There. Looks simple enough. Just a few seams to cleanup on the body, but everything else looks straightforward.
I am gonna turn it either red or pink before I make it yellow, though. #プラモ#ポケモン#plamo#pokemon
In general, I think of working on these Pokemon Quick!! Collection kits as practice for removing seams. Think I did a decent job on this one. #プラモ#ポケモン#plamo#pokemon
I did say I’d turn it either red or pink before it would end up yellow again. Decided on red. Photos or it didn’t happen. #プラモ#ポケモン#plamo#pokemon
I had other plans, but my daughter walked into the room asking “Can we work on Charmander now?” so of course we’re working on Charmander now.
#ポケモン #プラモ #pokemon #plamo
This one’s gonna need a bit of a think. Looks like I can erase the seams other than the arms. Fun little challenge; will get to it after I restock on some paint.