1/ The new studies showing vaccinated people are at MUCH higher risk of Omicron have put vaccine fanatics on edge. I know because they're screeching I misrepresented them. Sorry, nope. Links to both in next tweet, judge for yourself.
"The risk of COVID-19 also varied by the number of COVID-19 vaccine doses previously received. The higher the number of vaccines previously received, the higher the risk of contracting COVID-19."
"Six months after the index date, the incidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was significantly higher in vaccine recipients (6.7%) than the previously infected (2.9%)"
1/ I realize talking about this stinks. I realize many (perhaps most) people who got the mRNAs are aware that they were deceived - even if they will never admit it. They have no plans to get more or let their kids have the shots and just want to forget that 2021 ever happened...
2/ But we can't, in part because the hard core of mRNA fanatics in the public health bureaucracy will not stop pushing the shots - and in part because the mandates last year must NEVER be repeated, and that means letting people know the severity of the risk forced on them...
3/ And I can talk about the stunning rise in all-cause mortality over and over - but unfortunately, one individual story is likely to have much more impact. (Which is exactly why the vaccine advocates constantly highlighted the deaths of unvaccinated people last year.)
1/ Update on @SBF_FTX from @SECGov’s complaint against @SBF_FTX (criminal complaint coming soon):
It looks like they still don’t know exactly how much Alameda (SBF’s hedge fund) allegedly stole from FTX customers, but the number is north of $10 billion, possibly well north…
2/ Alameda had $8 billion it received DIRECTLY from FTX clients but never moved to FTX - people thought they had FTX accounts but didn’t (it’s hard to see how this worked unless FTX simply was giving clients pretend statements, like they were trading play money). On top of that…
3/ Alameda had a “line of credit” at FTX that was effectively uncollaterized (an IOU) - much of the collateral was near-worthless FTT tokens from FTX itself, and it still had a negative balance (Alameda didn’t have enough “collateral” to cover what it owed.) How big was the line?
1/ No surprise, Switzerland has amazing data on both all-cause deaths and Covid jabs.
Here’s the story the last six months:
Covid deaths (the grey line) are basically zero.
Other mortality has fluctuated but is well above normal, with notable peaks and valleys…
2/ The story gets worse, though. Switzerland’s excess mortality since the spring has occurred ONLY in people over 65. Those are also essentially the only people to receive vaccines (Switzerland officially stopped recommending vaccines to almost anyone under 65 this fall)…
3/ The timing is also impeccable. Summer shots, summer death wave. Fall shots, fall death wave. The third and fourth mRNA doses seem to cause damage more quickly than the original series (recall mRNA therapy was repurposed as a vaccine because of concerns about repeated dosing).
2/ "The purpose of these laws is not to dictate the content of anyone’s speech, but to make sure that nobody is denied goods or services in commercial markets for discriminatory reasons."
So Twitter's a common carrier by any reasonable definition, but the logic is the same...
3/ In fact, common carriers are and should be subject to stricter non-discrimination rules than other companies since by their very definition they are in the business of carrying all freight/messages/people offered to them...
I have no way of proving this and I don't even know how anyone would try, but I'm starting to think the US (maybe the rest of the developed world too, the US for sure) has reached the point where additional overall health-care spend is more likely to be iatrogenic than helpful.
It's not just the public health driven lockdowns, or the opioids, or the near-end-of-life surgeries, or the prescription drug advertising, or the hospital advertising (WHY are hospitals advertising?) or the general medicalization of life itself... it's all of it...
Yet no one, NO ONE, can stop it or even begin to try, the federal government backstops it all with an endless well of taxpayer money -
Into which hospitals, physicians, nurses, drug companies, consultants, insurers and all the other actors find ways to reach deeper and deeper...