In today's #vatnik soup I'll discuss how Russia and Putin influenced politics and attitudes in European countries since (at least) 2007 by investing into the energy, financing and the real estate sectors.
This analysis is based on Catherine Belton's "Putin's People" and Heather A. Conley's fantastic analysis from 2016 called "The Kremlin Playbook", and it partly explains why the West were so hesitant to act against Russia before Feb, 2022.
"Putin's Web" is a term coined by Belton. It refers to the interplay between intelligence services & economic services to exploit weaknesses in the system. It's a new version of USSR's "active measures", and they applied this tactic effectively in most European countries.
In the early 2000's, there were signs that Russia wanted to become closer with the Western world, but they just exported their kleptocratic system into the West instead.
In 2009, a group of Central and Eastern European politicians wrote an open letter to Barack Obama.
In this letter, they spoke of a "Russian economic war" to change and influence countries attitudes. Russia's goal was to change political orientation via economic influence. The basic idea with this "economic war" was that when Russia made a large investment ...
... in a country, large state revenue was usually involved. This provided incentive for the politicians to support the projects,as some of the funds also benefited the country (or in case of corruption, the politicians).
After a while,the political influence became so large that it became a dependency.For example,in the early 2000s Hungary had little to no economic ties with Russia. But they became dependent on Russian energy,which also increased Russia's political influence in the country. 7/18
After the politicians were corrupted with Russian money, the dependency grew again stronger. Russia didn't want to raise too many concerns, which is why they did most of the financing via offshore companies and front organizations.
Another good example is the Nord Stream project, in which Russians involved several prominent political figures, including Gerhard Schröder and Paavo Lipponen.
Besides energy, Russia invested in the financial sector and in real estate.
By controlling a bank, Russia could control where that bank invests in a country. Real estate business was used to hide funds and influence local politicians. London is one of the prime examples of Russia's real estate businesses in Europe, ...
... which is why it's sometimes referred as "Londongrad". Russians have invested over 27 billion pounds in Britain, and at least 1,5 billion pounds of that money have been invested into UK property by the Russians.
To handle all this incoming money, many dubious companies that managed money flow from Russia have emerged in the UK and in the Netherlands.
In Bulgaria the Russians were looking for anti-US/NATO politicians and funded their parties.
They also mobilized fake-NGO's and funded the media, making it more pro-Russian. By controlling the key politicians, media, energy and financing sector they had Bulgaria in a tight chokehold.
Because of this "economic war" so many European countries were screwed after Russia's invasion of Ukraine. They wanted to condemn their actions, but they also had to consider the dependency on Russian energy and/or money.
When looking at the EU countries and their support for Ukraine, these statistics are very much in line with Russia's influence operations. Of course there are outliers, such as Finland that was heavily dependent on Russia's natural gas.
One of the biggest losers in all this is Germany. Prioritizing the idea of Ostpolitik (the idea of "change through trade"), they wouldn't condemn Russia's actions after they invaded Crimea, but actually increased their energy imports and focused on the Nord Stream pipeline.
Their whole economic model is based on Russia's energy imports and goods exports to China, which is why this transition will be extremely painful for them.
But in a German way, they have been extremely effective in eliminating the use of Russian energy.
Of course this economic war was just one aspect of Russia's influence operations in the West. As I have written before, they also invested huge sums into propaganda and espionage.
In today's #vatnik soup I'll be introducing a British reality TV star and a propagandist, George Galloway (@georgegalloway). He's best known for his appearance on Big Brother, affiliation with Russia state-media & his love for various authoritarian regimes around the globe.
Galloway has been a MP in 1987-2010 and in 2012-2015. He's currently leading the Workers Party of Britain, a party which has never held any elected presentation at any level of government.
George also doesn't like it when he's connected to Russia-state affiliated medias.
George has been a fan boy of several totalitarian leaders since the 90's. In 1994, during his unauthorized trip to Iraq, he met with Saddam Hussein and ended up his speech with a famous statement: "Sir, I salute your courage, your strength, your indefatigability."
In today's #vatnik soup I'll introduce a British freelance journalist, agitator and propagandist, Graham Phillips. In his articles and videos he favors Russia heavily, even though he calls himself an "independent journalist".
Graham moved to Ukraine in 2010 and started working as an English teacher. He also started writing a blog, Brit in Ukraine, with articles on football, politics, history, and prostitution. The last topic was apparently his favorite, as he wrote a lot about prostitutes, ...
... students moonlighting as escorts and foreign bride-hunters. He wrote about his first encounter with a prostitute in Amsterdam in a following manner: "A new high had replaced the drugs, and I exhaled 'I love prostitutes' into an appreciative Amsterdam night."
In today's #vatnik soup I'll introduce a Chinese ultra-nationalistic tabloid & "China's Fox News", The Global Times (GT). It's a daily newspaper published by CCP's People's Daily. The newspaper has fabricated stories, spread conspiracy theories and published disinformation.
The Chinese version was established in 1993 and it is one of the most read newspapers in China. Its popularity rose after the paper reported on Western incidents such as the accidental bombing of Chinese embassy in Yugoslavia in 1999, 9/11 and the Iraq War.
After the launch of a propaganda mill Russia Today in 2005, the Chinese government wanted to extend their overseas media reach, too. For this purpose, they launched an English version of the site in 2009, the US edition in 2013 and the South African version in 2014.
In today's #vatnik soup I'll be introducing a US representative and a pathological liar, George Santos. It is almost impossible to do a proper profile on this guy, since it's hard to know what aspects of his life are true and what are false.
But let's try!
Santos is a member of the GOP, & he was elected to the open seat in 2022. He is the first openly gay Republic elected to congress.Interestingly, he was married to a woman during 2012-2019 - they divorced just 12 days before officially filed his first congressional campaign.
He's said that his maternal grandparents are Jewish and that they fled Soviet Ukraine and Belgium from the Holocaust - they were actually both born in Brazil. He later gave an interview to WABC radio, where he stated that "I never claimed to be Jewish, I am Catholic...
In today's #vatnik soup we'll travel to the land of tulips & get to know a Dutch politician & a conspiracy theorist, Thierry Baudet (@thierrybaudet). He's the founder and leader of Forum for Democracy (FvD) party and also a member of the House of representatives since 2017.
Thierry belongs to the group of Eurosceptics, and advocates for both the Netherlands' exit from EU and the dissolution of the whole institution. He has strongly opposed the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement that promotes the economic collaboration between the two.
This agreement was made in 2017 & during the campaign, he spread a ton of fake news, including false reported of crimes by the Ukrainian military:…
Baudet was strongly against the EU sanctions on Russian individuals after the occupation of Crimea.
In today's #vatnik soup I'll introduce an Irish politician and a MEP from (South) Ireland: Mick Wallace. He aligns himself strongly with another Irish MEP, Clare Daly, and his love for both Russia and China has been evident in his recent comments and appearances.
His political career started at the Irish 2011 general election, and he was elected as an MEP in the 2019 European Parliament election. Wallace falls to the general category of "anti-imperialists", basically meaning anti-US and NATO.
Wallace's views also line up perfectly with folk from the fake news blog The Grayzone: he's supported Venezuela, China, Russia, Belarus and Syria during his period as an MEP.
So if there's an authoritarian regime somewhere, it probably has Mick's support!