In 1906, Hazard's Pavilion was demolished to make way for a new Temple Auditorium. This was the largest reinforced concrete structure with the only cantilevered balcony in the world.…
As the largest building of its type in Los Angeles at the time, Hazard's Pavilion was a venue for conventions, political meetings, lectures, fairs, religious meetings, concerts, operas, balls, and sports events
The pavilion was erected in 1887 and demolished around 1905. The Philharmonic Auditorium was built in its place.
the building was designed by Kysor & Morgan in the "Modern Gothic" style, includes a basement..
The Masonic Temple was located upstairs and the Shriners had their first meeting hall here in 1888
"On September 30, 1949, Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr. (U.S. President 1974-1977) received his 1st degree in Malta Lodge No. 465, Grand Rapids, Michigan, along with his half-brothers Thomas Gardner Ford, Richard Addison Ford and James Francis Ford. ..
The Fellowcraft and Master Mason Degrees were Conferred by Columbia Lodge No. 3, Washington, D.C., on April 20 and May 18, 1951, under dispensation to Malta Lodge.
Ford’s stepfather Gerald Rudolff Ford, was an active Mason and Shriner. ..
"Although there was no known Masonic funeral for Brother Ford, Masonic brothers gathered at Naval Lodge No. 4 in Washington D.C. on December 31, 2006 and walked the three blocks dressed in Masonic regalia to the Capitol Rotunda where his body lay in state, to pay their respects."
According to their Wiki page:
"The icon of the Royal Order of Jesters is the Billiken " and they reference an article from the University of Cincinnati
"Magic, Violence, Healing and the Knights of Malta, with Prof. Emanuel Buttigieg"
I haven't watched it yet but the title caught my attention
Anyway, I hope you're beginning to see the links with the Shriners and Jesters ..
Isabelle Paul, the Florida Commander of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem, Knights Hospitaller Commandery was a member of the 1788 Club , Losantiville, Cincinnati
as was John F. Koons III, head of the Pepsi-Cola Bottling Company of Fort Lauderdale-Palm Beach and father of Palm Beach County Commissioner Jeff Koons…
"The Knights are suitably donnish..The minions were occupied by serving tea in china cups not – at least while I was there – administering kung-fu chops. The 21st-C incarnation of the Knights of Malta, I can report, is far more Rotary than Hellfire Club"🍿
"Russian media mogul Evgeny Lebedev has taken his seat in the House of Lords..
Controversy surrounds that appointment..
The Sunday Times said the security services' assessment was withdrawn after Mr Johnson - a long-time friend of Lord Lebedev - personally intervened."
"The Sovereign Military Order of Malta has collaborated with other mutually-recognized Orders of Saint John; for example, the SMOM is a major donor of the St John Eye Hospital in Jerusalem, which is primarily operated by the Venerable Order of Saint John"…
2022 : "The Irish wing of the Saint John of God congregation has so far received 131 allegations of child sexual abuse against members of its order over the past five decades.. "
"Saint John of God has had a presence in more than 50 countries including in Australia, where it ran residential institutions for children with disabilities. Australia’s royal commission into child sexual abuse found the congregation had the highest proportion
of alleged perpetrators out of the orders with religious brother members. More than 40 per cent of Saint John of God brothers who ministered in Australia between 1950 and 2010 were accused of child sexual abuse. This compared with 22 per cent of Christian Brothers .."
But I want to get to the Lifeboat Foundation today..
So, I'll step back to this:
"Just learned that refugee children are going to be held in a NASA facility?!
This ties over to the CPS situation in Arizona because the newish head of Child Services there comes from the Aerospace Engineering sector.. Faust"…
"Gov. Doug Ducey is promoting the deputy director of the Arizona Department of Child Safety (DCS). Mike Faust will be they agency’s next leader, replacing Greg McKay, who is leaving to work for an Arizona nonprofit."…
"McKay will become the chief operating officer of Childhelp , an Arizona-based nonprofit that helps the victims of child abuse."…
"While Catherine Oxenberg and Van Dien were married, and before India joined #NXIVM, Oxenberg and Van Dien were celebrity ambassadors for the non-profit organization Childhelp "…
"US considers using NASA facility to house migrant children .. HHS and NASA’s Ames Research Center are coordinating a site assessment of some currently vacant property at Moffett Field, California.."…
Ames Public-private partnerships:
HP became the first corporate affiliate of a new Bio-Info-Nano Research and Development Institute (BIN-RDI); a collaborative venture established by the University of California Santa Cruz and NASA, based at Ames..
Singularity University hosts its leadership and educational program at the facility. The Organ Preservation Alliance's HQ is also there; the Alliance is a nonprofit organization that works in partnership with the Methuselah Foundation's New Organ Prize
So, the Lifeboat Foundation logo should be taking on more significance for some by now..
"The Organ Preservation Allianceis a nonprofit organization that works in partnership with the Methuselah Foundation - co-founded in 2003 by David Gobel and Aubrey de Grey"
On his Deep Knowledge Group website the books of Klaus Schwab and Yuval Noah Harari are featured
"“The one billion retired people globally are a multi-trillion dollar opportunity for business,” said Dmitry Kaminskiy, co-author of the UK Longevity Industry Report " - FT…
"Dmitry is well known for his support of life extension think-tanks in Oxford and Cambridge and many other nonprofit activities. He is the Managing Trustee of the Biogerontology Research Foundation UK"
"Dmitry is advisor to Humaniq project, a services provider based on the Ethereum blockchain protocol. It is on a mission to help eradicate poverty using pre-eminent technologies including blockchain and biometrics."
Sir Mark Edward Welland is professor of nanotechnology at the University of Cambridge and head of the Nanoscience Centre. He has been a fellow of St John's College, Cambridge, since 1986 and started his career in nanotechnology at IBM Research…
"As part of the commemoration of the bicentenary of the 1807 Act, and ..offering American historical perspective on the Triangular Trade, President Ruth J. Simmons of Brown University gave a public lecture at St John's College entitled
"Hidden in Plain Sight: Slavery and Justice in Rhode Island" on 16 February 2007."
"Until March 2012, when it was converted into a business airport, Aurel Vlaicu International was the second airport in Romania in terms of air traffic, and Bucharest's low-cost airline hub."…
"A Haunting Coda: The 7 Days Gene Hackman’s Wife Could No Longer Care for Him"
"On Feb. 11, perhaps hours before she died, Ms. Arakawa emailed her massage therapist in the morning and then went to a grocery store in the afternoon. She was also captured on surveillance video making a brief stop at a pharmacy."..
"Ms. Arakawa stopped by a local pet food store later that afternoon and then returned to her neighborhood around 5:15 p.m., the sheriff said. She did not respond to any emails after that day."..
'Symptoms start one to eight weeks after exposure, and initially can include fatigue, fever and muscle aches, .. As the disease progresses, symptoms can include coughing, shortness of breath and tightness in the chest as the lungs fill with fluid.'..…
In early 2011, about a decade after the Digital Entertainment Network imploded, Pierce visited the Virgin Islands to attend “Mindshift,” a conference of top scientists hosted by Epstein.
BBC : "As dawn approached on the morning of 7 October 2023, many of the partygoers at the Nova music festival near Gaza's border took illegal recreational drugs like MDMA or LSD.
Hundreds of them were high when, shortly after sunrise, Hamas gunmen attacked the site."
"Now neuroscientists working with survivors from the festival say there are early signs that MDMA - also known as ecstasy or molly - may have provided some psychological protection against trauma."…
John Brockman's brother ' Philip Brockman was fortunate to arrive at the renamed Langley Research Center in 1959 as part of the first group of newly recruited NASA employees hired to lead the effort to meet the challenge of the 1957 launch of Sputnik' ...
"His interest was in the magnetoplasmadynamics (MPD) thruster, considered up until that time to be in the realm of science fiction. The MPD played a major role in reshaping the focus of NASA’s space program, ..."🎶…