No thread today.
I'll be posting videos that will help the readers understand the fraud every American has been subject to
What are victimless crimes?
Grandma explains the fraud.
Go get them Anna. 👇
David Straight has a similar take on how to get free from Babylon.
Let's see what he says about an
Affidavit of Repudiation.
This method of using an Affidavit is slightly different than Grandma's remedy.👇
Wow...How could this be true?
How did this happen?
When did this happen?
Is all this fraud Fruit of the poisonous tree?
Yusef El lays it out here👇
Here's the book Judge for yourself Those that have knowledge of our Postal system will appreciate the authors name.His name is Melvin Stamper.This information is crucial to make an informed decision.👇…
Fruit From a Poisonous Tree
By:Melvin Stamper
Wow...I'm going be building a lot of houses to pay that debt off.
Shouldn't I be working on my own home?That is the American dream isn't it?
So wonder Yusef El is so irritated.
I feel also feel irritated.
They've been paying me IOU's for building other people's houses?
"Come on Man"...Haha
Oop's...I've got to learn to control my feels.Haha😂🤣😅
While we're having a laugh.
I took a look at my feed and found out some great news.
Twitter no longer shows what kind of phone we use.
That's definitely a step in the right direction Thank you @elonmusk and all the engineers at @Twitter
Were these Bolshevics the original foot soldiers of some unseen hidden
Agenda by evil Men/Woman of the day?
What happened before the Bolshevic Revolution seems similar to where we find ourselves today?
I'll let the reader decide🤔
Watch History Hustle 👇
Here's a playlist from History Hustle.
Looks good.I'll have to check it out later🧐
This video explains the slow coup that took place against the Czar👇
A little divide and conquer?
Eventually we get something that looks like this.
Than this.
I can't help but notice the similarities of the situation we find ourselves in today. We may have a way of stopping this from happening to us.
Let's hear Bill Still interview Loy Brunson about the upcoming #BrunsonBrothers#SupremeCourt
I feel very sad for those of our loved one's who have and continue to be deceived by this #GreatDeception.
I you have taken these #MRNA 💉medical devices fraudulently advertised as vaccines please repent or (GoBack)And 🙏pray to our Father in Heaven that you are not harmed.
Than hold the individual that gave you the shot or shots liable for not giving you the information you needed to make an informed decision.
Just remember fraud vitiates everything.
Incuding any #BigPharmaImmunities
I'm going to watch Yellowstone with my Dad.
I'll keep this thread open until after the show just in case I want to ramble into thin air some more.Haha😂🤣😅
We'll Yellowstone was a bit boring.
7 minutes of the show and 10 minutes of commercials.
So glad I don't watch much TV anymore.
I'll try to get back on track in the next thread.
I know I've jumped around a bunch.
There are many different aspects to consider when trying to figure out.
I hope I've provided enough information to make an informed decision for yourself.
To start part 4
I would like to address @elonmusk and @TwitterSafety.
I'll add that Notice to Principal is Notice to Agent and Notice to Agent is Notice to Principal.
RE: individual liability questions and answers?
I'm not an attorney or a lawyer and
I am only a student of Law,but not the kind of law your thinking of.
I'm talking about God's Law also know as the Torah.
That being said.
I mean no loss or harm to anyone.
Ok.Ready for part 3?
Meet: Bill Still
He will inform you about how our monetary system has been manipulated over the years by Central Banks.
Thank you Bill still.
So now we know what RomanCIVILlaw is.
Let us rebuke it with a short video by:
Anna Maria Riezinger.
Author of You know something is wrong when...."An American Affidavit of Probable Cause"
Thank you Anna for making this Affidavit easy to understand.
So I feel bad just leaving everyone hanging with this citation.
I'll look for a different citation that is easy for the readers to access.
Here are some screen-shots from my copy.
@federalreserve I would like to report a fraud.
In 1972 Someone used my name
and unlawfully converted it
And now a bunch of crooked traitors are trading it on the stock market.
I have proof that I've been trespassed on since birth and I require remedy.
@federalreserve I guess I should back up my CLAIM with some citations.
I'll try to keep them in somewhat of a time-line explaining the FRAUD and TRESPASS at the time of my BIRTH.
@federalreserve Let me also state that I'm just a carpenter and not a lawyer.
So please do not take this information I provide as legal advice.
I will try to post citations and tools like dictionaries,style manuals and military manuals.