when I was a kid I promised myself I would get successful and learn about what it takes and what it’s like and share it with other people like myself
one of the saddest things to learn in high resolution is how/why friendships die when someone succeeds, even with no bad intent
even if everyone is thoughtful, kind, tries to be there for each other etc, there’s a disparity that emerges in the stakes people live with, the costs of each person’s actions. you can still be civil to each other but you are no longer peers n cannot relate to each other as such
you start having different threat models, different cost/benefit analyses to your every action, you can’t even bitch and whine about the same things anymore (and if you try too hard, even earnestly, it can come across as forced, fake, condescending)
this means that success will alienate you from your peer group, and of course alienation is dehumanizing, so by the transitive property-
Radiohead first debuted True Love Waits live in ~1995, and they didn't release a studio version of it on a record until 2016... 21 years later. Something to think about when I get frustrated with myself for not having already released all of my own material
then and again, a song about love... true love... that waits... it's kind of thematically appropriate to, you know. wait. not all material is like this
it's possible i might be overconcerned about thematic appropriateness
to be more precise, while i desire thematic resonance, i have to accept that compromise is necessary en route to achieving it
the impt thing is to make a distinction between playing live vs cutting an album
my moments of lucidity are so powerful (currently here, expansive and agentic, I can do anything) and my moments of darkness are so isolating and depressing, it’s such a fucking trip how I’ve cycled between the two throughout my years, big and small cycles
in a lucid expansive state, good writing just pours out of my fingers without any conscious intervention on my part. in this moment I wonder why I ever bother “trying” to write. Though I’m sure the practice all adds up
the “wake up and write every day” crowd has never quite appealed to me. Even if it’s a good idea, it’s not quite the right framing. I’m closer to the Borgesian “the artist is working while he sleeps” sorta perspective. My half-joking self-directive is to dream harder, lol
my simplified model of self-harm is that it’s a preemptive defense against harm-via-others
my approach to reducing self-harm then involves (1) introducing a sense of safety-amongst-others, and (2) interrogating and dismantling the threat model
if you keep exploring all of the followup questions to both of these, this unfurls into @introspectvv and @fanswitchboard. maybe I’ll try writing an essay from this starting point and see how much I can condense in under 3,000 words
you can’t dismantle a threat model much if the threat is still present
one of the cleverest things I know of is how L'arc~en~Ciel rotates all the members clockwise on the instruments to play as a punk rock band called Punk~En~Ciel that does covers of their older material
I'm trying to figure out how to do this as an individual with my own material in a way that feels fun, refreshing, enlivening. i don't just wanna transcribe my threads directly into essays, that sounds like death. i wanna be a different version of myself
furthermore: describing things can be better at changing behavior, including & especially your own, than exhorting for change. just describing your personal day-to-day life in a lot of detail can make you naturally change it to something you prefer, more than yelling at yourself
parallels: good nutrition advice begins with things like "keep a log of everything you eat", personal finance "keep a log of everything you spend", and if you find yourself averse to doing that, try to articulate that aversion as non-judgementally as possible
lots of people struggle with being non-judgemental towards themselves, which is a big part of why they require external assistance. someone who's gently curious about you in a non-judgemental way can change your life completely
one of my fav blogposts of all time is an old @vgr classic about the iron man movies. funny thing is that when i mentioned it to him he told me he forgot he wrote it. it kind of quietly set off a cascade in my mind... maybe it even contributed to FAN ribbonfarm.com/2013/05/21/sch…
if you understand this stuff well you can basically chaos-surf reality, in 2013 it mostly seemed like cool-compelling ideas, in 2022 now i run my entire life on it
@vgr i kinda wanna do a thread summarizing/retelling the post but i'm not sure how I would cleave it