@POTUS @VP @HouseDemocrats @SenateDems @FBI
🚨 NEED Independent Investigations! Trump has been working with Russia since 2016 to take advantage of our election systems. 🇷🇺 Mike Flynn & other coup ringleaders working in plain sight all term
Personally, I believe the election was indeed rigged by Trump's team. We may or may not ever find out. They had the specific skills, people, and opportunity to pull it off. With all Insurrection ringleaders free the entire term.
"We don't need the votes" #FelonTrump
"We don't need the votes" June 22, 2024 #FelonTrump
💰Deutsche Bank 💰 How the money laundering scheme works
💰Trump’s History With Deutsche Bank #NYT
💰A Mar-a-Lago Weekend and an Act of God
"..total of well over $2 billion — to a man whom nearly all other banks had deemed untouchable." nytimes.com/2019/03/18/bus…
12/12/20 🇷🇺 Mike Flynn / 1st Amendment Praetorian / #OathKeepers
Connections between #Flynn & #Jan6 #Insurrection violence
🇷🇺 Mike Flynn is connected to violence at the #Jan6 #Insurrection with the #ProudBoys #OathKeepers #ThreePercenters & other #DomesticTerrorists and US Military Special Forces (1st AP & Vets for Trump (Thomas Speciale))
"Vets for Trump" (Thomas Speciale) 🇷🇺 Russian TV was LIVE on the scene #Jan6 #Insurrection
🧵 #Jan6 #Insurrection #Jan6thInsurrection
5/12/21: Chris Miller testified mayor Bowser requested National Guard support on Jan 3, 2021. Trump redirected them.
Trump wanted troops to protect his supporters at Jan. 6 rally reuters.com/world/us/congr…
3/3/21: Gen. Walker testified Gen. Charles Flynn and Gen. Piatt were the ones worried about "optics." Causing the 3.5hr protracted delay between alert to the Army and Pentagon approval lawandcrime.com/u-s-capitol-si…
⚖ Nancy Pelosi & Chuck Schumer desperately seeking help, calling for National Guard during Insurrection (2:23-7:13pm)
@HouseDemocrats @SenateDems
⚖ PROVEN Trump Crimes: (40+ yrs!)
💥 Abuse of Power
💥 Perjury (in Mueller Report)
💥 Obstruction of Justice & Witness Tampering #1
(Proven at Corey Lewandowski's testimony)
💥 Obstruction & Tampering #2:
Don McGhan confirmed to @HouseJudiciary
Don McGahn Affirmed That Trump Tried to Oust Mueller, Transcript Shows
The former White House counsel testified behind closed doors last week about the former president’s attempts to interfere with the 🇷🇺 Russia investigation nytimes.com/2021/06/09/us/…