiNasrallah observes ALL the "benefits" from the Hariri assassination went to ISRAEL as anti-Syria politics in Lebanon led to a national movement (the Cedar Revolution) agst Syria prompting "a swift withdrawal of Syrian troops from Lebanon" & isolation of Hezbollah
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However, let's consider in a bit more depth the case that Hezbollah & Syria might still be responsible for the Hariri assassination. After all, it wouldn't be the first or last time that Israel would benefit greatly from "terrorist" attacks "officially" blamed on Arabs!
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On 18 Aug 2020, less than 2 weeks after the #BeirutBlast, 15 1/2 years after Hariri assassination & 11 years after beginning of the tribunal, the Special Tribunal for Lebanon (STL) rendered its judgment in the case of Ayyash et al.
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About 82 pages of the 2682-page judgment is dedicated to "expert" testimony supporting the prosecution's case that the crater & all the damage were caused by explosion of a Mitsubishi Canter loaded with more than two tonnes of RDX high-grade explosives
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As to WHO was responsible, 1405 pages of 2682-page judgment is devoted to when & where certain clusters of cellphones were used that reveal a pattern of what you might expect of a months-long plot to assassinate Hariri (e.g., surveillance, events on the actual day, cover-up)
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By correlating these anonymous cellphone clusters with personally identifiable cellphone usage, investigators were able to identify five conspirators by name - Ayyash, Oneissi, Sabra, Merhi, Badreddine - all of whom had some association with Hezbollah
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Since I have asserted the "expert" explosive cratering analysis used at the trial was complete BS, I naturally would also question whether this cell site analysis is also complete BS. But since I have no way to prove that, for the present I'll just go with the STL on this.
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As to how far up the Hezbollah chain of command this conspiracy to assassinate Hariri might have reached, the STL judges concluded whatever motives "elements in Hezbollah" may have had to eliminate Hariri, "there is no evidence that the Hezbollah leadership was involved"
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Indeed the STL judges observed Hariri & Nasrallah "had good relations in the years immediately before his death and were meeting regularly." Hariri believed Hezbollah's militia should be ultimately disarmed but NOT until peace w/Israel was achieved.
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Such statements from the STL judges suggest they believed the conspiracy to assassinate Hariri involved only rogue "elements in Hezbellah" who were acting AGAINST Hezbollah Secretary General Hassan Nasrallah's express wishes.
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It is also difficult to imagine Syrian President Bashar al-Assad supporting a plot to assassinate Hariri agst Nasrallah's wishes considering the close relationship between Assad & Nasrallah. STL found "no direct evidence of Syrian involvement" & the Syrian govt denied any.
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STL judges don't provide any MOTIVE why this Hezbollah "element" would want to assassinate Hariri apart from statement Hariri planning to run in May 2005 elections where "he would have been proposing" "loosening of Syrian dominance" & "immediate withdrawal of Syrian troops"
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So who would have led this rogue Hezbollah "element"? Of the five named conspirators, the name that certainly stands out is Mustafa Badreddine (1961-2016) aka Mustafa Badr Al Din whom the STL judgment notes was "a senior Hezbollah military official"
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STL indictment claimed Badreddine "served as the overall controller of the operation" & at trial Prosecution argued "the level of sophistication, detailed planning & commitment involved" required conspiracy "led by a sophisticated military actor. Mr Badreddine was that actor"
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Nevertheless STL judges in Aug 2020 found
"insufficient evidence to find what role IF ANY Mr Badreddine had in the conspiracy"! (emphasis added)
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Indeed there doesn't seem to be any evidence to suggest Badreddine ever went rogue agst Nasrallah's wishes b/c surely he would have been punished for the political fiasco that followed & yet his star kept rising under Nasrallah after the assassination.
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That said, I'll agree w/STL prosecution it's hard to imagine such a complex Hezbollah conspiracy being orchestrated w/o Baddredine even if it was approved by Nasrallah, certainly not by somebody like the "convicted" Salim Ayyash whom NYTimes called "a minor Hezbollah figure"
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Indeed, even w/o evidence that Hariri was killed by a Dimona micro-nuke, the "Hezbollah did it" narrative laid down in 2011 by STL (whom Nasrallah called "an Israeli tool" to bring down Lebanon's new Hezbollah-backed govt) smacks of typical coverup for an Israeli "false flag"
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Indeed, in many ways, as Joe Vialls noted back in 2005, the Hariri assassination seems almost like a repeat of an earlier quite "successful" Israeli "false flag" operation in Beirut - the bombing of the US marine barracks in October 1983!
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Vialls reported Jewish “Special Forces” used Dimona micro-nuke to assassinate former Lebanese PM Hariri w/same tactics they had used in Beirut in 1983 bombing of US marine barracks, a conclusion my own work has solidly seconded
Vialls asserts both 1983 & 2005 Israel "instruct[ed] western media outlets to falsely blame the atrocity on Syria". Indeed I have noted how US govt in 1983 used Israel's "war of terror" propaganda to blame Syrian/Iranian "state-sponsored terrorism"
In 2005 seemingly the entire world (apart from the minority who pointed finger at Israel) led by US & France immediately jumped on the "Syria did it" bandwagon, amazingly without providing the least shred of evidence, or caring that there was no evidence if they admitted it
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Curiously, one thing incriminating Syria that Lebanese opposition leaders did pick up on was "the preponderance of evidence" pointed to a remote-controlled bomb buried in the ground that they believed would likely involve "sophisticated agents, probably tied to Syria"!
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Of course, NO opposition leader mentioned Israel, micro-nukes, or the work of Joe Vialls! But they did claim crater 30 ft wide x 10 ft deep was "relatively deep for a car bomb", a claim also being made by retired Lebanese military like Gen Hisham Faber & Gen Shehadeh Maalouf
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BTW Hisham Jaber is definitely a "person of interest" in this thread. At time of Oct 1983 blast he was Lebanese army liaison to US marines & in July 2005 told Al-Manar TV "Global Zionism" behind 9/11 & 7/7 but says nothing about Zionism's link to 1983 or 2005 Beirut blasts!
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NYTimes reported number of witnesses noted two cars hurled into air suggesting blast rose vertically as w/underground bomb, not laterally as govt maintains, reminiscent of underground antitank charges that sent PM Carrero Blanco's car flying in 1973
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Series of photos sent to Lebanese newspapers & posted online 18 Feb 2005 offered more evidence - V shape of crater & asphalt thrown more than 200 meters - contrary to "official" suicide bomber theory but supporting pre-planted underground bomb theory
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The photos showed cars nearest to crater remained in their places & not as damaged as cars further away also suggesting underground explosion, likewise manhole covers flew off while glass broken kilometers away
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Oct 2005 Der Spiegel reported "The explosion was so massive that it produced a two-meter-deep crater and hurled BODY PARTS onto the ROOFS of surrounding buildings" (emphasis added).
Supporting the idea of an preplanted underground bomb, Ami Isseroff at MideastWeb on 18 Feb 2005 noted a story appeared in Naharnet claiming "The assassination scene abutted a ditch carved 10 days ago for underground public works repairs of the sewage system."
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In line with Naharnet claim, NBC News reported suspicion the bomb was under the street increased when chief military investigator demanded police investigate recent road works in the area. Oct 2005 UNIIIC report found evidence work was going on but left as "open question".
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In line with Naharnet claim, NBC News reported suspicion the bomb was under the street increased when chief military investigator demanded police investigate recent road works in the area. Oct 2005 UNIIIC report found evidence work was going on but left as "open question".
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In Feb 2007 Counterpunch article, Trish Schuh reported French experts assessed the explosion was underground b/c the blast had cracked the foundations of adjacent buildings, manhole covers had blown off & asphalt was propelled onto nearby rooftops.
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I have yet to find any report verifying Schuh's claims about "French experts" but I would suspect "French experts" were in Beirut within days & it seems likely they would have early supported the underground bomb theory given France's desire to pressure Syria to leave Lebanon
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Trish Schuh further asserts "After it was found that an underground explosion would not implicate Syria - but rather the pro-US/Israeli Lebanese govt who had supervised road work in the days before Hariri died - the focus shifted to an above-ground blast via suicide bomber"!
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Schuh's assertion, shocking as it is, nevertheless rings true. Up to end of March 2005, almost anybody who believed Syria was behind Hariri assassination - including the Lebanese opposition and Hariri family & supporters - argued explosive device was likely under the roadway
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But w/UN fact-finding mission report (aka FitzGerald Report) 24 March 2005 assertion "the Mission’s experts came to the conclusion that it had most likely been an explosion above ground", suddenly EVERYONE believed the explosion HAD TO BE aboveground
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But FitzGerald's support for aboveground bomb theory did NOT mean he supported the Lebanese govt "official" Palestinian suicide bomber theory (that pointed toward al Qaeda rather than Syria) whose easily refutable theory he trashed soundly
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FitzGerald excoriated the Lebanese "investigators" for "gross negligence, possibly accompanied by criminal actions," most notoriously when member of security forces placed parts of a truck in the crater & photographed them, reminiscent of this 1983 Beirut crater photo
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Although STL in 2020 judgment will try to pass off this placing of truck parts in the crater as a matter of incompetence, it isn't hard to imagine "security forces" were PLANTING these truck parts to reinforce the "official" suicide truck bomb theory!
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In contrast, FBI agents investigating 1983 Beirut Marine barracks bombing could NEVER identify the exact vehicle despite all the blast site debris brought back to DC for analysis & that official Marine Corps photo of a lone crankshaft in the crater!
If later reports will ignore FitzGerald's claim that evidence based on truck parts was "fundamentally damaged", interestingly NO later report will question his conclusion that "it had most likely been an explosion above ground" - apart from dropping the "most likely" bit!
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But let's take a look at the "experts" that led FitzGerald to that conclusion, the Swiss forensic expert team that came to Beirut in March 2005 upon request of Lebanese govt. (Unfortunately I have only seen this "excerpt" of their report.)
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The Swiss team concluded that their analysis of both "the dispersion of fragments" & "the shape and form of the crater" they we can’t give clear evidence whether there "gives NO CLEAR EVIDENCE whether there was an explosion above or under ground" (emphasis added)
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Furthermore, both the FitzGerald rpt & this excerpt from Oct 2005 UNIIC rpt DISTORT what the Swiss experts' meant by "it had most likely been an explosion above ground" b/c it did NOT mean they supported a "truck bomb" theory, as we can see in the Aug 2020 STL report
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In the Aug 2020 STL judgment we learn it was FitzGerald who on 1 March 2005 asked Swiss govt to send team of specialists in areas of explosives, ballistics, DNA and crime-scene work to assist in the investigation. They arrived on 5 March 2005 & issued rpt later that month.
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The Swiss team measured crater diameter at abt 12.5 m & depth 2 m "in the shape of an inverted truncated cone". They calculated to create this crater an "underground explosion" would need abt 300 kg of explosives while an "above ground explosion" would require 1,000-1,500 kg.
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Based on ballistics analysis of heavy debris, Swiss team admitted "could not determine whether the explosion was above or below ground" but ASTONISHINGLY concluded based on radius of window damage of 300 m could NOT have been underground b/c radius for 300 kg only 170 m!
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The 2020 STL judgment further ADMITS that "When the Swiss team referred to an above ground explosion, they meant at ground level and not above the ground." So "ABOVE GROUND" meant "NOT ABOVE THE GROUND"(!), i.e., ON THE SURFACE OF THE EARTH as depicted in the diagram on left
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Although both FitzGerald & Swiss team rpts do alternatively refer to "surface explosion" or "at ground level", I believe both saying "most likely been an explosion above ground" was meant to be DELIBERATELY misleading, to quash the UNDERGROUND explosion theory
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The FACT that in a "truck bomb" BY DEFINITION the explosive is NOT on the surface of the earth but rather on the truck bed that for a truck capable of carrying a heavy load is AT LEAST two feet ABOVE the surface, and that 2+ feet makes a hell of a lot of difference!
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I believe the Swiss team were correct that based strictly on the crater dimensions they measured, it would indeed be hard to distinguish the difference between the effect of shallowly buried high explosives (e.g. TNT, RDX) compared to HE on the surface.
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In this Excel graph I plotted the the "Apparent Crater Diameter-to-Depth Ratio" vs "Scaled Depth of Burst" (using the generally accepted 1/3.4 scaling) for data from all publicly available "Large HE" explosive cratering tests w/yields above 1 ton TNT equivalent.
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Nov 28
In a 93-tweet thread I made the case there NEVER was an "Operation Northwoods" back in 1962. In this continuation thread I argue "Operation Northwoods" was PROPAGANDA designed in 2001 to divert attention from ISRAELI complicity in both JFK & 9/11
In the previous thread, I showed how Oliver Stone's JFK (1991) popularized idea JFK was assassinated by "the military-industrial complex" (MIC) b/c he refused to invade Cuba in 1962, was set to withdraw from Vietnam & wanted to end the Cold War. LBJ gave MIC what it wanted!
James Bamford's Body of Secrets came out in April 2001 - five months BEFORE 9/11 - introducing the world to “Operation Northwoods” that Bamford claimed “may be the most corrupt plan ever created by the U.S. government"
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Read 89 tweets
Nov 24
The "Operation Northwoods" LIE that has been repeatedly used to PROVE that both JFK assassination & 9/11 were INSIDE JOBS executed by the "Military-Industrial Complex" or "Deep State" is #disinfo designed to divert attention from ISRAELI complicity in both JFK & 9/11
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In March 2001 - just six months BEFORE 9/11 - the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen aired on Fox TV with a dramatic scene in which a Boeing 727 is remotely hijacked by "terrorists" - actually a secret cabal in US govt - & flown into the WTC.
As I have shown in an Oct 2019 thread, there are a lot of serious questions we could ask about the timing of this pilot, including what possible role Rupert Murdoch played in its production. Was this deliberate Zionist "predictive programming"?
Read 93 tweets
Nov 13
I wonder if this new Netanyahu podcast is now Glenn Beck's "most important" he's ever done? Hmmm. From her past work I would have thought Netanyahu was one of the "elites" that @_whitneywebb thought was trying to "create a class of slaves that cannot even cognitively rebel"? Image
Here is Whitney on Netanyahu back in 2018-2019 on his "insane fear mongering falsehoods at the UN", using US soldiers as "pawns", outsourcing destruction of Palestine to US, "Dancing Israelis"/"9/11 was good for Israel", "you are from POLAND!!!", etc. ImageImageImageImage
And if Netanyahu was one of the first people to obtain evidence of Monica Lewinsky's relationship with Bill Clinton & then used this to BLACKMAIL Clinton, doesn't this suggest #Epsteingate was a Mossad operation in which Netanyahu was deeply involved?
Read 5 tweets
Nov 1
Was "Russia's 9/11" - the explosions that rocked Russia in Sept 1999 officially blamed on Chechen Muslims - a Putin #FalseFlag? Actually these bombings have all the fingerprints of ISRAELI nuclear terrorism/extortion aimed at forcing Putin to join Israel's #WarOfTerror
In my Twitter search for years 2013-22 I find an almost unanimous consensus that the 1999 bombings were a #FalseFlag pulled by Putin & FSB (main Russian successor to Soviet KGB) to trigger Second Chechen War & promote Putin to Russian presidency. Cui bono? "False Flag Putin"!
References to the 1999 bombings on Twitter as PROOF of #FalseFlagPutin zoomed exponentially in Feb-Apr 2022 - spurred undoubtedly by several Feb 2022 articles - and then picked up again in the fall w/Nord Stream pipeline & Kerch Bridge incidents & "dirty bomb" accusations
Read 55 tweets
Sep 4
Once you've looked at enough videos of nuclear, TNT & ANFO explosions, you realize the perpetrators of the 2020 #BeirutBlast actually stitched together this Frankenstein's monster from TWO huge explosions, one aboveground & the other belowground #25MonthsAndCounting

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It was the aboveground (possibly nuclear) bomb that produced the blast that rocked Beirut & the strange reddish mushroom cloud. And it was the belowground definitely nuclear 5+ kiloton bomb that blasted the grayish earth below the cloud, leaving behind a massive crater.
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If the word "nuclear" hasn't scared you off, you should know I premise my use of the word on the conclusion (discussed in numerous tweets) that the perps of #BeirutBlast & other state-directed terrorism for the past 40 years have mastered Minimum Residual Radiation (MRR) nukes
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Read 77 tweets
Sep 23, 2021
In a recent thread, I concluded the North Tower "collapse" could NOT have "punched" this 11-story #WTC6 "crater" AND there was NO major explosion in WTC6 on 9/11. So WHAT caused this crater & where DID all the steel, concrete, furniture, etc. go?
The working hypothesis I will explore in this thread is the missing #WTC6 contents spewed out as clouds of blackish dust, smoke, steam, etc., in a process that took many hours beginning with #WTC1 “collapse” & lasting through most of the night.
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As to HOW this was accomplished, I will consider the various scenarios that people have suggested over the last 20 years for what could have possibly made the Twin Towers "disappear" into fine dust that I previously explored in a Sep 2020 thread
Read 120 tweets

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