🧵My impression—you’ve deleted the most explicit falsehoods and prefaced everything else w the self-fulfilling idea that there’s little evidence Boas was ethnocentric only bc he was ethnocentric, trying to abate gentile suspicion.
As I'll show, you offer no evidence to that end:
Your grappling with Boas’ desire for J assimilation is untenable. It's not "simply an allegation of fact": you emphasize Boas’ entire career was ideological, devoted to allaying racism, so of course this is prescriptive: “the greatest hope for the immediate future,” in fact. ...
This is why such is the opinion of even the scholars you rely on throughout the section.
Even Leslie White (pic 2) is in agreement:
Although you go on to argue the opposite, Degler 1991 concurs: 1. Boas was an *assimilationist*, not a pluralist as you claim; 2. Boas was hardly “aimed at promoting the idea that all cultures are equal.”
If anything, that is a description of his gentile contemporaries.
This was just one way Boas’ beliefs were incongruent with organized Jewish activists.
Separately, one of the only direct interactions with such people I know of saw Boas at once refusing their request for a written denunciation of Father Coughlin, and portraying Jews as racists.
And no, Boas was not "hostile toward gentile culture."
You focus on a single item of my evidence and baselessly construe it through the lens of a Jewish agenda.
If Boas was *solely* supportive of the German cause in WWI (“in 1916”), as you imply, then okay. But that’s false.
Boas co-founded and was active for years in the Germanistic Society (starting in 1904, i.e., *well prior* to WWI) for “the advancement of the study and knowledge of German civilization.”
Even after moving to US for career opportunities, Boas still visited the country he was allegedly "hostile toward" many times. He was also fond of the Kaiser.
Degler (1989) offers a better picture.
The cultural Germanism of Boas’ private life was also depicted by a German contemporary. “Hostility”?
And ofc: you use Herskovits’ endogamy as evidence of Jewishness, so the inverse works too. Despite your original claim, Boas married a gentile German. This is especially perplexing since you portray Boas as excluding gentiles (except as frontmen) and hostile toward their culture.
Clearly your speculation that Boas’ defense of Germany was really, secretly, Jewish is unsupported by the relevant evidence, not that you bothered to provide any for that conclusion yourself.
Why make such unsubstantiated claims?
I also notice you've pasted the TOO article “Jewish Assimilation?” from back in October in your revised chapter, bc I’ve already responded to it on my blog.
I haven’t even listed all the evidence, but Boas’ heavily German private life and disinterest in Jewish affairs are clear.
This general image of Boas is also the working consensus of the relevant biographers. Quoting the brief opinions of one or two minor exceptions, as you tend to do to buttress a point, unless accompanied by novel evidence, is pointless.
Similar beliefs are also to be found among many of Boas’ Jewish students. Unlike with some of the other movements you identify in CofC, Jewish identification did not play a prominent role in the Boasian school of anthropology.
Some helpful words to review from The Culture of Critique:
The movement was initially heavily Jewish primarily due to the waves of Jewish immigration to NYC and influx into Columbia’s student body at the time. However the ideas it promoted were already in development organically, and were taken the furthest among the gentile Boasians.
W/o evidence, you repeat your claim that Mead’s and Benedict’s success were due to J promoting as gentile frontmen. Your own source contradicts this: great majority of those Freeman notes for support of their books were gentiles while ALL of those noted for criticizing it were Js
This is a point that's been raised since Cofnas’ 2018 paper, and I’m not sure why you refuse to let it go.
Regardless, even according to your writings, these two gentiles did the most for anthropological blank slatism.
There are other errors, more minor but blatant, that you’ve still not corrected.
Some examples follow...
The majority of the Boasians heading anthropology departments referred to by your source weren't actually Jewish as you suggest.
(Also note that Columbia U's student body was 40% Jewish in the early 1900s but dropped to over 20% toward the end of Boas' career.)
These words are incorrectly attributed to Kroeber, who never insinuated Jewishness had anything to do with this. They come from White who provides zero evidence in his polemics and was pretty persuasively refuted at the time.
There are plenty more objections one could raise with this attempt at revision, and I don’t wish to exhaust them, here, but I’ve touched on the main ones and my thoughts should be clear.
The entire section is deceptive, and while it’s good you’ve deleted the false quote attributed to Boas and the claim he married another Jew, those are just the most obvious/unavoidable examples. Everything you weren’t absolutely forced to concede, you’ve kept in without reason.
I'd forgotten to address one more historical point included in a screenshot: opposing Prussian aristocracy does not betray a hostility to gentile culture. Boas was a proud German but an 1848 liberal, and the Junkers were opposed by all German liberals, Jewish and gentile alike.
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"Please post evidence in the comments if I’m wrong here." Ok, well I'm familiar with the Dancing Israelis story and found a lot that Ian gets wrong or leaves out. This thread will explain in detail what and why (all sources linked at the end) 🧵
First, the post: most claims here are just factually wrong.
- There’s no “hard photographic evidence” the men had foreknowledge. This seems to be a misunderstanding about the declassified photos which bear a 9/10 timestamp. They were in fact taken on 9/11; the FBI found the camera’s dating was “fourteen hours and forty one minutes late.” The docs also state “None of the pictures ... depicted the twin towers prior to the attack,” they were taken after the North Tower had already been hit and thus suggest no foreknowledge.
- The men weren’t “positioned at a vantage point up to a half hour before the attack.” Ian is misreading a witness report of a “utility van for an electric company,” totally unrelated to the Urban Moving van. To be clear: both “Dancing Israelis” witnesses reported only seeing them several minutes after the attack, and as the FBI itself concluded, all evidence suggests they arrived on site after hearing of the event like anyone else.
- There weren’t “numerous fake Israeli moving companies,” the firms were very much real, as I’ll explain in a bit.
Ian also posted a stream of his as evidence. I decided to give it a watch the other day: x.com/IanCarrollShow…
- 26:00 He claims the memo he’s reading from is from “a government agent.” It’s actually speculations written by some random guy.
- 29:20 Claims the Mossad didn’t share its intel with the US prior to 9/11. That’s interesting, because even the memo he’s reading contradicts this. The fact the Mossad did indeed pass along critical intel to the US leading up to the attack was widely reported, and since the memo itself mentions this Ian surely knows it. So how is this not just a total lie?
One can certainly choose to doubt the reporting—and be at odds with the author of the source as well as Ryan Dawson and Justin Raimondo—but you can’t just say the opposite with no evidence to back you up.
A few additional comments about the thread:
Regarding Candace's claim that Stalin was Jewish: the Georgian for Judah is იუდა (yoodah); Stalin's surname is ჯუღა (joogah) + შვილი ("-son"). These are totally different roots so she very likely lied about her "Georgian friend"
So her claim about name changes here is basically false: it's a common practice for revolutionaries to change their names or use pen names. Lenin's surname Ulyanov didn't come from his Jewish maternal grandfather, was Russian, and thus wouldn't have "outed him" as quarter-Jewish.
This fits with her other misinfo about Stalin's "three Jewish wives," Yiddish tongue, or there even being a historical debate about this; there's not. (I've since realized all this very likely comes from Europa: The Last Battle (~30 min in); even the wording is similar.)
Almost everything said in this thread is factually incorrect (with zero sources). But all this information does actually exist, or has been declassified, and historians have given it a lot of attention over the years.
I’ll quickly run through it point by point: 🧵
"447 of the Bolsheviks out of 525 were Jews."
By "Bolsheviks" she later clarifies "Bolshevik Administration," then "Bolshevik commissioners."
Of the actual Commissars* forming the government of the USSR (Sovnarkom) when it was founded, 3 were Jewish: Trotsky, Kamenev, Sokolnikov.
The sole source for Candace’s gigantic claim is White Army propagandist Robert Wilton. Not exactly a neutral actor:
Since the “Ancestral Vril” meme is apparently never going away, a quick run-down 🧵 on PornHub: 1/6 – Solomon Friedman is VP of Compliance at Ethical Capital Partners, the fund that purchased PH's parent company in 2023. He is not "the owner" or responsible for its decisions.
2 – ECP is currently chaired by Rocco Meliambro (Italian) and managed by Fady Mansour (Arab). With the possible exception of Shayna Miller (member of the advisory board), Friedman seems to be the only Jew in the fund’s leadership.
3 – Aylo (formerly MindGeek) oversees PH among other popular porn sites like YouPorn and Brazzers. Its leadership has not yet been fully disclosed out of privacy concerns.
Eduardo Eurnekian is actually of Armenian-Christian descent and a survivor of the Armenian genocide. He affiliated with the Wallenberg Foundation to commemorate righteous Armenians.
But it's too late. The new meme about Milei's Jewish handlers has thus been determined!
This screenshot he provides ofc doesn't refer to Eurnekian as a Jewish-Armenian, but as an Armenian, and Tenenbaum as a Jew; totally flies over Keith's head.
So I tried looking into Keith’s claim that Christian Zionism itself only exists due to Jewish meddling, but there’s seriously zero evidence for it. It’s just tiny bits of speculation connected with pieces of string, the definition of conspiracy theory.
His thread's gist is that the Jews financed notable Bible commentator C Scofield. (That's it.)
The case rests on wealthy Zionist Samuel Untermyer, who’s connected to Scofield based on the following passage. Basically, they both attended the same gentlemen’s club at some point...
In other words it's just the guess of an unknown author who couldn't even spell Untermyer's name correctly. That's the entire body of evidence: Scofield was admitted to some club, and guess who else was at that club (allegedly*)? Samson Undermayor!