One key takeaway from The Twitter Files is what I call THE MIDWIT MIRE: the time consuming slog of supposed “reasonable” “procedure” & “dialogue” resulting in the supposed “moderation” of “compromise” that inevitably concludes with the victory of radical ideologies. I’ll explain:…
Not as if Twitter simply did whatever the feds wanted. In fact, they did put up some resistance. Many different kinds of people involved, but a lot of typical elite-jobbed people like Yoel Roth, etc. consider themselves objective and moderate, with an eye to organized processes.
This is similar in a certain elite college admin type, many younger c-suite types who come out of those schools, etc., etc.
When conflict arises, they see “both sides”. They will “dialogue” and quickly set up a supposed rational process to find and achieve “shared goals”…
Everyone sees the activist types who are just outright radicals without apology. But I want to emphasize this: that’s *not* who I’m talking about.
You need to realize the elite midwit (either by nature or training) actually believes in their objectivity & process over principle
These are people who talk a good & seemingly reasonable game that studiously, rigorously obscures & avoids underlying issues of principle and purpose. They have been trained to think this way and move up the ladder in polite company by means of this way of “thought” and action.
So you get what we have here: yes, higher-ups at Twitter resist some government interference, and set up rules and processes and meetings about content moderation. Loads of bureaucratic dialogue. They can claim reasonable compromise, but we all know what the net actual outcome is
The Midwit Mire leads inexorably to radical change & significant shifts towards woke tyranny under cover of the supposed reasonableness & competency under cover of the right camouflaged words & processes. The radicals know it’s all camouflage but many credentialed midwits do not.
The right answer on the part of countless corporate execs, college presidents, and Twitter to the feds and radicals over the past years was and is: “Eff Off.”
No “compromise”
No “dialogue”
No “process”
No “moderation”
No “reasonableness”
Just Say “No”
Instead, either b/c they are ideologically aligned w/the wokeness or—and this is my point—they are blinded by a kind of objective competence & way of thought & action that obscures underlying issues & is geared towards going along within a system rather than actually leading it…
Instead of saying no to madness, people in elite positions create the conditions for THE MIDWIT MIRE. In the ensuing fog they always end up going along w/woke radicals while pretending or truly thinking they acted in a prudent manner as certified by “The Experts” & “The Science”.
People outside miseducated midwit mode don’t even have to think about any of this very hard: if you are focused on a clear mission and need to obtain results you reject all this crap and there is no mire. You simply fight it off with a clear vision of the reality of the situation
The Midwit Mire is the gray zone that has enabled the takeover of America by centralized power & radical ideology. The Midwit Mire normalizes this shift & gives it cover. And it’s time to step out of it. It can and must be avoided with clarity, courage, and confidence of vision.
That’s today’s TED talk. Thanks for listening. Will talk about it more here:
Hard to believe anyone is still trying to make this a thing but in America Marxist ex-felon black nationalists/supremacists can become state university professors who call Christianity a “white religion” & make alt holidays up—& the President of the country will pretend it’s real
There are like 20 cousins missing & this is still absolute kid & adult madness. Gin-fizzing, wine-maxxing. Find in-laws like I have. Wine-aunts have nothing on giant trad wine families so large multiple randos are gonna show up because of course they are b/c this is a celebration
My whole life I have seen the disparity between the insane and happy glory of large natural families and bitter and poisonous modern life—TV lies to you. People have no idea how what fun, sexy, hilarious, vulgar, organic, real, and fulfilling life rooted family life yields.
Sad how many people don’t know what’s normal/natural/healthy/exhilarating & full of meaning & purpose—by nature. If you just do the thing. And all of the modern “culture” and “education” machine is a PSYOP to prevent you from seeing & being attracted to it—& above all living it.
Nationally it’s increasingly just one continuous ever-more thinly veiled treasury raid…
But normalized corruption is already the case in many large and powerful urban areas to an extent that most Americans cannot even imagine. This disconnect between image and reality is dangerous. People have no idea/ can’t conceive of how government now works, but know it’s off…
I know some of you don't want to hear it, but you are going to have to get off your ass and act. They aren't going to stop. They aren't going to leave you alone. You & yer kids aren't going to just ride it out. You will eventually have to put skin in the game, or kneel forever.
And before I hear a chorus of "But what should we do?" let me admit that most people will need leaders to give them advice, yes, while also telling you this: put on your big boy pants and start figuring out sane answers to that question yourself instead of bleating like a sheep.
And before I hear a chorus of "Easy for YOU to say!" let me admit nothing: no, it is not easy for me to say, or do. It comes at a cost like anything worthwhile. I just don't sit around thinking or complaining about it like a child. Go and do likewise.
Twitter went from being just another part of general hellscape to only bright spot w/pure air. Impact cannot be overstated. On all fronts, opportunity multiplier & booster of the good. As I said in June, its purchase was "an act of statesmanship for the twenty-first century."