Ben See Profile picture
Literature Teacher providing information on the rapid Extinction-Climate Catastrophe and urging radical degrowth system change action to try to limit the doom.
🥥🌴🌊☕️Coffee&Robots🤖🌊🥥🌴🇺🇦 Profile picture Ken Tancrous Ⓥ 🌱 Sue Strong 🇺🇦 Profile picture Walter Andreeff (he/him) Profile picture Charlie Helps FRSA ⚛️❣️💙🖤🤍 Profile picture 72 subscribed
Jul 18 7 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING:  climate scientists fear the worst after discovering Earth's plants and soils stopped absorbing CO₂ last year 🧵 1. 'Collapse of the land carbon sink in 2023..

plants and soils absorbed almost no CO2 last year'

'we may see a rapid acceleration of CO2 and global warming.. unforeseen in future climate models projections'

'ugly consequences'
Jul 16 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: scientists confirm rapid deoxygenation of oceans, lakes, rivers, and streams is now a threat to the stability of life on Earth 🧵 1. 'ongoing deoxygenation presents a major threat to the livelihoods of large parts of society and for the stability of life on our planet'

Causes of oxygen loss:

global warming due to greenhouse gas emissions

input of nutrients as a result of land use…
Jul 2 4 tweets 2 min read
An amazing news story totally ignored by state-corporate media: according to even the most conservative and optimistic consensus assumptions there had to be 'immediate action' years ago at the very latest with emissions peaking and falling by now to avoid utterly catastrophic 2C.
Jul 2 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: scientists warn we're beginning to feel the effects of a geologically instantaneous 21st century shift into extreme and unsurvivable conditions 🧵 1. 'We are starting to feel the effects of transitioning to a hothouse climate (ΔT  +4-5 °C) in a geological instant'

The global change happening now is potentially like the Permian extinction which occurred in just a few centuries.…
Jun 28 10 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING:  scientists now all agree humanity faces a global food supply catastrophe in roughly a decade or two 🧵 Biodiversity destruction/extinction disaster plus 2, 2.5 or even 3°C of warming by 2048.

This means severe sustained global impacts on food systems by 2035-2050 with conditions so extreme scientists can't prove they're survivable.……
IPCC SRCCL report: Risks to land-related human systems and ecosystems Fig SPM 2
Jun 21 8 tweets 3 min read
Scientists now know today's capitalist economic system can't limit global warming to well below 2°C meaning human adaptation will not be feasible as the conditions for modern agriculture disappear forever in the coming years. Most scientists accept this. Some aren't ready yet. 🧵 Officially, CO2 emissions would have needed to be reduced by a staggering 70% in the 2020s to limit global warming to well below 2°C (when CDR fails). This is obviously not feasible: economic growth has left us with record high emissions approaching 2025.…
Jun 18 5 tweets 2 min read
We're about to hit 1.7./1.8°C of global warming for the first time and journalists are completely silent. This is how the Extinction Economy tells you lies as it completes the destruction of the habitable planet we once knew. 🧵 1. We're already well over 1.6°C over 12 months for the first time.

And abrupt climate change is just one compounding factor in extinction catastrophe.

Change this Extinction Economy now while it's still too late to protect species and everyone.

Jun 14 8 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: the world's most conservative scientists have changed their minds and now say they agree species like humans face catastrophically extreme global ecological and climate chaos impacts that will be beyond our ability to adapt within 15 years - give or take a decade 🧵 The most comprehensive extinction forecast of 15- 37 or even 50% of species wiped out by mid-century is likely too conservative. Biodiversity destruction during capitalism is worse than ever. Now the most cautious climate scientists expect 2°C by the…
Apr 30 4 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: scientists say global CO₂ emissions in the first months of 2024 remain as high as ever confirming the neoliberal energy transition project is a failure set to end in mass death and extinction without immediate economic system change 🧵 1. Capitalism means rapid mass extinction due to biodiversity destruction. Abrupt climate change is just one compounding factor in extinction catastrophe. Change this Extinction Economy now while it's still too late to protect species and everyone.

Apr 6 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: staggered climate scientists warn anything is now possible (and they mean anything) after the biggest jump in temperature ever recorded anywhere on Earth occurs in the Antarctic 1. "if we had a 40C rise in the UK now.. that would be deadly for the population.”

Glaciologist Prof Martin Siegert, of the University of Exeter: “No one in our community thought that anything like this could ever happen."

“It is simply mind-boggling”…
Apr 5 11 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: IPCC scientist reveals it's actually been years since their models first indicated the catastrophic global warming acceleration now happening was to be expected 🧵 1. The IPCC is still silent on it's own findings

a) models show the current catastrophic global warming acceleration of the 2020s was to be expected

Why wasn't this communicated back in 2018- 2022?

b) emissions should've peaked by ~2022 to avoid 3/3.5°…
Apr 3 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: climate scientists confirm catastrophic accelerated warming set to hit this decade 🧵 1. 'we may expect an accelerated surface temperature warming in this decade'

'a positive EEI confirms the lag of the climate system in responding to forcing and implies that additional global warming will take place even without further forcing changes"…
Apr 3 8 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: scientific community begins to confront widespread denial with team of distinguished scientists publishing a paper explicitly stating exploitative wealth-oriented capitalism must be replaced immediately as the extinction of 32- 70% of Earth's species in decades looms🧵 1/'a critical paradigm shift must occur that replaces exploitative, wealth-oriented capitalism with an economic model that prioritizes sustainability, resilience, and justice'

* increasing clarity on mandatory economic change

* flaws on carrying capacity…
Mar 28 7 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: as Earth's major forests begin to collapse a new report shows 95% of companies behind catastrophic rapid industrial-scale deforestation have failed to take meaningful action since pledging to stop the destruction 10 years ago with a 2025 tipping point deadline looming🧵 1. Rainforests in SE Asia have hit tipping points. 20- 26% of the Amazon Rainforest is in a state of collapse

"The tipping point is not a future scenario but rather a stage already present"

Savannization is already taking place in both Brazil and…
Mar 23 4 tweets 2 min read
“..a system can collapse in the sense of massive extinction in relatively short time.. even a slow parameter change can suddenly lead to a system collapse with catastrophic consequences.”

Prepare to avoid future disasters or mitigate their effects? 🧵… 1a. 'Human activities are having increasingly negative impacts on natural systems, and it is of interest to understand how the “pace” of parameter change may lead to catastrophic consequences.'…
Mar 15 8 tweets 2 min read
Mass media editors are hiding a terrible secret: capitalism has left us in rapid mass extinction territory due to its habitat destruction, wildlife extermination, and toxic chemical, light & noise pollution plus 1.5- 2°C of global warming and rising fast to unsurvivable 2.5- 7°C. Scientists and activists all know emergency system change action should have begun by the early 2020s at the absolute latest and probably before to curb biodiversity calamity. The public? Clueless due to mass media editors' refusal to reveal reality.


Mar 10 25 tweets 8 min read
Scientists say soon enough we'll suddenly see and feel the 6th mass extinction all around us very clearly. 🧵 1. 'the damage won’t always be in the background. Nizar Ibrahim is a paleontologist.. “There will be a point in the not too distant future when we suddenly see and feel this mass extinction all around us very clearly,” Ibrahim says.'…
Mar 9 5 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: scientists confirm world capitalism has now fatally warped Earth's seasons unleashing ecological chaos and rapid extinction 🧵 1. 'climate change won’t simply usher in seasons where everything happens either a month earlier or later. Some species will delay hibernation.. but others will stick to their original schedule, taking their cues from day length.. The result will be chaos'…
Mar 1 4 tweets 1 min read
BREAKING: great apes including bonobos, chimpanzees, gorillas, and orangutans have been listed as Critically Endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature meaning they are on the very brink of extinction 🧵 1/How many journalists and scientists will clearly and consistently explain political and economic system change is the only way to meaningfully protect species and everyone?

Great apes, human's closest living relatives, knocking on the door of…
Feb 27 5 tweets 2 min read
OLD NEWS: the greatest climate scientist in history warns we're all set to hit global warming levels that will leave species like humans unable to adapt within a decade or so 🧵 1. "We will pass through the in the 2030s unless we take purposeful actions to affect the planet’s energy balance.” ~James Hansen

“Jim is probably the greatest climate scientist in history, so I am hesitant to disagree with him" ~Andrew Dessler…
Feb 27 8 tweets 3 min read
BREAKING: scientists fear the majority of Earth's species face near-term extinction as US-led industrial capitalism accelerates its extermination of wildlife and people with mass media journalists silent on scientific consensus documents urging political-economic system change🧵 1/Under Biden, we’ve seen a record-breaking explosion in approvals for more oil & gas drilling permits -even more than Trump- coinciding with a new, mammoth ad campaign promoting the expanded use of fossil fuels launched by the American Petroleum Institute'…