I'm begging conservatives to learn something else about MLK besides "I Have a Dream" and some meme quotes
Since it’s that time of year, I wanted to write a Thread on why conservative Christians and Republicans who honor MLK and his legacy are just cringe. /1
Conservatives often claim MLK was a GOP-voting, traditional Christian pastor with impeccable morals focused on colorblindness & equality before the law. We are confidently told if MLK were still around he would oppose affirmative action, “wokeness”, BLM, violent riots, & more /2
However there’s no evidence King was ever a registered Republican. In his ’65 Playboy interview, King mocked Goldwater’s small gov’t conservatism, said he showed signs of "Hitlerism" and called for billions of dollars in gov’t spending. See more below: /3
He accepted the Margaret Sanger award from Planned Parenthood saying “There is a striking kinship between our mov't and Margaret Sanger's … Margaret Sanger had to commit what was then called a crime in order to enrich humanity, and today we honor her courage and vision” /4
MLK also opposed prayer in schools and supported the 1962 U.S. Supreme Court decision, Engel v. Vitale. In the '65 interview with Playboy, he said it was necessary “in a pluralistic society.” And noted that segregationists like George Wallace supported prayer in schools /5
King was not orthodox or “Bible-believing”. Instead, he denied the Resurrection, Divinity of Christ, Miracles, Virgin Birth, etc. He thought “fundamentalism” which taught the historicity of the Bible was a coping mechanism by backwards people unable to assimilate to progress. /6
Far from being an advocate of a “colorblind” society, King said that the black man should not be satisfied with “equality”, but should “ask for more”. He called for a multi-billion dollar gov’t program to employ just blacks. /7
When asked explicitly, “Do you feel it’s fair to request…preferential treatment for the negro or any other minority group?” He responded, “I do indeed. …All of America's wealth today could not adequately compensate its Negroes”
Colorblindness? /8
King even started the “shake-down” operation used by later activists such as Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. Where businesses would be pressured into establishing racial quotas, putting money in black banks, and stocking black-owned products. He details how to do so in his book /9
"[I]f a city has a 30 percent Negro population,’ King reasoned, ‘then it is logical to assume that Negroes should have at least 30 percent of the jobs in any particular company, and jobs in all categories rather than only in menial areas." /10
King considered himself a “democratic socialist”. He rejected “traditional capitalism”. His disagreement with Marxism was in “political totalitarianism” not in socialism. /11
Though not a CPUSA member, MLK associated with them, despite the risk in Cold War-era politics. His associates included Stanley Levison (one of his closest friends, his top fundraiser, and regular speechwriter including of “I Have A Dream”), /12
Other included Clarence Jones (the other “I Have a Dream” speechwriter), Bayard Rustin, Jack O’Dell, Harry Wachtel, Cordy T. Vivian, Randolph Blackwell, and Lawrence Reddick.
Both he and Rosa Parks attended the Communist-run Highlander Folk School /12
King was fully a leftist in foreign policy. He opposed the Vietnam War, praised the Communist land reform, condemned colonialism, accused U.S. soldiers of killing millions “mostly children” and said war funding would be better spent on welfare. /13 americanrhetoric.com/speeches/mlkat…
King believed the US was on the “wrong side of a world revolution” and it should ally with the “shirtless and barefoot people” of the Third World, Vietcong, Mao, Castro, in their revolutions. He spoke regularly to anti-war rallies and anti-war Dems asked him to run for pres. /14
Neither was King some pro-American conservative. Instead he agreed with the “woke” critique of America as a fundamentally racist society in need of a revolution. /15
As for personal morality, the FBI tapes record King and his friends watching TV coverage of JFK's funeral and he jokes about Jackie and a sex act while Jackie kneels at her husband’s casket on TV. /16
Ralph Abernathey was one of King’s closest friends. He and King stayed at the Lorraine Motel so often, that Room 306 became known as the “King-Abernathy Suite”. He acknowledged MLK’s affairs and his “struggle” with the “biblical prohibition of sex outside of marriage”. /17
He noted King spent the last night of his life with three different women in the room. Including one he slugged across the bed. Abernathey made reference to a black female Kentucky legislator. Georgina Davis Powers confirmed her affair with King & she was with him that night. /18
King explained to friends his affairs were ‘anxiety-reduction’ for being on the road. The FBI mailed the tapes of his liasons in an act of intimidation
He had an affair w/Joan Baez and may have fathered a child out-of-wedlock with “the wife of a prominent black dentist” /19
The FBI audio tapes also record an incident where one parishioner of MLK’s pastor-friends doesn't want to engage in an “unnatural act”. MLK then laughs and gives instructions as to how to “teach and initiate” her while she was unwilling. /20
King is also found on the tapes crying out “I’m f***ing for God! I’m not a Negro tonight!” as he engages in extramarital affairs. There was also an incident of chasing around near-naked prostitutes around an Oslo hotel. All verified by MLK's DemSoc biographer /21
Upon reviewing his collected papers, a panel from Boston U discovered that King plagiarized entire sections of his doctoral dissertation and other academic papers
The director of the King Papers Project at Stanford calls it a "noticeable pattern" throughout his career /22
More so, some of his speeches were lifted. Including the memorable ending of “Let freedom ring!” at the March on Washington. The lifting probably wasn’t done by MLK as he didn’t even write the speech. So most of its message can hardly be said to be his: /23
From journalist Theodore Pappas on MLK's chronic plagiarism: /24
In Martin Luther King’s own words to his congregation:
‘There is a Mr Hyde and a Dr Jekyll in all of us . . . you don’t need to go out this morning saying that Martin Luther King is a saint.’ /End
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This all started the year after the Ferguson riots, when a 57-year old black woman was pulled over by Holtzclaw and then she went to the detectives to report him.
Allegedly Holtzclaw (who was wearing compression shorts) unzipped his fly, left his gun belt on (???) and put his
know-what in the old black lady’s mouth on the side of the road in plain view
After this, the DA went on a crusade to bring Holtzclaw down by any means possible.
Prosecutors actively went out to women he had stopped, primed the pump by telling them he was accused of sexual
“God loves the poor” is uncontroversial and true. However, “God loves the poor more” is a subtle but significant twisting of Scripture
If you had two children, one was drowning and you went in to save him, that doesn’t mean you love that child “more”. You love them both equally and you went to save the one because he was in need
God cares for those in need. The same person rich today may be in need tomorrow.
But there is not some magic quality of poverty that makes someone more deserving of God’s love.
It’s a purely external thing. That’s the point, God doesn’t care about externals
A brief reminder that in 2007, the ADL issued a statement opposing the Traditional Latin Mass and demanding Pope Benedict ban it because they believed it was anti-semitic
The ADL was not satisfied with Pius XII/John XXIII’s 1950s changes to the thousand-year old Good Friday Prayers
The ADL approved of the Novus Ordo, however, because it believes the Good Friday prayers no longer call for the conversion of Jews
In 2008, Pope Benedict went further to placate the ADL by removing “blindness”, “immersion in darkness” and “remove the veil from their hearts” from the 1962 Missal’s already censored prayer.
However, the ADL was not satisfied and demanded the 1970 prayer be inserted instead
Dorothy Day was a hypocrite and completely unworthy to be raised to the altars
For example, in the Spanish Civil War, she said it was wrong to support Franco and instead Spanish Catholics should peacefully allow Republicans to martyr the priests and nuns
After Pearl Harbor, Day counseled pacifism and boycotting the war effort. Saying it was wrong to respond to violent attacks with military force
Yet in 1960, she praised Fidel Castro and proclaimed it "far better to revolt violently than to do nothing about the poor destitute”
She reassured her readers that Fidel Castro wasn’t persecuting Christ, just “churchmen who had betrayed Him”. She portrayed Castro as being reasonable in allowing nuns to stay on and the religious/clergy as being obstinate in refusing to teach communism.
A black man calling himself “Yahweh Ben Yahweh” led a similar anti-white murder cult in the 1980s and 90s. This cult even included NFL player Robert Rozier, and committed at least 14 known murders