Since I am one of the other two on this text thread, and I was a part of this entire text conversation, as well as other group conversations, I would like to speak to this. First off, context matters. This screenshot is a small blip...
of multiple, very long conversations. I would like to believe this is a big misunderstanding rather than a blatant effort to disseminate false information in order to support a certain narrative. That being said, I have tried to handle this privately to no avail but am very...
concerned now that false information has been shared as truth by Baptist News Global.
This hurts my heart more than anyone can imagine, to have to address this in this way, but it is of the upmost importance to me that survivors are armed with the whole truth.
When the...
original task force was formed, all known survivors were given the option of communicating with the task force and with Rachael, and receiving updates on the process. Several of us, myself included, chose to receive updates from Rachael largely via text. She was...
communicating with us at our request, along with other survivors, and the full knowledge of the task force. Everyone was aware at all times of all the roles every party played.
When the hotline was established, we expressed great concern that survivors still needed access to...
safe resources if they so desired. Rachael then graciously volunteered to be one of those supports for a survivor, if they requested. It was made very clear to us that at no point would any information at all be shared with Rachael. Survivors had the option to reach out to her...
if they chose to do so. The context of this screenshotted text was so that Rachael could offer suggestions for things such as therapy to consider (such as EMDR) and that if a survivor expressed concern that legal help may be needed, Rachael could give them guidance on what...
types of attorneys to look for, as well as pitfalls to avoid (such as attorneys that require NDA's.) We were expressly told that Rachael would not be evaluating cases, referring cases, or providing legal opinions. We were also expressly told that if a survivor reached out and...
expressed a need for legal help, that they would also be told this. In addition we were expressly told that Rachael was not receiving fees, or payments of any kind, from the SBC, Guidepost, any survivor, other attorneys, or anyone else and that there was no interest, financial...
or otherwise, in any of the organizations involved. I am aware that there is only one survivor who has reached out to Rachael during this process, outside of the larger group of known survivors who requested to communicate with her.
This was my understanding at the time the...
text was sent and with the context we were given in the verbal conversations. This matched the assurances that were provided publicly through task force updates, Executive Committee updates, and in social media conversation...That the contract for the hotline required...
Guidepost to maintain full confidentiality of all information they received.
When this question arose again last week, publicly, Rachael reached out to a number of survivors again, us three included, as we had requested, and reiterated all of these boundaries and safeguards.
She reconfirmed to us that she never received information from Guidepost and reiterated all of the above. Again, this was my understanding all along.
I also tried to engage privately with Christa.
I also reached out to Guidepost and spoke directly with Julie and Krista...
to confirm all of this was accurate. I also confirmed that anyone who reached out to Guidepost with these questions, including in the last week, were also given these same answers. Furthermore Julie and Krista told me that out of 700+ calls that have been made to the...
hotline, only two survivors have even been provided Rachael's contact information, at their request.
Finally, I communicated with the EC attorney who likewise confirmed all of this information.
In summary, it has been made abundantly clear to us, from the beginning, that...
all information that comes from the hotline goes directly to Guidepost and will remain confidential. Nothing is shared with Rachael or anyone else. Rachael does not, and has never, taken cases or survivor information from Guidepost in any form.
Rachael has repeatedly...
requested, including in writing, our input and suggestions. She has always asked if there was anything any of us would like her to do differently or change, and has also asked, to include this last week, for alternative models to be used in these situations.
At all times...
there has been full transparency of everyone's roles and responsibilities.
Once again, it has been solely at our request that we have communicated with Rachael and I have personally asked SBC leaders for Rachael to be the advocate in the room.
I am not sure at this point...
what else can be said. It is totally fine for survivors to have different opinions, raise concerns, ask questions, and even disagree. I love Christa and respect her immensely despite the fact that we don't see eye to eye on the 'two hat' issue. Sadly, this is not about that.
This is about the blatant mistruth that "Callers to the Southern Baptist Convention's sexual abuse hotline are often routed to a person who also serves the SBC's abuse reform implementation task force." This statement is false and survivors deserve to know the truth. #SBCtoo#SBC
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#SBC21 Messengers...Thank you from the bottom of my heart, for hearing our cries and acting in support! While I am beyond elated many important steps have been taken over the last 2 days, there is so much work still left to be done...and it cannot be done by 1 person alone.
There will be a continued need for many things as we move forward with a new sense of hope...Accountability for promises made, ministering to survivors (while meeting them where they are,) continued education into trauma and how we as Christians can respond in a way that...
that honors Christ...etc.
Then, once the investigation is complete and made known, there will be many more steps needed to be taken in regards to genuine repentance & restitution along with concrete actions to prevent further harm to God's children. This is just the beginning...
#SBC21 For those of you that want to learn more about sexual abuse, survivors, why the #SBC is where it is today and more, here are some books I recommended reading...…
Thread #SBC21: Does NO ONE have ears to hear, eyes to see, a heart to care AND COURAGE TO ACT??? Why do #SBC survivors continue to get the run around??? @SusanCodone reached out to the chair of the #CredentialsCommittee in an effort to have them right their wrongs with...
regards to my case. When I recently inquired about how it went, here's what she had to say...
"Hi Jules. After I wrote the chair of the committee, I found out he was in some collusion with Mike Stone. He also told me that he was afraid pastors would get...
mad at him if the committee took too many actions. Then I had a zoom call with Rolland Slade, who
was taking over as chair. He seemed genuine and promised to look into your claim. I sent him all the documentation I had already sent to the Credentials Committee and he said he...
I am so livid at the SBC Credentials Committee right now I could scream!!! A Thread: Yesterday, a fellow advocate and friend, @writer_dee, spoke with Mike Lawson and Stacey Bramlett via a Zoom meeting on my behalf.
One of the purposes for the meeting was to address their massive failures regarding my submission...Specifically their lack of communication and failure to speak with me. Stacey made a point to say that their decision is final...that it's too late to go back and change anything.
I find this to be extremely disturbing considering they really don't seem to know what they are doing. Remember, they never once made an effort to speak with me regarding my submission even though they claimed to have done so!!!