Sidelined. Visual metaphor for the continuing marginalisation of disabled citizens even when we insist on being part of the big picture.
Bad enough inaccessible buses meant wheelchair users couldn't test the #Nirbhaya panic button @chennaicorp, but why no inclusion in awareness?
We were asked for id @GSBediIAS . Simply for being there and perceived as being potentially 'disruptive'.
Are disabled women not women?
Are we so asexual in the mainstream's mindspace that violence against us doesn't merit acknowledgement? Or thought? Or design considerations?
Speaking of steps and buses, since thinking is not inclusive by default, please ensure on the day when we are finally able to enter a step-free low floor level boarding bus, safely and with dignity, that the panic button is not located in rear step area (in case low entry bus)!
Some thoughts since we were unable to test this out ourselves :
Would a person with arthritis be able to press the button with ease (how many newtons force does it take to activate)
Does blind passenger know location of emergency button?
Signed awareness video made for deaf?
While we're on buttons, hope low floor buses tendered recently also include long stop button at the wheelchair docking space in addition to a lower panic button @CumtaOfficial.
And a boarding assistance required button on bus exterior near foldover ramp entrance as per AIS 153.
.@PMOIndia - why are schemes in your name repeatedly flouting the law of the land vis a vis bus safety and accessibility for disabled citizens?
PM E-Drive scheme of @MHI_GoI document has a demand notice format for States offering 'standard floor' option.…
Leaving aside the Make In India unnatural embarrassment that is the high floor electric bus where the 'standard' can only be low floor by design...
Why is a Union Govt scheme AGAIN attempting to circumvent safety requirements enshrined in India's Bus Body Code and disability law?
The Freedom of Movement Coalition has engaged & intervened relentlessly with all stakeholders currently in the PM E-Drive PISC - MoRTH, MoHUA, Niti Aayog, MHI, ARAI, CESL.
Meetings, representations, court pressure and still you sacrifice inclusive, safe transport @narendramodi?
🧵The Retrofit India deadline lapsed on 15 June 2022.
In 2023, only 10 out of 765 Chennai bus stops had ramps as per @chennaicorp survey.
Yet, < half of the surveys' bus shelters in 2024's 29 crore value tenders include ramps.
... because the ad hoc ramps put up hastily during the bus PIL slugfest are tacked on - protruding into the carriageway, blocks access to rest of the bus shelter with no access to pavement. The landing assumes Beam Me Up Scotty accuracy with non-BRT buses!
In further meaningless of Chennai's current bus shelter design, the ramp is only a little higher than the bus shelter floor making level boarding an impossibility.
In 2006, Delhi piloted a 380 mm GFH bus shelter (to level board LFBs) that blended into pavements with gentle ramps
This is an extraordinarily passive reaction @DGCAIndia. (Also what happens to the fine money invariably collected post such incidents - is it being used for passenger welfare?)
Please publicly release advisory issued & report when ready. Collating the many wheelchair incidents 🔻
Also a stakeholder consultation is to be conducted by @IBA_org_in - instead we have an incomplete document published with no publicity and a 1 week deadline!
Shouldn't it be held BEFORE releasing the draft, @ChiefIBA ?
Or is this 1 week mockery of a deadline the consultation?!
@IBA_org_in @ChiefIba And what's the point of your existence @mygovindia if you can't even provide a feed of such calls for public comments or requests for stakeholder feedback?
Are we expected to scan 10000 websites since Govt refuses to host on the platform created for this purpose @CEOMyGovIndia?
Why is Govt delaying organising a visit to check on whether Kilambakkam Bus Terminus design is inclusive for diverse populations, especially disabled citizens?
It's 2 weeks+ since #a11y concerns were flagged & access audit requested @CMDA_Official @PKSekarbabu @anshulmishra555!
Noting the lack of proper facilities for the disabled persons, @TARATDAC1 has requested the @CMOTamilnadu @mkstalin to order the officials concerned to conduct a complete inspection soon, along with representatives of Associations.
@TARATDAC1 @CMOTamilnadu @mkstalin As per the directions issued by the Madras High Court in April this year, bus infra should be scientifically designed to suit the requirements of disabled citizens, including level boarding platforms for passengers on wheelchairs.…
Dear @narendramodi @PMOIndia, @AshwiniVaishnaw @RailMinIndia , Members of the Railway Board & PM Gati Shakti - The Freedom of Movement Coalition (FMC) cautions you that 24470 crore of public funds must not be wasted to create infrastructure that can't be used by all.
#ABBS #a11y
There are gaps and faulty logic employed in current designs for redevelopment of stations under Amrit Bharat Station Scheme detailed in linked FMC media release and Railway Board communication :
Like missing or non standard tactile platform edge warning...
Or safe indoor access to every platform for passengers on wheelchairs.
Currently without ramped Foot Over Bridges (FOBs), wheelchair users have to risk lives to use the tracks' trolley path. These can sometimes be blocked by goods vehicles.