"As time went by—I turned 60 last year—and I think all of you women understand this: As the days, years, numbers get bigger, the opportunities get smaller as well..." Congratulations, Michelle Yeoh #GoldenGlobes
Predictably, every award show, you get headlines like this: i.e. older women "looking good for their age."
I care more about older women winning awards and addressing the ageism that for too long kept them from the roles that brought them those much-deserved awards harpersbazaar.com/culture/film-t…#GoldenGlobes
To see an Asian woman in her 50s ponder her other selves & the lives she could've had, is subversive. During a time when pandemic bigotry & violence in the U.S. targeted Asians, esp women & elders,a film that centres an Asian woman in her 50s is subversive feministgiant.com/p/essay-the-me…
Women of colour–older ones at that– are rarely allowed options and yet here is Evelyn in #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce with multiple universes, unbeknownst to anyone, including herself. #GoldenGlobes
Once Evelyn gets a taste of options–the What If’s–available to her alter egos in other universes, we understand why women are denied a three-dimensional life, why their imagination is flattened out of daring to want any more than what they have. #EverythingEverywhereAllAtOnce
Because we would want more, we would want different, and how would our universe handle that, huh?!
So successful has white supremacist theocratic patriarchy been that white Americans can only see danger as Arabic writing, resembling Islamic phrases and looking like the Taliban instead of looking like themselves—white Christians
No need to look for scary zealots in far away countries and no need to copy Arabic you don’t understand when you've got your own homegrown zealots who speak English and look just like you. It’s easy to see zealots in when they don’t look like you feministgiant.com/p/essay-the-ha…
White Americans live to do this. Remember this when SCOTUS was about to overturn Roe v Wade?
For all those bemoaning "men telling women what to wear" in the #Missouri State House: note that it was a woman--Rep. Ann Kelley, R-Lamar--who proposed the dress code. She is Exhibit A of a footsoldier of the patriarchy stltoday.com/news/local/gov…
"Rep. Ann Kelley, R-Lamar, proposed explicitly requiring women legislators to wear jackets on the House floor, saying “it is essential to always maintain a formal and professional atmosphere.”" #Missouri
And those calling the Missouri House GOP "Taliban" etc: So successful has white supremacist patriarchy been that white Americans can only see danger as looking like the Taliban instead of like themselves feministgiant.com/p/essay-the-ha…
Marjorie Taylor Greene is part of the tag team of white Christian women who helped build a theocracy and destroy abortion rights. They include anti-abortion terrorists like Raychelle “Shelly” Shannon 👇🏽 h/t @rerutled
Raychelle “Shelley” Shannon was released in 2018 after serving 25yrs of a 30yr sentence: 11yrs for 1993 attempted murder of Dr. George Tiller, & 20yrs (to which she was sentenced a year into her other sentence) for 6 fire bombings & 2 acid attacks at abortion clinics in CA, OR,NV
Let’s talk about the real terrorists when it comes to abortion rights in the US
In 1996, I had an “illegal” abortion in Egypt and in 2000, I had a “legal” abortion in the US. I use inverted commas because the State can fuck off with its opinions about what I can and can’t do with my uterus. That control belongs to me. feministgiant.com/p/abortion-is-…#AbortionRights
I was not raped. I was not sick. The pregnancies did not threaten my life. I did not already have children. I just did not want to be pregnant.
For as long as patriarchy can shroud abortion with silence, it will continue to stamp it in shame. So I broke my silence to break free of shame. 📷 @rerutled
That just five months after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade, Republicans won the House in mid-term elections, instead of roundly being defeated, is a fucking disgrace and speaks to the zealotry and rising extremism in the U.S. And so of course they're pushing for more
The same arrogance and naiveté that made so many white Americans think Trump would never become president is that same arrogance and naiveté that made so many think "it would never happen here" about abortion bans as well. feministgiant.com/p/essay-the-ha…
It's easy to see the fascists and theocrats when they don't look like you e.g. the Taliban
The privilege of whiteness meant that for many in the U.S., there was something wrong with you if you were losing rights. It only happened to people who weren't white, far away somewhere.
"I really feel that this, this second stage of life, #menopause, it really is an opportunity for women to reconnect and understand that this second stage of life can be their most powerful. They can feel independent and strong and sexy."
"I think what I find the hardest is that women feel that they should just suck it up, that every woman needs to bear this like a burden…And to me, that's just complete bunk,” Trish Barbato, co-founder of the recently created Menopause Foundation of Canada
I am editing a menopause anthology that includes contributors from around the world and contributors who are cis women, non-binary people, trans masc and gender expansive.