Today In UFO/Airship History - Thousands See Airship
December 22, 1909 - Worcester, Mass.
1/6:30 p.m. Many residents of Worcester, Massachusetts, see a “brilliant ray” emitted by a large black object 1,000 feet high in the
2/southwestern sky. After circling over the town, the object heads to the west, where it is seen over Marlboro. It returns to Worcester between 7:00 and 7:30 p.m., flying at low altitude and sporting a searchlight. One policeman thinks he sees enormous wings; others detect one or
3/ two figures inside. The airship is attributed to a Worcester businessman named Wallace E. Tillinghast, who has told the Boston Herald on December 12 that he has invented a heavier-than-air monoplane and has made more than 100 test flights at night to Boston and New York City.
4/But Tillinghast never offers his aircraft for public viewing, and people gradually realize it is a hoax. [Eberhart]
“Tells of Flight 300 Miles in Air,” Boston Herald, December 13, 1909, p. 1;
“Airship Seen in Two Cities,” Boston Globe, December 23, 1909, p. 1;
Jerome Clark, "UFOs, 1900–1946", The UFO Encyclopedia, 3rd Ed., pg.1165;
Thomas E. Bullard, The Myth and Mystery of UFOs, pg.114;
Stephen Whalen and Robert E. Bartholomew, “The Great New England Airship Hoax of 1909,” New England Quarterly 75, no. 3 (September 2002) :466–476; jstor.org/stable/1559788
Thomas Bullard's Airship File, pg.270-273.
[Contains more news clippings of Airship articles at the time] files.afu.se/Downloads/Book…
Thomas Bullard's Airship File, pg.274-277.
Thomas Bullard's Airship File, pg.278-279.
Robert Bartholomew wrote an article for the New England Skeptical Society called 'Two Mass Delusions in New England : Light Bulb” Mania of 1897, and the Great Airship Hoax of 1909-1910'
#ufotwitter #ufohistory
Today in UFO History - The Flatwoods Monster Case
September 12, 1952 — Flatwood, WV
1/Around 7:15 p.m., in Flatwoods, West Virginia, two brothers, Edward and Fred May, and their friend Tommy Hyer (ages 13, 12, and 10 respectively) witness a bright object
2/cross the sky, coming to rest on land belonging to local farmer G. Bailey Fisher. The boys go to the home of the May brothers’ mother, Kathleen May, where they tell the story of having seen a UFO crash land. From there, Mrs. May, accompanied by the three boys, local children
3/Neil Nunley, 14, and Ronnie Shaver, 10, and West Virginia National Guardsman Eugene Lemon, 17, walk to the Fisher farm. At the top of a hill, they reportedly see a large pulsating “ball of fire” about 50 feet to their right. They also detect a pungent mist that makes their eyes
#ufotwitter #ufohistory
Today in UFO History - Lakenheath-Bentwaters incident
August 13–14, 1956 — RAF Bentwaters-Lakenheath, England
1/9:30 p.m. A radar-visual UFO sighting begins at RAF Bentwaters [now Bentwaters Parks], Suffolk, England. A blip traveling approximately 4,000–
2/8,000 mph on an east-west course is picked up on radar. It moves in a straight line to a position about 15 miles northwest of Bentwaters. Within a few minutes, about a dozen normal targets are spotted 8 miles southwest, moving northeast at about 100 mph. In front of the targets
3/are three objects in a triangular formation, about 1,000 feet apart. All the targets then appear to converge into one extremely large target (several times the size of a B-36), which continues moving to the northeast, then stops for a few minutes, then resumes, and is lost to
#ufotwitter #ufohistory
Today in UFO History - Pre-Arnold - Disk Seen By Navy Vet and Railway Workers
May 19, 1947 — Manitou Springs, Colorado
1/Around 12:30 p.m. Navy veteran Dean A. Hauser and six other Pike’s Peak Railway workers (including Ted Weigand, Marion Hisshouse,
2/T. J. Smith, L. D. Jamison) at Manitou Springs, Colorado, are taking a lunch break when they watch a silver object come in from the northwest, hover overhead, and gyrate at 1,000 feet. The UFO is moving “erratically in wide circles” and reflects light like it is made of metal.
3/After 20 minutes it disappears in a straight line to the west-northwest. [Eberhart]
“Manitou Vets Relate Story: Another ‘Disk’ Seen,” Denver Post, June 28, 1947, p. 1;
Denver Post, June 29, 1947, p. 6;
Today in UFO History - JANAP 146(C) Issued
March 10, 1954 —
1/JANAP 146 (C), “Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings from Aircraft and Waterborne Sources.” This directive allows waterborne sources for CIRVIS and adds MERINT
2/ reports. Civilian pilots must also report UFOs to the Air Force and refrain from talking about it. [Eberhart]
Timothy Good, Above Top Secret, p. 283;
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Joint Communications–Electronics Committee, “JANAP 146(C) Communications Instructions for Reporting Vital Intelligence Sightings from Airborne and Waterborne Sources,” March 10, 1954; cufon.org/cufon/janp146c…
Today in Aviation History - First Jet Aircraft To Exceed 1,000 mph in Level Flight.
March 10, 1956 —
British pilot Peter Twiss reaches an official airspeed of 1,132 mph in a Fairey Delta 2 over Chichester, England.
Newsweek (US Edition) 1956-03-26: Vol 47 Iss 13, Page 45;
"Getting the Record". Flight Magazine. Flight Global. 23 March 1956.
[Internet Archive only seemed to mirror the first page of this article] web.archive.org/web/2012110217…
Today in UFO History - Violent Humanoid Encountered in Bolivia
March 10, 1968 — bt. Otoco and Uyuni, Bolivia
1/6:00 p.m. Valentina Flores is bringing in her llamas on her farm between Otoco and Uyuni, Bolivia, when she discovers that her sheep pen is
2/covered with a net made of some plastic-like material, and that inside the pen is a helmeted being, 3.5 ft tall, who is engaged in killing her sheep using a tubular instrument with a hook on the end. Flores throws stones at the being, whereupon he walks over to an instrument
3/resembling a radio and, moving a wheel on it, quickly absorbs all the netting. The woman approaches the pen with a cudgel, upon which the being throws its instrument at her several times; it returns to him like a boomerang, after it inflicts superficial cuts on her arms. The