At the beginning of the afternoon sitting, around 15h30, there's also a warm welcome back to @coe Secretary General @MarijaPBuric, who will brief members on her activities and take questions.
Finally, across the day, the Assembly is due to elect two judges to the European Court of Human Rights, in respect of Denmark and Iceland.
L'APCE a demandé à l'unanimité la création d'un tribunal pénal à La Haye pour poursuivre les dirigeants politiques et militaires russes et biélorusses qui ont «planifié, préparé, initié ou exécuté» la guerre d'agression de la Russie contre l'Ukraine.
«Sans leur décision de mener cette guerre d'agression contre l'Ukraine, les atrocités qui en découlent, ainsi que toutes les destructions, les décès et les dommages occasionnés par la guerre, ne se seraient pas produits», a souligné l'Assemblée.
Dans une allocution, Oleksandra Matviichuk @avalaina de l'ONG ukrainienne @ccl_ua, laureate du prix Nobel de la paix 2022, a déclaré : «Oui, c'est une démarche courageuse. Mais nous avons un argument de poids : nous devons le faire parce que c'est la bonne chose à faire.»
PACE has unanimously demanded the setting up of an international criminal tribunal in The Hague to prosecute Russian and Belarusian political and military leaders who “planned, prepared, initiated or executed” Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine 🇺🇦
“Without their decision to wage this war, the atrocities that flow from it, as well as the destruction, death and damage resulting from the war, would not have occurred,” the Assembly said in a resolution.
Addressing the Assembly, 2022 Nobel Peace Prizewinner @avalaina said: “Yes, this is a courageous step. But we have one strong argument: we must do it because it is the right thing to do.”
1/ Happy birthday to the European Convention on Human Rights, signed #OnThisDay 70 years ago! Today, the #ECHR binds 47 nations, obliging them to respect the basic rights of everyone they deal with. In this #thread, we look at the Assembly’s key role in its drafting. #ECHR70
2/ When the @CoE met for the first time in the summer of 1949, there was a widespread expectation that one of its most urgent tasks was to draft a “charter of individual rights”, to cement democracy in Europe and avoid a repeat of the horrors of Nazi rule.
3/ This had been a key demand of the Hague Congress a year earlier, along with the creation of the @CoE itself. Its honorary President Winston Churchill told delegates: “in the centre of our movement stands a charter of human rights, guarded by freedom and sustained by law.”
.@PACE_President Rik Daems will tonight mark the 70th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights with an appeal to @CoE member States to “cherish, uphold and treasure” the Convention. #ECHR70…
Speaking at an event in Athens to mark the anniversary, the President recalled that it was the Assembly which first proposed the drafting of the Convention, at its first session in the summer of 1949.
“We considered from the outset that the willingness to ratify it should become a sine qua non condition for membership for states wishing to join the Council of Europe” he said.
The European Convention on Human Rights was signed #OnThisDay exactly 70 years ago!
The Assembly, which played a major role in initiating and shaping the Convention, and has been a guardian of its values ever since, is marking the occasion in several ways...
.@PACE_President Rik Daems will join other @CoE leaders in Athens, the birthplace of democracy, for a @coe2020gr event this evening - where he'll speak about the Convention's past, present and future. Watch out for more on the site later!
We also mark the occasion with a series of five video clips dealing with five key articles of the Convention, featuring PACE Presidents and parliamentarians who worked on landmark reports upholding these rights. Stand by for more on our @YouTube channel!…