Many Jewish people are now (rightfully) questioning this brutal practice. I respect any religion...up to the point of justifying harming babies. It needs to stop.…
Anything vaccines can do, Natural Medicine can do better.
If we used Natural Medicine in combo w/Natural Immunity, we'd be better off. Vitamin A "dramatically reduced duration of measles & cut the death rate by more than half."
If we all simply had a serum Vitamin D level of over 50 ng/mL, Covid deaths could be nearly non-existent.
It's 2021 & the deadly Covid Delta variant is in full swing. Multiple FRANTIC calls daily from people w/horrible coughs, low oxygen. I try many supplements & find a stack that saves people. But it takes awhile. Then I come across a supplement that CHANGES THE GAME. 🧵1/20
I come across a study by a Dr. using a natural supplement called "NMN" (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide) to treat Covid in elderly patients. These patients are the sickest of the sick--low o2, pneumonia, you name it. 9/9 of the patients experience RAPID disease reversal. 😯 2/20
One lady had Covid so bad she couldn't breath, her CRP (inflammation marker) was 217. 217 CRP is massive & Strongly predicts a DEADLY outcome (studies show). She was so sick she couldn't even sit up & drink the NMN mixture. She had to very slowly sip through straw, w/help.. 3/20