I am thinking about a politics of conscience that is not in the service of the willingly invisible, concealed power interests, but is really in the service of the whole society and is negotiated&shaped together by everyone in society in a self-responsible way.
A politics that frees itself from power, the powerful and their interests, that no longer allows itself to be distracted by many side issues, that is no longer corrupted and controlled by the powerful,
which uncovers and takes into account all connections, dependencies and obligations and does not lose sight of the big picture.
Which does not lose sight of the real challenges (No.1 the liberation of society from and sustainable overcoming of the rule of the families/class of the huge, unlawful, criminal fortunes/class struggle)
and sells out and endangers the future of all people and is already responsible for millions, if not billions of victims in the present.
It is not only necessary to correlate, analyse and theorise about what has already happened and what is ongoing with great accuracy, from the different perspectives, but it is also necessary to already prepare for that where most of the information is still missing,
what is only just beginning or is being initiated, what is only quietly or already loudly audible like the Great Reset/Agenda2030, what is only vaguely perceptible.
It is necessary to increase our readiness to receive and at the same time to take action ourselves with our own narratives and goals and active attempts for alternative social orders to implement our own narratives and goals.
"Opposing War Is The First Step Toward Moral Politics"
"If we could see what our rulers are doing to people with fresh eyes, we would fall to our knees and scream with rage." @Caitoz caitlinjohnstone.substack.com/p/opposing-war…
My dear dialogue network. It does not take any seer-like supernatural abilities or even university studies to recognise the signals and consequences of what is coming, if we leave politics under the control of the ruling families/class of the vast, unjust, criminal fortunes.
All that is needed is openness, empathy better empathy, more tolerance of the unfamiliar, but above all the imagination to be able to see even what is not yet visible.
Let us unite and thus strengthen our skills, strengths and different perspectives in dialogue.
In view of the growing complexity of political and social challenges, there is no need for "narrow politicians" (H. Hesse)
who can be corrupted and controlled by the ruling class and who are no longer up to their tasks, like Habeck and Baerbock,
or Biden and Harris (who only act as puppets of the rulers).
What is needed are independent, uncorrupted "far politicians" (H. Hesse) who recognise all people without exception, not only with their material and political rights, but also with their aesthetic, spiritual and metaphysical needs.
The best way to do this is by drawing lots for individual challenges for a limited period of time from a cross-section of society as a whole (aleatory democracy).
It needs the greatest possible open space for thinking instead of today's narrow frames of thought (framings, Overton windows) for a successful ongoing shaping of the present and future.
Today, everyone is attacked who dares to think outside the framework of thought (framing) set from above and without supervision and to look out of the Overton window. Anyone who doesn't conform unconditionally, buy mRNA gene therapy (sold as Corona vaccination)
and is in favour of arms deliveries to a corrupt US/NATO-Nazi! puppet regime in Kiev (until final victory), will be persecuted as a lateral thinker, covidiot, conspiracy theorist,
dangerous person, unvaccinated person, as a rat, as anti-social ...will have to live with exclusion and even occupational bans.
Let us follow the future thinker Hermann Hesse, who saw salvation in the transformation of people, a "human quake" (Robert Jungk).
Hermann Hesse did not see the human being as an abstract, bloodless empty formula, subjected to cunning plans of the rulers (via genetic modification to transhumanism).
Hermann Hesse saw every human being a billion times a unique individual and encouraged everyone in their claim to a self-determined, free life. In his anonymous political pamphlet Zarathustra's Return, Hermann Hesse wrote in 1919:
"You should learn to be yourselves, just as I have learned to be Zarathustra. You should unlearn to be others, to be nothing at all, to imitate foreign voices and to take foreign faces for your own."
The aspirations of a counter-culture and counter-movement to the official woken capitalist mass culture promoted from above today cannot be summarised more briefly and clearly. This striving for individual expression, individual own ideas,
individual existence, which does not allow itself to be ideologically influenced, isolated in the competition of everyone against everyone else, but rather connects amicably with other existences in a cooperative way.
This striving to resist any excessive, unconditional conformity, external determination and external control (manipulation).
It is not an easy path and it may take a long time and there will also be defeats and regressions and yet one day it will be successful (so the conviction of Hermann Hesse and mine).
Warum wurde John F. Kennedy ermordet?
John F. Kennedy zog es in Erwägung die FED durch eine staatliche Zentralbank zu ersetzen. Er wusste, dass die FED eine Privatbank ist und nicht wie allgemein angenommen, eine staatliche Institution.
Folgende Rede soll Kennedys Todesurteil gewesen sein:
President John F Kennedy Secret Society Speech version 2
Alle Menschen können wieder lernen, die Welt mit dem Herzen zu sehen, ihre wahren Gefühle wahrnehmend. Es gibt viele wunderbare und echte Vorbilder.
Alle Menschen suchen im Grunde den Sinn ihres Lebens. Viele vergessen im Verlaufe ihres Lebens ihre Suche, weil sie die Verbindung zu ihrem Herzen und ihren echten Gefühlen verlieren, von sich selbst entfremdet werden sie zu Sklaven des Materiellen, des Geldes, der Herrschenden.
Alle Menschen finden den Sinn ihres Lebens nur in der Liebe zu sich selbst und in der Liebe zu ihren Mitmenschen und allem Leben, in er gemeinsamen Gestaltung der Gesellschaft und der gemeinsamen Entfaltung ihrer Möglichkeiten im sozialen Austausch,
Rüstung und Medikamente jungewelt.de/artikel/440956…
"Das »sozialverträgliche Frühableben«, wie es einst ein Ärztefunktionär formulierte, ist Teil des Systems, in Kriegszeiten zudem der gewaltsame Tod.
Also kündigte die Rüstungsschmiede Rheinmetall an, schon im Juni 2023 mit einer neuen Munitionsfabrik dem Mangel bei der Bundeswehr abhelfen zu können. .."
Erich Kästner fragte 1927 frei nach Goethe: »Kennst Du das Land, wo die Kanonen blühen?« Und antwortete: »Dort reift die Freiheit nicht. Dort bleibt sie grün. Was man auch baut – es werden stets Kasernen … Du kennst es nicht? Du wirst es kennenlernen!«
Being politically left (socialist, communist, Marxist, anarchist...) originally meant the political desire and the goal to free politics and society again from power or the rule of people over people.
Being politically right-wing (monarchist, capitalist, neoliberal, woke...), on the other hand, ultimately means defending the existing capitalist social orders with the rule of the ruling families/class of huge fortunes over the majority of people
and thus defending the lack of freedom of the majority of people.
One can also deliberately use the terms politically "left" and "right" in Orwellian neologism to denote the opposite that they originally stood for politically in order to defend the status quo.
Politisch links sein (sozialistisch, kommunistisch, marxistisch, anarchistisch...) bedeutet ursprünglich das politische Verlangen und das Ziel, die Politik und die Gesellschaft wieder von der Macht bzw. der Herrschaft von Menschen über Menschen zu befreien.
Politisch rechts sein (monarchistisch, kapitalistisch, neoliberal, woke) bedeutet hingegen letztlich die Verteidigung der bestehenden kapitalistischen Gesellschaftsordnungen mit der Herrschaft der herrschenden Familien/Klasse der riesigen Vermögen über die Mehrheit der Menschen
und damit die Verteidigung der Unfreiheit der Mehrheit der Menschen.
Lasst uns nicht mehr nur darauf schauen, was die Herrschenden der herrschenden Familien/Klasse der riesigen Vermögen planen und tun, sondern lasst uns aktiv eine andere Gesellschaft anstreben, erschaffen.
Dazu müssen wir uns aber auf eine neue Erzählung einigen, die uns eint!
Unabhängig davon ist auf allen Ebenen der Krieg, der Faschismus, die zunehmende Ausbeutung, der Pharmakrieg mit der mRNA-Gentherapie und der Ausbau des Totalitarismus zu stoppen und wieder umzukehren.
Meine lieben Dialog-Partner, welche alternative Erzählungen zum Kapitalismus habt ihr?