If SA is to escape this death spiral, the following needs to be in place:
1. A narrow, focused alternative policy framework on which coalition opposition parties can agree a program of government, based on the scrapping of #BEE, #NHI, #EWC & preferential procurement;
2. An overhaul of the civil service: restructuring of the PSC, independent competence assessments across the board, retraining or termination of employment for underperforming officials, outsourcing of administrative functions to private sector entities like banks & insurers;
3. An overhaul of the SAPS: independent competence assessments across the board, retraining or termination of employment for underperforming officials, institute fully transparent & public tender application opportunities for private sector entities to win policing contracts...
...relating to the securing & policing of key infrastructure & high-crime areas, give provincial & local governments the option to apply for decentralised law enforcement capacity & resources based on key transparency & competence criteria, set up a Nugent Commission type...
...process for the appointment of new IPID leadership;
4. Rapid implementation of alternative energy policy: raising limit on legal output of independent power production & sale, allowing provincial & local government immediate permission to seek non-Eskom energy...
...on condition of fully transparent & public tender proceedings, short-to-medium-term suspension (with appropriate interest & environmental risk insurance agreements) of payments required for natural gas extraction licensing & regulatory compliance;
5. Immediate legislation for the creation, under the leadership of the Treasury & SARB, of an IMF delegation for credible negotiations on fiscal distress relief;
6. Immediate legislation for the mandating of secret strike ballots; and
7. Opening of fully transparent & public tender proceedings for the maintenance & repair of public infrastructure.
These measures are of course by no means exhaustive of what SA needs, but it could, within months of a new government taking office, lay the necessary groundwork for SA to get back on its feet & unleash massive economic potential & prosperity.