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Dec 27, 2022 74 tweets 15 min read Read on X
#sunatsuki #sntsk yakuza au (so tw like mild violence, no planned explicit smut but will probably have a few nsfw lines)

Suna has been a part of the inarizaki family for as long as he could remember. He was there when Kita-san took over from the old boss, and he swore his oath
To Kita that he would be there until he died.

He loved his job, if you could believe it. The thrill of pulling the trigger, the power of people knowing who you were and exactly what you could do. Most of all, though, he loved the job because it brought him to meet one
Tsukishima Kei.

A snarky blonde bitch who was the love of Suna’s life, even if he wouldn’t admit it. Sure, they could have still met even if Suna wasn’t in the yakuza, maybe they could’ve been classmates in school, rivals playing across from each other on a volleyball court,
Coworkers, but Suna wouldn’t risk it. His current job is what brought him to Sendai and Tsukishima is what kept him coming back.

He was the one part of Suna’s life that wasn’t covered in the black blood of the yakuza. His once a month chance to play house, visiting Tsukishima’s
Apartment in Sendai, pretending to be a plain boring office worker while his boyfriend curled into his side, offering his own cutting remarks against Suna’s fellow inarizaki members, picked and placed into the less offensive corporate background. Sometimes, sometimes he felt
Guilty knowing that he was putting Tsukishima at risk even if he did his best to be careful, and lying to him, but then the blonde would crawl into his lap, sucking marks down his neck and he would forget everything but the feeling of Tsukishima’s body.

And the sex? The sex was
Great. Amazing, out of this world, etc etc. Good enough that Suna, a self proclaimed former fuck boy, was content with only having him once a month. He was content with filling the times between his visits with dirty texts and FaceTimes. He would happily stroke himself to
Completion at the memory of Tsukishima’s walls clenched around him, as long as it meant he would get to have him over and over again.

They had met while Suna was on a short mission. He had a meeting with potential allies to try and cut a deal, information for information. The
Yakuza in Sendai were similar to his own, smaller than the big time gangs of Tokyo, members more down to earth, less distracted by the glitz and the glam of the big city, not as tempted with drugs and girls and gambling away money, so he thought it would be a good deal. But the
Members of the gang he had met with, one of them with silver hair and a beauty mark, smiling but anyone could tell what was lurking behind that smile, and a sullen looking one with darker hair who cut straight to the chase despite the whining from his partner, had turned them
Down. They stated that they currently weren’t looking to stir up any trouble, but that they hoped the two gangs could remain friendly in the case of future issues. Suna agreed that inarizaki wouldn’t hold any grudges against them, but that they couldn’t guarantee that without a
Current deal in place, that they wouldn’t end up on the opposite sides in the future. They left, and Suna was left with time to kill before the drive back to Hyogo. He had a list of suggested sight seeing places from the silver haired man, but he crossed those off of his list to
Be safe. He didn’t think the yakuza in Sendai would gain anything but problems by offing him at one of these places, but you could never be too safe. He took a different route back to his hotel which lead him in front of the Sendai museum, advertising a new display on the
Prehistoric life of Japan. He hadn’t been to a museum in years, never just to look around, so he pulled over. He would joke later on that it was fate, to which Tsukishima would laugh, joking that he planned it himself.

Suna had taken one step in to the wing with the new
Display when he saw the giant skeletons and couldn’t help but question out loud.

‘Dinosaurs?’ Somehow this is not what he had expected.

‘Yes, do you have a problem with that?’ Someone drawled behind him. He whipped his head around, not hearing anyone approach him, mentally
Cursing himself when he caught the eyes of the most beautiful man he had ever seen. Honey golden eyes paired with blonde curls, a kind of blonde that screamed natural vs Miya’s bleached travesty.

‘No, just not what I was expecting..’ Suna tilted his head, reading the man’s
Name tag. ‘Tsukishima-san. Assistant curator. Shouldn’t someone so high up have better customer service skills?’

‘Unfortunately for everyone else here, no. Something about you tells me you would be more upset if I did.’ He turned to walk away and after 30 seconds of watching,
Cataloguing in his brain how Tsukishima’s slacks clung to his behind and wondering what it would look like without them in the way, Suna started after him.

‘That something would be right. I like them feisty. Say, Tsukishima-san, I’m only in town for one more night. You should
Take me out for a drink before you lose your chance.’

‘How presumptuous of you,’ Tsukishima replied, not pausing in his walk. ‘Who’s to say I want a chance at all?’

‘Whether you want it or not, it’s yours,’ Suna shrugs. It gets a short laugh out of the blonde, and finally
Makes him pause.

‘Oh, aren’t you a desperate little thing.’ Suna feels the heat coursing through him at the blonde’s stare.

‘Maybe I am, do you have a problem with that?’ He echoes Tsukishima’s question from earlier. Tsukishima looks him up and down, slowly, before making
Eye contact and raising a delicate brow. Suna wants to make him lose his composure more than he’s wanted anything in a long while.

‘I suppose not. My shift ends in an hour. If you want a drink you can find me then.’

Suna had explored the museum a bit more before strolling
Into the lobby just as Tsukishima was saying goodbye to the person running the desk. Tsukishima looked pleased to see him, even if he tried to hide it, and Suna couldn’t wait to see that same expression again along with others as he fucked him through his mattress. They had a few
Drinks at a bar nearby before Tsukishima asked if he was planning on taking him home sometime this century. The sex was amazing, as Suna had expected from the moment he saw the grumpy look on Tsukishima’s face. What he didn’t expect was the longing that came with it, as they
Laid next to each other in his cheap motels sheets, Suna smoking a cigarette while Tsukishima watched, stealing a drag every few minutes. Suna wanted to see him again, but didn’t want to bring him into his hectic life. Tsukishima must have sensed his train of thoughts because as
He stubbed out the butt of the cigarette, he spoke slowly.

‘I wouldn’t be opposed, if your cushy corporate job brings you back to Sendai, to doing this again.’

‘I can’t be your boyfriend,’ Suna admits, trying to still the way his traitorous heart leaped at the thought.
‘Please. That is not what I said.’ Tsukishima scoffed.

‘Give me your number. Maybe if I’m in the area again I’ll message you.’

They exchanged numbers, and Tsukishima straddled him for round two, leaving shortly after. Suna went to bed, waking up in the morning to the smell
Of Tsukishima mixed with smoke in his sheets. He figured when he made his way back to Hyogo, his obsession with the blonde would die down, but that didn’t seem to be the case. He itched to text him, and when Kita-san told him he would have the next weekend off, he booked train
Tickets to just outside of Sendai. Booked a cheap motel, and sent a text in the morning.

-Good morning blondie. I may or may not be in Sendai later today. You wanna take me to dinner and then come back to my motel again?

He sits on the edge of his bed, leg jittering. Oh if
The twins would see him now he would never hear the end of it.

He almost jumps when his phone buzzes, forcing himself to set it down and walk around the room. It’s just a hook-up, stop freaking out. He picks it up.

-call me blondie again and I will block you. You can treat
Me to dinner if you so please, but I refuse to spend another night with your cheap motel sheets scratching my knees. You can come back to mine.

Suna sets a timer for ten minutes before replying in confirmation, sending the restaurant and setting up a time to meet him. Dinner
Goes too well, Tsukishima’s apartment even better.

It becomes a routine for a few months, Suna spending his free weekends in Sendai until he realizes they’re basically dating without it being official.

The next weekend he had tried to break it off with Tsukishima, claiming
That this was all he would ever get of him.

Tsukishima refused, laughing.

‘Did I ever ask for more? Boyfriend or not, I won’t come visit you. I won’t ask to meet your family or you to meet mine. I’m just as awful as a person as you are.’

Suna knows this isn’t the truth,
But he keeps those thoughts to himself as he buried himself inside Tsukishima over and over again.

The relationship has surprisingly lasted for far longer than Suna had originally hoped for. He still finds himself waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Tsukishima to demand
Something he couldn’t give him, especially when things were rough between Itachiyama and Inarizaki and Suna found himself without any weekends off. He wouldn’t come see Tsukishima during that time even if he could get time off, too scared of bringing something he didn’t ask for
To his doorstep.

It had been three months when things were finally more stable on that front and Suna found himself knocking on Tsukishima’s door. He opened it, just as beautiful as the first day Suna had seen him, and moved to the side to let him in as if nothing had happened.
That night, when their bodies were intertwined, Suna isn’t ashamed to admit he proclaimed his love for the blonde multiple times, while Tsukishima just replied that he knew, kissing his confessions out of his mouth.

They fell back into their routine, monthly visits to
Tsukishima’s apartment, Tsukishima turning to Kei, Suna to Rin.

It’s a balmy summer night when the other shoe drops. They’re laying in bed, as they often are, sweaty skin sticking to the other but neither of them making a move to separate themselves, when all hell breaks loose.
It takes Rin far too long to realize what’s happening, as Kei cusses, grabbing Rin and rolling off of the bed, away from the wall. Gunshots ricochet through the bedroom, smashing the mirror on Kei’s dresser, dropping pictures off the wall. Rin blanks, stomach dropping. He brought
This here. He ruined Kei’s bedroom, maybe his whole apartment. He snaps himself out of it too slowly, Aran would be appalled at his reaction time, hand coming to rest on the back of Kei’s head as Kei lays face down, half on top of him. The gunshots stop but neither of them move
Until the squeal of tires signal the perpetrators pulling away.

Kei is first to his feet, continuing to curse as he glances around his room.

‘You’re bleeding. Kei, stop, your arm,’ Rin feels sick. There’s a steady stream of blood dripping down, flesh torn apart basically by
His own hands.

‘It’s a scrape, I’m fine. Are you okay?’ Kei asks, checking Rin for injuries. How was he so calm? He had been shot in his own bed?

‘I’m fine,’ he replies but Kei has resumed looking around the room, tossing the door open to the bathroom frantically. Rin realizes
What’s he’s doing, most likely looking for his cat. Rin moves to the bedroom door, pausing at it with his ear to listen for any noise. He hears the cat meowing but no other movement, so he opens the door. The cat is fine, she’s curled up in a the far corner of the living room
Behind a couch. He yells this to Kei, who comes around the corner, pulling on a pair of sweats. He asks Rin to grab the carrier out of his closet and he does so, pulling on his own pants. He knows he needs to do something, call someone back home about what happened but his brain
Is in a daze. He comes back to hand off the carrier to Kei who’s sweet talking the cat, and helps him get her loaded in.

‘Kei we seriously need to do something about your arm.’ He tries again. Kei stops, making eye contact with him. He surges forward, pressing a solid kiss to
Rin’s lips.

‘Pull it together Rintarou. It’s a scrape, I will get it cleaned but we have to get out of here. I know you know that.’

‘I do know that. How do you know that?’ He narrows his eyes. Kei doesn’t answer him, moving to grab his phone and keys, and the handle to the
Cat carrier and heading towards the door.

‘Kei.’ He stands in front of him, blocking his exit. ‘How do /you/, an assistant museum curator, know that.’

Kei’s eyes narrow in confusion, as he pauses momentarily.

‘We can discuss it in the car or later if you want to leave by
Yourself,’ he shrugs his arms off of him, sidestepping and leaving. Rin yells out for him to wait a second, sweeping the apartment to remove anything that could be linked back to him. He’s shocked to see Kei in the drivers seat, arm still dripping but wrapped in a shirt now at
Least, but he slides into the passenger seat. Kei immediately throws the car into drive, continuing a conversation he’s having on the phone as if Rin wasn’t there. He blinks a few times, completely thrown off balance.

‘Are you speaking French?’ Kei says something else in the
Other language before hanging up.


‘I didn’t know you knew French. I apparently don’t know a lot about you?’

‘Rin,’ he sounds strained. ‘I know I said we could talk in the car but I really think I need to focus on driving right now.’ His arm is starting to tremble
From the effort of holding onto the wheel while injured, adrenaline from the attack starting to slow. Rin says nothing, just grips his phone, contemplating whether or not he should call Aran or Osamu(definitely not Atsumu or Kita, not yet), letting the tension fall over them.
Kei pulls into a driveway not much later, and despite starting to get angry at Kei for whatever is happening, he slaps his hand away from carrying the cat carrier. Rin picks it up instead, wordlessly following Kei up the walkway.

He knocks and the door is opened, a frowny dark
Haired man opening it and letting them inside. He takes one look at Rin before freezing, head snapping to Kei.

‘Seriously, Tsukishima?’ He asks.

‘Shut up King or I’ll tell your boyfriend that you hooked up with Oikawa before you two made it official.’ Kei hisses, and it
Clicks in Rin’s head. He knows this man from the meeting with Karasuno. This man knows Kei. Rather well.

‘Wait.’ He stops moving, looking at Kei who’s paused his path to what appears to be a bathroom at the end of the hallway to look back at him. ‘You’re in Karasuno??’

He’s not sure who’s more confused here, him or Kei.

‘You’re in Karasuno,’ he repeats more to himself this time.

‘Once again yes. You knew this?’ Kei questions him.

‘I didn’t.’ Rin argues. Kei’s face blanks, and he moves a few steps closer to Rin.

‘Yes you do? What do you
Mean you didn’t?’

‘Wow, this is great.’ The dark haired man interjects, leaned against the wall watching.

‘You knew I was in Inarizaki this whole time?’ Rin wants to downplay the hurt that is surging through him at the thought of Kei playing him this whole time, but he can’t
Be doing a good job of masking his expression from the way Kei looks at him.

‘Yes, because you knew I was in Karasuno! I thought we just were both not mentioning it!’

‘How the fuck would I know you were in Karasuno!’

‘You came to my museum, my display literally not even an
Hour after meeting with us. You mentioned multiple times it was fate that we met, I thought you were fucking joking?’

‘I was but not because of that! Fuck, Kei, I’ve been telling you shit about us for a year now. Oh my god,’ Rin feels sick but for a new reason now.

‘I never
Told anyone anything you told me, I swear it on my life.’ Kei argues, face becoming more and more pale as they talk.

‘As much as I want to hear this, Tsukishima’s like 30 seconds away from passing out from blood loss. We should look at your arm,’ the other man interrupts.
Kei was right in front of Rin at this point and he swivels around, probably to say something incredibly rude to him, if Rin knows him at all, but as he moves the blood loss does finally catch up to him and he crumples. Rin’s brain finally talks to his body, and he catches him
Before he hits the ground.

‘Rin. I didn’t, I swear,’ is all he gets out before his eyes flutter shut. Rin curses, hauling him into his arms and letting the other man lead him to the bedroom. He comes back with a first aid kit, and says nothing when Rin snatches it from his
Hands. He tears off the shirt blocking the wound and sets to disinfecting it and sewing it closed as he was taught to do by Kita-san before he took over.

‘None of us knew, if it helps.’ The dark haired man says.

‘What?’ He snaps, not in the mood for chit chat.

‘None of us
Knew he was seeing you. Daichi-san will probably be pissed if he finds out.’ He shrugs.

‘What do you mean, if?’ He wraps the bandage around Kei’s arm slowly.

‘There’s a reason he came here and not to Suga’s. He may be an ass but I owe him a favor. He isn’t planning on telling
Anyone you were there tonight.’

‘And you won’t?’

‘Not my place.’

‘You’d lie? To your kumicho?’

‘Yes.’ He doesn’t hesitate to answer, and leaves Rin to tend to Kei.

He cleans up, and pulls the blanket on the bed up over Kei, stealing a spare one to curl up in the desk
Chair, thinking. It takes a few hours for Kei to wake back up, but it happens with a gasp. He sits up in bed, grasping his arm and looking around frantically. He calms down when he sees Rin sitting there.

‘You didn’t leave?’ He asks, softly.

‘Swear to me.’ Rin replies. Kei
Blinks in confusion, waiting for Rin to keep talking. ‘Swear to me that you didn’t say yes to me just to get intel. Swear to me that tonight had nothing to do with me.’

‘Rin,’ Kei’s voice cracks. ‘I swear. I promise, please. You have to believe me.’

‘I do.’ He frowns. ‘I have
To tell Kita-san. I can’t lie to him, I won’t. If he forbids me from seeing you again, you know I can’t disobey him.’ Rin hates to admit it, but he knows his voice is always cracking, both of them blinking back tears.

‘I know. I’ll accept it. I won’t like it, but I’ll accept
It. I told you from the beginning Rin. I would never ask you for what you can’t give me.’

Rin nods, standing. He walks over to the bed and presses a kiss to Kei’s forehead.

‘I can’t guarantee you’ll hear from me again.’ He brushes away the tears from Kei’s face.

‘I know. If
I don’t,’ he has to stop as he chokes back a sob. ‘If I don’t know that I love you, Rin. Always have, always will.’

‘Me too,’ Rin agrees, resting his forehead against Kei’s for a moment. ‘Me too.’

He leaves, Kei’s car keys in his pocket, refusing to look back, even as he
Hears Kei’s sobs echo through the house.

He drives back to Hyogo, driving past his place and heading straight to Kita’s. Aran opens the door and starts at the blood on him before he’s assured it’s not his. He tells Kita the truth, that he was seeing a man in Sendai who turned
Out to be from Karasuno, that he didn’t know. Kita takes it all surprisingly well, but tells Rin that he has to think it over before he makes a final decision. Rin nods, going to leave once Kita heads back to bed, but Aran stops him. He pulls him into a hug, and lets him cry on
His shoulder.

Over a month passes before Kei’s phone finally buzzes with a text.

-Kita-san wants to meet with your kumicho. Can that be arranged?

Kei sets up a date and time, barely allowing himself to hope. Suga assures him Daichi will be understanding. He had found out
About Kei and Rin’s relationship when he had arrived to Kageyama’s place looking to spend some time with his boyfriend and finding his boyfriend holding the emotional trainwreck that was Kei.

Two weeks later, the partnership is announced. Karasuno and Inarizaki would work
Together, allying Inarizaki not just with Karasuno but their Tokyo ally Nekoma as well. It was beneficial for all three families, and they were having a celebration at a Nekoma based bar.

Kei was leaning against the counter, ignoring the tall tales of the Nekoma kumicho Kuroo
Next to him when he hears a familiar voice.

‘Fancy seeing you here, blondie.’ His heart jumps, and he looks back.

‘Two months and you haven’t gotten a better pick up line?’ He can’t stop himself from smiling though, not as Rin pulls him down into the first kiss of many.


• • •

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Jul 9
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