@ConnectingGens Kicking off his presentation, James Sefton notes that his works aims to assess resources and transfers between generations, including private transfers within families and state transfers. Brace yourselves, this is a massive piece of research!
@ConnectingGens Introducing his work he said that state transfers are looking more equitable than many might expect, However, private consumption trends across generations are 'perilously unsustainable'...
@ConnectingGens Starting with the labour market, James notes that the share of labour income across generations has remained remarkably stable over time - though everything has shifted right - young people are starting careers later, older generations are retiring later too
@ConnectingGens Moving on to wealth, James highlights the scale of the boom Britain has experienced, primarily pensions and property. It is highly unequally distributed...
@ConnectingGens Though he adds that lower returns to wealth have offset some of these wealth gains. A new period of rising interest rates and falling house prices could start to reverse these long-standing trends....
@ConnectingGens The distribution of Britain's wealth boom:
- Older generations since 2000 have benefited from the wealth boom.
- Current younger generations have not, they have less wealth than earlier generations
@ConnectingGens Will older generations pass on this wealth boom? Yes, 70-80 per cent is likely to be passed down one or two generations. But that's cold comfort for the many young people whose parents or grandparents aren't wealthy.
@ConnectingGens Moving on to the public sector, James says that while public sector debt has increased, public sector net worth (ie its assets) have fallen off a cliff, and public transfers have shifted towards older generations.
@ConnectingGens What does this all mean for consumption - a key metric for living standards? It has grown for older generations, mainly through higher public consumption. Since 2010, consumption has fallen for age groups under the age of 60. This is what recessions and stagnation do for society.
@ConnectingGens Do generations have enough resources to fund their consumption. Yes, for older generations but not for young generations. But the level of private bequest flows down the generations are enough to ensure that all generations have enough resources....
@ConnectingGens However, in contrast to private transfers between generations, public transfer are flowing up the generations. Families are doing their best to ensure intergenerational equity, but the government isn't.....
@ConnectingGens And Jane Falkingham responds to James with some provocations. First up, James' work looks at aggregate data, but what about gender? Here there are some big generational differences....
@ConnectingGens Because while male participation rates in the labour market are high but falling....
@ConnectingGens ...female participation rates are lower but rising (sharply) from generation to generation....
@ConnectingGens Second, Jane says longer lives mean we need to rethink the meaning of age - 75 is the new 50!
@ConnectingGens Rethinking the meaning of age means societal shifts - later marriages, more divorces...
@ConnectingGens ...the age of motherhood is increasing, and there are more childless families. This increases (age-based) distances between generations, and will impact on the private wealth generational transfers that James says are vital for upholding younger generations consumptions patterns.
@ConnectingGens And now onto our Q&A, chaired by Lord Willetts. He notes that there are huge distributional challenges to a society that relies too much on private inter-generational transfer to fund future consumption. Why? Because wealth is unequally distributed within generations.
@ConnectingGens Britain has a productivity problem and an inequality problem, but does it have an intergenerational problem too? Only in the public sector, says James Sefton, there is no conflict in the private sector, where generations are working together (and not just through transfers).
@ConnectingGens David pushes back slightly against James. He says that from a intergenerational perspective, his baby boomer generation are better as family members than citizens. Happy to pass down property wealth, but not to generate new property wealth by accepting more house building....
@ConnectingGens David wraps up our event by saying that if Britain moves to a society where inheritance plays an increasing role in determining economic outcomes then family will matter more, and that could reduce young people's geographic mobility (with knock-on effects for productivity).
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Since 1997 earnings have doubled, while house prices have increased *4.5 times*.
Our Research Director Lindsay Judge spoke to @BBCr4today this morning about the state of British housing 🏡🧵
Our current housing crisis is decades in the making.
The UK is not alone in considering itself in the midst of a crisis, but our cramped and ageing housing offers the worst value for money of any advanced economy.
Looking at 'imputed rents' of homeowners as well as actual rents, we spend more on housing than almost every other rich country.
Back for more? - the Resolution Foundation overnight analysis of the 2024 Spring Budget is out now!
To whet your appetite ahead of reading the full report, here's a six-chart thread with a few of the key highlights....
1) Filling out the tax sandwich.
A net tax cut of £9 billion is taking effect in the election year. But this is dwarfed by the estimated £27 billion of tax rises that came into effect last year (2023-24) and the £19 billion that are coming in after the election (2025-27).
2) Shifting state support from the rich to the poor.
RF analysis of all major tax and benefit policies announced in this parliament show finds that typical households are set to gain £420 a year on average, while the poorest fifth gain £840 and the richest fifth lose £1,500.
Kicking off our event @_louisemurphy says that Britain has a youth mental health crisis. One-in-three 18-24-year-olds report having a common mental disorder, rising two-in-five young women.
This is having real-world impacts.
On health, more than half a million 18-24-year-olds were prescribed anti-depressants in 2021-22.
And on the labour market, people in their early 20s are now more likely to be economically inactive due to ill-health than those in their early 40s. This is a big shift over the past 25 years...
The chancellor has gone for broke on pre-election giveaways. Meanwhile, households are broke, after getting £1,900 poorer over the course of this parliament.
💸 Pre-election tax-cuts today rest on implausible spending cuts tomorrow
💼Well-targeted policies to address tax system bias were welcome
✋As are steps to encourage business investment (but undercut by deeper cuts to public investment)
First up, some of the pain has been delayed.
The @OBR_UK shifted slow economic growth into the future.
The UK economy was more resilient than expected this year (growth revised ⬆️from -0.2% to 0.6%), but things look worse next year (growth revised ⬇️from 1.8% to 0.7%).
Speaking at our event, Mary Starks of @FlintGlobal highlights the centrality of moderning our power and water infrastructure for our net zero transition. Regulators will play a key role in driving these changes (and will inevitably be unpopular for doing it!)
Mary highlights a key challenge - we know we need to invest a LOT to modernise our infrastructure. But we don't know what investments will actuallly pay off. That's a key challenge for both investors and policy makers...
Another big infrastrucuture challenge - persuading investors that projects will pay off over a 30-50 year period, and won't be pushed off course by electoral cycles. This is a big task for regulators overseeing these projects, and is getting harder as the scale of need grows.
Today’s migration statistics confirm that post-Brexit migration change has been big – but some of the change is different to what many of us expected... summary 🧵 from RF's @charliejmccurdy ⬇️
The latest migration data for the year ending December 2022 showed that overall net migration rose to 606,000 – driven primarily by non-EU migration (662,000).
Among non-EU migrants, the most common reasons for coming to the UK were to study (39%) to work (25%) or for humanitarian reasons (19%). The recent rise has been driven by unique factors, such as the Ukraine war and the end of Covid-19 restrictions (more students arrived).