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Dec 21st 2022
Trump Taxes #TrumpTaxes lying for years.. #TrumpTaxReturns
GOP: There's a šŸ’„BOMBSHELLšŸ’„ in Trump's Taxes
Everyone knows.. #TrumpTaxes #TrumpTaxReturns
9-28-16: Hillary calls out Trump for hiding taxes
#TrumpTaxes #TrumpTaxReturns
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Oct 10th 2020
Just dropped:
Another installment on #TrumpTaxes from the NYT
Haven't read it yet but here it is:
2-"IT WAS SPRINGTIME at President Trumpā€™s Mar-a-Lago club, and the favor-seekers were swarming.
3-"In a gold-adorned ballroom filled with Republican donors, an Indian-born industrialist from Illinois pressed Mr. Trump to tweet about easing immigration rules for highly skilled workers and their children.
Read 14 tweets
Oct 9th 2020
Thread zur Einordnung des neuesten #NYTimes Artikel zu #Trump|s Steuertricks aus deutscher Sicht und fĆ¼r Nicht-Steuerrechtler nach erster Durchsicht. šŸ‘‡šŸ» 1/X
Die #NYTimes hatte in dem Erstartikel bereits Folgeartikel angekĆ¼ndigt. Eines wird achon jetzt klar:

Eine grĆ¼ndliche BerriebsprĆ¼fung durch die Steuerbehƶrde (#IRS) wƤre - wie es ohnehin zu vermuten war - fĆ¼r Trump finanziell und strafrechtlich extrem kritisch. 2/X
Lange Story der #NyTimes mit bemerkenswert gut recherchierten ZusammenhƤngen. Was im Wesentlichen GEMƄSS DEM ARTIKEL passiert ist, ist folgendes:

Trump und sein langjƤhriger Buddy Mr. Ruffin haben zusammen ein Hotel in Las Vegas

Read 21 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Andy Beal's (Beal Bank) N123AB 9/27/20 Paris-Nice
Len Blavatnik's (Access Ind) N761LE 9/26/20 London-Milan (~1h)-Nice 9/28/20 Nice-London

ICYMI: Rudy Giuliani, Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman used Beal's jet for some of their travels
Blavatnik "funneled millions into #GOP campaigns" ImageImageImage
Syrian Air's A320 YK-AKD 9/28/20 Damascus #Syria-Cairo
Third flight to Cairo in September

"Egypt sends forces to Syria for Assad regime. 150 soldiers deployed in Aleppo's western countryside, outskirts of Saraqib in southern Idlib countryside" July 2020ā€¦ Image
Trump's private jet N725DT 9/28-9/29/20 Waterbury-Monmouth Executive Airport (~2h 15m)-D.C. (~25m)-Waterbury
N725DT seem to fly to D.C. every time there are crisis in the WH.
#TrumpTaxes ImageImage
Read 199 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Pelosi sent a ltr to Dem Caucus yesterday telling them to focus on flipping House STATE delegations in case neither Trump nor Biden win the EC majority
BC the election then goes to the winner of the majority of House delegations
The letter:ā€¦
2-"[Trump] was suggesting that if GOP leaders can hold up the final election results so that Joe Biden doesnā€™t get 270 electoral votes certified, the 12th Amendment would require the House to decide the presidential contest. But instead of giving every Member of Congress a vote,
3-"the 12th Amendment gives each state one vote, which is determined by a vote of the stateā€™s delegation. In other words, how many state delegations the Democrats win in this upcoming election could determine who our next President is.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Hillary warned us:

ā€”Heā€™s not as rich as he says
ā€”Heā€™s not as charitable as he claims
ā€”He owes $650M to Wall St &Foreign Banks
ā€”He doesnā€™t want you to know he doesnā€™t pay income taxes
ā€”He has multiple conflicts of interests


His own fixer/attorney Cohen testified that Trump:

šŸ”¹Inflated his assets to get loans
šŸ”¹Deflated his assets to avoid paying taxes
šŸ”¹Used public funds/taxpayer dollars for private businesses

Reminder: In 2018 the NYT uncovered that Trump and his family committed ā€œinstances of outright fraudā€ and had defrauded the US Govt out of $500 Million in taxes.

This alone shouldā€™ve been enough to remove a corrupt POTUS*.

Read 7 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Iā€™m not interest in the details of how Trump used legal tools provided by the system to pay less taxes. In my book, that makes him smart.

But I am interested in seeing all Bidenā€™s medical records & results of an independent drug & cognitive test.
The @TeamTrump & @realDonaldTrump should seriously consider nytimes needs to be seriously sued!

Itā€™s amazing how they lie a few days before the debate but are not held accountable.

#Vote to save America from Socialist and their foot soldiers. Image
Read 4 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
The real revelation isnā€™t that 45 pays minimal taxes, itā€™s the incredible debt he is facing in the next 4 years.

>$400 million dollars worth

Explain to me how this doesnā€™t make him & every family member of his a national security liability?

Say Putin or the Saudi royalty offer him an ā€œinterest free loanā€ to advance their influence & power over Americaā€™s interest. How does he say no? Why does anyone believe he would?

Itā€™s even worse... this thread from a Forbes writer details $1.1 Billion in debt šŸ¤Æ
Read 3 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
1/9 The beautiful irony of the #TrumpTaxReturns coming out NOW is that Trump's never-ending appeals pushed the release date back until he gave HIMSELF an early October surprise.

#CountBankruptula was surely hoping to keep them hidden until after the election.

#TrumpTaxes Image
2/9 Now we know that since 2000 there are TEN years when Trump didn't pay anything in taxes.

In all Trump paid no federal income taxes in 11 of 18 years the New York Times' reporters examinedā€¦
3/9 Now we know that Trump only paid $750 his first 2 terms while hard-working Americans paid their dues & struggled to make ends meet.

Now we know that he practiced wide-scale tax fraud based on claims of heavy losses, & he probably WAS losing heavily...ā€¦
Read 70 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
1/ THREAD: Donald Trump ā€”

ā€¢ Faux billionaire
ā€¢ Faux hair
ā€¢ Faux tan
ā€¢ Faux height
ā€¢ Faux drug sober (he's a long-term addict)
ā€¢ Faux weight
ā€¢ Faux machismo (he's a coward)
ā€¢ Faux SAT
ā€¢ Faux grades
ā€¢ Faux college grad
ā€¢ Faux courage (aka bully)

2/ Donald Trump ā€”

ā€¢ Faux romance (he pays for it)
ā€¢ Faux hard palate (there's a hole there, courtesy of cocaine)
ā€¢ Faux friends
ā€¢ Faux AG (Barr is your *personal* attorney)
ā€¢ Faux father
ā€¢ Faux truth

3/ Donald Trump ā€”

ā€¢ Faux medical reports
ā€¢ Faux cabinet (they're there to fleece us)
ā€¢ Faux ethics
ā€¢ Faux empathy
ā€¢ Faux president

Read 3 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
In dem Jahr, in dem er die Wahl gewonnen hat, hat Trump 750 (!!!!) Dollar Einkommenssteuern gezahlt. In 10 der 15 Jahre davor nichts. Fehlen ein bisschen die Worte. #TrumpTaxes #TaxReturns
SiebenhundertfĆ¼nfzig. Im JAHR ALS ER PRƄSIDENT WURDE.
Kann nicht mehr.
Wann kommen die ersten Hot Takes? Ist nur ein Zeichen dafĆ¼r wie super savy und schlau er ist, dass er nix zahlt?
Read 4 tweets
Sep 27th 2020
šŸ”„The Times obtained Donald Trumpā€™s tax information extending over more than two decades, revealing struggling properties, vast write-offs, an audit battle and hundreds of millions in debt coming due. #TrumpTaxReturnsā€¦
"Trump paid $750 in federal income taxes the year he won the presidency. In his first year in the WH, he paid another $750. He paid no income taxes at all in 10 of the previous 15 years ā€” largely because he reported losing much more money than he made."

Something tells me the Russians aren't going to bail him out of this one. #TrumpTaxReturns
Read 6 tweets
Sep 9th 2020
Tom Barrack's (Chairman of Trump's inaugural cmte) N284CC 9/7-9/8/20 Aspen-LA-Aspen-Teterboro 9/9/20 Teterboro-Shannon-Dubai

Barrack hasn't been to the Middle East for months, apart of 4 short landings in Beirut after the explosion. I bet he's involved in the ME 'peace plan'. ImageImageImage
Rada Airlines' Il-62MGr EW-450TR 9/9/20 Maputo, Mozambique-Tekirdag-Doncaster/Sheffield, UK

Ew-450TR flew from Belgrade to Maputo 9/8 making a landing in Khartoum, indicating heavy payload
M-ABEC is linked to Prigzhin and Ilya Gubin, still in Maputo
Russian E-Cargo's 757 VP-BHM 9/9/20 Leipzig-Conakry, Guinea-Venezuela?
VP-BHM has made multiple flights to Caracas, Venezuela in 2020. In 2019 it allegedly flew gold out of Venezuelaā€¦ ImageImage
Read 232 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
If you're struggling to follow the complex #TrumpTaxes case the Supreme Court just ruled on, I made this with @Fahrenthold when the hearing began in May.

SCOTUS just ruled the NY prosecutor *can* see Trump's financial records
Read 4 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
I know these cases are nuanced and we likely wonā€™t see #TrumpTaxes before the election, but I am so happy SCOTUS unmistakably rejected Trumpā€™s dictatorial argument of absolute immunity.
This was bigger than #TrumpTaxes.

The President is not immune to criminal investigation. Huge precedent.

The 5 Conservatives on SCOTUS couldā€™ve ruled that POTUS had absolute immunity, and broke our democracy, but they didnā€™t. Roberts, Gorsuch, & Kavanaugh ruled with liberals.
If this ruling came before impeachment, Trumpā€™s lawyers wouldā€™ve had to scrap their entire defense.

I know people are focused on #TrumpTaxes but the big picture is encouraging for our democracy. This precedent ensures future presidents canā€™t make the same arguments of immunity.
Read 3 tweets
May 8th 2019
#IRS Ahem, in 2016, NYT: "Trump declared a $916 million loss on his 1995 income tax returns, a tax deduction so substantial it could have allowed him to legally avoid paying any federal income taxes for up to 18 years."ā€¦
Here they all are, published ONE MONTH BEFORE THE ELECTIONS, oh dear shocked and stunned.ā€¦
and, In November 1996, Howard Lorber and Ben LeBow brought Trump to Moscow & to discuss a joint venture between their tobacco factory, Trump Organization & the city of Moscow with the Moscow authorities known for his corrupt practices.ā€¦
Read 5 tweets
Jan 20th 2019
1/ Day 30 of Trump's shutdown: Gov't workers are suffering. Trump's winning by blaming Dems for not negotiating. BuzzFeed nailed Trump for directing Cohen in illegal acts. Then Mueller made his first mistake & now both have egg on their faces. Trump wins. Enough! Resisters Unite!
Read 14 tweets
Mar 15th 2017
Still looks like the big story from last night's #TrumpTaxes was possibility that T pd $0 in income taxes 1995-2004. Whether that's so...1/2
@BDGesq ...depends on whether the $100M loss he used in 2005 was left over from his big $1B loss in 1995, or was new. We don't know.../2
@BDGesq ...of any big deals he did with losses of that size that year, AFIK. Could it be 2005 operating losses from invest props? Maybe. 3/3
Read 3 tweets

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