Natural Immunity FTW Profile picture
Hi 👋🙂 Nature, Not Pfizer. 20+ yrs researching natural health. 🤓 PubMed nerd. Fave supplements 👉
manu7 Profile picture Julie Walker Profile picture Hecate's Crossroad #QVArmy Profile picture Madge923 Profile picture The Real Dr. Steven Horvitz Profile picture 33 subscribed
May 17 5 tweets 3 min read

🤯Life-Changing Results from IP6, Mesima mushrooms, & juicing!

Just got this amazing msg.

2 months ago, he was in pain & couldn’t get out of bed.

Now ALL symptoms nearly Gone!

ZERO conventional treatment.

This reminds me of a recent post I did on a man who went from stage 4 to Full Remission…by taking IP6, Mesima mushrooms, & juicing!

(I’ll repost his story in comments ⬇️)

Natural Medicine, at the right dose, is Powerful!

Yet most people don’t even know these options exist.

Tell your friends!Image Studies & experience show that high dose is Crucial for efficacy. Personally, the Minimum I’d do is:

• 4-6 scoops IP6
• Twenty capsules Mesima

Stage 4 Cancer Reversal + more info on IP6, Mesima, Juicing:

Apr 23 4 tweets 3 min read
🚨 Dangerous Announcement:

I'm writing an eBook on the top 10 supplements for reversing (& preventing) CANCER.

& top ones that DON'T WORK.

I have a list of hundreds of cancer patients who were supposed to Die, yet are still alive yrs later. I know Exactly what they did, & I'm going to share it with you.

I've been tracking real results & diving into studies for Decades. I have a good handle on what Works to heal cancer & what is Fad.

Cancer patients don't have the time to sort through all the crap. Lives are on the line!

This is important info. But it's also dangerous for me to share.

We're not supposed to talk about actually HEALING cancer. The FDA has successfully silenced Many who've tried in the past.

➡️ If you're not signed up for my Free Newsletter, please do so right now. That way, if something happens to my account, I can still have a way to share info with you!

Enter your email, below, to be the first to know when the eBook drops.

There will be a small charge for the book, but if you can't afford it, I'll give you the info for free. ⬇️Image Sign up for my FREE Newsletter in order to:

• Be the first to know when the Curing Cancer eBook drops
• Stay connected in case something happens to my account!

Apr 15 9 tweets 4 min read
Mom finds out her baby has terminal cancer.

She evades authorities (who would medically kidnap baby), takes baby to Mexico for a "food cure." It involves a large amount of raw vegetable juice.

🤯 That baby is a teenager now & Cancer Free.

Documentary follows 6 terminal cancer patients for 5 yrs, who choose a radical "food" treatment (hint: some have INCREDIBLE results).

Where to watch the documentary for free, + other amazing Cancer Reversals through juicing, below.
⬇️🧵Image Can juice cure cancer?! Documentary follows 6 terminal cancer patients, for 5 years, who choose a radical "food" treatment (hint: some have INCREDIBLE results).

Watch for free ➡️
Apr 9 6 tweets 3 min read
FYI: there's already a cure for EBOLA, but they'd rather sell you a vaccine.

A certain type of Quercetin protects 100% from Ebola death. 😯

(The control group that did not receive it all DIED...). Image P.S. it helps w/virtually any virus. I use it for me & kids.

"Isoquercetin, a naturally occurring dietary flavonoid glycoside, has shown many promising biological activities, such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer. It also exhibits broad-spectrum antiviral activity, significantly reducing cell infection by influenza, Zika, Ebola, and dengue viruses, among others. Its beneficial effect for mitigating the disease of COVID-19 can be explained due to its inhibitory effects on several stages of the viral life cycle, from entry to replication and virus infectivity"…Image
Apr 6 4 tweets 4 min read
Hey here's your daily reminder that IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) can kick CANCER'S BUTT!

This is only like the hundredth report I've heard like this. I'm sure it's nothing...

Also it's cured cancer in mice. Also there are published human case reports in medical journals of "incurable" stage 4 cancer being eradicated by IP6, such as:

• Case Report #1: "IP6 induced complete remission in stage IV melanoma: a case report":

• Case Report #2: 53 y/o woman with "very poor prognosis" lung cancer "now enjoys a completely healthy life w/o any sign of relapse" (four yrs w/o incident): Anticancer Research journal, Volume 24, 2004

(That case is also cited here: "there was a report on a patient with advanced non-small cell lung cancer in Japan....she began to take IP6...almost 5 years later she was enjoying a completely healthy life w/o any signs of relapse": )

Don't tell Pfizer or they'll find a way to get it pulled from the market probably...they Hate competition!

DO tell your friends.

More info on what is IP6, things besides cancer that it works for, how it works, where to get: 👇🧵…Image IP6 is a safe, cancer-fighting compound in grains & legumes. 🫘🌱 But purified IP6 is far more effective.

HIGHLY recommend combining IP6 w/high doses of a specific type of mushroom, as this man did (Amazing Cancer Reversal):

Mar 29 4 tweets 2 min read
This man had Cancer (Leukemia) 4 yrs prior, & was told he’d likely need a dangerous stem cell transplant.

Instead, his colleague suggested he try IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate), which studies show has incredible anti-cancer properties.

It worked! The leukemia went away for 4 years. Until he stopped taking IP6 for 3 months…& the leukemia came back!

This time, w/Zero chemo, he watched his diagnosis go from lab-confirmed Leukemia to No Leukemia in just 3 weeks - from IP6 alone!

That is NOT possible, according to doctors.

There are published human case reports for stage 4 melanoma & lung cancer being cured by IP6 alone.

Numerous animal studies, as well as dozens of incredible cancer reversal testimonials I’ve collected.

Yet barely anyone knows this safe & natural option exists. Why is that?! 🤔Image High dose seems to be KEY for success. At least 4 scoops per day, spread throughout the day, on an empty stomach (when possible).

Another Incredible IP6 Cancer Reversal:

Mar 26 5 tweets 2 min read
😮 This is wild. According to Several comments on this thread, this is a thing.

Apparently cancer smells sickly sweet & musty, in a very distinct way. Image Makes me think there must be ways to detect cancer early, and w/o toxic radioactive PET scans…just no one cares enough to study it. Image
Mar 19 5 tweets 5 min read

2 yrs ago, Conor Randall was given just 8 weeks to live. He had huge stage 4 tumors in pancreas, stomach...all over.

Doctors gave him absolutely No chance of survival.

But Conor didn't accept that. Instead, he quit chemo & dove into a carefully chosen Natural Medicine protocol.

Now, after having a full scan, he's received news that he's 100% CANCER FREE. 😯

What did he do? That's the part that BLEW MY MIND!

If you've followed me for any length of time, you know I've been doing in-depth research & collecting cancer case reports for decades.

3 of the top things I've been sharing amazing case reports & research for are:

1. IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate)
2. Mesima mushroom (Phellinus Linteus)
3. Vegetable juicing

After seeing my posts, people have tried these things & DM'd me w/Amazing testimonials - including Full cancer reversals.😯

And it turns out, Conor happened to use those 3 exact things. And they got rid of his cancer!

• First thing he does every day is juice.
• Then IP6 (the same brand I've been recommending).
• Then Mesima mushrooms (the same brand I've been recommending).


There you have it, folks. I don't need 75 Randomized Controlled Trials to understand what I'm seeing here.

When people who were supposed to DIE, instead LIVE... when cancer that was supposed to take over simply goes away...& it keeps happening again & again to many's clear that these things WORK.

I'm convinced that if everyone w/cancer simply tried High doses of IP6, Juicing, & Mesima...miraculous results could occur for a Large percentage of them. 

That's just my hunch. 😉 (based on a sh*t ton of evidence).

Don't let them tell you cancer is a death sentence. Or that health-destroying chemo is your only option. Your body Can heal itself, if given the right help.

More info on high dose IP6, Juicing, & Mesima mushroom - plus published cancer reversal case studies - in the tweets below. 🧵👇 MORE INFO ON IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) FOR CANCER:

Mar 16 5 tweets 2 min read
🚨 90% of Cheese is now GMO & it’s not listed on label.

Cheese used to be made w/natural rennet.

Now, Pfizer takes genes from a cow & Genetically Engineers them into a type of mold…which then produces Franken-rennet. Image Certified organic cheese may be a safer option. Image
Mar 6 5 tweets 5 min read

They'll never allow real human vaccine studies, but someone did manage to do a mouse study.

When mice were injected w/aluminum mimicking the amt & schedule a child would receive in the 2010 vaccine schedule (it's worse now...):

it led to autism in the mice basically (social impairment).

Not to mention we know that injected aluminum is a potent neurotoxin, induces autoimmunity, & more.

Avoid these toxic products. Do not inject them into your precious children!Image Study - "aluminum impairs social interaction in mice":

"Effects of aluminum's neuro- and immuno-toxicity include impairment of neurotransmission & synaptic activity, disruption of the blood-brain barrier, microglial activation & brain inflammation, impairment of brain-specific gene transcription, neurite damage, amyloidosis, impairment of genetic resistance towards autoimmunity in both adults & infants"…
Mar 2 4 tweets 3 min read
🚨 They're coming for vitamin D. How do I know? I saw this news story being spammed the other day:


1. He wasn't taking vit k2 or magnesium
2. They won't even tell us what dose he took
3. He was really old & likely had other issues going on
4. ANYTHING can be harmful if you take enough of it (even water)
5. Vitamin D is bad for Big Pharma's bottom line (good for our health)
6. Pharma drugs kill people every day, & you don't see that scary headline, do you?
7. It's time to re-share this case report: 83 yr old woman w/Pancreatic Cancer accidentally takes 50,000 IU vitamin D per day for 10 months. No side effects except tumor shrinkage & survival! 😯… • Vitamin D blood level of 50 ng/mL or more is ESSENTIAL for proper immune function

• First step to health is KNOWING YOUR VIT D LEVEL

I can't tell you the number of times someone told me they're taking vit D or go in sun, so they figured they were fine. THEY WERE NOT FINE. If you don't know your level, Get Tested!

• Your insurance likely won't pay for it, but you can order a test for yourself. You can do so by googling "walk in lab" or similar.

• Alternatively, I use this at-home test that's easy & accurate (just takes some drops of blood). If you want to go that route, you can get a discount by using this (affiliate) link:

(Be sure to follow instructions *Exactly*)
Feb 28 4 tweets 5 min read
🚨 FDA is BANNING a life-saving supplement.

There was a point during Delta Covid when I was getting FRANTIC calls daily from sick people on verge of needing hospital.

When I added this ONE supplement, things turned around DRAMATICALLY (Low o2 to 99 Overnight 😯).

🧵 Now, we can no longer buy this supplement on Amazon, or iHerb. Soon, we likely won't be able to buy it Anywhere.

Because, of course. It works too well!

I'm talking about a natural, safe supplement called NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide).

Older & sick people have low levels of NMN. People w/mitochondrial damage have low levels of NMN.

(NMN fixes mitochondrial damage - one reason it works for Long Covid & Vax Damage!).

NMN has the potential to help a myriad of health issues & literally reverse aging (see the mice studies, they're incredible!).

But if the FDA proceeds in Enforcing the current ban, NMN will become impossible to obtain.

I take NMN every single day & it helps me immensely with energy, aging, & general wellbeing.

I'm stocking up on NMN while I still can. You may want to do the same.

More info on What NMN is, How it works, and the one place where we can still get it (below) 🧵👇Image WTF is NMN?!

Nicotinamide Mononucleotide (NMN) is a natural molecule found in some foods. Related to vit B3/Niacin, but very different. NMN raises NAD+. During illness or aging, bodies become depleted of cellular NAD+

In-depth info:
Feb 15 4 tweets 7 min read
KIDNEY DISEASE: an epidemic affecting Millions. Most people who have it don't know they have it. 😱

Doctors say it's "Irreversible." I beg to differ.

To fix kidney function:

• Cordyceps mushrooms
• NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide)
• Silymarin
• Nettle Seed


Cordyceps Mushroom:

• 1 year human trial, people taking 5g cordyceps daily showed "significant improvement in renal & immune function in patients who had kidney failure":

• "The level of serum creatinine in the [cordyceps] group decreased by 35%":

• Cordyceps helps humans w/chronic kidney disease - reduced Creatinine BUN, overall improved health profile:

• "In this study, we found that Cordyceps could attenuate renal fibrosis through multiple pathways and targets":

Nettle Seed:

• "2 published case studies illustrate that nettle seed...quite effective for lowering serum creatinine"

• Human case report: man w/kidney disease takes nettle seed 3x per day, Creatinine goes from very elevated, to plummeting to nearly normal in weeks:

Dietary Acid Load (w/kidney issues, you may want to consider eating more fruits & vegetables):

• "The fruits & vegetables intervention reduced dietary acid load, resulting in improved metabolic acidosis status & lower concentrations of kidney injury markers":

• "Lower dietary acid loads...been reported to prevent Chronic Kidney Disease progression in [several] clinical studies":

NMN (Nicotinamide Mononucleotide):

• "The study found that supplementing NMN...protected from the progression of kidney disease":

• "NMN Supplementation Protects the Kidney":

• "NMN Prevents Kidney Damage & Restores Kidney Function, Japanese Study Indicates":

Silymarin (from Milk Thistle):

• "The silymarin-treated group had at least a 50% decrease in urine albumin-creatinine ratio after 3 months of treatment" (taking 140mg silymarin 3x/day for 3 months).

"Silymarin concentrates in kidney cells, where it aids in repairing & regeneration by increasing protein & nucleic acid synthesis":

Product + dosing info, below 👇

LOTS of people asking me lately what can be done about kidney function. I'd do some or all of these, if it were me:

• Cordyceps - studies indicate 2-3 tsp per day of this could Dramatically help kidney function:

• Nettle Seed - this is the exact product used in the human trial. 3x/day:

• NMN - (best brand) 1 or 2 grams/day:

• TMG - helps NMN work better. Take w/NMN, 500-1000mg:

• Silymarin - human trial used an amount equal to 4 of these caps, spread throughout day:

(Some of these are affiliate links that will automatically give you a 5-20% discount)…………………………………… Don't forget to Bookmark & Share in case you or someone you know ever needs the info!
Feb 12 5 tweets 3 min read

• Inositol Hexaphosphate (IP6) & Olive Leaf:
Viruses & Bacteria (stops them DEAD in their tracks)

• Magnesium Citrate:
Constipation (works every time)

• Ginger:
Nausea (instant relief)

• Dihydromyricetin (DHM):
Sleep Deprivation (makes your brain work again) & HangoversImage More on IP6 for Infections:

Feb 5 5 tweets 7 min read
CANCER Update: I got a DM recently from someone who's had AMAZING results reversing cancer w/a specific type of mushroom.

Genetic testing showed he has the most Aggressive form of Prostate Cancer possible. Doctors told him there wasn't much they could do, & he should prepare to die.

He saw my Twitter post & decided to try 20 capsules per day of the mushroom.

After 12 wks, w/ZERO conventional treatment, his PSA (cancer marker) went down OVER 60%. From 25 down to just 9. Well on his way to normal (4 ng/mL).

This was NOT supposed to happen! If you asked a doctor, they'd say it's impossible.
There's a type of mushroom so POWERFUL that at the right dose - it can REVERSE stage 4 Cancer.

There are 3 human case reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals of CANCER REVERSAL w/this mushroom. 🤯

Did your Dr. "forget" to tell you?!

The mushroom is known by many names: Mesima, Black Hoof mushroom, or Phellinus Linteus.

P. Linteus has been shown to powerfully enhance Natural Killer cell activity (they seek out & kill cancer).

It works for Cancer likely via by boosting the immune system, so that the body can "take care of" the cancer on its own.

• CASE REPORT 1: a 79-year-old man had advanced LIVER CANCER w/multiple Lung Tumors that "spontaneously regressed" after taking Phellinus Linteus (Mesima) mushroom. He was on NO other treatment. After 6 months, the "tumors appeared to be in complete regression" & remained in regression.

Advanced Liver Cancer is "incurable." 🤯

• CASE REPORT 2: A 68-yr-old man w/aggressive PROSTATE CANCER & multiple tumors in his bone & bladder began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima) after his doctors had exhausted all other options. "Suddenly" he experienced "DRAMATIC REMISSION" of his cancer. Afterward he remained healthy, w/normal PSA readings.

Advanced Prostate Cancer is "incurable." 😯

• CASE REPORT 3: A 65-yr-old man, who had drank at least 7 drinks of alcohol per day alcohol for 30 years, had tumors on his liver & a Huge BRAIN TUMOR. The man "refused all recommended treatment & was discharged." He wasn't expected to survive. He began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima). After 10 months he felt very well & a scan revealed ALL of his tumors had shrunk Dramatically.

Without treatment, his type of cancer is usually "fatal within a few months." ❗️

Some sources report that about 35 years ago, Phellinus Linteus mushroom was studied in Japan & it was reported that "it had the HIGHEST ANTI-TUMOR EFFECT AMONG ALL MUSHROOMS."

The mushroom has also Dramatically reduced Many types of tumors in vivo in animal studies.

In vitro & animal studies have shown P. Linteus has strong activity against:

breast, colon, liver, lung, oral, prostate, & skin cancers. It's also been shown to help human pancreatic cancer patients. 🤯

Amazingly, Phellinus Linteus mushroom has additionally been shown to have POWERFUL antioxidant & anti-inflammatory benefits, with impressive effects on diseases such as:

• Diabetes
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Allergies
• Even H1N1 influenza virus! 🤯

Incredible Safety Profile: animal studies suggest the mushroom is likely to be extremely safe, even at massive doses. Human studies have also shown it to be very safe & usually without side effects. 😯

In short, Mesima (Phellinus Linteus) has AMAZING potential for Cancer, & much more!

In case the news keeps on "forgetting" to share this info...LET PEOPLE KNOW!Image In addition to 20 capsules of Mesima (Phellinus Linteus) mushroom, he was also taking these.

It's worth noting though that Fenben & Iver *alone* - while helpful - *usually* aren't enough for this kind of result in aggressive prostate cancer, in my experience. Image
Feb 5 4 tweets 2 min read
You don’t have to vax & they don’t want you to know that.

I have 3 kids (7, 12, 17). No needles have ever touched them.

Every time my kids started a new school, I went to my local bank & signed this form in front of a Notary. Simple.

My mom did the same for me (I’m 41 & have never had a vaccine).

Most states have exemptions like this.Image Here's the breakdown by state. Anything any shade of blue is fair game - you don't have to vaccinate your kids.

Go here for detailed info on your state's laws & how to submit an exemption:…
Jan 26 4 tweets 1 min read
The most disgusting rule in “certified organic” food production is allowing the use of non-organic, GMO & high pesticide-fed, factory farm manure as compost. The plants take it all up and then we eat it. Best: grow your own food.

2nd best: find a local farm and ASK THEM what they fertilize with.

If they say manure - ask them what those animals are fed. If they’re fed non-organically, that’s a red flag.
Jan 11 5 tweets 5 min read

There's only One supplement where I PANIC if I run out.

Solely due to this supplement, I HAVEN'T BEEN SICK in over 1.5 yrs. 😯

Same for my 3 kids, who attend school & daycare.

Not a single cold! While seemingly Everyone around us is getting hit w/Nasty sicknesses.

That didn't use to be the case. W/3 kids in school & daycare, I was dealing w/viruses all winter long. 

One kid would get sick, then me, then another kid...nightmare.

Now, it's just not a part of my life anymore. Whenever any of us feel a scratchy throat, etc. we LOAD UP on a supplement called IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate).

The symptoms Always disappear, before it can even become a real cold.

I've posted about the anticancer benefits of IP6 (ie. case studies showing "miraculous" cancer disappearance 😱).

But another absolutely LIFE-CHANGING effect of IP6 is its antiviral & antibacterial properties:

• IP6 very effectively steels iron from viruses. They Need iron to replicate!

• IP6 enhances our Natural Killer cells (they Destroy viruses), & increases Neutrophil activity (they capture & Destroy bacterial & fungal pathogens). 🔥

All friends & family I've turned on to IP6 have reported the same results as me.

I initially learned about the antiviral effects of IP6 by scrolling through IP6 reviews, & a theme came up: there were Dozens of people stating: "I DON'T GET SICK ANYMORE!"

It piqued my interest, I did a bunch of research, & the rest is history.

High-dose IP6 is, quite simply, the most potent antiviral I've ever come across. (And I've tried them all).

P.S. Make sure to have this around BEFORE you get sick. The sooner you take it, the better! (& it's not usually found in retail stores).

References, Dosages I use, & more in tweets below 👇🧵Image REFERENCES, DOSAGES, INFO:

What even is IP6? -

IP6 is a naturally occurring, cancer-fighting compound in grains & legumes (& is also found inside all of our cells already). 🫘🌱

When we take extra IP6 (in the purified, supplement form), it's been shown to have Amazing immune-boosting effects!

Even large doses usually come with no side effects (experience & studies show).

DOSAGES (not medical advise) - If I'm around someone sick, I'll take at least 1 scoop. If I feel cold symptoms at all, I take -

• 1.5 scoops every 4 hours, approx. I do the same for my 12 & 17 yr old.

• 1 scoop every approximately 4 hours for my 7 yr old.

(Until fully feel better & no cold symptoms).


• IP6 promotes Natural Killer cell & neutrophil activity, helps inflammation, & has antioxidant activity:

• "Viruses essentially rely on iron to replicate in host cells" & removing excess (inflammatory) iron is promising antiviral strategy:

• "Excess iron can be removed by IP6" + Huge increase in NK cell activity by IP6, IP6 safe even at very high doses:

• "IP6 substantially enhanced neutrophils’ phagocytic properties"…………
Nov 11, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
🚩 Melanoma TURBO CANCER is exploding.

IP6 (Inositol Hexaphosphate) has cured Multiple people of stage 4 Melanomas.

Yet no one knows WTF IP6 even is & doctors would lose their licenses if they gave it to patients.

Thanks, FDA! 🫠

(thread 👇) Image IP6 is a naturally occurring, cancer-fighting compound in grains & legumes. 🫘🌱

But purified IP6 is far more effective.

NOTE: High Dosage seems is KEY for success! 4 scoops powder, or around 30 capsules per day has worked for people. Spread throughout the day in 3-4 doses. 👌
Nov 10, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
🚨 This vid was Removed from YouTube.


Do you know your level?! If not, get tested!

Get it ABOVE 55 ng/mL.

Now's the time of year that low vit D can really bite us in the *ss.

Yet insurance won't cover vit D tests. 🫠

🚨 Did you know it's possible to be taking a large amount of Vitamin D, & still be deficient?! (due to extreme individual variance in Vitamin D processing).

Nearly Half the USA is Clinically Vitamin D deficient. Many more are INSUFFICIENT.

Why does D matter? Our immune systems literally can't work properly w/o adequate vitamin D!

Inflammation can get out of control as well, w/o enough vitamin D.

Ryan Cole, MD:

"Your best [Vitamin D] level to be at is 55 [ng/mL], that's when all the receptors in your body are saturated...even slightly above that, because when when you get sick w/anything, you actually deplete the amount of vitamin D your body has. So if you go into an illness with low vitamin D, you can't turn off those [inflammatory] pathways."

There are a few non-insurance options for vit D testing:

• Go to a "walk in lab" & pay for it yourself (google "walk in lab')

• Do a finger prick test at home.

I do the finger prick. ( Here's a [affiliate] link for 25% discount on the one I use: )
Oct 24, 2023 4 tweets 4 min read
There's a type of mushroom so POWERFUL that at the right dose - it can REVERSE stage 4 Cancer.

There are 3 human case reports published in peer-reviewed medical journals of CANCER REVERSAL w/this mushroom. 🤯

Did your Dr. "forget" to tell you?!

The mushroom is known by many names: Mesima, Black Hoof mushroom, or Phellinus Linteus.

P. Linteus has been shown to powerfully enhance Natural Killer cell activity (they seek out & kill cancer).

It works for Cancer likely via by boosting the immune system, so that the body can "take care of" the cancer on its own.

• CASE REPORT 1: a 79-year-old man had advanced LIVER CANCER with multiple Lung Tumors that "spontaneously regressed" after taking Phellinus Linteus (Mesima) mushroom. He was on NO other treatment. After 6 months, the "tumors appeared to be in complete regression" & remained in regression.

Advanced Liver Cancer is "incurable." 🤯

• CASE REPORT 2: A 68-yr-old man w/aggressive PROSTATE CANCER & multiple tumors in his bone & bladder began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima) after his doctors had exhausted all other options. "Suddenly" he experienced "DRAMATIC REMISSION" of his cancer. Afterward he remained healthy, w/normal PSA readings.

Advanced Prostate Cancer is "incurable." 😯

• CASE REPORT 3: A 65-yr-old man, who had drank at least 7 drinks of alcohol per day alcohol for 30 years, had tumors on his liver & a Huge BRAIN TUMOR. The man "refused all recommended treatment & was discharged." He wasn't expected to survive. He began taking Phellinus Linteus mushroom (Mesima). After 10 months he felt very well & a scan revealed ALL of his tumors had shrunk Dramatically.

Without treatment, his type of cancer is usually "fatal within a few months." ❗️

Some sources report that about 35 years ago, Phellinus Linteus mushroom was studied in Japan & it was reported that "it had the HIGHEST ANTI-TUMOR EFFECT AMONG ALL MUSHROOMS."

The mushroom has also Dramatically reduced Many types of tumors in vivo in animal studies.

In vitro & animal studies have shown P. Linteus has strong activity against:

breast, colon, liver, lung, oral, prostate, & skin cancers. It's also been shown to help human pancreatic cancer patients. 🤯

Amazingly, Phellinus Linteus mushroom has additionally been shown to have POWERFUL antioxidant & anti-inflammatory benefits, with impressive effects on diseases such as:

• Diabetes
• Rheumatoid Arthritis
• Allergies
• Even H5N1 influenza virus! 🤯

Incredible Safety Profile: animal studies suggest the mushroom is likely to be extremely safe, even at massive doses. Human studies have also shown it to be very safe & usually without side effects. 😯

In short, Mesima (Phellinus Linteus) has AMAZING potential for Cancer, & much more!

In case the news keeps on "forgetting" to share this info...LET PEOPLE KNOW!
Image Personally, I'd do at least 20 capsules/day, if I had cancer (effects are dose-dependent).

You want to use the MYCELIUM (active) part of the mushroom. Can grab it online. iHerb is trustworthy.

Here's a discount for 5-10% off with this (affiliate) link: