The level of confusion out there about QAnon and Q is 100% intentional. I have spent two and a half years shoveling through the disinformation.
It’s actually very simple. Mike Flynn is Q — and the worst traitor in American history.
Let’s review the record.🧵
In 2012, after his tour in Afghanistan and Iraq, Flynn commissioned a study to collect all of the research he could find about building insurgencies to topple nation-states through radicalization and psyops.
Mike Flynn was fired by Obama in 2014 after a year and a half as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, but Flynn’s story that he was fired because he disagreed about ISIS is bullshit.
In June 2013, three notable things happened:
— Flynn visited GRU headquarters for four days for a “leadership seminar” 🇷🇺
— Michael Hastings died in a one car crash
— Edward Snowden stole critical military secrets from Flynn’s DIA servers…
In early 2014, on Mike Flynn’s watch as head of DIA, Vladimir Putin managed to take over Crimea with Spetznas soldiers with no resistance.
This was not incompetence. It was intentional. And it’s why he got fired and Obama warned Trump not to hire him.…
Here is a timeline summarizing Flynn’s activities through the end of 2014, when he set up Flynn Intel Group in Stanley McChrystal’s kitchen.
Flynn wasn’t fired for a disagreement over policy, he was fired because someone finally figured out he was a Russian spy.
After spending a year doing deals with the Saudis, Turks and Russians, Mike Flynn was Vladimir Putin’s guest in Moscow in December 2015.
This is the meeting where Mike Flynn and Vladimir Putin agreed to wage psychological WWIII on American citizens.…
At the RNC in Summer 2016, Mike “Lock Her Up” Flynn and Peter Thiel started a PAC called “MAGA3X” along with a who’s who of white nationalist terrorists.
The primary job of MAGA3X was to run psyops to torpedo the candidacy of Hillary Clinton — most famously #Pizzagate which Flynn promoted directly.
Pizzagate was based on John Podesta’s emails which were stolen by the Russians and distributed through Russian cutout Wikileaks.
Wikileaks was a full partner in Pizzagate and numerous other Kremlin psyops.
By the way, here is Holocaust-denying Peter Thiel chaos agent Chuck Johnson with Dana “Putin Pays” Rohrabacher getting ready to meet Assange in the Ecuadorean embassy in London.…
The “coup de grace” that finally brought Hillary Clinton down was James Comey reopening the investigation about “her emails” right before the election.
It should be noted that Mike Flynn’s son Mike Jr. was a major MAGA3X operative and got fired from the Trump transition because he was promoting Pizzagate conspiracy theories about Hillary.
In Nov 2016, during a speech where he bragged about stealing the election through psyops, Flynn coined, and later trademarked “Digital Soldiers” which is Flynn’s euphemism for cult members willing to engage in psychological warfare.
After being caught red-handed lying to the FBI, Flynn was forced to do a cooperation deal with the DOJ and was forced into silence.
In Sept 2017, Mike Flynn started his “defense fund.”
Q’s first post was the next month.…
On October 28th, 2017, Q posted its first “drop.”
The people who wrote “Q drops” for the first five days were white nationalist MAGA3X trolls James Brower and “Microchip” — who I have identified as Trump’s “Twitter Whisperer” Justin McConney.…
Here is a detailed analysis of the first Q drops showing the perfect match between Mike Flynn’s agenda and “Q.”
Every single line benefits Mike Flynn. Same enemies. Same allies. Same bigotry and hatreds. It’s Flynn’s voice because the DOJ shut him up.…
Recently reinstated Mike Flynn employee @tracybeanz Diaz has been a Kremlin propagandist since she was part of Ron Paul’s campaign.
Here’s a video compilation of Tracy screaming “We are Q. We planned the whole thing” to Donald Trump, Tracy going over “Q drops” with CNP Roger Stone stooge Jerome Corsi, and her conversation with Flynn’s money launderer Patrick Byrne in the days leading up to 1/6.
Here’s Mike Flynn aka Q promoting Tracy Diaz leading up to 1/6.
Also, for fun, Tracy blocked me two minutes ago. 😂
In 2018, Mike Flynn’s family spent a lot of time on QAnon shows raising money for Flynn’s defense fund. Here is Mike Flynn’s little brother @JosephJFlynn1 on “Patriots Soapbox” with Kremlin propagandist John Wells begging for dollars from QAnon cult members.
With the millions of dollars Flynn raised from QAnon, Flynn hired incompetent QAnon lawyer Sidney Powell to represent him in June 2019. Her most famous previous case was representing Enron.
Jim Watkins was hauled in front of Congress to explain his website and foreign connections. The only one who got “his side of the story” was Mike Flynn’s former MAGA3X operative, GRU Nazi Jack Posobiec.
8chan was revived two months later on Russian servers.
In February 2020, after the pandemic got started, Mike Flynn’s close friend and partner got his case dropped by the Bill Barr DOJ, causing all four prosecutors to resign in disgust.
A few months after Roger was set loose, in May 2020, incompetent QAnon lawyer Sidney Powell somehow convinced the Bill Barr DOJ to drop all charges against Flynn, despite him confessing twice and the judge calling his conduct “treasonous.”…
Of course, two months after Bill Barr and Donald Trump engineered Flynn’s dropped charges, three Flynn brothers — @GenFlynn @JosephJFlynn1 and @GoJackFlynn1 did the US Oath but added the QAnon slogan “Where We Go One We Go All” aka WWG1WGA to the end.
A month after Flynn did his QAnon oath, August 2nd 2020, I started paying close attention to Flynn and his whole treasonous family.
Here’s my pinned thread from the day I was inauthentically banned a year ago with lots of real-time details about his activities and psyops.
Once Plan A hit a dead end, Flynn, towing Sidney Powell and two brainwashed billionaires, went to the White House on 12/18/20 to pitch Plan B, a violent insurrection of the Capitol Building.
Five weeks before the attack on the Capitol, Mike Flynn was pardoned. The first thing he did was go on a QAnon show.
InTheMatrixxx / MGShow is a prominent QAnon account that doesn’t hide anything about its purpose. Flynn is almost giddy and praises his “digital soldiers.”
It is important to know that according to his brother @JosephJFlynn1, Charles Flynn, who commands 90,000 troops in @USARPAC, got his fourth star *on he same day* his brother was pardoned.
This allowed Charles to interfere with the defense of the Capitol by Nat’l Guard on 1/6.
@SecDef Austin needs to stop ignoring his Flynn problem.
Mike planned the insurrection and Charles made sure to delay any military response until they both were sure the coup had failed.
The great documentary “The Search for Q” by @marleydclements and her partner Bayan Joonam focuses all four episodes on Mike Flynn.
One of the people they interviewed was Major General Paul Eaton, who says QAnon is a psyop and Mike Flynn should be recalled and court-martialed.
Right after Mike Flynn was pardoned, “Q” came to life one more time on 12/8/20 with a MAGA video to the tune of “We’re Not Gonna Take It” (which pisses off @deesnider).
Mike Flynn frequently uses it as his theme song on his QAnon psyops tours. “I love that song.”
If you’re not familiar with Flynn’s traveling QAnon tours, these are grueling 2-3 day affairs where people pay hundreds of dollars to be brainwashed with deadly fascist propaganda by cult leaders, grifters, fake prophets and anti-vaxxers.…
It has gone almost unnoticed that Mike Flynn’s QAnon tour is named after a pro-QAnon book by “Putin’s Brain” — genocidal Nazi Aleksandr Dugin.
“The Great (Re)Awakening vs. The Great Reset”
Dugin’s book is, in part, a plan for civil war in the US.…
Dugin created Putin’s “Eurasianism” ideology which holds that the Russian Empire is destined to return with Moscow as “Third Rome.”
Here’s Flynn’s attitude about Ukraine in a nutshell. Shown a clip of American hero @MalcolmNance in Ukraine, Flynn predicts his death and goes on to parrot talking points straight off Putin’s desk.
Flynn does not hide his allegiance, despite his fake “patriotism.”
Ever since Mike Flynn’s plan to overturn the election on 1/6 failed, he has focused on weaponizing Christianity to recruit religious leaders into his cult.
Here Flynn introduces his personal priest, Kremlin QAnon propagandist Archbishop Vigano, former top Catholic in the US.
A few days before the 2020 election, both Mike Flynn and “Q” posted a pro-Trump letter from Vigano, who went on a QAnon show the next day.
Several months ago, promoted by Flynn, Vigano announced a neo-Nazi “anti-globalist” Kremlin psyop.…
Mike Flynn is a promoter of “prophets” of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) which anoints propagandists to pretend they are speaking for God in order to radicalize people into Dominionist ideology.
Flynn doesn’t just propagandize this dangerous “5GW” ideology, he has created a literal instruction manual for his “digital soldiers” on how to replicate racist identity cults like QAnon.
Here is Flynn’s pinned tweet right now, promoting his “Citizen’s Guide to Fifth Generation Warfare” and a video with ex-Army PSYOP specialist Boone Cutler who worked for Flynn in Afghanistan and co-wrote the book.
“There’s a lot of psyoppers out there.”
Of course, despite this thread’s focus on the man in the center, he is not acting alone in his project to destroy global liberal democracy in favor of a theocratic fascist ethnostate.
YMMV, but here are my top 12 fascists.
Fascism never stops on its own, it must be *defeated*.
The failure by governments to even acknowledge the full-spectrum cognitive war on our citizens has made us all defenseless.
We need to organize our own civilian defense force against psyops. Here’s some background. Please consider subscribing. 🙏
Here’s a documentary I was part of that helps explain how Flynn’s QAnon psyop works.
In what is destined to be a QAnon-famous incident, Mike Flynn tweeted “the storm has arrived” — the clearest possible signal to QAnon cult members that not only is Mike Flynn Q, but the QAnon “end times” have arrived.
In QAnon “the storm” is when all the pedophile democrats die.
Both the Cybertruck terrorist, who was active duty Special Forces on leave from Germany, and the veteran who murdered 15 people in New Orleans were stationed at Ft. Liberty/Bragg.
So were Mike Flynn & Tulsi Gabbard—who is set to be in charge of our entire intelligence community.
😳 Errol Musk says his son is named after a sci-fi book written in 1948 by Nazi rocket scientist Werner Von Braun called “Marsprojekt” where he describes in technical detail how people get to Mars & describes the Martian government as a technocracy with “the Elon” in charge.
Von Braun was brought to America during Operation Paperclip which brought Nazi scientists to America, and wrote “Mars Project” at Ft. Bliss — in German. Hermann Oberth, who Errol Musk also mentions, was another Nazi rocket scientist who came to America in 1955 to work for Von Braun.
In the chapter on the Martian government is also the core idea of non-geographical “network states” (a Thiel project to dissolve nation-states in favor of techno-dictatorships) and high velocity subways (think Boring Company/Hyperloop).
How much of what Elon Musk is doing right now based on the fantasies of a Nazi rocket scientists? Is all of this “the Elon” trying to prove something to his father?
Seems like we’re all screwed because of someone’s daddy issues.
You may wonder if pro-natalist Errol Musk really has that sort of influence on his son. Well, Errol said: “The only thing we are on Earth for is to reproduce” & has 7 kids—including 2 with his ex-step-daughter, who he raised from 4 years old.
Errol’s son “the Elon” is not content with buying America, he’s backing German neo-Nazi Party AfD in the upcoming elections — which he helped force through manipulation on X.
Although Errol used Black slave labor in emerald mines to get rich, he says his ex-wife is the Nazi.
Trump’s Cabinet is built on a core ideology of eugenics as a solution to white male terror about being replaced as a privileged, dominant demographic of humanity.
Making poor vulnerable to disease
Decimating the social safety net—SS & Medicare
“Mass deportations” / concentration camps
Turning education into indoctrination
Scapegoating LGBTQ people
Waging a class war, fascist billionaires cutting the budget
“Kill all Muslims” guy at DoD
What does that sound like?
Trump’s campaign was saved by a massive infusion of money and psychological warfare by the PayPal Mafia.
Elon Musk & Peter Thiel effectively own Trump now.
They, and the VP-elect, follow the philosophy of the “Dark Enlightenment” which is explicitly eugenicist & “hyper-racist.”
I do not want to hear another fucking word about Hunter’s pardon.
For the MAGAs in my replies trying to pretend Hunter’s drug abuse and minor crimes were worse than Mike Flynn and Roger Stone. Here are their easily documentable crimes:
—Seditious Conspiracy
—Election Interference
—FARA violations
Do not try to tell me that Mike Flynn and Roger Stone’s literal war against the United States is in any way comparable to the crimes of a drug addict who cleaned up 5 years ago.
This is Russian propaganda, from controlled opposition, designed to make liberals shy away from demanding answers from the administration about this election.
This is disinformation, designed to gatekeep the left & shame us into silence. It’s also a great reason to keep digging.
Straw man attacks on edge cases. Taking extreme ideas & claiming it represents anyone asking questions. Repeating “conspiracy theory” over & over until it sticks. All propaganda.
But don’t worry “a Trump-staffed FBI will still take the threats seriously and investigate them.” 🤦
You see, anyone asking questions about the election are just “shellshocked liberals” “coping” with reality. Just “accusations from liberal influencers.”
“Stop worrying about the Fourth Reich, libs, the mid-terms are coming!”