so now think about it - if Swiss (CHF) suddenly buy a ton of US treasuries, suddenly it will impact their currency - what do you think happens if they buy a lot of US 30y bonds?
Well, lets take a look...
Over the last week of december, it appears Swiss were selling US treasuries.
Then all of a sudden yesterday they decided (with other CB's) to BUY them back.
Every currency is a pair - USDJPY, CADEUR, etc.
DXY is different - its a kludgey ratio tht can be gamed.
Look what happened to DXY when swiss bought a ton of treasuries... (in purple)
Now lets throw a stonk index on here - QQQ is one of the most sensitive to currencies and bond yields.
Look at that fkr jump around (orange)
Sometimes when i saw "swap" its also CB's dumping or buying bonds, just like this.
The baseball anology - from slide one.
Consider each ball a few BILLION in US treasuries.
If they sell to another CB, It skewes the DXY formula (the ratio is not even between member states).
SOME - like EU- have a MUCH bigger impact to DXY when they buy or sell treasuries.
If the SWISS were to buy treasuries from everyone, the swiss currency would get SUPER strong relative to every other member state - this would be TERRIBLE for swiss economy as a strong currncy kills your exports.β¦
So what these CB's are doing is COORDINATING;so no 1 member state has a currency that is too strong or too weak - a weak currency creates an unfair advantage
When you go shopping/vacation, you go where the opposing currency is CHEAP relative to your own.
"Oz - then why are you leading with a picture of your cat?"
Cause her belief system is exactly like that of the USD and the US government - she thinks she is the center of the universe and everything revolves around her...
Oil going up in price is deflationary - if people are spending all their money on fuel, they arent buying anything else.
But US is an oil producer - the biggest oil producer on the planet right now actually....and everyone - especially europe - needs it.
After poot invaded ukraine, US set in motion price controls + money printing to fight that deflationary force.
It was a plan that biden and G7 hoped would end the war quickly, starve russia of revenue, and G7 would come out on top.
As ya'll shop in the American capitalist system that's better than every other system, yet, can't seem to produce a reliable supply of eggs...and when they are available, they are hyper expensive...
It is 1USD = 25000 vnd.
Here's Vietnam and a few prices of other things: