@tana_inc@Readwiseio Highlights make their way into Tana, and tagged. The tag has the source referenced for easy recall, wherever the highlight is copied in my graph.
@tana_inc@Readwiseio From highlights, I'll either review them again and bold them or pick out the key ideas or nuggets in highlights.
Like a simplified progressive summarization.
Or I'll jump right to developing literature notes
Literature notes supertag references to the source & highlights
@tana_inc@Readwiseio Finally I'll work on a few #zettles which will be a succinct combination of a few literature notes or even just highlights
I've got a stoplight theme: 🟢 for completed zettles or 🟠 for ones I'd like to expand or build a bit more
Related zettles are added to the supertag
@tana_inc@Readwiseio Initially I was aiming to add 1-2 zettles to my graph a day, but that was unsustainable
It's dependent on the pace of reading and purposefully going through highlights and taking detailed notes
But the notes I've made have already become part of some of my content I've created!