Again something to Stalin and the Soviet Union and the "red danger"!
The Russian revolution of 1917 and the communist movement were and are of course detested and feared with all their heart by the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes,
because it wanted to and could and still can bring down their rule(s), the capitalism not only in Russia, but also in the whole world.
To this end, fascism, which does not question the rule (order) of capitalism and thus the rule of the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes, was and is seen as a solution to the problem of communism (Bolshevism) and
therefore actively supported, ultimately made again and again and brought to power.
In contrast to the ruling families (the so-called "elite), there was much enthusiasm among the majority of the U.S. population for a revolutionary current that had(had) the goal of replacing the capitalist system with a new and more egalitarian, social alternative.
There was a radically oriented labor movement, especially the revolutionary union IWW (International Workers of the World), numerous socialist intellectuals and anarchists, as well as pacifist citizens, intellectuals
like the journalist John Reed (with his book on the Russian Revolution "Ten Days That Shook the World")
Worldwide, the ruling class of gigantic fortunes fell into fear of the red danger and began to massively persecute, defame, demonize and fight communists (leftists, socialists, anarchists).
The very existence of the Soviet Union and the possible (and at that time even more probable) success of the communist experiment meant a serious threat to the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes,
not so much because of the military potential of the Soviet Union at that time, but in which the majority of the dependent, dominated society would see a credible alternative to capitalism.
Therefore, Hitler was brought to power and supported as an anti-Bolshevik who saw the destruction of the Soviet Union as his mission in life and with whom very profitable business could and did be done (well into World War II).
Hitler was seen as a bulwark against communism (or Bolshevism, as it was called then).
So it also came to the infamous appeasement policy (pacification policy) in which, according to the two historians Clement Leibowitz and Alvin Finkel, Great Britain and France ignored Stalin's proposals for international cooperation against Hitler
and in turn tried to persuade Hitler to attack the Soviet Union.
This policy reached its nadir with the Munich Agreement of 1938, which offered Hitler Czechoslovakia as a stepping stone toward Moscow.
With Poland, however, Hitler demanded a higher price for his services than England and France were willing to pay, and this led to the Polish crisis in the summer of 1939.
Stalin, who began to see through the goals of the appeasement policy, responded with the Hitler-Stalin Treaty to buy time. Hitler himself entered into this horse-trading with his arch-enemy, feeling betrayed by Britain and France, who did not favor him with Poland.
The Blitzkrieg against Poland then started the European war between Germany and Britain and France. (Source: Jacques Pauwels "The Myth of the Good War. The USA and the 2nd World War.").
Without the USA, more exactly the ruling US families of the gigantic fortunes, the 2nd world war would not have been possible. And they have increased their gigantic fortunes again enormously at the expense of the mass murder of millions!
"In the years 1940 and 1941 the US industry profited mainly from the deals , which could be made with Great Britain . However, this did not prevent U.S. oil companies and trusts from secretly trading profitably with Hitler's Germany as well.
With the knowledge of the White House, huge quantities of oil (at horrendous prices) were delivered to Germany through Spanish ports during these years.
100 years of USSR / Soviet Union
It taught the ruling families of the gigantic, unlawful, criminal fortunes to fear - and continues to do so even after its disintegration.
Again something about Lenin, Stalin, the Russian Revolution, Communism and the Soviet Union
The Russian Revolution of 1917 and the communist movement were and are of course wholeheartedly abhorred by the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes
and feared because it wanted to and could and still can bring down its rule (order), capitalism, not only in Russia but in the whole world.
100 Jahre UdSSR
Sie lehrte den herrschenden Familien der gigantischen, unrechtsmäßigen, verbrecherischen Vermögen das Fürchten – und tut dies selbst nach ihrem Zerfall auch heute noch.
Nochmal was zu Lenin, Stalin, der russischen Revolution, dem Kommunismus und der Sowjetunion
Die russische Revolution von 1917 und die kommunistische Bewegung wurden und werden von den herrschenden Familien der gigantischen Vermögen natürlich von ganzem Herzen verabscheut
und gefürchtet, da sie ihre Herrschaft(sordnung), den Kapitalismus nicht nur in Russland, sondern in der ganzen Welt zu Fall bringen wollte und auch konnte und noch kann.
Due to decades of ever-increasing daily brainwashing, social and educational impoverishment, digital dementia and fascism, many in Germany in particular, with its subject tradition, suffer from constant historical and political memory loss,
complete abandonment of questioning political decisions, of thinking for oneself, and of one's own conscious political decisions, goals, and actions....
they are ready for the voluntary slavery of the Great Reset in the interest of the ruling families of the gigantic fortunes.
Aufgrund der Jahrzehnte langen, immer mehr gesteigerten täglichen Gehirnwäsche, sozialen und Bildungs-Verarmung, digitalen Demenz und Faschismus leiden besonderes in Deutschland mit seiner Untertanen-Tradition viele an konstantem historischen und politischen Gedächtnisverlust,
völliger Aufgabe des Hinterfragens von politischen Entscheidungen, des Selber-Denkens und der eigenen, bewussten politischen Entscheidungen, Ziele und Handlungen...
sie sind bereit für das freiwillige Sklaventums des Great Reset im Interesse der herrschenden Familien der gigantischen Vermögen.
Nochmal was zu Stalin und der Sowjetunion
Die russische Revolution von 1917 und die kommunistische Bewegung wurden und werden von den herrschenden Familien der gigantischen Vermögen natürlich von ganzem Herzen verabscheut
und gefürchtet, da sie ihre Herrschaft(sordnung), den Kapitalismus nicht nur in Russland, sondern in der ganzen Welt zu Fall bringen wollte und auch konnte und noch kann.
Dazu wurde und wird der Faschismus, der die Herrschaft(sordnung) des Kapitalismus und damit die Herrschaft der herrschenden Familien der gigantischen Vermögen nicht in Frage stellt, als Lösung für das Problem des Kommunismus (Bolschewismus) gesehen