Sophie Profile picture
Jan 18 61 tweets 10 min read
Wei Wuxian's body was something he had always taken great pride in.

He'd always been skinny, although delicate, his limbs were slender and his muscles well defined.

He had that hourglass type of body that any alpha out there would die and kill, only to have a little taste of.
But bodies, however, no matter how perfect-like they are, will inevitably look different after giving birth.

Swollen Feet, hormone fluctuations, enlarged breasts, the pronounced stomach pooch, thicker thighs and stretch marks.

Everything came with the package of being a mom.

cw: body dysphoria, body insecurity, postpartum changes and lots of love.


Having a newborn baby could be quite a handful.

Wei Ying would wake up to the sound of a bawling baby every two hours at night, minimum. Sometimes to eat, sometimes to change his diapers, and little A-Yuan? He wouldn't stop screaming even after eating or being wiped clean.
There were nights that nothing settled him at all.

But that wasn't a problem at all, Wei Ying kinda loved having his little one demanding to be fed and to have him comfort him any time of the day

The bond between mother and baby is the most precious gift in the world, after all
He giggled softly as he lifted his fresh, lavender smelling baby into his arms and rocked him gently around the room

He'd been moody and sleep deprived and basically overly emotional since A-Yuan's birth, but just having the warmth of this little body pressed so snuggled against
his, was enough to calm his overly anxious heart down.

He'd never thought he would ever feel a love as strong and intense as the love he felt for his husband, but the moment he held his little one in his arms for the first time, he knew that love would surpass everything.
Wei Wuxian chuckled as he buried his nose in A-Yuan's soft hair, inhaling the scent of baby powder and a mix of his and his husband's scent. It was intoxicating, and he admitted to being addicted to it.

Everything was worth it, he told himself.

Everything was worth it.

Wei Ying had been on edge for a few days now.

He was exhausted, both in mind and in body, but most of all, he was dissatisfied and uncomfortable with the obvious changes pregnancy had taken on his body.
He had been feeling unattractive after A-Yuan's birth. He'd been trying everything to look the way he used to before getting pregnant, but it's been hard, especially when his husband was completely unaware of his wife's grueling torments.
Lan Wangji already had so much stress at work, and now with his promotion… Wei Wuxian couldn't simply add more problems to his already overweighted shoulders, especially when it comes to something as silly as some hormonal meltdown.
He checked himself out in the full length mirror of their room.

His little bundle of joy was giggling on the floor, rolling around and playing with his teething toys like the cute little dumpling that he was, completely unaware of his Mama's exasperation a few feet away from him
Wei Wuxian frowned when he studied his naked body in the mirror, letting out one dejected sigh after the other as he stroked his palm over his tummy, tracing the stretch marks on his sides with his fingertips and making a sour face at it.
He wrapped both his hands around his waist, trying to close them around his middle like he proudly used to do a few months ago, only to fail.

He felt his eyes prickle when he tried to squeeze himself inside his old favorite jeans and they got stuck under the curve of his ass.
"This is so silly." He talked to A-Yuan, but mostly to himself as he tossed the pants on the floor.

He knew it was absolutely ridiculous for him to be feeling this way about himself, but he couldn't help it, not really.
His once flat and smooth belly was now soft and squishy, his ass was bigger than ever and his thighs? He definitely didn't want to talk about them.

"Damn it." He wiped the tears away as another of his many sexy clothes were discarded somewhere around his room.
"I hate this, I hate this!" His voice stuttered and another wave of tears slipped out of his eyes.

It was nearing five months since A-Yuan was born and Wei Ying was struggling real hard to return back to the way he was before the pregnancy.
He had been so insecure and anxious about his body that he failed to see how sweetly his husband looked at him. How Lan Wangji could not peel his gaze away from his beauty. How his eyes would linger,
how he would mutter to himself just how absolutely beautiful his beloved was every time he walked past him.

Paranoia was something else entirely, honestly.

We Wuxian pinched the soft skin of his tummy contemplatively.

Maybe plastic surgery would fix it...
A knock on the door brought him out of his thoughts.

"Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji called from the other side.

Wei Wuxian jumped on his feet, his eyes widening in surprise.
"Ah, haha, Lan Zhan, you're home already, of course you are!! Just—" He stuttered before throwing a random robe around his shoulders and frantically stuffing the piles of clothes back inside their closet. "Just give me a minute!"
But it was already too late.

Lan Wangji opened the door and scanned the mess of clothes and lingeries lying on the floor.

"Wei Ying?" Lan Wangji spoke softly, careful not to startle his distressed lover even more. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing." Wei Wuxian said curtly, unable to hide the sniffles and light hiccups escaping his lips.

"Wei Ying…" Lan Wangji said tenderly. "Look at me."


"Please?" He insisted, pretending not to notice the way his husband flinched when he walked closer.
"It's no big deal, really."

"Wei Ying, talk to me…" Lan Wangji tried to reach him but his Wei Ying turned around and paced from one side to the other, walking to different parts of the room every time he got close enough, as if he was trying to hide himself from
Lan Wangji.

Ah, that simply wouldn't do.

"You've been acting strange lately, you've been avoiding me."

"Lan Zhan… Just leave it…"

"Wei Ying, we promised to tell each other everything, please, don't hide yourself from me."
Wei Ying paused at that, his eyes lifting and finally searching for his.

"I'm just tired. I don't have time to exercise." His pretty lips wobbled, eyes straying away every now and then, trying to avoid meeting Lan Wangji's eyes no matter what. "I feel fat and ugly… and…

"You are not."

"Of course I am, I have eyes, and they work damn fine."

"You just had a baby, my love." Lan Wangji cornered him in front of their bed, then he slid his arms around his waist just to make sure he wouldn't escape.
Wei Wuxian went stiff in his arms, every muscle getting rigid at the contact.

"I am aware."

"Our child was right here." Lan Wangji hooked his chin over his shoulder and kissed the side of his neck softly, hands stroking over Wei Ying's belly soothingly before turning him to
face him.

"And especially now, you're the most beautiful, sexy and gorgeous person in my eyes."

"Stop lying to me." Wei Ying pouted, trying to squirm out of Lan Wangji's strong arms and failing miserably.
"There is not a day that I don't desire you, want you, need you." Lan Wangji whispered against the shell of his ear, slowly trailing kisses down his neck and the curve of his shoulder. "All of you, all the time."

"Lan Zhan —"
"Be gentle with yourself." He said simply.

He understood what his husband was feeling, his insecurities and fears, he was conscious about about it and he sympathized with it, he would never pressured him about his feelings,
but he also needed him to know that nothing would ever change, and that he was more beautiful than ever, if he could say so.

He would love to keep him pregnant and round forever if he could. "I love you."
Wei Wuxian's body finally went limp in his arms. He pressed his forehead to Lan Wangji's broad shoulder before sighing deeply. "I love you too."

"Now that that's settled," Lan Wangji tipped his chin up, lifting his head to gaze upon his silver eyes once more.
Wei Wuxian's cheeks once again turning the most adorable shade of pink. "It's been some time since we did our everyday."

"Lan Wangji!" Wei Wuxian breathed shakily, slapping his chest softly and playfully, scandalized beyond belief. "The baby is right there!"
He pointed to the play mat on the floor where A-Yuan was stretched out like a gecko, sound asleep and snoring faintly.

"He's sleeping." Lan Wangji held him close. He dipped his head down and pressed his lips against his, kissing him gently.
"But — but what if —" Wei Wuxian muttered against his lips mindlessly, his head getting dizzy and foggy as Lan Wangji pressed himself up against him wantonly.

"He won't." Lan Wangji’s hands slowly stripped off the robe from his shoulders, which fell leisurely around
Wei Wuxian’s hips. "You're so beautiful."

"Lan Zhan..."

Lan Wangji put a little more passion into this kiss, his clever tongue swiped into his mouth, running over his teeth and swirling around Wei Wuxian's tongue fiercely.
He dug his fingers into the firm meat of his ass, hoping that maybe, maybe he could make the love of his life stop feeling this way.

That maybe he could convey to him how his skin was so very delicate and soft under his fingers. Beautiful, fragile and so very warm…
His fingers traced lightly over the small moles and freckles adorning his shoulders, painting his body and his nose in soft specks and constellations.

Then his eyes fell on the small, pink and already healed scar on his womb. A scar Lan Wangji already knew by heart.
He fell on his knees in front of him, his arms coming around his thighs and his lips closing around Wei Wuxian's erection in a heartfelt suck.

Lan Wangji played with his tongue between the tip of his cock and the edges of the scar.
Wei Wuxian cried softly when he felt Lan Wangji's hands tracing the wetness sliding down his thighs, gliding up and down suggestively, his fingers sinking into him easily and wholly.
He pumped his fingers in and out slowly, worshiping the feeling of his husband's walls tightening around him in pleasure, the friction of his digits keeping him just at the edge of the precipice.
"Lan Zhan… please, please…" He begged, raising his knee up and around Lan Wangji's neck so he could breach his fingers deeper, rub his little spot harder and mercilessly.
Lan Wangji pushed Wei Wuxian back gently, until he stumbled and fell on the bed, with his slender, creamy legs stretched open in front of him like a feast.
Lan Wangji looked over at him, laid out on their bed, whole body exposed just for him, incredibly long and elegant legs, hips soft and wide, waist as supple as his thighs, his ass so thick and plump he could sleep with his face buried on it and he would die a happy man for sure.
His omega's body was a sin. His curves were so sexy, adorned with stretch marks that felt like any alpha's wet dream.

But most importantly, those eyes, the most pretty grey eyes he had ever seen, eyes that can tell you endless stories, that can make you fall in love as easily
as breathing.

Lan Wangji cupped his left breast and leaned down, his tongue circling the areola playfully before capturing his husband's plump and juicy nipple inside his mouth.

Wei Wuxian shut his eyes tight. The wet brush of Lan Wangji's tongue on his sensitive and raw nub
making him moan brokenly, both in pleasure and pain.

Then Lan Wangji sucked hard, until his milk poured into his mouth, thick and warm and sweet.

He cried out. This was a whole different kind of pleasure that Wei Wuxian was definitely not used to.
Lan Wangji took Wei Wuxian’s hand and buried his fingers into his hair.

Wei Wuxian exhaled sharply, he could come just from this, from having his insides poked and twisted by expert fingers, from being nursed and cared for so passionately,
from being so utterly and deeply loved by the best alpha in the world.

His alpha.

"Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan stop, stop, I'm gonna come!" Wei Wuxian pulled his head away from his milk filled breasts, and when he stared into those golden eyes, he saw them filled with something
between love, hunger and carnal want.

He shivered.

"I would keep you round and full of my pups forever if I could."

Fuck. Only Lan Wangji could manage to keep a serious face while talking the dirtiest of obscenities against his ear.
"I'm going to knot you and fuck you full of my pups, do you want that? Do you want your womb pumped full of my cum and pups?"

"Yes! Yes alpha, please!" Wei Wuxian cried loudly at the sudden intrusion when Lan Wangji pulled his legs up and thrust into him with punishing force.
"Fucking finally!" Wei Wuxian threw his head back, his creamy come spurting out all over his tummy and Lan Wangji's abs.

"Wei Ying. Quiet." Lan Wangji's eyes were dark and molten as he fucked into him non-stop, sliding almost all the way out and snapping his hips all the way in.
"Like this! Keep fucking me like this!" Wei Wuxian's fingers clenched on his shoulders, nails sinking into his back and drawing blood as Lan Wangji rammed home, thrusting faster, pounding harder inside of him.

Wei Wuxian’s eyes shut tight, his mouth opening wide in a silent
scream that didn't seem to end.

When Lan Wangji felt Wei Wuxian's knees giving out, he firmly winded an arm around his waist, bringing him closer to his chest.
"Come on my knot , darling. I'll breed you full of my pups again." Lan Wangji groaned against his neck before biting him on his swollen gland again, teeth sinking into his flesh until they drew blood.
Wei Wuxian rolled his eyes back into his skull as he came for the second time, Lan Wangji's knot finally plugged deep inside of him like it was supposed to be.

"Do you believe me now?" Lan Wangji asked, pressing a chaste kiss to Wei Wuxian's swollen lips while they remained knotted.
Wei Wuxian purred, happy and satisfied.

"Mnnn..." His hypersensitive insides burned with every slow, relentless pulse of Lan Wangji's knot still rubbing inside of him as it deflated, it felt amazing. "Maybe after a second round."
Lan Wangji snorted, slowly starting to thrust his hips up again. "Insatiable."

Wei Wuxian smiled softly, gazing up at him and leaning forward until their lips met in a soft and unhurried kiss. "Learned from the best."

• • •

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Nov 6, 2022
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"Can you hold the door, please?" Wei Wuxian rushed into the building, practically running towards the elevator and managing to step inside without stumbling by a miracle.

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