Against the Modern World: Traditionalism and the Secret Intellectual History of the Twentieth Century by Mark Sedgwick
(p. 22) Jacques Maritain recommended for publication Rene Guenon’s L’introduction ge´ne´rale a` l’e´tude des doctrines hindoues (A General Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines)
(p. 161) “Rama Coomaraswamy’s group integrated Schuonian Traditionalism into their religious practice by means of repetitive prayer similar to the Sufi dhikr, but using Christian terms and concepts”
(p. 161) “In addition to these there was a wider community around Schuon, including a number of non-Muslim Traditionalists. One of these Jean Borella a professor of philosophy at the University of Nancy in France, led a subsidiary group of perhaps fifty Catholic Traditionalists.”
(p. 161) “Rama Coomaraswamy, the son of Ananda Coomaraswamy, led another Catholic group in America. According to one source, Rama Coomaraswamy’s group (and so probably Borella’s as well) integrated Schuonian Traditionalism into their religious practice...”
(p. 161) “ means of repetitive prayer similar to the Sufi dhikr, but using Christian terms and concepts.2 None of these Christians were actually members of the Maryamiyya, but they followed Schuon personally as a Maryami would.”
War, Progress, and the End of History by Vladimir Solovyov (Author), Thomas R Beyer (Translator), Czeslaw Milosz (Introduction), Stephan A. Hoeller (Afterword)
The Afterword is by Stephan A. Hoeller — a gnostic bishop of Ecclesia Gnostica, President of Annie Besant Lodge in Los Angeles, freemason, theosophist, etc...…
Doubly Chosen: Jewish Identity, the Soviet Intelligentsia, and the Russian Orthodox Church
(pp. 20-21) Talmudic Jews played central role in theology and philosophy of Vladimir Solovyov. He saw them as chosen by god and choosing god as well as critical to understanding the Divine Sophia.
(pp. 21-22) Solovyov's Jewish collaborator believed him to be a "righteous gentile". Solovvyov believed that Talmudic Jews "could provide the necessary spiritual-national element to reconcile East and West into the future Universal Church."
Vladimir Soloviev created the Russian theological concept of 'Sophiology' and Florensky and Bulgakov spread it. Russian Orthodox goal was to spread its beliefs, concepts, and mysticism into world dominance.…
'sobornost' was the beginnings of the Russian ecumenical movement in the ROC.
St. Sergius Theological Institute in Paris partnered with the YMCA for financing. Additional money came via John D. Rockefeller which was used to spread Russian charities for support of academy worldwide. (pp. 225-238)
“Something Breaks Through a Little”: The Marriage of Zen and Sophia in the Life of Thomas Merton - Christopher Pramuk…
(p. 67) Thomas Merton’s view of the divine came from the East -- Zen and Russian Orthodoxy’s Sophia.
Aharon Yosef’s (aka Aron Ben Gilad, Athol Bloomer, Br. Gilbert, Br. Gilbert of the Divine Presence, Br. Gilbert Joseph, Gilbert Bloomer) teachers in Israel were Chasidic & Haredi rabbis and his Hebrew teacher was a Rothschild daughter married to a rabbi.…
Put on your surprise face… the former punk rocker groupie turned obese kabbalistic brother is a Chabadnik.
And he happily quotes Chabad rabbis on the Association of Hebrew Catholics’ (AHC) forum. Remember Raymond Burke sits on the board of the AHC and has participated in their anti-Christian Seder meal.…