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Literature Teacher sharing info/news on Rapid Extinction & the Collapse of Earth's systems. Urging radical political, economic change to try to limit the doom.
77 subscribers
Mar 4 5 tweets 2 min read
New research shows we're heading for rapid mass extinction at 3-5°C of global warming even if we avoid the so-called worst-case scenarios. 🧵 SSP scenarios will result in far more warming than thought 3 to 4 or even 5°C with the 'moderate' SSP2-4.5 emissions scenario.
SSP3-7.0 looks closer to reality to me, so 4-5°C.…
Mar 2 7 tweets 3 min read
COLLAPSING:  scientists indicate civilisation-wrecking conditions are already developing as rapid mass extinction accelerates with billions set to be killed from 2029- 2048🧵 Current generic extinction rates likely to greatly accelerate in coming decades due to economic growth & overconsumption by the rich.
Economic activities during capitalism are destroying the conditions that make human life possible.……
Feb 22 5 tweets 2 min read
DOOM:  majority of scientists think difficult-or-impossible-to-survive warming of 1.9-2.1°C and rising is now unavoidable and set to begin wiping out species within years 🧵 1. 'New assessment warns area the size of the USA will become too hot during extreme heat events for even healthy young humans to maintain a safe body temperature if we hit 2°C'…

"if we hit 2°C"?

Virtually all scientists expect 2°…
Feb 19 4 tweets 2 min read
COLLAPSE: scientists indicate all aspects of human societies will be wrecked by 2029-2092 as habitat destruction and pollution intensify with unsurvivable accelerating warming of 1.95-2.15°C and rising now unavoidable even with capitalism's best-case emissions reductions 🧵 1. 'Most scientists concur..2°C of warming above the temperature during preindustrial time would harm all sectors of civilization - food, water, health, land, national security, energy & economic prosperity…
Best-case: 1.96°C, 2.18°C…
Feb 11 35 tweets 5 min read
The economy is a heat engine.
How will it cool the planet?
Collapse is already here.
Time to rethink. 🧵 1.

Economic growth: the engine of collapse

The hope is that, with astute academic guidance and sufficiently powerful doses of political will, we can safely navigate our way through the Anthropocene. 

But there are physical limits to what is possible.
Feb 6 8 tweets 2 min read
COLLAPSE: there is a very high likelihood that capitalism has condemned 2 to 7 billion people to an early death by 2038-2058. 🧵 1.

'a very high likelihood of 2.0 °C of regional warming by 2040 for the majority of regions, along with a likelihood of 3 °C by mid-century'…
Dec 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Warming: Image 4°C for the first time by 2045 would be utterly extraordinary. However, 4°C for the first time by 2095 looks more and more likely.


Dec 28, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
Scientsts: global warming of 3°C is

* hard/impossible to survive
* hard/impossible to prevent
* likely by 2069-2092
* plausible by 2045
* just one of many existential threats that mean a total rethink of economic growth is mandatory to protect species and everyone

Journalists: Capitalism has set up the early deaths of billions of people.


Dec 25, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
Has capitalism left it too late to avoid unsurvivable 2/2.5°C of global warming and rising?


Has the scientific community issued major consensus reports indicating only political-economic systems changes may end biodiversity destruction and limit abrupt climate chaos?

Nov 22, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The factory food, fossil fuel, and arms industries are all thriving. Cement, plastics, steel.. This capitalist Extinction Economy is the worst-case scenario. It won't stop emissions. It has condemned us to essentially unsurvivable warming at 1.9-2°C and rising by 2029-41. 🧵 1. Mass media journalists are silent on 2°C by 2032-41 as warming hits 1.38-1.5C increasing by 0.35-0.45C per decade.

'12 months after the peak of the El Niño event and global temperatures are still exceptionally high'

Capitalsim won't 'redouble efforts'…
Nov 20, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: World Meteorological Organization issues Red Alert to humanity as accelerating global warming of 1.4-1.7°C and rising heralds essentially unsurvivable conditions within years not decades 🧵 1. The January –September 2024 global mean surface air temperature was 1.54°C (with a margin of uncertainty of ±0.13°C) above the pre-industrial average boosted by a warming El Niño event according to an analysis of six international datasets used by WMO.
Nov 17, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: scientists hold back tears and shake their heads sadly as they explain utterly compromised COP29 climate conference was meant to be the last chance to organise rapid and deep emissions cuts for any chance of staying well below essentially unsurvivable 2°C 🧵 1. Time has run out to avoid 1.5°C (now sure to hit in the 2020s) and avoid the worst impacts of climate change. 1.75°C will be exceeded soon after with dire 2°C expected by 2030-2050…
Nov 16, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
COLLAPSING: scientists confirm there's no doubt humanity will see the real risk of catastrophic multiple breadbasket failures by 2035-2045 🧵 1. “.. we will, certainly, in the next 15 to 20 years, see continued food crises, and the real risk of multiple breadbasket failures … that’s in addition to a lot of the other risks that might impact us through fresh-water pollution, ocean acidification..”…
Nov 14, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: horrified scientists discover plankton can't adapt to accelerating rate of global warming🧵 1. 'alarming: plankton are unable to adapt to the unprecedented speed of current temperature increases, jeopardizing vast marine ecosystems'

Change this Extinction Economy now while it's still too late to protect species and everyone.…
Nov 9, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: scientists confirm plastic production is unsustainable and must end as their fears that 30-70% of Earth's species will go extinct this century intensify 🧵 1. “What is clear is we cannot manage the amount of plastic we are producing..Only 10% of it gets recycled, something needs to be done"

Plastic pollution affecting climate, biodiversity, ecosystems, ocean acidification, species' health. #ExtinctionEconomy…
Nov 4, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: with some form of collapse now underway, scientists say there has been a terrifying lack of progress on stopping the annihilation of species and ecosystems crucial for human survival.. meanwhile, in totally unrelated news, corporate profits are hitting record highs 🧵 "..government and big corporations.. the blame lies on them."

Next to nothing done to curb extinction since 2022

(See real quote…)
Gross domestic product (GDP) and corporate profits both smashed expectations in..4th quarter of 2023…
Nov 3, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: climate scientists warn imminent collapse of the AMOC (the major ocean current system) will in turn trigger collapse in the Amazon Rainforest 🧵 1. phenomenon could cause irreversible collapse of forest cover

'climate change triggered by the weakening of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Cell, combined with changes in land use linked to deforestation, would cause irreversible damage to the biome'…
Nov 2, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: scientists warn catastrophically rapid extreme global warming at hellish 2°C for the first time by 2029-2031 is plausible. 🧵 1. The IPCC still claims we're at 1.1°C. The epic downplaying is criminal.

Decadal warming of 0.43°C and rising it seems.

Abrupt climate change is just one compounding factor in extinction horror.

Change this Doom Economy now while it's still too late. Image
Nov 1, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: shocking new climate consensus revealed as more than 9 out of 10 scientists agree all viable paths to stay below hellish 2°C of warming under capitalism are now gone 🧵 1/We need global mobilization on a scale and pace never seen before or the 1.5C goal will soon be dead and well below 2C will take its place in the intensive care unit'

Scientists know:

these are just words

a 1/3 of emissions won't be cut within years…
Oct 31, 2024 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: major new health report shows food insecurity and hunger are rising "relentlessly" during capitalism as ecological breakdown intensifies 🧵 1. The Lancet Climate & Health report.

Catastrophic hunger increasing.

Oct 31, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: horror and disgust as negotiators at COP16 remove call to transition away from fossil fuels from the UN nature summit's draft agreement 🧵 1. 'A coalition of nearly 150 campaign groups published a joint letter to negotiators calling on them to halt new oil and gas activity in nature-rich areas like the Amazon rainforest and the Verde Island Passage in the Philippines.'…