Wesley H Profile picture
Traditional Catholic. Distributist. Southern. Old Stock American 🇺🇸. 100% Settler. 0% Immigrant
Jan 12, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
This is Daniel Holtzclaw

He was railroaded and is sitting in prison for crimes he didn’t commit, because a feminist DA wanted to ride the MeToo and BLM trains to fame

/Thread This all started the year after the Ferguson riots, when a 57-year old black woman was pulled over by Holtzclaw and then she went to the detectives to report him.

Allegedly Holtzclaw (who was wearing compression shorts) unzipped his fly, left his gun belt on (???) and put his
Sep 12, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
“God loves the poor” is uncontroversial and true. However, “God loves the poor more” is a subtle but significant twisting of Scripture If you had two children, one was drowning and you went in to save him, that doesn’t mean you love that child “more”. You love them both equally and you went to save the one because he was in need
Sep 6, 2023 4 tweets 2 min read
A brief reminder that in 2007, the ADL issued a statement opposing the Traditional Latin Mass and demanding Pope Benedict ban it because they believed it was anti-semitic
Image The ADL was not satisfied with Pius XII/John XXIII’s 1950s changes to the thousand-year old Good Friday Prayers

The ADL approved of the Novus Ordo, however, because it believes the Good Friday prayers no longer call for the conversion of Jews
Aug 29, 2023 13 tweets 3 min read
Dorothy Day was a hypocrite and completely unworthy to be raised to the altars

For example, in the Spanish Civil War, she said it was wrong to support Franco and instead Spanish Catholics should peacefully allow Republicans to martyr the priests and nuns Image After Pearl Harbor, Day counseled pacifism and boycotting the war effort. Saying it was wrong to respond to violent attacks with military force

Yet in 1960, she praised Fidel Castro and proclaimed it "far better to revolt violently than to do nothing about the poor destitute” Image
May 1, 2023 10 tweets 4 min read
Good thread. Worth noting that to be a Death Angel, one had to provide proof of killing 4 white children, 5 white women, or 9 white men

Based off this, the total kills in California likely numbered in the hundreds, including many never solved and murderers never arrested If you’re interested in the story, Clark Howard turned it into a non-fiction novel, a la Cold Blood, which you can read online at unz.com.

It certainly tells the full story in horrible detail
Mar 4, 2023 15 tweets 3 min read
The Sally Hemings-Thomas Jefferson relationship is a myth (lie?)

Here’s why: 1/x No one believed this story until a 1998 DNA analysis “proved” that TJ fathered Hemings children

But theres a catch: the DNA only “proves” a male in Jefferson’s family fathered Hemings’ children. Jefferson had many kinsmen

Meaning we have to review further evidence to determine
Jan 16, 2023 26 tweets 12 min read
I'm begging conservatives to learn something else about MLK besides "I Have a Dream" and some meme quotes

Since it’s that time of year, I wanted to write a Thread on why conservative Christians and Republicans who honor MLK and his legacy are just cringe. /1 Conservatives often claim MLK was a GOP-voting, traditional Christian pastor with impeccable morals focused on colorblindness & equality before the law. We are confidently told if MLK were still around he would oppose affirmative action, “wokeness”, BLM, violent riots, & more /2 ImageImageImageImage
Sep 9, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Based Charles III.

Everyone forgets the “black spider memos”. So I’m going to post some excerpts

Some Labor toady leaked a private letters to PM Blair where Charles sided with a rural farmer who said “If we, as a group, were black or gay we would not be victimised or picked on” In other remarks, he complained about child-centered schooling and the self-esteem movement.

“It is a consequence of a child-centered education system which tells people they can become pop stars, high court judges or brilliant TV presenters…
Sep 5, 2022 8 tweets 4 min read
Because the reasons for the War of Independence tend to be forgotten, and because it’s the anniversary of the meeting of the First Continental Congress in 1774, I’m going to do a thread: The First Continental Congress was convened in response to the ‘Intolerable Acts’ passed after the Boston Tea Party: 5 acts of parliament which 1) closed Boston’s port, 2) unilaterally revoked Massachusetts’ charter and self-government,