vena on fire Profile picture
Jan 19, 2023 125 tweets 105 min read Read on X
[ #kimchay #ndyh ]

ex oh ex oh gossip girl


start of part five:

[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

[ recall that this entire update is 🔞. it's also twice as long as any of the others. but if you are underage, you shouldn't still be here darlin' ❤️ ]

- [ part six. kim ] -

[ explicit cws: strong d/s undertones ]
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim leads him to the mixing room. He lets go of Chay’s hands only long enough to collapse the futon into a makeshift bed before Chay is pushing Kim down onto it.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

But it’s Chay who straddles Kim this time, his knees hitting the edge of the futon until he climbs fully on top of Kim and grinds down.
Chay is hard. At least most of the way.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim feels it against his own cock, and even more when he flattens his hand against Chay’s groin outside his unzipped jeans and curls his fingers around what he can access of it through the layers of denim between them.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
“Is this what you’ve imagined?”
Chay huffs.
“I wasn’t that kind of fan, P’Kim.”
“Mmm. I was. I still am.” He looks at Chay through hooded eyes, rolling his hips into Chay’s from beneath.
Chay arcs a brow. “You’re 𝘮𝘺 horny fanboy?”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
“You have very talented fingers, Porchay.”
Chay shifts his weight, then digs both thumbs into the sensitive skin on the inside of Kim’s hipbones. They’re calloused in a way Chay’s playing can’t account for.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

But that’s a question for later, when Chay isn’t looking at him with a look that could burn this studio to the ground.
“I’m glad you think so. Any requests?”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

𝘛𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘴𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘵 𝘰𝘧𝘧 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘵𝘦𝘦𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘮𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘱𝘳𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘺 𝘢𝘴𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘐 𝘤𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘢𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘪𝘭 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘤𝘳𝘺.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
“If I were to say dealer’s choice, would that mean you’ll have your wicked way with me?”
Chay trails his fingers down Kim’s sternum. Kim is still wearing his shirt, and he’s propped up on his forearms with Chay on top of him
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

and no good way to get it off without dislodging Chay, which is unfortunate. Chay has yet to touch skin and it’s driving Kim a little bit insane.
It’s when Chay tips his head and smiles that Kim realizes his mistake.
“You want that, don’t you?”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

His voice hasn’t changed. The hand on Kim’s chest is tracking down, down, down—glacially slow, yet also burning, even through the fabric of his shirt. Kim tugs on the backs of Chay’s thighs, encouraging him to grind down more, and Chay ignores him,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

dropping his hand until he’s cupping Kim’s erection through his jeans and pressing up with the heel of his palm, making Kim gasp.
“Shouldn’t we have a couple of talks about things first?” Chay asks, tone innocent.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“Like if the fact that I’m a strict bottom is going to be a problem?”
Chay runs two fingers up the side of Kim’s cock through his jeans as he asks this, and Kim’s skin is about two sizes too tight right now.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

His jeans feel like a cage, even worse as Chay starts making little motions with his fingertips every so often as though Kim’s cock were a fretboard.
Why had he expected Chay to be innocent?
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

He 𝘬𝘯𝘰𝘸𝘴 what a person is like in the bedroom has no bearing on what they’re like outside, or vice versa, but this—?
“Answer me, Kim.”
His hand is moving again, tracking featherlight along the full length of Kim’s cock,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

and Kim is about half a second from grabbing his wrist to still him and flipping him over and just taking what he wants, but if he gives in, that will ruin whatever is happening right now, and they can’t start off that way—
“I won’t ask again.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“It’s not a problem,” Kim grounds out.
It’s so not a problem. Kim has been thinking of a thousand and one different ways to fuck Chay incoherent since he saw Chay at his father’s harvest party.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay deserves so much better than him but fuck, Kim will raze this city to the ground if anyone else so much as looks at Chay without his permission.
Chay’s eyes flash. His smile takes on an edge.
“Good boy,” he says.
Oh. Oh 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
Did Chay feel the way Kim just twitched in his hand? Probably. Kim doesn’t care.
“I can already tell you’re going to make me wait. Are you going to make me beg?”
Chay’s hand keeps moving as he considers.
“I think that’s up to you. What do you want?”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
Kim still doesn’t exactly know what’s going on right now, but he is mostly sure that wasn’t a real question.
“I want to take you home,” Kim answers honestly. “I want to lay you out on my bed.”
“I told you I don’t do one-night stands.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
“Did I say I would stop there?”
Chay’s gaze hardens a bit. “Then what else?”
Like Kim had earlier, Chay opens Kim’s jeans one-handed and resumes the maddening motions with his fingers along Kim’s cock,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

now with just the thin fabric of his underwear between them. When Kim’s hips buck reflexively into the touch, seeking more, Chay stills, resuming the motions only after Kim follows suit.
“I want to mark you up until you feel me whenever you move.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay smiles a bit at this, fingers never stilling. “So you’re a biter?”
He’s possessive, actually, and there’s no better way to make it clear to Chay’s ex and friends and frankly anyone else that Chay is spoken for,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

but Chay hasn’t specified 𝘩𝘰𝘸 honest he has to be right now.

Kim takes a steadying breath and looks up at Chay through his lashes again.
“Do you want to find out?”
Chay’s smile grows.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“Another time. It’s Saturday, I’ve got League dinner tonight.”
“Skip this week,” he says before he can stop himself.
Chay is using three fingers now, increasing the pressure slowly only to back off again,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

playing Kim like his seven-string even though Kim is still fully clothed.

But the thought of Chay being around Mako today has sent a sharp spike of irritation through him, one he knows he’s not keeping off his face right now.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
“You’re telling me to blow off my friends? Kimhant. You know better than that.”
Kim bites his lip and takes a sharp breath at the sound of Kim’s full name out of Chay’s mouth.
“𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦 skip this week, Chay. I need you.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
Chay’s smile turns into a smirk. “First an apology and now permission. Look at you, speaking my language.”
Chay withdraws his hand, and as maddening as his touch had been, Kim immediately feels cold and bereft without it.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

At least until Chay plants a hand on his chest and sits up until he’s practically crawling over Kim.
The hand on Kim’s chest moves up to the side of Kim’s throat, thumb skating gently over his Adam’s apple as he moves to cup Kim’s head from behind,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

that hand sliding into his hair.
“Will you do what I tell you, then?”
Kim’s eyes flash. He feels it. “That depends on what you want.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“Mm. So you are going to be difficult.” Chay ducks down, then, nosing along Kim’s jawline, lips so close to his skin Kim can almost believe he feels them. “I’ve been rock climbing since I was six, I’m good at tying knots.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Ordinarily I’d tie you up, but my guitar straps are all out there.” Chay nods toward the door with his chin. “So if you want,” Chay lowers his face to Kim’s and nips at his lip, “to get what you want, I suggest you do what I tell you.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Heat pools in Kim’s gut. His cock throbs. He turns into Chay, trying to catch his lips, but Chay must have anticipated that because he pulls back enough that he’s just out of reach.
“And if I don’t?”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay sits up. Chay has barely touched him yet and already Kim feels claws of desperation hooking in, ready to do 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 to make him stay.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Kim.” Chay tracks a finger over Kim’s lips and chin and down his throat.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Everywhere Chay touches feels singed when he pulls away. “I am 𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘺 patient. But if you really do want me to blow off my friends, you’ll have to prove to me that you want me more than they do.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay parts Kim’s jeans, pulling at the waistband of his underwear.

“Now, you 𝘥𝘪𝘥 just tell me you were my horny fanboy. Take these off and go bring me the lube I know you have stashed in here somewhere.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
Kim quickly gets up so Chay doesn’t see him blush, though he hears Chay huff a laugh again when Kim produces the lube from the back of one of his desk drawers. When he looks back at Chay, Chay has his jeans open again
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
and is running his thumb in slow circles around the tip of his cock.

Kim’s mouth goes dry. Chay’s cock curves upward into his hand and is flushed red, and even from here, Kim can see where the tip is wet with precome under Chay’s thumb.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

As it collects, he watches Chay wet the side of his hand before stroking down, pink tip peeking up through his fist for a second through his slit as he does.
“Halfway there,” Chay says.
His voice is steady. Were Kim hearing him without this visual,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim would never have known he was jacking himself off. Still, Kim is lost about what he means until Chay’s eyes drop pointedly to Kim’s jeans before meeting his eyes again, his hand on himself never stilling.
Right. The other order.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim watches Chay as he kicks his shoes off, then strips—he is glad he’s not commando today, because as soon as they’re off and his cock is free he’s aware again of how 𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 they’d been—
Chay’s eyes flash, his rhythm stuttering for a second.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

The flush on his cheeks darkens, and Kim looks away only long enough to kick his jeans to one end of the futon, then drinks his fill as Porchay has his little existential crisis about Kim’s size.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim does not entirely hide a smirk as he sits beside where Chay is kneeling and presses the bottle into the hand not on himself, a move that requires him reaching into and through Chay’s space. He does not avert his eyes while he does.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay is looking at Kim as his fingers close around the bottle, so Kim holds his gaze as he asks, “and how will you have me, Chay?”
“Your shirt too,” Chay answers.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

His voice is quieter now, and Kim is thankful for the distraction of stripping off his shirt so he can save a little bit of face.
Porchay makes a tiny, aborted noise in the back of his throat, and Kim glances down to see he’s tightened his grip on himself
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
to the point the veins on the back of his hand are raised.

“See something you like?” Kim teases.
With effort, Kim keeps his hands off both himself and Chay. Chay hasn’t said he can touch yet. But this close,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

he can feel the heat Chay’s body is giving off despite the gooseflesh that has broken out over his skin from the chill of the studio’s strong a/c.
“You are not fair,” Chay says, nearly inaudible.
Kim fights the urge to preen at this.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

It still settles deep in his core like a contented cat, all the more as he practically feels Chay’s eyes rake over his body, now fully naked but for a thick silver chain and a few rings that he takes off, tossing them onto Chay’s jeans.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

𝘚𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘥𝘰 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘮𝘦, Kim thinks. He hopes it’s true.
For a few long seconds, neither of them move. As the impasse stretches, Kim feels his whole body getting hotter and hotter until finally, 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay sits up on his knees enough to pull his jeans down over his ass and down his thighs, and it takes every modicum of Kim’s self-control to let Chay stand and finish the job of stripping himself without Kim’s help before he’s climbing over Kim again,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

and this time Kim lays back down willingly, watching Chay’s every move.

“You know I kind of hate how pretty you are? You can have everything you want and you barely have to ask.” Chay says. It’s nearly a hiss.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim’s body thrums with it anyway, his breath catching as Chay touches him, running a hand down his chest, over a nipple, and down the planes of his abs, letting his fingertips drag through the ridges.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“Except you’re totally gone for me, aren’t you? Enough that all of this is mine.”
“Yes,” Kim says.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

He doesn’t even have to think about it, not that he even 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 with Chay’s hand now skirting over his obliques, closer and closer and 𝘤𝘭𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘳 to where Kim needs him.

“Yes, baby. Everything.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay’s left hand, already slick with lube, wraps around Kim’s cock and strokes down, a quick flick of his wrist that has Kim shouting at the ceiling.
Kim’s eyes blink open as Chay’s other thumb flicks against his orbital piercing.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

He’s mounted Kim again, his left hand still stroking down Kim’s cock in erratic rhythms—not enough to get him off, but enough that the feel of Chay’s hand on him plateaus somewhere just below unbearable as Chay—what? Feels him out?
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Except no, Kim realizes as he grabs at Chay’s waist, fully beyond the reach of language now as he bends down and sucks a dusky brown nipple into his mouth. That’s not what’s happening. Chay’s hand is around both of them now, his thumb circling over the tip
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

of Kim’s cock before pulling down, letting his grip loosen a bit, and Kim 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 him smirk as Kim makes some noise he can’t be bothered to parse right now and turns back into Chay’s chest, licking a stripe up over that nipple
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
before taking it in his mouth again.

It’s an interminable time of this, of Chay against him and around him and over him and everywhere, clever hands never slowing, before Chay gets up on his knees again and presses Kim’s cock into the cleft of his ass.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

He flattens his palm against the underside, holding Kim there as he rolls his hips, and what little of Kim’s brain was still online whites out into static.
Chay threads Kim’s cock across his hole and over his perineum,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

then rakes the heel of his palm up the underside again.

“Do you want to open me up?”
Yes, Kim thinks, rocking unconsciously into the heat Chay is creating for him. And not just that—he wants to watch Chay come apart on his cock,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

to feel him bear down on Kim in the throes of his pleasure as Kim fucks him through it until he’s trembling and pliant and 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘦𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴. Wants to spend hours opening Chay slowly with his fingers and tongue on the chaise lounge in his sunroom
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

until he’s incoherent with need and begging for Kim’s cock. Wants him to forget anything and everything he’s ever wanted except for Kim—
“𝘞𝘰𝘳𝘥𝘴, Kim,” Chay warns, and Kim finds himself suddenly bereft as Chay gets up on his hands and
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

knees and presses a hand to Kim’s chest again, pressing him further into the futon. The hand on his chest moves up over his throat, squeezing gently before skating back down over his neck and collarbone. “Or are you so gone just from this?”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim is about to say something, but then Chay’s hand wraps around his cock again like he’s playing a slide riff and his lips replace the fingers on his neck and Kim forgets how to speak.
At first, Chay’s lips whisper over his skin below his clavicle,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

but then his tongue darts out and he’s licking up over the bone, into the hollow, and then sucking a mark into the sensitive skin at the base of Kim’s neck that has him gasping and burying a hand in Chay’s thick curls.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay licks a stripe up over the mark he just left, then draws his hand down around Kim’s cock again.
“Good? Bad?” He rakes his short fingernails down Kim’s chest, making sure they catch over his nipple.
“Whatever means you won’t stop.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
Kim both feels and sees Chay smile into his skin. He threads Kim’s cock through his fingers and rolls his wrist like he’s palm muting, except then he’s sitting up again—Kim’s eyes fly open and for a second, his fingers tighten reflexively in Chay’s hair.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
Kim 𝘧𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 Chay’s glare. He lets go, and Chay’s fingers skate gently over Kim’s skin as he sits up, holding Kim’s eyes for a second before he turns and makes for the lube bottle again.
Chay is straddling him now, and with both of his hands occupied,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim runs his hands up Chay’s thighs, not even trying to stop the sound that comes out of his mouth at the feel of Chay’s skin under his hands. Even after Chay puts the lube aside again, Kim can see that he doesn’t immediately move
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

except to roll his fingers together, spreading the liquid across them.
“Do you want to do this or should I?”
One of Kim’s hands flies out and around the back of Chay’s ass and squeezes.   
“Let me, Angel. Please. I want to touch you so bad.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay smiles, indulgent. “There you go.”
As Chay sits up further to give himself better access—towering over Kim as he does like a god, which, wow, Kim did not know he had a thing for that—Kim feels many things,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

one of them being a twinge of the disappointment of missing out on something as Chay slides a finger into himself that Kim can 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘳, drawing a long, soft sound of pleasure out of himself as he does.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
Except then he drops back down, and there’s a bit of lube still on his fingers as he runs them across Kim’s.

“Since you asked, you can do the rest.”
Kim doesn’t need to be told twice.
He slides out from under Chay and crawls behind until he’s
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

straddling Chay’s legs from behind. Now that he’s been given permission, his hands are 𝘨𝘳𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘺, pulling Chay’s hips back until Kim’s cock is sliding through the slicked-up cleft of his ass again, unable to stop himself from grinding a bit into Chay.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim wants to linger. He could do this for hours, just touch Chay, map his skin with his hands and tongue and lips until he’s memorized every part of him. They wouldn’t even have to fuck.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

But he’s been given a task, and if he does it well he’ll be able to touch Chay like this again while inside him, and 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬 if that thought doesn’t have Kim’s cock twitching against Chay again, hard and leaking—
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

He forces himself to stop, letting his hands track over Chay’s back as he gently guides him down onto his front, and Chay snatches one of the huge throw pillows that had been on the folded futon from the head of their makeshift bed, anticipating Kim’s move.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Chay’s abs jump as Kim slides his hands down his sides—making Kim smile. He files the knowledge that Chay might be ticklish there away for later.
Because 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬, his ass is 𝘱𝘦𝘳𝘧𝘦𝘤𝘵. Kim wants to open him up on his tongue.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

But that’s not what he’s been told, so Kim settles for palming at the flesh of his ass before dipping his head down and biting him near where the dip meets his thigh—a mark he will feel every time he sits down, at least for a day or two.
“Ah, fuck—!”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim kisses him above the mark. “I’ll be good now.”
Kim draws two fingers up from the underside of Chay’s balls to his hole, slicking his fingertips a bit more and prodding a bit at the ring of muscle before sliding a finger in, smiling at Chay’s gasp.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

His fingers are thicker than Chay’s. Not by much, but enough to matter. He strokes his finger in and out a few times, feeling Chay’s walls clench until he lets out a breath and forces himself to still. And once he does, Kim pulls out, re-ups on lube,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

and slides two fingers in, slowing his strokes until Chay makes a small, needy noise and Kim curls his fingers, hooking over Chay’s prostate, and this time Kim hears his voice.
He is so gorgeous like this.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

The next time they do this, it will be in Kim’s enormous bath, and Kim will wait until Chay is sleepy and half-dozing against his chest before opening him, carrying him to bed, and making love to him until the witching hours.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Before long, Kim is adding a third finger, taking as much time as he dares, giving him what he wants when Chay seems to shift his angle and tip his ass up without thinking, looking for more. And it’s not just him.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim is breathless with need again at the sight of Chay starting to lose himself under Kim’s hands. Without pulling out, he bends down over Chay.
“Do you want a fourth?”
Chay shakes his head against the pillow.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“No,” he says a beat later. “Please just fuck me.”
And after another: “There’s a condom in the back pocket of my jeans.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

The smug smile on Kim’s face threatens to split it. He tucks into Chay’s shoulderblade as though to hide it even though Chay can’t see, his lips just off his skin.

“Por𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘺, you 𝘷𝘪𝘹𝘦𝘯, 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 did you think was going to happen today?”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
Chay huffs. “You’re the one who admitted to being my horny fanboy.”
“Ah, but you didn’t know that yet!”

“Yes I did,” Chay snaps. “You’re also the one who kept showing up to my shows in skank pants you wanted me to notice.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
Kim barely manages to stifle his laughter. He only manages because he’s still three fingers deep in Chay. And he only lasts a moment or two before he has to pull out, because he’s incandescently happy and can’t stifle it, nor does he actually want to try.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

His forehead hits Chay’s back and he’s laughing into Chay’s skin and sliding his arms underneath and around him, holding him close. “Fuck I love you,” he says without thinking.
Chay stills. Kim’s laugh dies on an exhale.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

A beat later, a wave of panic starts to build—
—and Chay’s hand snakes up and over Kim’s across his stomach, linking their fingers. “It’s about time.”
Kim frowns at this. “What is that supposed to mean—?”
Chay turns to him as best he can.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“It means I never actually stopped loving you, 𝘞𝘐ꓘ. Kim. And now I’m not sure I can.”  
Kim’s arms close tighter around Chay, His breath hitches, and Chay squeezes the hand that’s holding Kim’s. Not just for a beat or two, either.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

He holds tight like he knows Kim needs him to.

There is indeed a condom in Chay’s back pocket. At warp speed, Kim tears open the foil with his teeth and rolls it down and climbs back behind Chay, lining up and banding an arm around his waist.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim doesn’t quite push in. Just waits. After a few beats, he feels Chay nod, huffing a soft “𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘩.”
Kim sinks in slowly, letting Chay adjust to his size and himself to how 𝘵𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 Chay still is even after Kim opened him up.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

When he bottoms out with one last push, he gathers Chay close again and tucks his face into Chay’s skin.
“Mine,” he whispers on a breath.
It should have been too quiet for him to hear.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Apparently not, because Chay releases Kim’s hand and maneuvers his arm back and runs his hand down Kim’s side, making Kim’s breath hitch. “Then you’re mine.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim flattens his hand against Chay and rolls his hips, pulling out about halfway before pushing back in, almost rhythmic. The next time it’s a little more, until within a few thrusts Chay is groping back at Kim’s ass and pressing him closer.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“More. I’m not gonna break.”
Kim might, though. God, 𝘧𝘶𝘤𝘬, it’s so much—“you feel so good, Chay.”
Chay tries to look at him again. When he can’t, he runs a hand up the side of Kim’s ass and hip. “Yeah? How far in can you go?”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

They find out together. Slowly at first, until Kim finds a rhythm that has Chay keening back with a sigh, one that turns into a long moan Kim wants to wrap himself in like a blanket as he shifts enough that he’s grazing Chay’s prostate with every stroke.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]
It’s so much. As Chay presses on Kim’s ass again, Kim all but crushes Chay to him for a second before picking up the pace, and when he looks up Chay’s grip is white-knuckled around the pillow he’s lying on.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

He arcs his back even more with a soft whine, practically presenting his ass now.
Kim knows. He wraps both arms around and under Chay’s hips, tilting his ass up even more, then sets a brutal pace,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

harder and harder as Chay grows louder and more desperate and Kim is 𝘳𝘪𝘨𝘩𝘵 there with him, his vision already going white around the edges—
“Touch me, Kim. 𝘗𝘭𝘦𝘢𝘴𝘦, I’m so close.”
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim wraps a hand around Chay’s cock and tugs, and it’s barely half a dozen strokes before Chay is spilling into his hand with a stuttering cry.
Kim fucks him through it, milking his release until Chay stills Kim with a trembling hand,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

and a few seconds later, Chay bears down on him and Kim comes with a shout and all but collapses onto Chay. He buries his face between Chay’s neck and shoulder and as his release floods through him like a power surge,
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Kim envelops himself in Chay’s smell, now laced through with sex, and gathers Chay close again, trembling with aftershocks, his breath hot on Chay’s skin.
He's not sure how long they stay like that.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

Long enough that Kim softens in Chay enough that he slides out easily, and he takes the condom off and ties it and throws it away before climbing back over Chay, this time face to face, and kisses him.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

It’s lazy and slow this time, both of them sluggish and sated, and Kim feels himself sigh contentedly into the kiss as Chay buries a hand in his hair and tucks in close to Kim, then closer, then throws a leg over Kim’s for good measure.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

As though he has 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘦 else he’d rather be.
He wants to keep Chay. He wants to spoil him and show him off and see him become famous. And he wants no one else to know Chay like this ever again. With any luck, no one ever will.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“And what is my horny fanboy thinking about now?” Chay says, nearly against Kim’s lips.
“I want to take you home and clean us up in my enormous bath.”
“Oh? And then what?”
Kim pulls back enough that he can look at Chay without going cross-eyed.
[ #kimchay #ndyh 🔞 ]

“How much time do you have?”
Chay laughs. “Probably enough for at least two or three of your fantasies. I’ll tell the League I can’t make it.”
Kim can work with that.

[ 𝘧𝘪𝘯 ]
[ #kimchay #ndyh ]

THAT’S ALL FOLKS! thank you for joining me for this silly and melodramatic brainrot 🙏🏻

AND AGAIN, very many thanks to @specialgoto for the socmed consult, helping me get unstuck with the date scene, and that GORGEOUS poster
if you want more of my work, take a gander at my pinned masterlist and my AO3. I don’t thread as often as some people do because I’m a longfic writer and my threads take a while to make, but when I do you can expect more long rides like this

comments and retweets are my love language

see you next time <3

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Feb 14, 2023
#kimchay | AU, no mafia |🔞

Porchay accidentally ends up tour managing one of his favorite bands. At first, Kim had fought Chay's addition to his band's road team tooth and nail, but now finds himself drawn to Chay.

Too bad Chay thinks Kim hates him.
#8SI ImageImageImageImage
[ #kimchay | #8SI ]

[ #kimchay | #8SI ]

It had gone something like this:

When Chay was finishing up the last semester of his undergrad degree in sound engineering, Porsche had landed a spot in the dance troupe for the Howl World Tour with multiplatinum global pop artist Bambi Jackson.
Read 413 tweets
Jan 17, 2023
LASTLY, FOR THE 95% OF YOU WHO DIDN'T LISTEN TO ME EARLIER. yes, I'm serious, you really MUST listen to this, it is obligatory. 😘

until tomorrow!

[ #kimchay #ndyh ]

- [ part three. kim ] -

Chay’s show is on a Tuesday, just a few days after his own.
The unfortunate thing is that Kim has to go in disguise. His hair is up, and his beanie and face mask seem to be doing their work enough that no one has bothered him.
[ #kimchay #ndyh ]

But his disguise also means that Chay will have a harder time finding him.
Kim brushes the long earring he’s wearing off his collarbone as he sends a couple of messages during sound check. When he looks up, though, Chay looks at Kim without having to search.
Read 165 tweets
Jan 16, 2023
#kimchay | AU, no mafia | E🔞

Porchay enters a fan competition where the prize is a date with WIꓘ. when WIꓘ is rude and dismissive during their date, though, Chay decides to stop being his fan.

WIꓘ, meanwhile, can’t seem to look away. ImageImageImageImage
[ #kimchay #ndyh ]
cws: chay/OC (temp.); boyfriend theft (no cheating though); six parts

thank you 3,000 to @specialgoto for the socmed slides consult and for helping me get this fic unstuck after my fully-formed and ambulatory morning coffee premise toddled me onto a sandbar ❤️
[ #kimchay #ndyh ]

[ part one. chay ]

Chay hadn’t expected anything out of it. Really. He had seen the ad when he’d been getting ready to post the link to his most recent guitar tutorial on Chatter.
Read 127 tweets
Nov 15, 2022
[ #KimChay | post-canon | T ]

After the breakup, Porchay can’t play guitar or pop music anymore. It hurts too much. ImageImageImageImage
Not just that, even. Sometimes there are days when just scrolling through reels on social media or passing by groups of other students playing that kind of music is too much.

It’s said that the best way to get over someone is to remove their name from your vocabulary.
Well: let no one ever say that Porchay does things halfway.

The very first thing he does after receiving his second first-choice university acceptance in a row is delete all of his social media. It costs him some friends, sure, but he knows he’ll make new ones,
Read 121 tweets
Jun 9, 2022
LWJ’s band, Lightbearer, is in need of a new vocalist. Their previous one left the band over contract issues right before the end of their last touring cycle—they finished the tour, but Su She was gone after that. And he’d left in a public, ugly way:
a rant in an Instagram caption below a setlist that had been torn in half.

They haven’t had luck finding a replacement, and it’s been a few years. It ended up being kind of fine because the pandemic hit not long after the end of that tour.
Long enough ago for the breakup setlist to become a meme.

But the world is starting to reopen and fans are getting restless about the future of the band.
Read 211 tweets

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