Ivermectin, one of the most exhaustively tested and definitively safe medications in the world, was labeled dangerous ‘horse paste’, with the help of media and late night talk show hosts.
Remdesivir was a gamble: deadly, and expensive - and touted/pushed everywhere.
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Just a handful of decades ago, in the 1950's, America was approximately 90% White.. built as a nation of European immigrants, nearly the entire 10% remainder represented the descendants of the (shamefully) imported slave population, from Africa.
Remember this, when the institutionally captured media/Hollywood attempts to sell the lie that we've always been a 'nation of immigrants from all over the world' - we were a nation of Europeans, who heavily restricted migration from all deeply foreign cultures/nations, because it seemed positively insane to our high-context historically-astute founders (and their offspring) to embrace any other policy.
Since the passing of the Hart-Celler act, White Americans now make up just 60% of the population their fathers built.. and not only are these numbers declining relative to the tens of millions of imported third world populations, but also in absolute terms, as the White birth rate itself is now - for the first time - showing negative growth.
We all know the score - please pardon the depressing reminder of our monumental late-stage-empire blunders, of unprecedented magnitude - and I think we're finally on the brink of reversing this tide, and finding a new path forward..
the purpose of this post isn't so much this upsetting data, but the interesting infographics in the next post, showing the settlement patterns of the European Americans who collectively built this great nation...
The Germans, the English, and the Irish, were the three major northwestern European populations that flocked to America in her infancy - followed by several cousin peoples...
They'd go on to collectively create the greatest economic and military superpower in recorded history.
Call us 'racist' until you're blue in the face - when we think about what's been done to this nation, and the overwhelming potential it once had, our blood boils..
your anger toward our 'racism' doesn't begin to compare to our anger felt for your idiotic short-sighted ignorance.
Simply put, a leading reason I believe creating parallel structure is the most viable path forward:
Our system is collapsing utterly, because corrupt, incompetent, irrevocably flawed.
Why fight to take over a crumbling edifice?
Why not create anew, according to lessons learned?
There's no ceiling/limit to just how much these parallel constructs might accomplish, long term, because countless 'pockets' might be built, then gradually and seamlessly networked together..
This isn't a mere 'escape' for those seeking total passivity.. immense potential, here.
One more argument I think so many overlook..
Virtually anything one might want to do to 'right the ship' (new businesses, political action) could likely be done in a more secure and effective and well-organized way, from friendly soil, surrounded by good people and like-minds.
My last post regarding the slaughter of the Romanov family seems to have animated some mixture of marxists and bolsheviks, trans flags, atheists and satanists, anarchists..
the most defining trait of these, viewed broadly as a group, seems to be this:
They seem utterly incapable of grasping the conception of what Kingship and Nobility (and even the very notion of hierarchy) initially meant to ancient peoples.
University professors, broadly speaking, now teach that these European Nobles and Aristocrats were the root of all evil - of all oppression, mistreatment, self-serving abuse.. the truth is that many of these same college professors are the cultural (often even ethnic) descendants of the vastly worse and more corrupt forces that took the place of these unjustly deposed Nobles, once their ancestors had stoked a public hatred sufficient to cause their brutal murders, to successfully get them out of the way.
Yes, it's true that Royal lineages have been deeply corrupted, in recent centuries, some of whom seem to have practically made a 'deal with the devil'.. the decline of London has long epitomized this. It's easy to have a negative view of the Nobility - not simply due to the propaganda we're all now immersed in, but due to many of their own very real failings.. especially since that corruption/subversion began in such earnest.
That said, a King or Monarch in healthier conditions and healthier times (and especially within a homogeneous environment, in which a nation shares familial bonds) was seen by many as something like a father of a household - the foremost and idealized representative of a family of peoples.. and the best of these deeply cared about their people.
There's a reason these Nobles were targeted above all other groups, by the upstarts who now wield such immense power. That 'father' figure needed to be either co-opted or completely eliminated, to open the door for the Larry Finks, Rothschilds, Soros' and Warburgs of the world to monopolistically take the helm.
The Romanovs stood openly opposed to the central banking cabal, for example.. and were never forgiven for this.
Far leftist 'intellectuals', who've completely taken over the sphere of 'higher education', gradually convinced a subset of the public to despise - with the deepest hateful passion - the one group that had any hope of standing in the way of these malevolent parasitic forces.
Ask yourself:
Now that we've everywhere murdered and dethroned our Nobles and Aristocrats, deposed Monarchs and Kings, and now live in a world dominated by a self-interested merchant class and international finance - is the world the better for it?
Are we headed in a positive direction, as result?
Let's say the bolshe/marxist one day got everything they wished for.. lets say everything and everyone healthy or beautiful or well-constituted or blessed with innate gifts was completely obliterated, every Christian murdered, every non-Jewish White male disempowered - and they were able to place their own monstrous little troll(s) in a position of power..
their ideology would never let them rest, because it's a permanent 'revolutionary spirit' (as E Michael Jones well speaks to) with no end point, no goal, that forever takes aim at leadership.. even at 'bests' and 'ideals'.
In a very real sense, it's the eternal rallying of the poorly constituted against the healthy.. it's the single most dysgenic philosophy ever concocted, and it dooms such people to endless, eternal chaos.
What they seem to miss is that this philosophy wasn't designed to create a healthy and happy world - it was designed by the most malevolent men as a weapon to destroy an opposition force.
Those who buy into this ideology become mere tools used to help facilitate a wholesale transfer of power - to some of the worst men our world has ever seen.
The firestorm this video kicked off is that type I find the most fascinating..
I see decent people on both sides completely misunderstanding one another, talking past one another.
I'd suggest a leading reason many good people find it off-putting is simple:
Our culture has so clearly been erased, and replaced.
What 'Gemini' is doing to images of Western mankind, is what a certain powerful subset has been doing to our culture - for decades, now.
Cheapening, disempowering, erasing.
Subconsciously, so many of us recognize that we had our own culture, once, and thus didn't have to ape those of others.. and it was a beautiful thing.
I don't even necessarily fault the girls 'just having fun' -in a parched desert completely lacking in sustenance, we're naturally going to reach out for whatever is there.. ghetto culture has been made so dominant and all pervasive that it's often all they know.
Ask a college girl to dance, there's an excellent chance she's going to start some variant of 'twerking'.
There are hundreds of dance styles, countless types of music, endless ways to unwind, have fun - I can understand the disappointment with the fact that this seems to be the one the vast majority of girls are now so conditioned into walking.
Right or wrong, most of the girls in this video will be seen by most men as short term conquests, adventures, to be tossed aside once the fun has been had..
The alternative - especially because it's become so rare - is immensely attractive, by contrast.
Having some sense of grace, modesty and femininity is what the vast majority of men seek in someone they care to spend the rest of their lives with.
and no, not an 'incel' - and I genuinely adore women, especially in their healthiest state of being - just someone who feels he's glimpsed a vastly superior ideal on the horizon.. in both past, and future.
This seems to be one of the more major rifts on the right, sadly..
One group claiming wildly disproportionate Jewish power is being used to disempower native populations and spread anti-White and anti-Western-culture hatred - another claiming all women are the real culprits..
every last one of them, apparently.
They even puppet the Federal reserve, and the Rothschilds!
There's no doubt we've completely lost touch with healthy masculinity, and the better aspects of our patriarchal heritage - and that our world is being swiftly 'feminized', made weak and soft and genuinely pathetic, by so many objective measures.. but in my opinion this point of view often misses that healthy femininity can (and does) actually still exist, and cultivating healthy and happy women who are a profound net-positive to the world is still possible.
I'm baffled by this urge to drive a wedge between our men and women at this all important moment in time, with such massive problems before us, such incredibly powerful enemies, who so obviously seek to disempower/destroy us..
You folks do realize we need these people to make more people, yes?
Perhaps instead of tossing them to the dogs, we attempt to help 'fix' them, and encourage their better natures to come to the fore?
Lovecraft can be witty and insightful from time to time, from all I've seen.. I've certainly appreciated some of his posts.
Stuff like this - and this recent broader push to stoke hatred between the sexes - baffles me.. and it's such a terrible path forward.
In rightist circles, should women be our leading influencers, leaders, thinkers, etc? Absolutely not, in my opinion.. yet I'd suggest that the healthiest feminine instinct - playing its timeless, natural role - is not to be this.
It's a very modern notion.. and simply requires a change in approach and thinking to remedy.
also, these ideas seem to highlight an incredibly stunted understanding of history.. the fairer sex has absolutely not been a net-negative force, across vast stretches of time in prior eras.
We tend to treat modernity as 'just the way things have always been'.. no, it's the way things happen to be right this very moment, because we've fallen so spiritually/psychologically/culturally ill.
The IQ debate is an interesting one.. I started my own journey with a powerful fascination with the concept, but have come to reject both ‘extremes’:
Yes, IQ *does* (however imperfectly) help measure something real - we know this because it’s a reliable predictor of several
things, including a vast swathe of things we consider negative (criminality, out of wedlock births, etc), and an equally large handful of things we consider positive. It’s a better predictor than socio-economic status.. and any data point that so powerfully correlates with
such things is fruitful, informative, useful..
*yet*, it’s miles away from being some all-important standalone measure of competence or ability.. as clearly evidenced by the fact that certain supposedly high IQ populations have minimal historical accomplishment/achievement..