The #Vedic#PurushSukta is dedicated to the Cosmic Being from whom Creation manifests & serves as the source of Puranic accounts of Lord #Vishnu as the #Cosmic Purush. I have earlier mentioned His 3 Purush #Avatars so sharing some details in this thread, do read till the end 1/5
According to #Devi#Bhagwat there exist countless #Brahma, Vishnu & #Shiva forms to cater to the billions of Universes...3/5
The 3rd form is #Kshirodakshayi Vishnu whom we identify as the Lord Vishnu who lies on #sheshnag in the #KsheerSagar (Ocean of Milk) and is the one who is approached by the gods in the time of need. Satvata #Tantra mentions that He also resides within the heart of each being..4/5
So these are the 3 main forms that Lord #Vishnu takes to look after this material existence in different capacities. Truly as they say - #Hari Anant Hari Katha Ananta - the Lord is limitless and so are His stories!