A legal puzzle: @RealCheckMarker warned that states may try muzzling science by cutting funding and genetic surveillance (PCR tests and sequencing). Lack of data will force WHO to declare the pandemic over.
Yet SARS is a notifiable event. The PHEIC would be back within 24 hours.
Look at the drop in sequencing volume in most countries over the past four weeks. It is dangerous and completely unacceptable. We are blinding ourselves.
Journalists, it’s your job to call this out, not mine.
Silver Check Mark if your quantitative reasoning skills are sharp enough to tell how many states test BELOW the volume needed for variant determination at 5% prevalence.
We focused on COVID-19 as systemic risk to society for good reason. Everyone who spent the past year(s) ignoring what's coming had better pay attention fast. The current state of denial is unsustainable.
What more can we do?
We cannot warn more clearly than this: here 30 papers carefully selected by @JessicaLexicus; and hundreds of thousands of paper for deeper research needs.
Journalists, policymakers, lawyers: you can and need to start now. Thanks all.
@JessicaLexicus The NIH COVID-19 database adds 1,000 peer-reviewed studies per week and meets specialized research needs. Go wild, have fun, & be safe everyone! icite.od.nih.gov/covid19/search/
Easy to see for social scientists like me: pandemics are always social phenomena. If you can't read the medicine and science, it doesn't matter as long as you're willing to learn; in many ways the legal, economic, political, cultural aspects weigh heavier.
As I always end on a constructive note: people are starting to organize around demanding #DavosStandard (clean air regulations) for everyone. Well done, keep going!
As we keep saying, lawyers and actuaries - not scientists or MDs - will end the pandemic.
(1) Climate activists have the theory of change "SAND in the gears": slow down the rotations of the industrial megamachine to survivable frequency. Ht @RealTadzioM@Ende__Gelaende
(2) SARS-Acquired Neurocognitive Decline (SAND) is the medical equivalent.
@RealTadzioM@Ende__Gelaende (3) Use syndemic theory for a unifying approach to social justice, COVID-19, climate, equity.
It's what we've always been doing. - Public health events and emergencies that have the potential to cross borders under IHR 2005 can even be climate-induced! 👍 who.int/health-topics/…
@RealTadzioM@Ende__Gelaende (4) Tell people - parents - it is happening. As journalists and governments sleep, we need to look out for one another. Few seem to be science-literate or proactive enough to read. It's called SAND (SARS-CoV-2-associated neurocognitive disorder). frontiersin.org/articles/10.33…
@RealTadzioM@Ende__Gelaende (5) What can we do? I shared dozens of threads for a start. First, I encourage bringing in more diverse expertise.
Ask experienced crisis managers and communities how SARS 2003 was eradicated. It's possible again, but after three years will be far harder.
@RealTadzioM@Ende__Gelaende (6) Why do such threads, from a few rare voices, share integrated analysis of the pathogenesis, epidemiology and logistics of SARS?
Because journalism and governments didn't live up to their responsibility yet. Turned positively, it's simple to do better!
@RealTadzioM@Ende__Gelaende (7) Start with this international organization perspective (UN and WHO). It has been largely missing. Climate activists may need to hear it.
Public health and climate are two sides of the same coin, linked by nonlinear feedbacks. Get in while it's hot! 🥰
@RealTadzioM@Ende__Gelaende To be fair, as some of these questions are highly counterintuitive: adding this brilliant explanation of epidemiology - through the film Minority Report - in this thread.
Pinning this 🙏 Simple argument, as COVID-cyberpunk as it gets. Add a shade of climate and you're good to fly: Reverse the global trend of supervillainy that SARS will usher into unless we stop it. - We CAN, by simple effective policy. Just as in all the WHO/UN superhero stories.
2. We also forgot those who will end the pandemic: lawyers!
Not scholars or practitioners of international law alone -- but it follows from the structure of our systemic problems that no solution can work without them.
This letter criticizes the end of SARS (‘Corona’/‘Covid’) protections in schools. What @LEK_NRW can improve: every child is at risk. Everyone is vulnerable to SARS-CoV-2 infections. Vaccines provide statistically irrelevant protection.
@LEK_NRW 2. Children once or repeatedly infected with SARS-CoV-2 may be harmed for life; school and kita are key to SARS-CoV-2 transmission and evolution.
Fantini et al. apply 40 years of HIV research to SARS. Parents & students, you need to read for yourselves. mdpi.com/1422-0067/24/3…
Astute observation. Part of our problem is most western folk & elites have limited international working & policy delivery experience especially in the global south.
Many may struggle to imagine public health information being suppressed in their own nations; hard to blame them.
Fortunately everyone aware of climate dynamics, or trained in development economics, should be free from such troubles.
We sometimes call our socially constructed lack of imagination ‘the Unthinkable’ (@GhoshAmitav). One of the reasons he argued middle-class westerners and academics may be less prepared for the future than far poorer people in the global south, even Indian farmers.
HIV-1 is the best researched virus in biology. SARS-CoV-2 stands on the giant shoulders of 40 years of research, winning us decades in a tight race. - Please take it seriously; never fear language over biology. I invited HIV/SARS scientists to collaborate. 👍
3. These questions strike the heart of both social and natural science perspectives in this pandemic. Fascinating to see things develop so fast, well done everyone!