The virus SARS-CoV causes systemic chronic immune activation, loss of plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDC), naive T and B cells, and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS)
I would propose the name airborne immunodeficiency virus (#AIV) #SIDU 221225
2. COVID19 (SARS) is transient because the virus clears as epithelial cells regenerate. It extends the infected cell's life (500-787 days in the renal epithelium). It causes #AirborneAIDS in SARS survivors; hence the need for #ZEROairborneAIDS (#ZeroCOVID)
4. Read this carefully: it took 40 years to build the current knowledge on HIV/AIDS. We have decades to go for a cure
SARS will be similar; we are now where HIV was in the 1980s, when society blamed people living with HIV for "life choices" & ignored them…
5. The difference is that the mode of transmission limits HIV seroprevalence. And there are therapies (ART) for HIV, allowing healthy, long-ish lives.
This puts the 'A' into #AIV: SARS eradication, by the same means as in 2003, is urgent (WHO IHR 2005).
Merry Christmas everyone
6. SARS was ended in 2003 through simple measures (PPE/N95 or better & eye protection, international travel surveillance, quarantine and isolation). Legally binding solutions exists. States just get away with ignoring them because few of us know and care.
7. Kudos all activists, & scientists like @fitterhappierAJ. I expect systemic dysfunction on climate; in public health it's surreal to see. We can do better 🙏
Perhaps such threads help; perhaps I'll write different or long-form next year
Here our real problem, a symptom itself
Background: read this and linked threads by @jeffgilchrist. "Does SARS-CoV-2 impair everyone's immune system to some extent or only certain subgroups? What's the impact of reinfections and vaccines at individual and population-level? Where's the funding? -
@jeffgilchrist 8. What's the impact of mRNA vaccines (+Novavax) and reinfections? Read the Ab switch to IgG4 observed by Irrgang and literature on complement activation. Fascinating, seems intuitive
Good question by @doobeedoo2, one reply below. Others can legitimately be given too - it’s early. My concern is that states are not collecting data on acute infections and SARS survivors, nor funding research at levels to make effective WHO guidance possible.
9. Immunodeficiency from COVID can be diagnosed with T cell tests, available in Africa but not the west. Many flog the messengers rather than demand their governments end the pandemic
Kannan 2022 discuss mutations of the mpox (monkeypox) outbreak, incl in the DNA replication complex (RC) of this large virus. I don’t think they mention the possibility of genetic recombination with SARS CoV 2, but alternative hypotheses ht…
10. Drosten declares the SARS pandemic “over”. Why?
Correct, it’s all about state responsibility and insurance payments in the billions, or trillions, who knows. I don’t have the numbers. @Tagesspiegel
“It was never about stopping the pandemic”: - As @RealCheckMarker says, only people not alive when SARS-CoV was eradicated in 2003 can possibly make such a claim
11. Here the math of SARS. - Most people in the west said from the start that “stopping the pandemic is impossible”. We know that’s wrong because (1) we never tried in 2019 (!); (2) when we tried to stop SARS in 2003, it worked
Much was lost. The later we start, the more we lose
13. If anyone thinks we’re kidding (why would we!?): I think policymakers genuinely don’t understood that we are in a global catastrophe. A subtle, slow-moving one; yet truly global, since China gave up / lost control / lied flat (躺平)
You CAN probably 'Live with COVID' if you're lucky - just not very long 🔊
Give yourself a gold star if you recognized this video shows a neutrophil chasing a staphylococcus aureus, which produces SEB, which is classified as an "incapacitating agent" in BW, which SARS-CoV-2 encodes acc to some 2020 papers
15. We've been warning since 2020. We assume that high incidence and evolution will be socially unacceptable and that societies will therefore end the pandemic through international cooperation. It's been done before, we can do it again
16. (1) The @Tagesspiegel interview with Drosten is worth reading carefully - note the caveat here. (2) Compare @fitterhappierAJ letter below, written at the same time, Nov 2021, when Drosten claimed the pandemic would end soon.…
@Tagesspiegel@fitterhappierAJ (3) Drosten admits that at least temporary ageing (immunosenescence) is found in unvaccinated children. (4) Contradicts himself by speculating without basis that the effect may "disappear after 2-3 years", even as he argues for constant reinfections
* I manually changed the @DeepLcom translation of "Durchseuchung" here: "It would then have been a huge mistake to infect the children." (It previously falsely said, "to inoculate the children.")
Google Trans got it right
@Tagesspiegel@fitterhappierAJ@DeepLcom 17. As political scientist, let me remind natural scientists and MDs that states are legally obliged to report to WHO. They get away with NOT reporting because media and MPs are failing to educate the public.
@Tagesspiegel@fitterhappierAJ@DeepLcom 20. 25 papers on SARS-Associated Immunodeficiency, kindly shared by @AndrewEwing11. Some call it post covid immune deficiency PCID but I think it's a minimizing name because MERS-CoV and SARS-CoV persist in epithelial cells until they regenerate; no "post"
1. May do SARS-CoV-2 science threads when I find time. "While association between ABO blood group and infection is well known for many years, lower susceptibility of O blood group to coronaviruses had already been reported nearly 20 years ago for SARS-CoV"…
2. Transplacental SARS-CoV-2 protein Orf8 binds to complement C1q to trigger fetal inflammation - Yes, as we've been saying for years. Orf8 makes SARS (CoV-1/-2) unique among coronaviruses. Let's infect all the kids so we are really, really sure that's bad…
3. SARS-CoV-2 can trigger a devastating, destructive placental pathology causing placental dysfunction and fetal hypoxia, yet stillbirth is rare. The fetal hypoxia is acute/subacute, apparent as reduced fetal movements. 20% of participants in this study(!)…
1. The structural parallels of SARS-CoV-2 and HIV-1 were known already 20 years ago, from SARS-CoV-1. Yet COVID-19 policy and even most scientists ignore these parallels, failing to learn key lessons. Fundamentally, genetic recombination drives both pandemics—two typical articles
2. Don't worry about the specific article—there are hundreds more, and more relevant ones. The lesson here is we face syndemics, overlapping epidemics that cluster with inequity, not just distinct pandemics. All reinforce each other……
3. Background. There are literally thousands such articles; no one integrates them. That's why as political scientist, for years already, I've been arguing that only institutionalization can help with such complexity. We need a @UNAIDS for SARS-CoV, sorry
Is bamboo our best chance to sustain modern civilization and slow climate change? No one systematically studies its global potential in food, paper, energy, & construction yet. To build resilient economic and ecosystems, we need to grow bamboo where it is needed, incl Europe 👇☕️
1. It is no new idea to replace plastic, steel, concrete etc. with bamboo, just as these materials originally replaced timber, clay, and bamboo. When indigenous people in Taiwan move, they plant bamboo before all else, “because it does everything timber does and is much lighter.”
2. Every mountaintop here has its own name in the local - non written - language, to be found on no map. By force or virtue, indigenous people know how to sustain themselves and live within their ecological limit (“habitat”), unlike industrial civilization. Mixed bamboo forest 👇
1. Growing bamboo is our best chance to avert climate breakdown: the plants build soil, help biodiversity, avoid GHG emissions, provide food & construction material, sequester carbon 30 times (!) faster than mixed temperate forest. Yet stunningly, no one coordinates this work yet
2. After 40 years of climate science - first AGGG, now IPCC -, everyone feels they know climate. Yet experts only really know their own field. Generalists and practitioners can implement solutions but need experts to develop them. Bamboo as climate solution is entirely unexplored
3. Last time atmospheric carbon content was as high as today, 16 million years ago, Earth was >3°C warmer than today, the Arctic was ice free, and Iceland had a subtropical climate. People think they know what climate change means, but most really don't.…
We’ve shared this for years, it was known or suspected even before the pandemic from SARS-CoV-1. Friends of we’re going to learn at this rate, ignoring prepandemic science, populations worldwide will get into serious trouble
I'd like to delete my account, but then a sizable fraction of the early Covid twitter scicomm documentation - to show what was known when - would be gone. As far as I know, no one else with even a moderately sized account (>10k followers) shares the same readily available science
“Bamboo is our best chance to slow climate breakdown. It can replace drivers of GHG emissions and biodiversity loss (food, construction, concrete, plastic), build soil & allow regrowing rainforest." - Let's test it. Grow bamboo as blueprint for a future ecological civilization 🧵
2. Giant bamboo dwarfs trees. As grass, it grows 30 times (!) faster and can be harvested every year. Timber takes decades; too slow. Stunningly, no one in the west described the unique climate mitigation potential of bamboo yet. - Note the rhizome system:
3. Climate relevant will be the use in millions of ha of plantations, just like other economically important crops. After two months on this, some significant progress: air pot kindly donated 1 m of their professional U system, so I can test it for bamboo.