CCTV FOLLIES: 1.15 A master class in making a war crime go away
CCTV follows Russia's PR closely, relying mostly on Russia MOD footage and Kremlin party line
That Russia's horrific bombing of civilians in Dnipro should go unmentioned is only part of it
(photo below not CCTV)
No footage of the Dnipro bombing makes the cut at China news central.
The one short frame of Kiev is shown below.
Keeping up its pretense balanced coverage CCTV's narrator says Ukraine says it was hit by a large scale missile strike
Chyron says: "Russia strikes military targets"
In an editorial sleight-of-hand, this partial and incomplete admission is quickly followed by a blogger's lament about US intervention:
"It's dangerous for US to train Ukraine troops"
"It shows the US is directly involved in the conflict."
"It's a conflict the American people have no desire to be dragged into."
"Ukraine troops are being trained in Oklahoma..."
"They are being trained to use Patriot missiles..."
CCTV provides the "smoking gun" documentary proof:
What's more, CCTV insinuates, not the for the first time, that what it's really all about is US greed for power and money.
It's about oil and gas.
The US has imposed "unfair" sanctions on Russia so it can profit from the sale of LNG to EU.
In sum, CCTV portrays the "Ukraine situation" as a battle between US and Russia
(the "situation" is never described as a war, there's no acknowledgement that Putin launched the war, and the word invasion is never used)
Instead it's Moscow (left) versus Washington (right)
During this time of trouble, the restive populace is sure to be calmed by this new publication highlighting Xi Jinping's penetrating insights into high-level science
Yet another publication by the world's greatest freelance writer:
Xi Jinping Thought on Strong Military
Why read it once when you can read it three times?
The next ten minutes is devoted to some reassuring, inspirational shots of Xi Jinping who has total control of the military and wants the world to know it.
Patrick Chovanec, a consultant at Silvercrest Asset Mgmt has done some China virtue-signaling by compiling photos about the 1989 Tiananmen demonstrations, an event he evidently knows little about.
(a thread)
To do this, he compiled over a dozen of my photos on his blog , and when I brought this to his attention, he made no effort to credit the photos or reveal where he got them from.
Some of the photos now have a life of their own on the internet, including the above photo, (caption by Chovanec) which has been used by conspiratorial pro-China bloggers as proof of a "color revolution."
A political bible with quasi-religious overtones is unveiled like a holy relic.
A book by Xi Jinping! In English!
CCTV news shows the entire table of contents
Wow. It sure looks like a gripping read. Find a comfy chair, put the kettle on and settle for a long enlightening read.
China state TV doubles down on dubious Russia claims about "secret" US bio-labs in Ukraine.
(from May 26 Xinwen Lianbo)
Anchor Li Zimeng couches the accusations in the language of Russia's Defense Ministry, but the CCTV editors like the story enough for it to get major airtime.
The Russia Defense Ministry, solid architectural monolith that it is, is portrayed as a presumably authoritative source.
Read all about it! Top of the news! Yet another much-heralded publication by the indefatigable freelance writer Xi Jinping, whose excessive narcissism is nicely balanced with pictures of himself.
Up next, a nostalgic look back to 2017 when this man was laying the foundation of today's greatness.
Among many, many other incredible, almost super-human accomplishments, he created a city out of dust.