This is a website boasting of aiming for "transformation of society".
They have the authority to do this because they are the expert elite, who know best.
It basically means communism, when you read stuff like this.
The qualifications of these people to "transform Australia" is that they are minority experts who oppose human nature, Australia, and Australians.
Al Grassby, whose Mafia friends murdered Donald Mackay, tried to frame Mackay's wife for the murder, and tried to have his claims against her read out in parliament under parliamentary privilege.
Today, evil wrongthinker #AlexBerenson was excommunicated from Twitter - not for being the Taliban or the CCP of course - but for having the wrong opinion about something on which there is official dogma.
His crime:
2. Of course, Alex was totally wrong and we cannot tolerate reading wrong things, as we don't know any better.
That's why everything on Twitter is true.
Look at The Atlantic, April 1, 2001.
A MEDIA EXPERT said #AlexBerenson was wronger than EVERYONE.