UN says historic global biodiversity agreement to save species and humanity will be like the Paris 1.5°C climate goal but for nature
also the UN: climate goal of 1.5°C is nearly dead
1. 'COP15 aims to achieve an historic agreement to halt and reverse nature loss, on par with the 2015 Paris Climate Agreement. What is adopted in Montreal will essentially be a global blueprint to save the planet’s dwindling biodiversity.'
3. 'Environmentalists have compared the accord to the landmark plan to limit global warming to 1.5C under the Paris agreement, though some earlier warned that it did not go far enough'
5. It's no coincidence that corporations like Shell and Nestlé are happy with the 30x30 UN deal. Indigenous peoples and local communities flourish alongside and in harmony with species; big business can pnly mean extinctions and ecosystem collapse.
8. Climate change is about to increase extinction risk enormously, but the whole global economy of industrial agriculture and deforestation, logging, pesticides, pollution, etc, is what is destroying biodiversity.
reminder: scientists have discovered weaknesses in the ice shelf holding back Antarctica’s 'doomsday' glacier suggesting it could shatter within the next 2 to 4 years 🧵
The Amazon Rainforest is already at moderate risk of collapse due to climate change and with emissions still rising the danger will shift to high risk as early as 2025.🧵
1. Amazon Forest tipping point risk (abrupt or irreversible change in aspects of the Earth System) is already moderate.
'IPCC AR6 concludes that..the boundary between moderate and high risk is assessed with medium confidence to lie between 1.5°C and 2.5°C'metoffice.gov.uk/weather/climat…
2. Emissions should have peaked this year (2020 - 2025) to avoid 1.5°C, 2°C, or even 2.5°C (IPCC AR6 report).
The Amazon Rainforest shifts from moderate to high risk of collapse due to climate change at 1.5- 2.5°C.
Did you know the recently agreed UN Biodiversity Framework plan to protect 30% of the natural world is supported by the most contaminating and destructive corporations in the world, like Unilever, Nestlé and Shell? Their plan is to exploit and ruin the remaining 70% as usual. 🧵
1. 30×30 would be the worst possible outcome of COP15:
'The plan to turn 30% of the earth into Protected Areas is based on a deeply unscientific and racist logic'
2. It's no coincidence that corporations are happy with the 30x30 UN deal.
Indigenous peoples and local communities flourish alongside and in harmony with species; big business can only mean extinctions and ecosystem collapse.
BREAKING: crucial negotiations to end the destruction of Earth's species & ecosystems at biodiversity conference COP15 result in a deal that prioritises economic interests 🧵
'While, on paper, the targets recognise the severe challenges facing all life on Earth, the agreement is not legally binding'
An amazing news story virtually ignored by state/corporate media: scientists are pointing to emergency system change actions because emissions must peak immediately to avoid catastrophic 1.5°C/2°C/2.5°C of global warming but economic growth has emissions rising apocalyptically.🧵
1. Emissions need to fall immediately (2020 - 2025) for 1.5°C, 2°C & 2.5°C.
Extinction looms.
The public deserves to know scientists are pointing to system change action.